

1 異邦人之居於以色列地者、大闢招之咸集、選石工雕石、以建上帝之殿。

2 大闢備鐵甚多、供門樞榱桷之用、又備銅不可勝數。

3 備柏香木無算、蓋西頓人自推羅多運柏香木而至。

4 大闢曰、我子所羅門、尚在弱齡、必爲耶和華建殿、矞皇顯麗、萬國播揚、我必爲之備。於是大闢存日、預備之物、不可悉數、

5 召子所羅門、囑子爲以色列族上帝耶和華建殿、

6 曰、吾子歟、我欲爲我上帝耶和華建殿、爲龥厥名之所、素有此心、

7 惟耶和華命我曰、爾四方戰鬬、殺人甚衆、故不可建殿、爲龥我名之所、

8 爾將生子、命名所羅門、彼喜平康、在世之日、我必拯之於羣敵、錫綏安於以色列族、

9 彼將建殿、爲龥我名之所、彼將爲我子、我將爲其父、立爲以色列族王、鞏固其國、永世靡曁。

10 今願耶和華祐爾、使爾亨通、爲爾上帝耶和華建殿、循其所言。

11 願耶和華賦爾智慧、恪守其律例、用治以色列族。

12 壯爾志、強爾心、毋畏葸、敬承耶和華命摩西傳以色列族之法度禮儀、俾爾納福。

13 我在患難中、曾爲耶和華之殿、備金一萬五千萬兩、銀十五萬萬兩、銅鐵甚多、不能權其輕重、木石我曾備之、爾益其數。

14 亦有羣匠、石工木工、及慧心人以竣厥事。

15 金銀銅鐵無數、爾其興作、願耶和華祐爾。

16 大闢命以色列族羣臣、咸助其子、曰、

17 爾之上帝耶和華祐爾、賜爾隨在平康、以斯土之民、付我手、使土壤歸耶和華民、

18 故爾當盡心盡意、崇爾上帝耶和華、爾其興作、建爾上帝耶和華聖所、舁其法匱、攜其聖器、入爾所建之殿、爲龥耶和華名之所。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 22

1 THEN David said, This is the house of the LORD God and this is the altar of the burnt offerings for Israel.

2 And David commanded to gather together all the proselytes who were in the land of Israel, to make some of them stonecutters to hew stones for the house of the LORD;

3 And to make some of them blacksmiths to forge iron to make axes and hatchets for hewing stones. And David prepared bars of iron, and brass in abundance without weight;

4 Also cedar trees in abundance; for the Tyrians and the Sidonians brought much cedar wood to David.

5 And David said, Solomon my son is still a small boy, and concerning him it is said in the book that he will build a house to the LORD which will be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and of glory throughout all countries; I will therefore prepare everything necessary for it while I am living. So David prepared everything that was needed for the house, and lacked nothing.

6 Then he called for Solomon his son and said to him,

7 You shall build a house for the LORD God of Israel;

8 For he has sent to me by a prophet, saying, You have shed blood abundantly and have made great wars; you shall not build a house to my name because you have shed much blood upon the earth in my sight.

9 Behold. a son shall be born to you who shall be a man of peace; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solomon, and there shall be peace and quietness to Israel in his days.

10 He shall build a house for my name; and he shall be to me like a son, and I will be to him like a father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.

11 Now, my son, the LORD be with you, so that you may prosper, and build the house of the LORD your God, as he has said to me.

12 Only may the LORD give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the LORD your God, just as he has commanded you.

13 Then you shall prosper if you take heed to observe these commandments and the statutes and judgments just as the LORD charged Moses to teach Israel, then you will be strong and of good courage; fear not, nor be dismayed.

14 Now, behold, I have prepared for you everything necessary for the building of the house of the LORD. I have prepared for you a hundred thousand talents of gold, a million talents of silver; and brass and iron without weight; no man knows its weight, for it is in abundance; timber also and stones I have prepared; and you may add thereto.

15 Moreover there are workers with you in abundance, stonecutters, masons, and carpenters,

16 Cunning men for every manner of work; of gold, silver, brass, and iron in abundance. Be strong therefore and be doing, and the LORD will help you.

17 David also commanded all the elders of Israel, saying, You must help Solomon my son.

18 For behold, the LORD your God is with you; and he will help you and relieve you on every side. Behold he has delivered all the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and the land is subdued before the LORD and before his people.



1 Chronicles

Chapter 22

1 異邦人之居於以色列地者、大闢招之咸集、選石工雕石、以建上帝之殿。

1 THEN David said, This is the house of the LORD God and this is the altar of the burnt offerings for Israel.

2 大闢備鐵甚多、供門樞榱桷之用、又備銅不可勝數。

2 And David commanded to gather together all the proselytes who were in the land of Israel, to make some of them stonecutters to hew stones for the house of the LORD;

3 備柏香木無算、蓋西頓人自推羅多運柏香木而至。

3 And to make some of them blacksmiths to forge iron to make axes and hatchets for hewing stones. And David prepared bars of iron, and brass in abundance without weight;

4 大闢曰、我子所羅門、尚在弱齡、必爲耶和華建殿、矞皇顯麗、萬國播揚、我必爲之備。於是大闢存日、預備之物、不可悉數、

4 Also cedar trees in abundance; for the Tyrians and the Sidonians brought much cedar wood to David.

5 召子所羅門、囑子爲以色列族上帝耶和華建殿、

5 And David said, Solomon my son is still a small boy, and concerning him it is said in the book that he will build a house to the LORD which will be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and of glory throughout all countries; I will therefore prepare everything necessary for it while I am living. So David prepared everything that was needed for the house, and lacked nothing.

6 曰、吾子歟、我欲爲我上帝耶和華建殿、爲龥厥名之所、素有此心、

6 Then he called for Solomon his son and said to him,

7 惟耶和華命我曰、爾四方戰鬬、殺人甚衆、故不可建殿、爲龥我名之所、

7 You shall build a house for the LORD God of Israel;

8 爾將生子、命名所羅門、彼喜平康、在世之日、我必拯之於羣敵、錫綏安於以色列族、

8 For he has sent to me by a prophet, saying, You have shed blood abundantly and have made great wars; you shall not build a house to my name because you have shed much blood upon the earth in my sight.

9 彼將建殿、爲龥我名之所、彼將爲我子、我將爲其父、立爲以色列族王、鞏固其國、永世靡曁。

9 Behold. a son shall be born to you who shall be a man of peace; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solomon, and there shall be peace and quietness to Israel in his days.

10 今願耶和華祐爾、使爾亨通、爲爾上帝耶和華建殿、循其所言。

10 He shall build a house for my name; and he shall be to me like a son, and I will be to him like a father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.

11 願耶和華賦爾智慧、恪守其律例、用治以色列族。

11 Now, my son, the LORD be with you, so that you may prosper, and build the house of the LORD your God, as he has said to me.

12 壯爾志、強爾心、毋畏葸、敬承耶和華命摩西傳以色列族之法度禮儀、俾爾納福。

12 Only may the LORD give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the LORD your God, just as he has commanded you.

13 我在患難中、曾爲耶和華之殿、備金一萬五千萬兩、銀十五萬萬兩、銅鐵甚多、不能權其輕重、木石我曾備之、爾益其數。

13 Then you shall prosper if you take heed to observe these commandments and the statutes and judgments just as the LORD charged Moses to teach Israel, then you will be strong and of good courage; fear not, nor be dismayed.

14 亦有羣匠、石工木工、及慧心人以竣厥事。

14 Now, behold, I have prepared for you everything necessary for the building of the house of the LORD. I have prepared for you a hundred thousand talents of gold, a million talents of silver; and brass and iron without weight; no man knows its weight, for it is in abundance; timber also and stones I have prepared; and you may add thereto.

15 金銀銅鐵無數、爾其興作、願耶和華祐爾。

15 Moreover there are workers with you in abundance, stonecutters, masons, and carpenters,

16 大闢命以色列族羣臣、咸助其子、曰、

16 Cunning men for every manner of work; of gold, silver, brass, and iron in abundance. Be strong therefore and be doing, and the LORD will help you.

17 爾之上帝耶和華祐爾、賜爾隨在平康、以斯土之民、付我手、使土壤歸耶和華民、

17 David also commanded all the elders of Israel, saying, You must help Solomon my son.

18 故爾當盡心盡意、崇爾上帝耶和華、爾其興作、建爾上帝耶和華聖所、舁其法匱、攜其聖器、入爾所建之殿、爲龥耶和華名之所。

18 For behold, the LORD your God is with you; and he will help you and relieve you on every side. Behold he has delivered all the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and the land is subdued before the LORD and before his people.
