

1 當日、衆大和會、無所食、耶穌召門徒曰、

2 我憫衆、偕我三日、今無食、

3 倘使饑餓而歸、途間必困憊、蓋有遠來者也、

4 門徒曰、此乃曠野、何由得餅以飽之乎、

5 曰、爾有餅幾何、曰、七、

6 耶穌命衆坐地、取七餅、祝而擘焉、予門徒、使陳之、遂陳於衆前、

7 又有些須小魚、亦祝、使陳之、

8 皆食而飽、拾餘屑七籃、

9 食者約四千人、耶穌乃散衆、〇

10 與門徒登舟、至大馬拏大境、

11 法利賽人出而詰之、求天異蹟、欲試耶穌、

12 耶穌中心太息曰、此世胡爲求異蹟、我誠告爾、我必不以異蹟示此世、

13 於是去之、復登舟往彼岸、〇

14 門徒忘取餅、舟中無長物、一餅而已、

15 耶穌戒之曰、謹防法利賽與希律之酵、

16 門徒相議曰、是爲無餅歟、

17 耶穌知之曰、曷以無餅議乎、爾猶未知未悟歟、心猶頑耶、

18 爾有目不視、有耳不聽、亦不憶乎、

19 我擘五餅分五千人、拾屑盈幾筐乎、曰、十二、

20 又七餅分四千人、拾屑有幾籃乎、曰、七、

21 遂語之曰、何不悟乎、〇

22 至伯賽大、有攜瞽者、求耶穌捫之、

23 耶穌執瞽者手、攜出鄉外、唾其目、手按之、問何所見、

24 瞽者仰曰、我見行人若樹焉、

25 復按其目、使仰、遂得愈、明察庶物、

26 耶穌遣之歸、曰、勿入告鄉人、〇

27 耶穌與門徒往該撒利亞腓立比諸鄉、途間、問門徒曰、人言我爲誰、

28 對曰、施洗約翰有曰、以利亞有曰、先知之一、

29 耶穌曰、爾曹言我爲誰、彼得曰、基督也、

30 耶穌戒門徒勿告人、〇

31 乃言曰、人子必備受害、爲長老、祭司、諸長、士子所棄、且見殺、三日復生、

32 耶穌言此、彼得援而諫之、

33 耶穌顧門徒、責彼得曰、撒但退、爾不體上帝情、乃人之情耳、〇

34 遂呼衆與門徒、曰、欲爲我徒、則當克己、負十字架以從、

35 凡欲救生命者、反喪之、爲我及福音而喪生命者、必救之、

36 利盡天下、而失生命〔或曰生命當作靈魂〕者、何益之有、

37 人將以何者易生命乎、

38 當此姦惡之世、恥我及我道者、人子以父榮、偕聖使臨時、亦必恥其人矣、


Chapter 8

1 IN those days, when there was a large multitude, and they had nothing to eat, he called his disciples and said to them,

2 I have pity for this people, for they have remained with me three days, and they have nothing to eat;

3 And if I dismiss them to their homes, while they are fasting, they will faint on the way, for some of them have come from a distance.

4 His disciples said to him, How can any man here in this lonely place, feed all of these with bread?

5 And he asked them, How many loaves have you? They said to him, Seven.

6 So he commanded the people to sit on the ground; and he took the seven loaves of bread, and he blessed them, and broke them, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and they set them before the people.

7 And there were a few fishes; he blessed them also, and commanded to set them before them.

8 So they ate and were satisfied, and they took up seven baskets of fragments which were left over.

9 The men who ate were about four thousand; and he dismissed them.

10 And immediately he went up into the boat with his disciples, and he came to the country of Dalmanutha.

11 And the Pharisees came out and began to question him, and they asked him for a sign from heaven, so as to test him.

12 And he sighed in his spirit and said, Why does this generation want a sign? truly I say to you, No sign will be given to this generation.

13 And he left them, and went up into the boat, and departed from that port.

14 And they had forgotten to take bread; except one loaf they had none with them in the boat.

15 And he commanded them and said to them, Look out, and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven of Herod.

16 They were reasoning among themselves and saying, It is because we have no bread.

17 But Jesus knew it and said to them, What are you thinking, because you have no bread? Do you not even yet know, and do you not understand? Is your heart still hard?

18 You have eyes, and yet do you not see? You have ears, and yet do you not hear? And do you not remember?

19 When I broke the five loaves of bread for the five thousand, how many full baskets of fragments did you take up? They said to him, Twelve.

20 He said to them, And when the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? They said, Seven.

21 He said to them, How is it then that even yet you cannot understand?

22 And he came to Bethsaida; and they brought to him a blind man, and they besought him to touch him.

23 And he took the blind man by the hand and brought him outside the town; and he spat on his eyes, and put his hands on him, and asked him what he saw.

24 And he looked and said, I see men like trees, walking.

25 Again he put his hands over his eyes, and he was restored, and saw everything clearly.

26 And he sent him to his house, saying, Do not enter even into the town, nor tell it to anyone in the town.

27 And Jesus went out, and his disciples, to the towns of Caesarea of Philippi; and on the road he asked his disciples and said to them, What do men say about me, that I am?

28 They said, John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and yet others, One of the prophets.

29 Jesus said to them, But you, who do you say I am? Simon Peter answered and said to him, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

30 And he warned them not to tell any man about him.

31 Then he began to teach them, that the Son of man will have to suffer a great deal, and be rejected by the elders, and the high priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and rise again on the third day.

32 And he spoke that word openly. So Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.

33 But he turned around and looked on his disciples, and he rebuked Simon, and said, Get behind me, Satan; for you are not thinking the things of God, but of men.

34 And Jesus called the people together with his disciples, and said to them, He who wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

35 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the sake of my Gospel, he will save it.

36 For how could a man be benefited, if he should gain the whole world and lose his life?

37 Or what could a man give in exchange for his life?

38 Whoever, therefore, is ashamed of me and of my words in this sinful and adulterous generation, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him, when he comes in the glory of his Father with his holy angels.




Chapter 8

1 當日、衆大和會、無所食、耶穌召門徒曰、

1 IN those days, when there was a large multitude, and they had nothing to eat, he called his disciples and said to them,

2 我憫衆、偕我三日、今無食、

2 I have pity for this people, for they have remained with me three days, and they have nothing to eat;

3 倘使饑餓而歸、途間必困憊、蓋有遠來者也、

3 And if I dismiss them to their homes, while they are fasting, they will faint on the way, for some of them have come from a distance.

4 門徒曰、此乃曠野、何由得餅以飽之乎、

4 His disciples said to him, How can any man here in this lonely place, feed all of these with bread?

5 曰、爾有餅幾何、曰、七、

5 And he asked them, How many loaves have you? They said to him, Seven.

6 耶穌命衆坐地、取七餅、祝而擘焉、予門徒、使陳之、遂陳於衆前、

6 So he commanded the people to sit on the ground; and he took the seven loaves of bread, and he blessed them, and broke them, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and they set them before the people.

7 又有些須小魚、亦祝、使陳之、

7 And there were a few fishes; he blessed them also, and commanded to set them before them.

8 皆食而飽、拾餘屑七籃、

8 So they ate and were satisfied, and they took up seven baskets of fragments which were left over.

9 食者約四千人、耶穌乃散衆、〇

9 The men who ate were about four thousand; and he dismissed them.

10 與門徒登舟、至大馬拏大境、

10 And immediately he went up into the boat with his disciples, and he came to the country of Dalmanutha.

11 法利賽人出而詰之、求天異蹟、欲試耶穌、

11 And the Pharisees came out and began to question him, and they asked him for a sign from heaven, so as to test him.

12 耶穌中心太息曰、此世胡爲求異蹟、我誠告爾、我必不以異蹟示此世、

12 And he sighed in his spirit and said, Why does this generation want a sign? truly I say to you, No sign will be given to this generation.

13 於是去之、復登舟往彼岸、〇

13 And he left them, and went up into the boat, and departed from that port.

14 門徒忘取餅、舟中無長物、一餅而已、

14 And they had forgotten to take bread; except one loaf they had none with them in the boat.

15 耶穌戒之曰、謹防法利賽與希律之酵、

15 And he commanded them and said to them, Look out, and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven of Herod.

16 門徒相議曰、是爲無餅歟、

16 They were reasoning among themselves and saying, It is because we have no bread.

17 耶穌知之曰、曷以無餅議乎、爾猶未知未悟歟、心猶頑耶、

17 But Jesus knew it and said to them, What are you thinking, because you have no bread? Do you not even yet know, and do you not understand? Is your heart still hard?

18 爾有目不視、有耳不聽、亦不憶乎、

18 You have eyes, and yet do you not see? You have ears, and yet do you not hear? And do you not remember?

19 我擘五餅分五千人、拾屑盈幾筐乎、曰、十二、

19 When I broke the five loaves of bread for the five thousand, how many full baskets of fragments did you take up? They said to him, Twelve.

20 又七餅分四千人、拾屑有幾籃乎、曰、七、

20 He said to them, And when the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? They said, Seven.

21 遂語之曰、何不悟乎、〇

21 He said to them, How is it then that even yet you cannot understand?

22 至伯賽大、有攜瞽者、求耶穌捫之、

22 And he came to Bethsaida; and they brought to him a blind man, and they besought him to touch him.

23 耶穌執瞽者手、攜出鄉外、唾其目、手按之、問何所見、

23 And he took the blind man by the hand and brought him outside the town; and he spat on his eyes, and put his hands on him, and asked him what he saw.

24 瞽者仰曰、我見行人若樹焉、

24 And he looked and said, I see men like trees, walking.

25 復按其目、使仰、遂得愈、明察庶物、

25 Again he put his hands over his eyes, and he was restored, and saw everything clearly.

26 耶穌遣之歸、曰、勿入告鄉人、〇

26 And he sent him to his house, saying, Do not enter even into the town, nor tell it to anyone in the town.

27 耶穌與門徒往該撒利亞腓立比諸鄉、途間、問門徒曰、人言我爲誰、

27 And Jesus went out, and his disciples, to the towns of Caesarea of Philippi; and on the road he asked his disciples and said to them, What do men say about me, that I am?

28 對曰、施洗約翰有曰、以利亞有曰、先知之一、

28 They said, John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and yet others, One of the prophets.

29 耶穌曰、爾曹言我爲誰、彼得曰、基督也、

29 Jesus said to them, But you, who do you say I am? Simon Peter answered and said to him, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

30 耶穌戒門徒勿告人、〇

30 And he warned them not to tell any man about him.

31 乃言曰、人子必備受害、爲長老、祭司、諸長、士子所棄、且見殺、三日復生、

31 Then he began to teach them, that the Son of man will have to suffer a great deal, and be rejected by the elders, and the high priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and rise again on the third day.

32 耶穌言此、彼得援而諫之、

32 And he spoke that word openly. So Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.

33 耶穌顧門徒、責彼得曰、撒但退、爾不體上帝情、乃人之情耳、〇

33 But he turned around and looked on his disciples, and he rebuked Simon, and said, Get behind me, Satan; for you are not thinking the things of God, but of men.

34 遂呼衆與門徒、曰、欲爲我徒、則當克己、負十字架以從、

34 And Jesus called the people together with his disciples, and said to them, He who wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

35 凡欲救生命者、反喪之、爲我及福音而喪生命者、必救之、

35 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the sake of my Gospel, he will save it.

36 利盡天下、而失生命〔或曰生命當作靈魂〕者、何益之有、

36 For how could a man be benefited, if he should gain the whole world and lose his life?

37 人將以何者易生命乎、

37 Or what could a man give in exchange for his life?

38 當此姦惡之世、恥我及我道者、人子以父榮、偕聖使臨時、亦必恥其人矣、

38 Whoever, therefore, is ashamed of me and of my words in this sinful and adulterous generation, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him, when he comes in the glory of his Father with his holy angels.
