

1 主知道法利賽人聽見耶穌[Jesus]收門徒,施浸,比約翰還多,

2 (其實不是耶穌親自施浸,乃是他的門徒施浸,)

3 他就離了猶太,又往加利利去。

4 [he]必須經過撒瑪利亞。

5 [he][Then]到了撒瑪利亞的一座城,名叫敘加,靠近雅各給他兒子約瑟的那塊地。

6 在那裏有雅各井。耶穌因走路困乏,就坐在井[on];那時約有午正。

7 有一個撒瑪利亞的婦人來打水;耶穌對她說:「請給[Give]我水喝。」

8因他的[For his]門徒進城買食物去了。)

9 那時[Then],撒瑪利亞的婦人對他說:「你既是猶太人,怎麼向我一個撒瑪利亞的[of Samaria]婦人要水喝呢?」原來猶太人和撒瑪利亞人沒有來往。

10 耶穌回答[her]說:「妳若知道神的恩賜,和對妳說『給我水喝』的是誰;妳必早求他,他也必早給了妳活水。」

11 婦人對他[unto him]說:「先生,[thou]沒有打水的器具,井又深;你從哪裏得活水呢?

12 我們的祖宗雅各將這井留給我們,他自己和兒女[children]並牲畜也都喝這井裏的水,難道你比他還大嗎?」

13 耶穌回答[her]說:「凡喝這水的還要再渴。

14 然而[But],人若喝我所賜的水就永遠不渴;唯有[but]我所賜的水,在他裏頭必作[shall be in him]泉源,直湧到永生。」

15 婦人對他[unto him]說:「先生,請把這水賜給我,叫我不渴,也不用來這裏[come hither]打水。」

16 耶穌對她[unto her]說:「妳去叫妳丈夫也到這裏來。」

17 婦人回答[answered]說:「我沒有丈夫。」耶穌對她[unto her]說:「妳說『[I]沒有丈夫』,是不錯的。

18 妳已經有五個丈夫;妳現在有的並不是妳的丈夫。妳[that]話是真的。」

19 婦人對他[unto him]說:「先生,我看出你是先知。

20 我們的祖宗在這山上敬拜[worshipped];你們倒說,[men]敬拜[worship]的地方是在耶路撒冷。」

21 耶穌對她[unto her]說:「婦人,妳當信我,時候將到,你們敬拜[worship]父,也不在這山上,也不在耶路撒冷。

22 你們所敬拜[worship]的,你們不知道;我們所敬拜[worship]的,我們知道。因為救恩是從猶太人出來的。

23 [But]時候將到,如今就是了,那真正敬拜的[worshippers],要用心靈和真理[truth]敬拜[worship][Father];因為父要[seeketh]這樣的人敬拜[worship]他。

24 神是個[Spirit];所以敬拜[worship]他的,必須用心靈和真理[truth]敬拜[worship]他。」

25 婦人對他[unto him]說:「我知道那稱為基督的[which is called Christ]彌賽亞要來;[when][come],必將一切的事都告訴我們。」

26 耶穌對她[unto her]說:「這[unto]你說話的就是他。」

27 當下,他的[his]門徒回來,就希奇耶穌和一個婦人說話;只是沒有人說:「你是要甚麼?」或說:「你為甚麼和她說話?」

28 那婦人就留下水罐子,往城裏去,對眾人說:

29 「你們來看一個人[a man][which]將我素來所行的一切事都給我說出來了;這不就是[is not this]基督嗎?」

30 眾人就出城,往耶穌那裏去。

31 這其間,[his]門徒[prayed]耶穌說:「夫子[Master],請吃。」

32 [But]耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「我有食物吃,是你們不知道的。」

33 門徒就彼此對問說:「莫非有人拿甚麼給他吃嗎?」

34 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意,作完[finish]他的工。

35 你們豈不說『到收割的時候還有四個月』嗎?看哪[behold],我告訴你們:『你們[your]舉目向田觀看;因為[for]莊稼已經發白[white],可以收割了。』

36 收割的人得工價,積蓄五穀到永生;叫撒種的和收割的一同快樂。

37 俗語說:『那人撒種,這人收割。』[that]話可見是真的。

38 我差你們去收你們所沒有勞苦的;別人勞苦,你們享受他們所勞苦的。」

39 那城裏有許多[many]撒瑪利亞人信了耶穌,因為那婦人作見證說:「他將我素來所行的一切事都給我說出來了。」

40 於是撒瑪利亞人來見耶穌,求他與他們同住[tarry with them];他便在那裏住了兩天。

41 因耶穌自己[own]的話,信的人就更多了;

42 便對婦人說:「現在我們信,不是因為你的話;是[for]我們親自聽見了,知道這真是基督[Christ][is]救世主。」

43 過了那兩天,耶穌離了那地方,往加利利去。

44 因為耶穌自己作過見證,先知在本地是沒有人尊敬的。

45 [he]到了加利利,加利利人既然看見他在耶路撒冷過節所行的一切事,就接待他;因為他們也是上去過節。

46 這樣[So],耶穌又到了加利利的迦拿,就是他從前變水為酒的地方。有一個大臣,他的兒子在迦百農患病。

47 他聽見耶穌從猶太到了加利利,就來見他,求他下去醫治他的兒子;因為他兒子快要死了。

48 耶穌就對他說:「若不看見神蹟奇事,你們也是不信[will not believe]。」

49 那大臣對他[unto him]說:「先生,求你趁著我的孩子還沒有死就下去。」

50 耶穌對他說:「[thy]回去吧;你的兒子活了。」那人信耶穌對他[unto him]所說的話,就回去了。

51 那人[he]正下去的時候,他的僕人迎見他,告訴[told][saying]:「[Thy]的兒子活了。」

52 他就問他們[them][he]甚麼時候見好的。他們對他[unto him]說:「昨日未時熱就退離他了[left him]。」

53 他便知道這正是耶穌對他說「你兒子活了」的時候;他自己和全家就都信了。

54 這是耶穌行[Jesus did]的第二件神蹟,是他從猶太往加利利[into Galiee]以後[again]行的。


Chapter 4

1 When5613 therefore3767 the LORD2962 knew1097 how3754 the Pharisees5330 had heard191 that Jesus2424 made4160 and baptized907 more4119 disciples3101 than2228 John,2491

2 (Though2544 Jesus2424 himself846 baptized907 not, but his disciples,3101)

3 He left863 Judaea,2449 and departed565 again3825 into1519 Galilee.1056

4 And he must needs go1330 through1223 Samaria.4540

5 Then3767 comes2064 he to a city4172 of Samaria,4540 which is called3004 Sychar,4965 near4139 to the parcel5564 of ground5564 that Jacob2384 gave1325 to his son5207 Joseph.2501

6 Now1161 Jacob's2384 well4077 was there.1563 Jesus2424 therefore,3767 being wearied2872 with his journey,3597 sat2516 thus3779 on1909 the well:4077 and it was about5616 the sixth1623 hour.5610

7 There comes2064 a woman1135 of Samaria4540 to draw501 water:5204 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, Give1325 me to drink.4095

8 (For his disciples3101 were gone565 away565 to the city4172 to buy59 meat.5160)

9 Then3767 said3004 the woman1135 of Samaria4540 to him, How4459 is it that you, being5607 a Jew,2453 ask154 drink4095 of me, which am5607 a woman1135 of Samaria?4540 for the Jews2453 have no3756 dealings4798 with the Samaritans.4541

10 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to her, If1487 you knew1492 the gift1431 of God,2316 and who5101 it is that said3004 to you, Give1325 me to drink;4095 you would have asked154 of him, and he would have given1325 you living2198 water.5204

11 The woman1135 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 you have2192 nothing3777 to draw502 with, and the well5421 is deep:901 from where4159 then3767 have2192 you that living2198 water?5204

12 Are1488 you greater3187 than our father3962 Jacob,2384 which3739 gave1325 us the well,5421 and drank4095 thereof1538 846 himself,846 and his children,5207 and his cattle?2353

13 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to her, Whoever3956 3588 drinks4095 of this5127 water5204 shall thirst1372 again:3825

14 But whoever3739 302 drinks4095 of the water5204 that I shall give1325 him shall never3364 3588 1372 165 thirst; but235 the5204 water5204 that3739 I shall give1325 him846 shall be1096 in1722 him846 a well4077 of water5204 springing up242 into1519 everlasting166 life.2222

15 The woman1135 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 give1325 me this5124 water,5204 that I thirst1372 not, neither3366 come2064 here1759 to draw.501

16 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, Go,5217 call5455 your husband,435 and come2064 here.1759

17 The woman1135 answered611 and said,2036 I have2192 no3756 husband.435 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, You have well2573 said,2036 I have2192 no3756 husband:435

18 For you have2192 had2192 five4002 husbands;435 and he whom3739 you now3568 have2192 is not your husband:435 in that said2046 you truly.227

19 The woman1135 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 I perceive2334 that you are1488 a prophet.4396

20 Our fathers3962 worshipped4352 in this5129 mountain;3735 and you say,3004 that in Jerusalem2414 is the place5117 where3699 men ought1163 to worship.4352

21 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, Woman,1135 believe4100 me, the hour5610 comes,2064 when3753 you shall neither3777 in this5129 mountain,3735 nor3777 yet at1722 Jerusalem,2414 worship4352 the Father.3962

22 You worship4352 you know1492 not what:3739 we know1492 what3739 we worship:4352 for salvation4991 is of the Jews.2453

23 But the hour5610 comes,2064 and now3568 is, when3753 the true228 worshippers4353 shall worship4352 the Father3962 in spirit4151 and in truth:225 for the Father3962 seeks2212 such5108 to worship4352 him.

24 God2316 is a Spirit:4151 and they that worship4352 him must1163 worship4352 him in spirit4151 and in truth.225

25 The woman1135 said3004 to him, I know1492 that Messias3323 comes,2064 which3588 is called3004 Christ:5547 when3752 he is come,2064 he will tell312 us all3956 things.

26 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, I that speak2980 to you am1510 he.

27 And on this5129 came2064 his disciples,3101 and marveled2296 that he talked2980 with the woman:1135 yet3305 no3762 man3762 said,2036 What5101 seek2212 you? or,2228 Why5101 talk2980 you with her?

28 The woman1135 then3767 left863 her water pot,5201 and went565 her way into1519 the city,4172 and said3004 to the men,444

29 Come,1205 see1492 a man,444 which3739 told2036 me all3956 things that ever3745 I did:4160 is not this3778 the Christ?5547

30 Then3767 they went1831 out of the city,4172 and came2064 to him.

31 In the mean3342 while his disciples3101 prayed2065 him, saying,3004 Master,4461 eat.5315

32 But he said2036 to them, I have2192 meat1035 to eat5315 that you know1492 not of.

33 Therefore3767 said3004 the disciples3101 one240 to another,240 Has any3387 man brought5342 him ought to eat?5315

34 Jesus2424 said3004 to them, My meat1033 is to do4160 the will2307 of him that sent3992 me, and to finish5048 his work.2041

35 Say3004 not you, There are yet2089 four5072 months,5072 and then comes2064 harvest?2326 behold,2400 I say3004 to you, Lift1869 up your5216 eyes,3788 and look2300 on the fields;5561 for they are white3022 already2235 to harvest.2326

36 And he that reaps2325 receives2983 wages,3408 and gathers4863 fruit2590 to life2222 eternal:166 that both2532 he that sows4687 and he that reaps2325 may rejoice5463 together.3674

37 And herein1722 5129 is that saying3056 true,228 One243 sows,4687 and another243 reaps.2325

38 I sent649 you to reap2325 that where on3739 you bestowed2872 no3756 labor:2872 other243 men labored,2872 and you are entered1525 into1519 their labors.2873

39 And many4183 of the Samaritans4541 of that city4172 believed4100 on1519 him for the saying3056 of the woman,1135 which testified,3140 He told2036 me all3956 that ever3745 I did.4160

40 So3767 when5613 the Samaritans4541 were come2064 to him, they sought2065 him that he would tarry3306 with them: and he stayed3306 there1563 two1417 days.2250

41 And many4183 more4119 believed4100 because1223 of his own word;3056

42 And said3004 to the woman,1135 Now3765 we believe,4100 not because1223 of your saying:2981 for we have heard191 him ourselves, and know1492 that this3778 is indeed230 the Christ,5547 the Savior4990 of the world.2889

43 Now1161 after3326 two1417 days2250 he departed565 there,1564 and went565 into1519 Galilee.1056

44 For Jesus2424 himself846 testified,3140 that a prophet4396 has2192 no3756 honor5092 in his own2398 country.3968

45 Then3767 when3753 he was come2064 into1519 Galilee,1056 the Galilaeans1057 received1209 him, having seen3708 all3956 the things that he did4160 at1722 Jerusalem2414 at1722 the feast:1859 for they also2532 went2064 to the feast.1859

46 So3767 Jesus2424 came2064 again3825 into1519 Cana2580 of Galilee,1056 where3699 he made4160 the water5204 wine.3631 And there was a certain5100 nobleman,937 whose3739 son5207 was sick770 at1722 Capernaum.2584

47 When he heard191 that Jesus2424 was come2240 out of Judaea2449 into1519 Galilee,1056 he went565 to him, and sought2065 him that he would come2597 down,2597 and heal2390 his son:5207 for he was at3195 the point3195 of death.599

48 Then3767 said2036 Jesus2424 to him, Except3362 you see1492 signs4592 and wonders,5059 you will not believe.4100

49 The nobleman937 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 come2597 down2597 ere4250 my child3813 die.599

50 Jesus2424 said3004 to him, Go4198 your way; your son5207 lives.2198 And the man444 believed4100 the word3056 that Jesus2424 had spoken2036 to him, and he went4198 his way.

51 And as he was now2235 going2597 down,2597 his servants1401 met528 him, and told518 him, saying,3004 Your son3816 lives.2198

52 Then3767 inquired4441 he of them the hour5610 when1722 3739 he began2192 to amend.2192 2866 And they said2036 to him, Yesterday5504 at the seventh1442 hour5610 the fever4446 left863 him.

53 So3767 the father3962 knew1097 that it was at1722 the same1565 hour,5610 in the which3739 Jesus2424 said2036 to him, Your son5207 lives:2198 and himself846 believed,4100 and his whole3650 house.3614

54 This5124 is again3825 the second1208 miracle4592 that Jesus2424 did,4160 when he was come2064 out of Judaea2449 into1519 Galilee.1056




Chapter 4

1 主知道法利賽人聽見耶穌[Jesus]收門徒,施浸,比約翰還多,

1 When5613 therefore3767 the LORD2962 knew1097 how3754 the Pharisees5330 had heard191 that Jesus2424 made4160 and baptized907 more4119 disciples3101 than2228 John,2491

2 (其實不是耶穌親自施浸,乃是他的門徒施浸,)

2 (Though2544 Jesus2424 himself846 baptized907 not, but his disciples,3101)

3 他就離了猶太,又往加利利去。

3 He left863 Judaea,2449 and departed565 again3825 into1519 Galilee.1056

4 [he]必須經過撒瑪利亞。

4 And he must needs go1330 through1223 Samaria.4540

5 [he][Then]到了撒瑪利亞的一座城,名叫敘加,靠近雅各給他兒子約瑟的那塊地。

5 Then3767 comes2064 he to a city4172 of Samaria,4540 which is called3004 Sychar,4965 near4139 to the parcel5564 of ground5564 that Jacob2384 gave1325 to his son5207 Joseph.2501

6 在那裏有雅各井。耶穌因走路困乏,就坐在井[on];那時約有午正。

6 Now1161 Jacob's2384 well4077 was there.1563 Jesus2424 therefore,3767 being wearied2872 with his journey,3597 sat2516 thus3779 on1909 the well:4077 and it was about5616 the sixth1623 hour.5610

7 有一個撒瑪利亞的婦人來打水;耶穌對她說:「請給[Give]我水喝。」

7 There comes2064 a woman1135 of Samaria4540 to draw501 water:5204 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, Give1325 me to drink.4095

8因他的[For his]門徒進城買食物去了。)

8 (For his disciples3101 were gone565 away565 to the city4172 to buy59 meat.5160)

9 那時[Then],撒瑪利亞的婦人對他說:「你既是猶太人,怎麼向我一個撒瑪利亞的[of Samaria]婦人要水喝呢?」原來猶太人和撒瑪利亞人沒有來往。

9 Then3767 said3004 the woman1135 of Samaria4540 to him, How4459 is it that you, being5607 a Jew,2453 ask154 drink4095 of me, which am5607 a woman1135 of Samaria?4540 for the Jews2453 have no3756 dealings4798 with the Samaritans.4541

10 耶穌回答[her]說:「妳若知道神的恩賜,和對妳說『給我水喝』的是誰;妳必早求他,他也必早給了妳活水。」

10 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to her, If1487 you knew1492 the gift1431 of God,2316 and who5101 it is that said3004 to you, Give1325 me to drink;4095 you would have asked154 of him, and he would have given1325 you living2198 water.5204

11 婦人對他[unto him]說:「先生,[thou]沒有打水的器具,井又深;你從哪裏得活水呢?

11 The woman1135 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 you have2192 nothing3777 to draw502 with, and the well5421 is deep:901 from where4159 then3767 have2192 you that living2198 water?5204

12 我們的祖宗雅各將這井留給我們,他自己和兒女[children]並牲畜也都喝這井裏的水,難道你比他還大嗎?」

12 Are1488 you greater3187 than our father3962 Jacob,2384 which3739 gave1325 us the well,5421 and drank4095 thereof1538 846 himself,846 and his children,5207 and his cattle?2353

13 耶穌回答[her]說:「凡喝這水的還要再渴。

13 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to her, Whoever3956 3588 drinks4095 of this5127 water5204 shall thirst1372 again:3825

14 然而[But],人若喝我所賜的水就永遠不渴;唯有[but]我所賜的水,在他裏頭必作[shall be in him]泉源,直湧到永生。」

14 But whoever3739 302 drinks4095 of the water5204 that I shall give1325 him shall never3364 3588 1372 165 thirst; but235 the5204 water5204 that3739 I shall give1325 him846 shall be1096 in1722 him846 a well4077 of water5204 springing up242 into1519 everlasting166 life.2222

15 婦人對他[unto him]說:「先生,請把這水賜給我,叫我不渴,也不用來這裏[come hither]打水。」

15 The woman1135 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 give1325 me this5124 water,5204 that I thirst1372 not, neither3366 come2064 here1759 to draw.501

16 耶穌對她[unto her]說:「妳去叫妳丈夫也到這裏來。」

16 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, Go,5217 call5455 your husband,435 and come2064 here.1759

17 婦人回答[answered]說:「我沒有丈夫。」耶穌對她[unto her]說:「妳說『[I]沒有丈夫』,是不錯的。

17 The woman1135 answered611 and said,2036 I have2192 no3756 husband.435 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, You have well2573 said,2036 I have2192 no3756 husband:435

18 妳已經有五個丈夫;妳現在有的並不是妳的丈夫。妳[that]話是真的。」

18 For you have2192 had2192 five4002 husbands;435 and he whom3739 you now3568 have2192 is not your husband:435 in that said2046 you truly.227

19 婦人對他[unto him]說:「先生,我看出你是先知。

19 The woman1135 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 I perceive2334 that you are1488 a prophet.4396

20 我們的祖宗在這山上敬拜[worshipped];你們倒說,[men]敬拜[worship]的地方是在耶路撒冷。」

20 Our fathers3962 worshipped4352 in this5129 mountain;3735 and you say,3004 that in Jerusalem2414 is the place5117 where3699 men ought1163 to worship.4352

21 耶穌對她[unto her]說:「婦人,妳當信我,時候將到,你們敬拜[worship]父,也不在這山上,也不在耶路撒冷。

21 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, Woman,1135 believe4100 me, the hour5610 comes,2064 when3753 you shall neither3777 in this5129 mountain,3735 nor3777 yet at1722 Jerusalem,2414 worship4352 the Father.3962

22 你們所敬拜[worship]的,你們不知道;我們所敬拜[worship]的,我們知道。因為救恩是從猶太人出來的。

22 You worship4352 you know1492 not what:3739 we know1492 what3739 we worship:4352 for salvation4991 is of the Jews.2453

23 [But]時候將到,如今就是了,那真正敬拜的[worshippers],要用心靈和真理[truth]敬拜[worship][Father];因為父要[seeketh]這樣的人敬拜[worship]他。

23 But the hour5610 comes,2064 and now3568 is, when3753 the true228 worshippers4353 shall worship4352 the Father3962 in spirit4151 and in truth:225 for the Father3962 seeks2212 such5108 to worship4352 him.

24 神是個[Spirit];所以敬拜[worship]他的,必須用心靈和真理[truth]敬拜[worship]他。」

24 God2316 is a Spirit:4151 and they that worship4352 him must1163 worship4352 him in spirit4151 and in truth.225

25 婦人對他[unto him]說:「我知道那稱為基督的[which is called Christ]彌賽亞要來;[when][come],必將一切的事都告訴我們。」

25 The woman1135 said3004 to him, I know1492 that Messias3323 comes,2064 which3588 is called3004 Christ:5547 when3752 he is come,2064 he will tell312 us all3956 things.

26 耶穌對她[unto her]說:「這[unto]你說話的就是他。」

26 Jesus2424 said3004 to her, I that speak2980 to you am1510 he.

27 當下,他的[his]門徒回來,就希奇耶穌和一個婦人說話;只是沒有人說:「你是要甚麼?」或說:「你為甚麼和她說話?」

27 And on this5129 came2064 his disciples,3101 and marveled2296 that he talked2980 with the woman:1135 yet3305 no3762 man3762 said,2036 What5101 seek2212 you? or,2228 Why5101 talk2980 you with her?

28 那婦人就留下水罐子,往城裏去,對眾人說:

28 The woman1135 then3767 left863 her water pot,5201 and went565 her way into1519 the city,4172 and said3004 to the men,444

29 「你們來看一個人[a man][which]將我素來所行的一切事都給我說出來了;這不就是[is not this]基督嗎?」

29 Come,1205 see1492 a man,444 which3739 told2036 me all3956 things that ever3745 I did:4160 is not this3778 the Christ?5547

30 眾人就出城,往耶穌那裏去。

30 Then3767 they went1831 out of the city,4172 and came2064 to him.

31 這其間,[his]門徒[prayed]耶穌說:「夫子[Master],請吃。」

31 In the mean3342 while his disciples3101 prayed2065 him, saying,3004 Master,4461 eat.5315

32 [But]耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「我有食物吃,是你們不知道的。」

32 But he said2036 to them, I have2192 meat1035 to eat5315 that you know1492 not of.

33 門徒就彼此對問說:「莫非有人拿甚麼給他吃嗎?」

33 Therefore3767 said3004 the disciples3101 one240 to another,240 Has any3387 man brought5342 him ought to eat?5315

34 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意,作完[finish]他的工。

34 Jesus2424 said3004 to them, My meat1033 is to do4160 the will2307 of him that sent3992 me, and to finish5048 his work.2041

35 你們豈不說『到收割的時候還有四個月』嗎?看哪[behold],我告訴你們:『你們[your]舉目向田觀看;因為[for]莊稼已經發白[white],可以收割了。』

35 Say3004 not you, There are yet2089 four5072 months,5072 and then comes2064 harvest?2326 behold,2400 I say3004 to you, Lift1869 up your5216 eyes,3788 and look2300 on the fields;5561 for they are white3022 already2235 to harvest.2326

36 收割的人得工價,積蓄五穀到永生;叫撒種的和收割的一同快樂。

36 And he that reaps2325 receives2983 wages,3408 and gathers4863 fruit2590 to life2222 eternal:166 that both2532 he that sows4687 and he that reaps2325 may rejoice5463 together.3674

37 俗語說:『那人撒種,這人收割。』[that]話可見是真的。

37 And herein1722 5129 is that saying3056 true,228 One243 sows,4687 and another243 reaps.2325

38 我差你們去收你們所沒有勞苦的;別人勞苦,你們享受他們所勞苦的。」

38 I sent649 you to reap2325 that where on3739 you bestowed2872 no3756 labor:2872 other243 men labored,2872 and you are entered1525 into1519 their labors.2873

39 那城裏有許多[many]撒瑪利亞人信了耶穌,因為那婦人作見證說:「他將我素來所行的一切事都給我說出來了。」

39 And many4183 of the Samaritans4541 of that city4172 believed4100 on1519 him for the saying3056 of the woman,1135 which testified,3140 He told2036 me all3956 that ever3745 I did.4160

40 於是撒瑪利亞人來見耶穌,求他與他們同住[tarry with them];他便在那裏住了兩天。

40 So3767 when5613 the Samaritans4541 were come2064 to him, they sought2065 him that he would tarry3306 with them: and he stayed3306 there1563 two1417 days.2250

41 因耶穌自己[own]的話,信的人就更多了;

41 And many4183 more4119 believed4100 because1223 of his own word;3056

42 便對婦人說:「現在我們信,不是因為你的話;是[for]我們親自聽見了,知道這真是基督[Christ][is]救世主。」

42 And said3004 to the woman,1135 Now3765 we believe,4100 not because1223 of your saying:2981 for we have heard191 him ourselves, and know1492 that this3778 is indeed230 the Christ,5547 the Savior4990 of the world.2889

43 過了那兩天,耶穌離了那地方,往加利利去。

43 Now1161 after3326 two1417 days2250 he departed565 there,1564 and went565 into1519 Galilee.1056

44 因為耶穌自己作過見證,先知在本地是沒有人尊敬的。

44 For Jesus2424 himself846 testified,3140 that a prophet4396 has2192 no3756 honor5092 in his own2398 country.3968

45 [he]到了加利利,加利利人既然看見他在耶路撒冷過節所行的一切事,就接待他;因為他們也是上去過節。

45 Then3767 when3753 he was come2064 into1519 Galilee,1056 the Galilaeans1057 received1209 him, having seen3708 all3956 the things that he did4160 at1722 Jerusalem2414 at1722 the feast:1859 for they also2532 went2064 to the feast.1859

46 這樣[So],耶穌又到了加利利的迦拿,就是他從前變水為酒的地方。有一個大臣,他的兒子在迦百農患病。

46 So3767 Jesus2424 came2064 again3825 into1519 Cana2580 of Galilee,1056 where3699 he made4160 the water5204 wine.3631 And there was a certain5100 nobleman,937 whose3739 son5207 was sick770 at1722 Capernaum.2584

47 他聽見耶穌從猶太到了加利利,就來見他,求他下去醫治他的兒子;因為他兒子快要死了。

47 When he heard191 that Jesus2424 was come2240 out of Judaea2449 into1519 Galilee,1056 he went565 to him, and sought2065 him that he would come2597 down,2597 and heal2390 his son:5207 for he was at3195 the point3195 of death.599

48 耶穌就對他說:「若不看見神蹟奇事,你們也是不信[will not believe]。」

48 Then3767 said2036 Jesus2424 to him, Except3362 you see1492 signs4592 and wonders,5059 you will not believe.4100

49 那大臣對他[unto him]說:「先生,求你趁著我的孩子還沒有死就下去。」

49 The nobleman937 said3004 to him, Sir,2962 come2597 down2597 ere4250 my child3813 die.599

50 耶穌對他說:「[thy]回去吧;你的兒子活了。」那人信耶穌對他[unto him]所說的話,就回去了。

50 Jesus2424 said3004 to him, Go4198 your way; your son5207 lives.2198 And the man444 believed4100 the word3056 that Jesus2424 had spoken2036 to him, and he went4198 his way.

51 那人[he]正下去的時候,他的僕人迎見他,告訴[told][saying]:「[Thy]的兒子活了。」

51 And as he was now2235 going2597 down,2597 his servants1401 met528 him, and told518 him, saying,3004 Your son3816 lives.2198

52 他就問他們[them][he]甚麼時候見好的。他們對他[unto him]說:「昨日未時熱就退離他了[left him]。」

52 Then3767 inquired4441 he of them the hour5610 when1722 3739 he began2192 to amend.2192 2866 And they said2036 to him, Yesterday5504 at the seventh1442 hour5610 the fever4446 left863 him.

53 他便知道這正是耶穌對他說「你兒子活了」的時候;他自己和全家就都信了。

53 So3767 the father3962 knew1097 that it was at1722 the same1565 hour,5610 in the which3739 Jesus2424 said2036 to him, Your son5207 lives:2198 and himself846 believed,4100 and his whole3650 house.3614

54 這是耶穌行[Jesus did]的第二件神蹟,是他從猶太往加利利[into Galiee]以後[again]行的。

54 This5124 is again3825 the second1208 miracle4592 that Jesus2424 did,4160 when he was come2064 out of Judaea2449 into1519 Galilee.1056
