

1 先知哈巴谷所得的默示。

2 他說:耶和華啊,我呼求你,你不聽允[hear],要到幾時呢。我因強暴哀求你,你還不拯救。

3 你為何使我看見罪孽?你為何使我看見奸惡[cause me to behold grievance]呢?毀滅和強暴在我面前,又起了爭端和相鬥的事。

4 因此律法放鬆,公理也不顯明,因有[for]惡人圍困義人,所以公理顯然顛倒。

5 耶和華說:你們要向異教民[heathen]中觀看,大大驚奇;因為在你們的時候,我行一件事,雖有人告訴你們,你們總是不信。

6 看哪[lo],我必興起迦勒底人,就是那殘忍暴躁之民,通行遍地,佔據那不屬自己的住處。

7 他們[They]威武可畏,判斷和勢力都任意發出。

8 他們的[Their]馬比豹更快,比晚上的豺狼更猛。馬兵布散[spread],都從遠方而來;他們飛跑如鷹急忙[hasteth]抓食,

9 都為行強暴而來,定住臉面如東風吞噬[sup up as the east wind],將擄掠的人聚集,多如塵沙。

10 他們譏誚君王,笑話首領,嗤笑一切保障,築壘攻取。

11 他必轉念經過,並且犯罪[Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend],以自己的勢力為神。

12 耶和華─我的神,我的聖者啊,你不是從永恆[everlasting]而有嗎?我們必不致死。耶和華啊,你派定他們[them]為要刑罰人;全能的神[mighty God]啊,你設立他們[them]為要懲治人。

13 你眼目純淨[purer],不看邪僻,不看奸惡;行詭詐的,你為何看著不理呢?惡人吞滅比自己公義的,你為何靜默不語呢?

14 你為何使人如海中的魚,又如沒有管轄的爬物呢?

15 他們[they]用鉤鉤住,用網捕獲,用拉網聚集他們;因此,他們[they]歡喜快樂,

16 就向網獻祭,向網燒香,因他們[their]由此得肥美的分和富裕的食物。

17 他們[they]豈可屢次倒空網羅,將列國的人時常殺戮,毫不顧惜呢?


Chapter 1

1 THE vision which Habakkuk the prophet saw:

2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? I cry to thee because of the plunderers, and thou wilt not deliver!

3 Why dost thou show me iniquity and deceit? For I see violence and evil; justice was on my side, but the judge accepted bribes.

4 Therefore the law is slacked, and justice never goes forth; for the wicked surely does evil to the righteous; thus justice goes forth perverted.

5 Behold, O you presumptuous, see, wonder, and be amazed! for I will do a work in your days that you would not believe if a man should declare it to you.

6 For, behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, that hasty and bitter nation, who shall march through the breadth of the land to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs.

7 They are mighty and dreadful; their judgment and their notable doings proceed of themselves.

8 Their horses are swifter than eagles and more fierce than the evening wolves; and their horsemen shall swoop down and shall come from afar; they shall fly like an eagle that hastens to eat.

9 They all come for plunder; the appearance of their faces is fearful, and they shall gather booty as the sand.

10 They scoff at kings, and princes they mock; and they laugh at every stronghold; for they heap up earth and capture it.

11 Then shall his wind change and pass away, and his army shall be found guilty before his god.

12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? Art thou without a law, O LORD? For thou hast ordained them for judgment, and thou hast created us for chastisement.

13 Thine eyes are too pure, they do not behold evil, and thou canst not look on wicked men; why dost thou look on presumptuous men, and art silent when the wicked devours the righteous man?

14 And thou didst make men as the fish of the sea, as the creeping things that have no ruler over them.

15 They take up all of them with the hook, they catch them in a net, and gather them in their drag; and when they gather them, they rejoice and are glad.

16 Therefore they sacrifice to their net and burn incense to their drag, because by them their portion is made rich, and their food dainty.

17 Therefore they cast their net continually, they slay peoples without pity.




Chapter 1

1 先知哈巴谷所得的默示。

1 THE vision which Habakkuk the prophet saw:

2 他說:耶和華啊,我呼求你,你不聽允[hear],要到幾時呢。我因強暴哀求你,你還不拯救。

2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? I cry to thee because of the plunderers, and thou wilt not deliver!

3 你為何使我看見罪孽?你為何使我看見奸惡[cause me to behold grievance]呢?毀滅和強暴在我面前,又起了爭端和相鬥的事。

3 Why dost thou show me iniquity and deceit? For I see violence and evil; justice was on my side, but the judge accepted bribes.

4 因此律法放鬆,公理也不顯明,因有[for]惡人圍困義人,所以公理顯然顛倒。

4 Therefore the law is slacked, and justice never goes forth; for the wicked surely does evil to the righteous; thus justice goes forth perverted.

5 耶和華說:你們要向異教民[heathen]中觀看,大大驚奇;因為在你們的時候,我行一件事,雖有人告訴你們,你們總是不信。

5 Behold, O you presumptuous, see, wonder, and be amazed! for I will do a work in your days that you would not believe if a man should declare it to you.

6 看哪[lo],我必興起迦勒底人,就是那殘忍暴躁之民,通行遍地,佔據那不屬自己的住處。

6 For, behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, that hasty and bitter nation, who shall march through the breadth of the land to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs.

7 他們[They]威武可畏,判斷和勢力都任意發出。

7 They are mighty and dreadful; their judgment and their notable doings proceed of themselves.

8 他們的[Their]馬比豹更快,比晚上的豺狼更猛。馬兵布散[spread],都從遠方而來;他們飛跑如鷹急忙[hasteth]抓食,

8 Their horses are swifter than eagles and more fierce than the evening wolves; and their horsemen shall swoop down and shall come from afar; they shall fly like an eagle that hastens to eat.

9 都為行強暴而來,定住臉面如東風吞噬[sup up as the east wind],將擄掠的人聚集,多如塵沙。

9 They all come for plunder; the appearance of their faces is fearful, and they shall gather booty as the sand.

10 他們譏誚君王,笑話首領,嗤笑一切保障,築壘攻取。

10 They scoff at kings, and princes they mock; and they laugh at every stronghold; for they heap up earth and capture it.

11 他必轉念經過,並且犯罪[Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend],以自己的勢力為神。

11 Then shall his wind change and pass away, and his army shall be found guilty before his god.

12 耶和華─我的神,我的聖者啊,你不是從永恆[everlasting]而有嗎?我們必不致死。耶和華啊,你派定他們[them]為要刑罰人;全能的神[mighty God]啊,你設立他們[them]為要懲治人。

12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? Art thou without a law, O LORD? For thou hast ordained them for judgment, and thou hast created us for chastisement.

13 你眼目純淨[purer],不看邪僻,不看奸惡;行詭詐的,你為何看著不理呢?惡人吞滅比自己公義的,你為何靜默不語呢?

13 Thine eyes are too pure, they do not behold evil, and thou canst not look on wicked men; why dost thou look on presumptuous men, and art silent when the wicked devours the righteous man?

14 你為何使人如海中的魚,又如沒有管轄的爬物呢?

14 And thou didst make men as the fish of the sea, as the creeping things that have no ruler over them.

15 他們[they]用鉤鉤住,用網捕獲,用拉網聚集他們;因此,他們[they]歡喜快樂,

15 They take up all of them with the hook, they catch them in a net, and gather them in their drag; and when they gather them, they rejoice and are glad.

16 就向網獻祭,向網燒香,因他們[their]由此得肥美的分和富裕的食物。

16 Therefore they sacrifice to their net and burn incense to their drag, because by them their portion is made rich, and their food dainty.

17 他們[they]豈可屢次倒空網羅,將列國的人時常殺戮,毫不顧惜呢?

17 Therefore they cast their net continually, they slay peoples without pity.