Der Brief des Paulus an die Philipper

Kapitel 1

1 Paulus3972 und2532 Timotheus5095, Knechte1401 JEsu2424 Christi5547: Allen3956 Heiligen40 in1722 Christo5547 JEsu2424 zu1722 Philippi5375 samt4862 den Bischöfen1985 und2532 Dienern1249.

2 Gnade5485 sei mit euch5213 und2532 Friede1515 von575 GOtt2316, unserm2257 Vater3962, und2532 dem HErrn2962 JEsu2424 Christo5547!

3 Ich danke2168 meinem3450 GOtt2316, so oft3956 ich euer5216 gedenke3417

4 (welches ich allezeit3842 tue in1722 allem meinem3450 Gebet1162 für5228 euch5216 alle3956, und tue das3956 Gebet4160 mit3326 Freuden5479),

5 über eurer5216 Gemeinschaft2842 am Evangelium2098 vom575 ersten4413 Tage2250 an1909 bis1519 her3568.

6 Und bin desselbigen in1722 guter Zuversicht3982, daß3754, der in euch5213 angefangen1728 hat das5124 gute18 Werk2041, der wird‘s auch vollführen2005 bis891 an den846 Tag2250 JEsu2424 Christi5547.

7 Wie2531 es denn5228 mir1698 billig1342 ist2076, daß ich dermaßen von euch5216 allen3956 halte5426, darum1223 daß ich euch5209 in1722 meinem3450 Herzen2588 habe2192 in diesem meinem3450 Gefängnis1199, darin ich das5124 Evangelium2098 verantworte627 und5037 bekräftige951, als die ihr5209 alle3956 mit2532 mir3165 der2532 Gnade5485 teilhaftig4791 seid5607.

8 Denn1063 GOtt2316 ist2076 mein3450 Zeuge3144, wie5613 mich nach1971 euch5209 allen3956 verlanget von Herzensgrund4698 in1722 JEsu2424 Christo5547.

9 Und2532 darum bete4336 ich5124, daß2443 eure5216 Liebe26 je mehr2089 und2532 mehr3123 reich4052 werde in1722 allerlei3956 Erkenntnis1922 und2532 Erfahrung144,

10 daß2443 ihr5209 prüfen1381 möget, was das Beste sei5600, auf1519 daß ihr seid1308 lauter1506 und2532 unanstößig677 bis auf1519 den Tag2250 Christi5547,

11 erfüllet4137 mit Früchten2590 der Gerechtigkeit1343, die3588 durch1223 JEsum2424 Christum5547 geschehen (in1519 euch) zu Ehre1391 und2532 Lobe1868 Gottes2316.]

12 Ich lasse1014 euch5209 aber1161 wissen1097, liebe Brüder80, daß3754, wie es um2596 mich1691 stehet, das ist nur mehr3123 zur1519 Förderung4297 des Evangeliums2098 geraten2064,

13 also daß5620 meine3450 Bande1199 offenbar5318 worden sind1096 in1722 Christo5547 in1722 dem ganzen3650 Richthause4232 und2532 bei den andern3062 allen3956,

14 und2532 viel4119 Brüder80 in1722 dem HErrn2962 aus meinen3450 Banden1199 Zuversicht gewonnen, desto türstiger worden sind, das Wort3056 zu3982 reden2980 ohne Scheu870.

15 Etliche5100 zwar3303 predigen2784 Christum5547 auch2532 um1223 Hasses und2532 Haders2054 willen, etliche5100 aber1161 aus1223 guter Meinung2107.

16 Jene verkündigen2605 Christum5547 aus1537 Zank2052 und3303 nicht3756 lauter55; denn sie meinen3633, sie wollen eine Trübsal2347 zuwenden2018 meinen3450 Banden1199.

17 Diese aber1161 aus1537 Liebe26; denn sie1492 wissen, daß3754 ich zur1519 Verantwortung627 des Evangeliums2098 hier liege2749.

18 Was5101 ist ihm5129 aber denn1063? Daß nur Christus5547 verkündiget werde allerlei3956 Weise5158, es1535 geschehe2605 Zufalles oder235 rechter Weise; so1535 freue5463 ich mich doch4133 darinnen und2532 will mich auch2532 freuen5463.

19 Denn1063 ich5124 weiß1492, daß3754 mir3427 dasselbige gelinget zur1519 Seligkeit4991 durch1223 euer5216 Gebet1162 und2532 durch Handreichung2024 des Geistes4151 JEsu2424 Christi5547

20 wie5613 ich3450 endlich warte603 und2532 hoffe1680, daß3754 ich in1722 keinerlei Stück3762 zuschanden werde153, sondern235 daß1223 mit2596 aller3956 Freudigkeit3954, gleichwie sonst allezeit3842, also auch2532 jetzt3568, Christus5547 hoch gepreiset werde3170 an1722 meinem3450 Leibe4983, es1535 sei1535 durch1722 Leben2222 oder durch1223 Tod2288.

21 Denn1063 Christus5547 ist mein1698 Leben2198, und2532 Sterben599 ist mein Gewinn2771.

22 Sintemal aber1161 im Fleisch4561 leben2198 dienet, mehr Frucht2590 zu1722 schaffen, so1487 weiß1107 ich5124 nicht2532, welches5101 ich erwählen soll138.

23 Denn1063 es liegt mir beides1417 hart an4912: Ich habe2192 Lust1939 abzuscheiden360 und2532 bei1519 Christo5547 zu1537 sein1511, welches auch viel3123 besser2909 wäre:

24 Aber1161 es ist nötiger316, im1722 Fleisch4561 bleiben1961 um1223 euretwillen5209.

25 Und2532 in1519 guter Zuversicht weiß3982 ich5124, daß3754 ich1492 bleiben3306 und2532 bei euch5213 allen3956 sein werde4839 euch5216 zur Förderung4297 und2532 zur Freude5479 des Glaubens4102,

26 auf daß2443 ihr euch5216 sehr rühmen2745 möget in1722 Christo5547 JEsu2424 an1722 mir1698 durch1223 meine1699 Ankunft3952 wieder3825 zu4052 euch5209.

27 Wandelt4176 nur3440 würdiglich dem Evangelium2098 Christi5547, auf daß2443, ob1535 ich komme2064 und2532 sehe euch5209 oder1535 abwesend548 von, euch5216 höre191, daß3754 ihr1492 stehet4739 in1722 einem3391 Geist4151 und einer1520 See LE5590 und samt4866 uns kämpfet für4012 den Glauben4102 des Evangeliums2098

28 und2532 euch5213 in1722 keinem Wege erschrecken lasset4426 von575 den3303 Widersachern480, welches ist2076 ein Anzeichen1732, ihnen der5259 Verdammnis684 euch aber1161 der3748 Seligkeit4991, und2532 dasselbige von GOtt2316.

29 Denn5228 euch5213 ist gegeben5483, um5228 Christi5547 willen zu1519 tun, daß3754 ihr4100 nicht3756 allein3440 an ihn846 glaubet, sondern235 auch2532 um5228 seinetwillen leidet3958,

30 und2532 habet denselbigen Kampf73, welchen3634 ihr846 an1722 mir1698 gesehen1492 habt2192 und nun3568 von1722 mir1698 höret191.


Chapter 1

1 PAUL and Ti-mo'the-us, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Jesus Christ who are at Philippi, together with the elders and deacons:

2 Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from our LORD Jesus Christ.

3 I give thanks to my God for your steady remembrance of me.

4 In all my prayers for you, I make supplication with joy,

5 For your fellowship in the gospel, from the very first day until now,

6 Being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun the good work among you, the same will continue it until the day of our LORD Jesus Christ:

7 And this is the right way for me to think of you all, because I have you in my heart, because through all my imprisonment and my defense and confirmation of the truth of the gospel, you have been partakers with me of grace.

8 For God is my witness of how much I love you through the love of Jesus Christ.

9 And for this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all spiritual understanding:

10 So that you may choose the things that are excellent; and that you may be pure and without offence in the day of Christ;

11 And be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and the praise of God.

12 Now I would have you know this, my brethren, that my work has been greatly furthered by the gospel;

13 And the reasons for my imprisonments have been made manifest by Christ to all Cµsar's court, and to all men.

14 And many of the brethren in our LORD have grown confident by my imprisonment and, with increasing boldness, speak the word of God without fear.

15 While some of them preach only because of envy and strife; others preach Christ in good will and love:

16 For they know that I am appointed for the defence of the gospel:

17 But those who preach Christ out of contention, do it not sincerely, but do it expecting to increase the hardship of my imprisonment.

18 And I have rejoiced and still do rejoice in this: that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached.

19 For I know that through your prayers and the gift of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all these things will ultimately turn out for my salvation,

20 Just as it is my earnest hope and expectation that in nothing shall I be ashamed, but that openly as always, so also now will Christ be magnified through my body, whether in life or death.

21 For Christ is my life, and to die is gain.

22 Even if, in this life of the flesh, my labors bear fruits, I do not know what to choose.

23 For I am drawn between two desires, the one to depart, that I may be with Christ, which is far better:

24 Nevertheless, for me to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.

25 And this I surely know, that I shall be spared and remain for your joy and for the furtherance of your faith;

26 So that when I come again to you, your rejoicing in Jesus Christ will abound through me.

27 Only conduct yourselves as becomes the gospel of Christ: so that whether I come and see you, or whether I am far away, I may hear of your good conduct, that you are standing firm in one spirit, and in one soul, and triumphing together through the faith of the gospel;

28 And that in nothing are you terrified by our adversaries, whose conduct is the sign of their own destruction, but your salvation, and this is from God.

29 For it has been given to you, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for his sake.

30 And that you may endure such trials as those which you have seen me in, and such as you now hear that I am in.

Der Brief des Paulus an die Philipper

Kapitel 1


Chapter 1

1 Paulus3972 und2532 Timotheus5095, Knechte1401 JEsu2424 Christi5547: Allen3956 Heiligen40 in1722 Christo5547 JEsu2424 zu1722 Philippi5375 samt4862 den Bischöfen1985 und2532 Dienern1249.

1 PAUL and Ti-mo'the-us, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Jesus Christ who are at Philippi, together with the elders and deacons:

2 Gnade5485 sei mit euch5213 und2532 Friede1515 von575 GOtt2316, unserm2257 Vater3962, und2532 dem HErrn2962 JEsu2424 Christo5547!

2 Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from our LORD Jesus Christ.

3 Ich danke2168 meinem3450 GOtt2316, so oft3956 ich euer5216 gedenke3417

3 I give thanks to my God for your steady remembrance of me.

4 (welches ich allezeit3842 tue in1722 allem meinem3450 Gebet1162 für5228 euch5216 alle3956, und tue das3956 Gebet4160 mit3326 Freuden5479),

4 In all my prayers for you, I make supplication with joy,

5 über eurer5216 Gemeinschaft2842 am Evangelium2098 vom575 ersten4413 Tage2250 an1909 bis1519 her3568.

5 For your fellowship in the gospel, from the very first day until now,

6 Und bin desselbigen in1722 guter Zuversicht3982, daß3754, der in euch5213 angefangen1728 hat das5124 gute18 Werk2041, der wird‘s auch vollführen2005 bis891 an den846 Tag2250 JEsu2424 Christi5547.

6 Being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun the good work among you, the same will continue it until the day of our LORD Jesus Christ:

7 Wie2531 es denn5228 mir1698 billig1342 ist2076, daß ich dermaßen von euch5216 allen3956 halte5426, darum1223 daß ich euch5209 in1722 meinem3450 Herzen2588 habe2192 in diesem meinem3450 Gefängnis1199, darin ich das5124 Evangelium2098 verantworte627 und5037 bekräftige951, als die ihr5209 alle3956 mit2532 mir3165 der2532 Gnade5485 teilhaftig4791 seid5607.

7 And this is the right way for me to think of you all, because I have you in my heart, because through all my imprisonment and my defense and confirmation of the truth of the gospel, you have been partakers with me of grace.

8 Denn1063 GOtt2316 ist2076 mein3450 Zeuge3144, wie5613 mich nach1971 euch5209 allen3956 verlanget von Herzensgrund4698 in1722 JEsu2424 Christo5547.

8 For God is my witness of how much I love you through the love of Jesus Christ.

9 Und2532 darum bete4336 ich5124, daß2443 eure5216 Liebe26 je mehr2089 und2532 mehr3123 reich4052 werde in1722 allerlei3956 Erkenntnis1922 und2532 Erfahrung144,

9 And for this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all spiritual understanding:

10 daß2443 ihr5209 prüfen1381 möget, was das Beste sei5600, auf1519 daß ihr seid1308 lauter1506 und2532 unanstößig677 bis auf1519 den Tag2250 Christi5547,

10 So that you may choose the things that are excellent; and that you may be pure and without offence in the day of Christ;

11 erfüllet4137 mit Früchten2590 der Gerechtigkeit1343, die3588 durch1223 JEsum2424 Christum5547 geschehen (in1519 euch) zu Ehre1391 und2532 Lobe1868 Gottes2316.]

11 And be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and the praise of God.

12 Ich lasse1014 euch5209 aber1161 wissen1097, liebe Brüder80, daß3754, wie es um2596 mich1691 stehet, das ist nur mehr3123 zur1519 Förderung4297 des Evangeliums2098 geraten2064,

12 Now I would have you know this, my brethren, that my work has been greatly furthered by the gospel;

13 also daß5620 meine3450 Bande1199 offenbar5318 worden sind1096 in1722 Christo5547 in1722 dem ganzen3650 Richthause4232 und2532 bei den andern3062 allen3956,

13 And the reasons for my imprisonments have been made manifest by Christ to all Cµsar's court, and to all men.

14 und2532 viel4119 Brüder80 in1722 dem HErrn2962 aus meinen3450 Banden1199 Zuversicht gewonnen, desto türstiger worden sind, das Wort3056 zu3982 reden2980 ohne Scheu870.

14 And many of the brethren in our LORD have grown confident by my imprisonment and, with increasing boldness, speak the word of God without fear.

15 Etliche5100 zwar3303 predigen2784 Christum5547 auch2532 um1223 Hasses und2532 Haders2054 willen, etliche5100 aber1161 aus1223 guter Meinung2107.

15 While some of them preach only because of envy and strife; others preach Christ in good will and love:

16 Jene verkündigen2605 Christum5547 aus1537 Zank2052 und3303 nicht3756 lauter55; denn sie meinen3633, sie wollen eine Trübsal2347 zuwenden2018 meinen3450 Banden1199.

16 For they know that I am appointed for the defence of the gospel:

17 Diese aber1161 aus1537 Liebe26; denn sie1492 wissen, daß3754 ich zur1519 Verantwortung627 des Evangeliums2098 hier liege2749.

17 But those who preach Christ out of contention, do it not sincerely, but do it expecting to increase the hardship of my imprisonment.

18 Was5101 ist ihm5129 aber denn1063? Daß nur Christus5547 verkündiget werde allerlei3956 Weise5158, es1535 geschehe2605 Zufalles oder235 rechter Weise; so1535 freue5463 ich mich doch4133 darinnen und2532 will mich auch2532 freuen5463.

18 And I have rejoiced and still do rejoice in this: that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached.

19 Denn1063 ich5124 weiß1492, daß3754 mir3427 dasselbige gelinget zur1519 Seligkeit4991 durch1223 euer5216 Gebet1162 und2532 durch Handreichung2024 des Geistes4151 JEsu2424 Christi5547

19 For I know that through your prayers and the gift of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all these things will ultimately turn out for my salvation,

20 wie5613 ich3450 endlich warte603 und2532 hoffe1680, daß3754 ich in1722 keinerlei Stück3762 zuschanden werde153, sondern235 daß1223 mit2596 aller3956 Freudigkeit3954, gleichwie sonst allezeit3842, also auch2532 jetzt3568, Christus5547 hoch gepreiset werde3170 an1722 meinem3450 Leibe4983, es1535 sei1535 durch1722 Leben2222 oder durch1223 Tod2288.

20 Just as it is my earnest hope and expectation that in nothing shall I be ashamed, but that openly as always, so also now will Christ be magnified through my body, whether in life or death.

21 Denn1063 Christus5547 ist mein1698 Leben2198, und2532 Sterben599 ist mein Gewinn2771.

21 For Christ is my life, and to die is gain.

22 Sintemal aber1161 im Fleisch4561 leben2198 dienet, mehr Frucht2590 zu1722 schaffen, so1487 weiß1107 ich5124 nicht2532, welches5101 ich erwählen soll138.

22 Even if, in this life of the flesh, my labors bear fruits, I do not know what to choose.

23 Denn1063 es liegt mir beides1417 hart an4912: Ich habe2192 Lust1939 abzuscheiden360 und2532 bei1519 Christo5547 zu1537 sein1511, welches auch viel3123 besser2909 wäre:

23 For I am drawn between two desires, the one to depart, that I may be with Christ, which is far better:

24 Aber1161 es ist nötiger316, im1722 Fleisch4561 bleiben1961 um1223 euretwillen5209.

24 Nevertheless, for me to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.

25 Und2532 in1519 guter Zuversicht weiß3982 ich5124, daß3754 ich1492 bleiben3306 und2532 bei euch5213 allen3956 sein werde4839 euch5216 zur Förderung4297 und2532 zur Freude5479 des Glaubens4102,

25 And this I surely know, that I shall be spared and remain for your joy and for the furtherance of your faith;

26 auf daß2443 ihr euch5216 sehr rühmen2745 möget in1722 Christo5547 JEsu2424 an1722 mir1698 durch1223 meine1699 Ankunft3952 wieder3825 zu4052 euch5209.

26 So that when I come again to you, your rejoicing in Jesus Christ will abound through me.

27 Wandelt4176 nur3440 würdiglich dem Evangelium2098 Christi5547, auf daß2443, ob1535 ich komme2064 und2532 sehe euch5209 oder1535 abwesend548 von, euch5216 höre191, daß3754 ihr1492 stehet4739 in1722 einem3391 Geist4151 und einer1520 See LE5590 und samt4866 uns kämpfet für4012 den Glauben4102 des Evangeliums2098

27 Only conduct yourselves as becomes the gospel of Christ: so that whether I come and see you, or whether I am far away, I may hear of your good conduct, that you are standing firm in one spirit, and in one soul, and triumphing together through the faith of the gospel;

28 und2532 euch5213 in1722 keinem Wege erschrecken lasset4426 von575 den3303 Widersachern480, welches ist2076 ein Anzeichen1732, ihnen der5259 Verdammnis684 euch aber1161 der3748 Seligkeit4991, und2532 dasselbige von GOtt2316.

28 And that in nothing are you terrified by our adversaries, whose conduct is the sign of their own destruction, but your salvation, and this is from God.

29 Denn5228 euch5213 ist gegeben5483, um5228 Christi5547 willen zu1519 tun, daß3754 ihr4100 nicht3756 allein3440 an ihn846 glaubet, sondern235 auch2532 um5228 seinetwillen leidet3958,

29 For it has been given to you, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for his sake.

30 und2532 habet denselbigen Kampf73, welchen3634 ihr846 an1722 mir1698 gesehen1492 habt2192 und nun3568 von1722 mir1698 höret191.

30 And that you may endure such trials as those which you have seen me in, and such as you now hear that I am in.