2 Chronicles

Chapter 4

1 Moreover he made6213 an altar4196 of brass,5178 twenty6242 cubits520 the length753 thereof, and twenty6242 cubits520 the breadth7341 thereof, and ten6235 cubits520 the height6967 thereof.

2 Also he made6213 853 a molten3332 sea3220 of ten6235 cubits520 from brim4480 8193 to413 brim,8193 round5696 in compass,5439 and five2568 cubits520 the height6967 thereof; and a line6957 of thirty7970 cubits520 did compass5437 it round about.5439

3 And under8478 it was the similitude1823 of oxen,1241 which did compass5437 it round about:5439 5439 ten6235 in a cubit,520 compassing5362 853 the sea3220 round about.5439 Two8147 rows2905 of oxen1241 were cast,3332 when it was cast.4166

4 It stood5975 upon5921 twelve8147 6240 oxen,1241 three7969 looking6437 toward the north,6828 and three7969 looking6437 toward the west,3220 and three7969 looking6437 toward the south,5045 and three7969 looking6437 toward the east:4217 and the sea3220 was set above4480 4605 upon5921 them, and all3605 their hinder parts268 were inward.1004

5 And the thickness5672 of it was a handbreadth,2947 and the brim8193 of it like the work4639 of the brim8193 of a cup,3563 with flowers6525 of lilies;7799 and it received2388 and held3557 three7969 thousand505 baths.1324

6 He made6213 also ten6235 lavers,3595 and put5414 five2568 on the right hand,4480 3225 and five2568 on the left,4480 8040 to wash7364 in them: 853 such things as they offered4639 for the burnt offering5930 they washed1740 in them; but the sea3220 was for the priests3548 to wash7364 in.

7 And he made6213 853 ten6235 candlesticks4501 of gold2091 according to their form,4941 and set5414 them in the temple,1964 five2568 on the right hand,4480 3225 and five2568 on the left.4480 8040

8 He made6213 also ten6235 tables,7979 and placed5117 them in the temple,1964 five2568 on the right side,4480 3225 and five2568 on the left.4480 8040 And he made6213 a hundred3967 basins4219 of gold.2091

9 Furthermore he made6213 the court2691 of the priests,3548 and the great1419 court,5835 and doors1817 for the court,5835 and overlaid6823 the doors1817 of them with brass.5178

10 And he set5414 the sea3220 on the right3233 side4480 3802 of the east end,6924 over against4480 4136 the south.5045

11 And Huram2361 made6213 853 the pots,5518 and the shovels,3257 and the basins.4219 And Huram2361 finished the work3615 6213 853 4399 that834 he was to make6213 for king4428 Solomon8010 for the house1004 of God;430

12 To wit, the two8147 pillars,5982 and the pommels,1543 and the chapiters3805 which were on5921 the top7218 of the two8147 pillars,5982 and the two8147 wreaths7639 to cover3680 853 the two8147 pommels1543 of the chapiters3805 which834 were on5921 the top7218 of the pillars;5982

13 And four702 hundred3967 pomegranates7416 on the two8147 wreaths;7639 two8147 rows2905 of pomegranates7416 on each259 wreath,7639 to cover3680 853 the two8147 pommels1543 of the chapiters3805 which834 were upon5921 6440 the pillars.5982

14 He made6213 also bases,4350 and lavers3595 made6213 he upon5921 the bases;4350

15 853 One259 sea,3220 and twelve8147 6240 oxen1241 under8478 it.

16 The pots5518 also, and the shovels,3257 and the fleshhooks,4207 and all3605 their instruments,3627 did Huram2361 his father1 make6213 to king4428 Solomon8010 for the house1004 of the LORD3068 of bright4838 brass.5178

17 In the plain3603 of Jordan3383 did the king4428 cast3332 them, in the clay4568 ground127 between996 Succoth5523 and Zeredathah.6868

18 Thus Solomon8010 made6213 all3605 these428 vessels3627 in great3966 abundance:7230 for3588 the weight4948 of the brass5178 could not3808 be found out.2713

19 And Solomon8010 made6213 853 all3605 the vessels3627 that834 were for the house1004 of God,430 the golden2091 altar4196 also, and the tables7979 whereon5921 the shewbread3899 6440 was set;

20 Moreover the candlesticks4501 with their lamps,5216 that they should burn1197 after the manner4941 before6440 the oracle,1687 of pure5462 gold;2091

21 And the flowers,6525 and the lamps,5216 and the tongs,4457 made he of gold,2091 and that1931 perfect4357 gold;2091

22 And the snuffers,4212 and the basins,4219 and the spoons,3709 and the censers,4289 of pure5462 gold:2091 and the entry6607 of the house,1004 the inner6442 doors1817 thereof for the most holy6944 6944 place, and the doors1817 of the house1004 of the temple,1964 were of gold.2091



1 他又製造一座銅壇,長二十肘,寬二十肘,高十肘;

2 又鑄一個銅海,樣式是圓的,高五肘,徑十肘,圍三十肘;


4 有十二隻銅牛馱海:三隻向北,三隻向西,三隻向南,三隻向東;海在牛上,牛尾向內;

5 海厚一掌,邊如杯邊,又如百合花,可容三千罷特;

6 又製造十個盆:五個放在右邊,五個放在左邊,獻燔祭所用之物都洗在其內;但海是為祭司沐浴的。

7 他又照所定的樣式造十個金燭臺[candlesticks]放在殿裏:五個在右邊,五個在左邊;

8 又造十張桌子放在殿裏:五張在右邊,五張在左邊;又造一百個金[basons]

9 又建立祭司院和大院,並院門,用銅包裹門扇;

10 將海安在朝東[east end]的右邊,與南邊相對[over against the south]

11 戶蘭又造了[pots]、鏟、[basons]。這樣,他為所羅門王作完了神殿的工。

12 所造的就是:兩根柱子和柱上兩個如球的頂,並兩個蓋柱頂的網子,

13 和四百石榴,安在兩個網子上,每網兩行蓋著兩個柱上如球的頂。

14 盆座和其上的盆,

15 海和海下的十二隻牛,

16 [pots]、鏟子、肉鍤子,與耶和華殿裏的一切器皿,都是巧匠戶蘭用光亮的銅為所羅門王造成的,

17 是在約旦平原疏割和撒利但中間藉膠泥鑄成的。

18 所羅門製造的這一切甚多,銅的輕重無法可查。

19 所羅門又造神殿裏的金壇和陳設餅的桌子,


21 [flowers]和燈盞,並蠟剪都是金的,且是純金的;

22 又用[pure]金製造鑷子、盤子、調羹、香爐[censers];至於殿門和至聖之[place]的門扇,並殿的門扇,都是精金作的[of gold]

2 Chronicles

Chapter 4



1 Moreover he made6213 an altar4196 of brass,5178 twenty6242 cubits520 the length753 thereof, and twenty6242 cubits520 the breadth7341 thereof, and ten6235 cubits520 the height6967 thereof.

1 他又製造一座銅壇,長二十肘,寬二十肘,高十肘;

2 Also he made6213 853 a molten3332 sea3220 of ten6235 cubits520 from brim4480 8193 to413 brim,8193 round5696 in compass,5439 and five2568 cubits520 the height6967 thereof; and a line6957 of thirty7970 cubits520 did compass5437 it round about.5439

2 又鑄一個銅海,樣式是圓的,高五肘,徑十肘,圍三十肘;

3 And under8478 it was the similitude1823 of oxen,1241 which did compass5437 it round about:5439 5439 ten6235 in a cubit,520 compassing5362 853 the sea3220 round about.5439 Two8147 rows2905 of oxen1241 were cast,3332 when it was cast.4166


4 It stood5975 upon5921 twelve8147 6240 oxen,1241 three7969 looking6437 toward the north,6828 and three7969 looking6437 toward the west,3220 and three7969 looking6437 toward the south,5045 and three7969 looking6437 toward the east:4217 and the sea3220 was set above4480 4605 upon5921 them, and all3605 their hinder parts268 were inward.1004

4 有十二隻銅牛馱海:三隻向北,三隻向西,三隻向南,三隻向東;海在牛上,牛尾向內;

5 And the thickness5672 of it was a handbreadth,2947 and the brim8193 of it like the work4639 of the brim8193 of a cup,3563 with flowers6525 of lilies;7799 and it received2388 and held3557 three7969 thousand505 baths.1324

5 海厚一掌,邊如杯邊,又如百合花,可容三千罷特;

6 He made6213 also ten6235 lavers,3595 and put5414 five2568 on the right hand,4480 3225 and five2568 on the left,4480 8040 to wash7364 in them: 853 such things as they offered4639 for the burnt offering5930 they washed1740 in them; but the sea3220 was for the priests3548 to wash7364 in.

6 又製造十個盆:五個放在右邊,五個放在左邊,獻燔祭所用之物都洗在其內;但海是為祭司沐浴的。

7 And he made6213 853 ten6235 candlesticks4501 of gold2091 according to their form,4941 and set5414 them in the temple,1964 five2568 on the right hand,4480 3225 and five2568 on the left.4480 8040

7 他又照所定的樣式造十個金燭臺[candlesticks]放在殿裏:五個在右邊,五個在左邊;

8 He made6213 also ten6235 tables,7979 and placed5117 them in the temple,1964 five2568 on the right side,4480 3225 and five2568 on the left.4480 8040 And he made6213 a hundred3967 basins4219 of gold.2091

8 又造十張桌子放在殿裏:五張在右邊,五張在左邊;又造一百個金[basons]

9 Furthermore he made6213 the court2691 of the priests,3548 and the great1419 court,5835 and doors1817 for the court,5835 and overlaid6823 the doors1817 of them with brass.5178

9 又建立祭司院和大院,並院門,用銅包裹門扇;

10 And he set5414 the sea3220 on the right3233 side4480 3802 of the east end,6924 over against4480 4136 the south.5045

10 將海安在朝東[east end]的右邊,與南邊相對[over against the south]

11 And Huram2361 made6213 853 the pots,5518 and the shovels,3257 and the basins.4219 And Huram2361 finished the work3615 6213 853 4399 that834 he was to make6213 for king4428 Solomon8010 for the house1004 of God;430

11 戶蘭又造了[pots]、鏟、[basons]。這樣,他為所羅門王作完了神殿的工。

12 To wit, the two8147 pillars,5982 and the pommels,1543 and the chapiters3805 which were on5921 the top7218 of the two8147 pillars,5982 and the two8147 wreaths7639 to cover3680 853 the two8147 pommels1543 of the chapiters3805 which834 were on5921 the top7218 of the pillars;5982

12 所造的就是:兩根柱子和柱上兩個如球的頂,並兩個蓋柱頂的網子,

13 And four702 hundred3967 pomegranates7416 on the two8147 wreaths;7639 two8147 rows2905 of pomegranates7416 on each259 wreath,7639 to cover3680 853 the two8147 pommels1543 of the chapiters3805 which834 were upon5921 6440 the pillars.5982

13 和四百石榴,安在兩個網子上,每網兩行蓋著兩個柱上如球的頂。

14 He made6213 also bases,4350 and lavers3595 made6213 he upon5921 the bases;4350

14 盆座和其上的盆,

15 853 One259 sea,3220 and twelve8147 6240 oxen1241 under8478 it.

15 海和海下的十二隻牛,

16 The pots5518 also, and the shovels,3257 and the fleshhooks,4207 and all3605 their instruments,3627 did Huram2361 his father1 make6213 to king4428 Solomon8010 for the house1004 of the LORD3068 of bright4838 brass.5178

16 [pots]、鏟子、肉鍤子,與耶和華殿裏的一切器皿,都是巧匠戶蘭用光亮的銅為所羅門王造成的,

17 In the plain3603 of Jordan3383 did the king4428 cast3332 them, in the clay4568 ground127 between996 Succoth5523 and Zeredathah.6868

17 是在約旦平原疏割和撒利但中間藉膠泥鑄成的。

18 Thus Solomon8010 made6213 all3605 these428 vessels3627 in great3966 abundance:7230 for3588 the weight4948 of the brass5178 could not3808 be found out.2713

18 所羅門製造的這一切甚多,銅的輕重無法可查。

19 And Solomon8010 made6213 853 all3605 the vessels3627 that834 were for the house1004 of God,430 the golden2091 altar4196 also, and the tables7979 whereon5921 the shewbread3899 6440 was set;

19 所羅門又造神殿裏的金壇和陳設餅的桌子,

20 Moreover the candlesticks4501 with their lamps,5216 that they should burn1197 after the manner4941 before6440 the oracle,1687 of pure5462 gold;2091


21 And the flowers,6525 and the lamps,5216 and the tongs,4457 made he of gold,2091 and that1931 perfect4357 gold;2091

21 [flowers]和燈盞,並蠟剪都是金的,且是純金的;

22 And the snuffers,4212 and the basins,4219 and the spoons,3709 and the censers,4289 of pure5462 gold:2091 and the entry6607 of the house,1004 the inner6442 doors1817 thereof for the most holy6944 6944 place, and the doors1817 of the house1004 of the temple,1964 were of gold.2091

22 又用[pure]金製造鑷子、盤子、調羹、香爐[censers];至於殿門和至聖之[place]的門扇,並殿的門扇,都是精金作的[of gold]