

1 書亞人必達曰、

2 主有權可凛、有威可畏、至上之域、咸賜綏康。

3 軍衆不勝數、光遠無不及、

4 斯世人之於上帝前、豈得爲義、婦女所生、何得言潔。

5 有主、而星月不能與之爭光、

6 世人若蚯蚓、豈得爲潔哉。


Chapter 25

1 Then answered6030 Bildad1085 the Shuhite,7747 and said,559

2 Dominion4910 and fear6343 are with him, he makes6213 peace7965 in his high4791 places.

3 Is there any number4557 of his armies?1416 and on whom4310 does not his light216 arise?6965

4 How4100 then can man582 be justified6663 with God?410 or how637 can he be clean2135 that is born3205 of a woman?802

5 Behold2005 even to the moon,3394 and it shines166 not; yes, the stars3556 are not pure2141 in his sight.5869

6 How4100 much637 less man,582 that is a worm?7415 and the son1121 of man,120 which is a worm?8438




Chapter 25

1 書亞人必達曰、

1 Then answered6030 Bildad1085 the Shuhite,7747 and said,559

2 主有權可凛、有威可畏、至上之域、咸賜綏康。

2 Dominion4910 and fear6343 are with him, he makes6213 peace7965 in his high4791 places.

3 軍衆不勝數、光遠無不及、

3 Is there any number4557 of his armies?1416 and on whom4310 does not his light216 arise?6965

4 斯世人之於上帝前、豈得爲義、婦女所生、何得言潔。

4 How4100 then can man582 be justified6663 with God?410 or how637 can he be clean2135 that is born3205 of a woman?802

5 有主、而星月不能與之爭光、

5 Behold2005 even to the moon,3394 and it shines166 not; yes, the stars3556 are not pure2141 in his sight.5869

6 世人若蚯蚓、豈得爲潔哉。

6 How4100 much637 less man,582 that is a worm?7415 and the son1121 of man,120 which is a worm?8438
