

1 大闢王告會衆曰、我子所羅門、尚在弱齡、上帝特遴選之、工作甚鉅、蓋殿非爲人也、乃爲上帝耶和華。

2 我爲上帝之殿、竭其才力、預備金銀、銅鐵、材木、俱適其用、碧玉以飾服、又有光石、彩石、寶石、花石、不可悉數。

3 上帝之殿、我素仰慕、所備建聖室外、取己所有之金銀以獻。

4 卽阿妃之金、四百五十萬兩、煆煉之銀、一千有五十萬兩、以飾殿牆。

5 金銀皆適所用、俾匠咸興工作、今有何人、從心所願、竭忠奉事耶和華乎。

6 於是以色列族長、與族中最著者、及千夫長、百夫長、一切爲王督役之人、俱樂輸焉。

7 得金七百五十六萬兩、銀一千五百萬兩、銅二千七百萬兩、鐵一萬五千萬兩、以供上帝殿之用。

8 有寶石者、則上獻、入耶和華殿之府庫、革順裔耶葉掌之。

9 民旣誠心樂輸、獻於耶和華、則盡歡忭。大闢王亦欣喜不勝、

10 在會衆前、頌禱耶和華曰、我祖以色列族之上帝耶和華歟、當頌美爾、永世靡曁。

11 耶和華有巨力大能、顯榮、赫奕、尊貴無倫、凡在天在地咸歸向爾、耶和華爲王、尊爲萬物主、

12 財貨尊榮、皆爾所得、爾理萬物、爾有巨能大力、使人昌大、使人強盛。

13 我上帝歟、爾名維顯、我頌讚尊榮之。

14 我何人斯、焉敢當樂輸之名、萬物由爾出、仍以爾物爲獻。

15 昔我列祖爲賓旅於爾前、我儕亦然、我生命如影、難冀其長存。

16 我上帝耶和華歟、我欲建殿、爲龥爾聖名之所、曾爲備材、不可悉數、咸屬於爾、亦由爾出。

17 我知上帝鑒察人心、真實無妄者、爲爾所喜、我誠心樂輸、爾民亦從心所願而樂輸、我見之懽然欣喜。

18 列祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、以色列之上帝耶和華歟、願使爾民恒懷斯心、以奉事爾、

19 賜我子所羅門、誠心守爾禁令、法度禮儀、我嘗備材、以建斯殿、亦願我子告厥成功。

20 大闢告衆曰、宜頌讚爾之上帝耶和華。會衆遂頌讚列祖之上帝耶和華、伏拜耶和華與王。

21 詰朝以色列族衆、獻燔祭奉事耶和華、千犢、千羊、千羔、與其禮物、酒以灌奠、不可勝數。

22 在耶和華前、式飲式食、欣喜懽忭、以大闢子所羅門再立爲王、奉耶和華命、沐之以膏、俾作民主、以撒督爲祭司長、

23 所羅門得耶和華命、繼父大闢之位、無不亨通。以色列族衆聽從其命。

24 羣臣豪傑、與大闢王衆子、服所羅門王。

25 耶和華使所羅門昌大於以色列族中、賜其家國尊榮、超軼以色列前王。

26 耶西子大闢治以色列四十年、在希伯崙七年、在耶路撒冷三十三年。

27 併於上節

28 壽高年邁、財貨尊榮、子所羅門繼位。

29 先見者撒母耳、先知拿單及先見者伽得之書、載大闢事特詳、

30 其秉鈞能力、及以色列四方列國所歴之事、俱載斯書。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 29

1 MOREOVER David the king said to all the assemblies of Israel, This Solomon my son is still a small boy, and yet the LORD has chosen him out of all my sons, because he is wise and has understanding, and this work which is given to him is not small, but it is great; for such a task has never been given to any man; now therefore be strong and of good courage, because the work belongs to the LORD our God.

2 Now I have provided with all my might and with all my wealth everything which is necessary for the house of the LORD my God: the gold for things to be made of gold, the silver for things of silver, the brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood; and cedars for things of cedar; precious stones and pearls.

3 Moreover, everything which is necessary for the house I have provided of my own sacrifices; I have also provided money for the expenses of the house of my God of my own sacrifices;

4 One million talents of gold, of fine gold, and two million talents of silver, to overlay the walls of the house:

5 The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for all manner of work to be made by craftsmen, so that the work may be completed in its month, and that no work should be left undone, but be finished in its due time, according to the expenses thereof.

6 Then the chiefs of the fathers and the princes of the tribes of Israel and the commanders of thousands and of hundreds and the overseers of the king's work gathered together

7 And gave for the service of the house of the LORD five thousand gold talents and fine tin for the pipes two hundred thousand talents and silver twenty thousand talents and of Corinthian brass seventy thousand talents and one hundred thousand talents of iron.

8 Moreover they gave silver and gold, offering them willingly to the treasury of the house of the LORD by the hand of Gershon the treasurer.

9 Then all the people of Israel rejoiced in all these gifts because David offered them with perfect heart willingly before the LORD; and David also rejoiced with great joy. Therefore David sang great praises to the LORD.

10 Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the assemblies of Israel: and David said. Blessed be thou, O LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever.

11 For thine, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the beauty and the majesty and the honor; for thou art the ruler over all that is in the heaven and on the earth; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and the wisdom and the might and the knowledge.

12 Both riches and honor come of thee, and thou rulest over all; and in thy hand is power and might; and in thy hand is to make great and to give strength to all creations which thou hast created.

13 Even now, O LORD our God, we thank thee and praise thy glorious name.

14 But who am I and what is my people, because all my teachers have taught me that thy way of life has helped us, and thou art our hope, O LORD our God.

15 For we are like the proverb of vapor and of the potter, and we are sojourners before thee and a small people in the world, but thou didst rule over our fathers of old, and thou didst command them by which way they should walk and live.

16 And to thee we offer praise, O LORD our God, that thou mightest save us from all those who harm us, for the nations reproach us, saying, Where is your God, whom you serve?

17 I know also, my God, that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have sung all these praises; and now I have seen that thy people who are present here praise thee with a great joy, saying,

18 O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers kept all these things which thou hast promised us for ever, and now turn away our heart from evil, that we may not sin before thee, and prepare our hearts to worship thee.

19 And I David answered and said thus: O LORD my God, give to Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all these things which I have commanded, and to build the temple for which I have made provision; for thy great name will be hallowed and praised in the world which thou hast created, in the presence of those who worship thee.

20 Then David said to all the people of Israel, Now bless the LORD your God. And all the people blessed the LORD God of their fathers, and bowed down and worshipped the LORD, and they also blessed King David.

21 And they offered sacrifices to the LORD and offered burnt offerings to the LORD, and on the next day they sacrificed a thousand bullocks and a thousand rams and a thousand lambs, with their drink offerings, and sacrificed in abundance for all Israel;

22 And they did eat and drink before the LORD on that day with great gladness. And they made Solomon the son of David king, and appointed Zadok to be the priest.

23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of the kingdom of the LORD as king instead of David his father, and prospered; and all Israel obeyed him.

24 And all the mighty men and all the sons of King David submitted themselves to Solomon his son.

25 And the LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king of Israel who had been before him.

26 Thus David the son of Jesse made Solomon his son king over all Israel.

27 Now the time that David reigned over all Israel was forty years; he reigned seven years in Hebron and thirty-three years he reigned in Jerusalem, over all Israel and Judah.

28 And David the son of Jesse died in a good old age, full of days and great in worldly riches and honor; and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.

29 Now the acts of David the king from first to last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the prophet and in the book of Nathan the prophet and in the book of Gad the prophet,

30 With all his reign and his might and the times that passed over him and over Israel and over all the kingdoms of the countries. David did that which was good in the presence of the LORD, and he transgressed not against anything that he commanded him all the days of his life.



1 Chronicles

Chapter 29

1 大闢王告會衆曰、我子所羅門、尚在弱齡、上帝特遴選之、工作甚鉅、蓋殿非爲人也、乃爲上帝耶和華。

1 MOREOVER David the king said to all the assemblies of Israel, This Solomon my son is still a small boy, and yet the LORD has chosen him out of all my sons, because he is wise and has understanding, and this work which is given to him is not small, but it is great; for such a task has never been given to any man; now therefore be strong and of good courage, because the work belongs to the LORD our God.

2 我爲上帝之殿、竭其才力、預備金銀、銅鐵、材木、俱適其用、碧玉以飾服、又有光石、彩石、寶石、花石、不可悉數。

2 Now I have provided with all my might and with all my wealth everything which is necessary for the house of the LORD my God: the gold for things to be made of gold, the silver for things of silver, the brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood; and cedars for things of cedar; precious stones and pearls.

3 上帝之殿、我素仰慕、所備建聖室外、取己所有之金銀以獻。

3 Moreover, everything which is necessary for the house I have provided of my own sacrifices; I have also provided money for the expenses of the house of my God of my own sacrifices;

4 卽阿妃之金、四百五十萬兩、煆煉之銀、一千有五十萬兩、以飾殿牆。

4 One million talents of gold, of fine gold, and two million talents of silver, to overlay the walls of the house:

5 金銀皆適所用、俾匠咸興工作、今有何人、從心所願、竭忠奉事耶和華乎。

5 The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for all manner of work to be made by craftsmen, so that the work may be completed in its month, and that no work should be left undone, but be finished in its due time, according to the expenses thereof.

6 於是以色列族長、與族中最著者、及千夫長、百夫長、一切爲王督役之人、俱樂輸焉。

6 Then the chiefs of the fathers and the princes of the tribes of Israel and the commanders of thousands and of hundreds and the overseers of the king's work gathered together

7 得金七百五十六萬兩、銀一千五百萬兩、銅二千七百萬兩、鐵一萬五千萬兩、以供上帝殿之用。

7 And gave for the service of the house of the LORD five thousand gold talents and fine tin for the pipes two hundred thousand talents and silver twenty thousand talents and of Corinthian brass seventy thousand talents and one hundred thousand talents of iron.

8 有寶石者、則上獻、入耶和華殿之府庫、革順裔耶葉掌之。

8 Moreover they gave silver and gold, offering them willingly to the treasury of the house of the LORD by the hand of Gershon the treasurer.

9 民旣誠心樂輸、獻於耶和華、則盡歡忭。大闢王亦欣喜不勝、

9 Then all the people of Israel rejoiced in all these gifts because David offered them with perfect heart willingly before the LORD; and David also rejoiced with great joy. Therefore David sang great praises to the LORD.

10 在會衆前、頌禱耶和華曰、我祖以色列族之上帝耶和華歟、當頌美爾、永世靡曁。

10 Wherefore David blessed the LORD before all the assemblies of Israel: and David said. Blessed be thou, O LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever.

11 耶和華有巨力大能、顯榮、赫奕、尊貴無倫、凡在天在地咸歸向爾、耶和華爲王、尊爲萬物主、

11 For thine, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the beauty and the majesty and the honor; for thou art the ruler over all that is in the heaven and on the earth; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and the wisdom and the might and the knowledge.

12 財貨尊榮、皆爾所得、爾理萬物、爾有巨能大力、使人昌大、使人強盛。

12 Both riches and honor come of thee, and thou rulest over all; and in thy hand is power and might; and in thy hand is to make great and to give strength to all creations which thou hast created.

13 我上帝歟、爾名維顯、我頌讚尊榮之。

13 Even now, O LORD our God, we thank thee and praise thy glorious name.

14 我何人斯、焉敢當樂輸之名、萬物由爾出、仍以爾物爲獻。

14 But who am I and what is my people, because all my teachers have taught me that thy way of life has helped us, and thou art our hope, O LORD our God.

15 昔我列祖爲賓旅於爾前、我儕亦然、我生命如影、難冀其長存。

15 For we are like the proverb of vapor and of the potter, and we are sojourners before thee and a small people in the world, but thou didst rule over our fathers of old, and thou didst command them by which way they should walk and live.

16 我上帝耶和華歟、我欲建殿、爲龥爾聖名之所、曾爲備材、不可悉數、咸屬於爾、亦由爾出。

16 And to thee we offer praise, O LORD our God, that thou mightest save us from all those who harm us, for the nations reproach us, saying, Where is your God, whom you serve?

17 我知上帝鑒察人心、真實無妄者、爲爾所喜、我誠心樂輸、爾民亦從心所願而樂輸、我見之懽然欣喜。

17 I know also, my God, that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have sung all these praises; and now I have seen that thy people who are present here praise thee with a great joy, saying,

18 列祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、以色列之上帝耶和華歟、願使爾民恒懷斯心、以奉事爾、

18 O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers kept all these things which thou hast promised us for ever, and now turn away our heart from evil, that we may not sin before thee, and prepare our hearts to worship thee.

19 賜我子所羅門、誠心守爾禁令、法度禮儀、我嘗備材、以建斯殿、亦願我子告厥成功。

19 And I David answered and said thus: O LORD my God, give to Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all these things which I have commanded, and to build the temple for which I have made provision; for thy great name will be hallowed and praised in the world which thou hast created, in the presence of those who worship thee.

20 大闢告衆曰、宜頌讚爾之上帝耶和華。會衆遂頌讚列祖之上帝耶和華、伏拜耶和華與王。

20 Then David said to all the people of Israel, Now bless the LORD your God. And all the people blessed the LORD God of their fathers, and bowed down and worshipped the LORD, and they also blessed King David.

21 詰朝以色列族衆、獻燔祭奉事耶和華、千犢、千羊、千羔、與其禮物、酒以灌奠、不可勝數。

21 And they offered sacrifices to the LORD and offered burnt offerings to the LORD, and on the next day they sacrificed a thousand bullocks and a thousand rams and a thousand lambs, with their drink offerings, and sacrificed in abundance for all Israel;

22 在耶和華前、式飲式食、欣喜懽忭、以大闢子所羅門再立爲王、奉耶和華命、沐之以膏、俾作民主、以撒督爲祭司長、

22 And they did eat and drink before the LORD on that day with great gladness. And they made Solomon the son of David king, and appointed Zadok to be the priest.

23 所羅門得耶和華命、繼父大闢之位、無不亨通。以色列族衆聽從其命。

23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of the kingdom of the LORD as king instead of David his father, and prospered; and all Israel obeyed him.

24 羣臣豪傑、與大闢王衆子、服所羅門王。

24 And all the mighty men and all the sons of King David submitted themselves to Solomon his son.

25 耶和華使所羅門昌大於以色列族中、賜其家國尊榮、超軼以色列前王。

25 And the LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king of Israel who had been before him.

26 耶西子大闢治以色列四十年、在希伯崙七年、在耶路撒冷三十三年。

26 Thus David the son of Jesse made Solomon his son king over all Israel.

27 併於上節

27 Now the time that David reigned over all Israel was forty years; he reigned seven years in Hebron and thirty-three years he reigned in Jerusalem, over all Israel and Judah.

28 壽高年邁、財貨尊榮、子所羅門繼位。

28 And David the son of Jesse died in a good old age, full of days and great in worldly riches and honor; and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.

29 先見者撒母耳、先知拿單及先見者伽得之書、載大闢事特詳、

29 Now the acts of David the king from first to last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the prophet and in the book of Nathan the prophet and in the book of Gad the prophet,

30 其秉鈞能力、及以色列四方列國所歴之事、俱載斯書。

30 With all his reign and his might and the times that passed over him and over Israel and over all the kingdoms of the countries. David did that which was good in the presence of the LORD, and he transgressed not against anything that he commanded him all the days of his life.
