

1 以賽亞以推羅之事、得之默示者、述於左、推羅喪敗、宅第全墟、關梁已毁、大失羣舟、泊於基底、聞之哭泣不已。

2 昔西頓商賈、航海而來、載厥貨財、藏於推羅洲島、今其地之民、震慴不勝、夫推羅本爲輻湊之區、

3 西曷河畔之民、載穀而至、

4 推羅之城、築於海中、自謂生齒蕃衍、若母之育子女、今則無矣、西頓之民、聞言無不媿恧。

5 埃及人聞推羅遘災、爲之傷感靡窮、

6 洲島居民、哀聲慘戚、遷於大失。

7 自古以來、推羅之民、歡愉悅懌、今則遷徙遠方。

8 推羅商賈、尊同牧伯、封人爲君、今遘患難、孰定斯命。

9 萬有之主耶和華已定命焉、變榮爲辱、降尊爲卑、

10 大失居民、遨遊於四方、如河水四溢、推羅人不復挾制爾矣。

11 耶和華舉手撼瀕海之國、頒詔墮迦南之城、曰、

12 西頓人見敗、若處子被玷、不復忻喜、雖往基底不獲安居、

13 昔迦勒底未建國時、其民爲野民、亞述人使之雜處、今築崇臺、毁推羅之宮殿、悉爲瓦礫。

14 推羅之城、夙稱鞏固、今城已亡、大失舟子、無不號泣。

15 當是時、推羅爲巴比倫之王統轄、人不復念及者七十年、旣逾其期、推羅人必將歡樂、若妓之謳歌。

16 歌曰、推羅之人、昔爲人所遺忘者、必鼓瑟鼓琴、若優若妓、逍遙城闥、反復謳吟、使人追憶。

17 旣越七十年、耶和華將赦宥推羅、推羅人復圖厥利、與天下列國、貿易相通。

18 推彼貨財、不藏於室、獻於耶和華崇事耶和華之人、必獲其利、飲食甘旨、衣服麗都。


Chapter 23

1 THE prophecy concerning the fall of Tyre. Howl, O ships of Tarshish! for he who brings merchandise is plundered; from the land of China the news has been revealed to us.

2 Be still, O inhabitants of the islands, the merchants of Zidon that passed over the sea.

3 Your commerce is on many waters, O offspring of merchants; the harvest of the river is her revenue, and she is a mart of nations.

4 Be ashamed, O Zidon; for the sea has spoken, even the strength of the sea, saying, I have neither been in travail nor have I given birth to children, neither have I reared young men nor brought up virgins.

5 When the news reaches Egypt, they will be in pain over the report of Tyre.

6 Pass over to Tarshish; howl, O you inhabitants of the islands.

7 Is this your mighty city, whose antiquity is of ancient days? Her own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn.

8 Who has taken this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose traders are the honorable of the earth?

9 The LORD of hosts has purposed it, to bring to an end the glory of every mighty man and to bring into dishonor all the honorable men of the earth.

10 Pass through your land like a river, O daughter of Tarshish; there is no one to drive you away.

11 He stretched out his hand over the sea, he shook the kingdoms; the LORD has given a commandment against Canaan to destroy its mighty men.

12 And he said, You shall no more become mighty, O you oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon; arise, pass over to China; there also you shall have no rest.

13 Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this is the people, and not the Assyrians, who destroyed it; they appointed spies who spied on her palaces, and they brought it to ruin.

14 Howl, O ships of Tarshish; for your stronghold is plundered.

15 And it shall come to pass in that day that Tyre shall be forgotten for seventy years, according to the days of one king; after the end of seventy years they shall sing to Tyre a harlot's song.

16 Take a harp, go about the city, O you harlot that has been forgotten; play sweet melodies, sing many songs, that you may be remembered.

17 And it shall come to pass at the end of seventy years that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her traffic and commit fornications with all the kingdoms that are upon the face of the earth.

18 And her merchandise and her hire shall be sanctified to the LORD; it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat abundantly, and replace their old garments with new ones.




Chapter 23

1 以賽亞以推羅之事、得之默示者、述於左、推羅喪敗、宅第全墟、關梁已毁、大失羣舟、泊於基底、聞之哭泣不已。

1 THE prophecy concerning the fall of Tyre. Howl, O ships of Tarshish! for he who brings merchandise is plundered; from the land of China the news has been revealed to us.

2 昔西頓商賈、航海而來、載厥貨財、藏於推羅洲島、今其地之民、震慴不勝、夫推羅本爲輻湊之區、

2 Be still, O inhabitants of the islands, the merchants of Zidon that passed over the sea.

3 西曷河畔之民、載穀而至、

3 Your commerce is on many waters, O offspring of merchants; the harvest of the river is her revenue, and she is a mart of nations.

4 推羅之城、築於海中、自謂生齒蕃衍、若母之育子女、今則無矣、西頓之民、聞言無不媿恧。

4 Be ashamed, O Zidon; for the sea has spoken, even the strength of the sea, saying, I have neither been in travail nor have I given birth to children, neither have I reared young men nor brought up virgins.

5 埃及人聞推羅遘災、爲之傷感靡窮、

5 When the news reaches Egypt, they will be in pain over the report of Tyre.

6 洲島居民、哀聲慘戚、遷於大失。

6 Pass over to Tarshish; howl, O you inhabitants of the islands.

7 自古以來、推羅之民、歡愉悅懌、今則遷徙遠方。

7 Is this your mighty city, whose antiquity is of ancient days? Her own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn.

8 推羅商賈、尊同牧伯、封人爲君、今遘患難、孰定斯命。

8 Who has taken this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose traders are the honorable of the earth?

9 萬有之主耶和華已定命焉、變榮爲辱、降尊爲卑、

9 The LORD of hosts has purposed it, to bring to an end the glory of every mighty man and to bring into dishonor all the honorable men of the earth.

10 大失居民、遨遊於四方、如河水四溢、推羅人不復挾制爾矣。

10 Pass through your land like a river, O daughter of Tarshish; there is no one to drive you away.

11 耶和華舉手撼瀕海之國、頒詔墮迦南之城、曰、

11 He stretched out his hand over the sea, he shook the kingdoms; the LORD has given a commandment against Canaan to destroy its mighty men.

12 西頓人見敗、若處子被玷、不復忻喜、雖往基底不獲安居、

12 And he said, You shall no more become mighty, O you oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon; arise, pass over to China; there also you shall have no rest.

13 昔迦勒底未建國時、其民爲野民、亞述人使之雜處、今築崇臺、毁推羅之宮殿、悉爲瓦礫。

13 Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this is the people, and not the Assyrians, who destroyed it; they appointed spies who spied on her palaces, and they brought it to ruin.

14 推羅之城、夙稱鞏固、今城已亡、大失舟子、無不號泣。

14 Howl, O ships of Tarshish; for your stronghold is plundered.

15 當是時、推羅爲巴比倫之王統轄、人不復念及者七十年、旣逾其期、推羅人必將歡樂、若妓之謳歌。

15 And it shall come to pass in that day that Tyre shall be forgotten for seventy years, according to the days of one king; after the end of seventy years they shall sing to Tyre a harlot's song.

16 歌曰、推羅之人、昔爲人所遺忘者、必鼓瑟鼓琴、若優若妓、逍遙城闥、反復謳吟、使人追憶。

16 Take a harp, go about the city, O you harlot that has been forgotten; play sweet melodies, sing many songs, that you may be remembered.

17 旣越七十年、耶和華將赦宥推羅、推羅人復圖厥利、與天下列國、貿易相通。

17 And it shall come to pass at the end of seventy years that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her traffic and commit fornications with all the kingdoms that are upon the face of the earth.

18 推彼貨財、不藏於室、獻於耶和華崇事耶和華之人、必獲其利、飲食甘旨、衣服麗都。

18 And her merchandise and her hire shall be sanctified to the LORD; it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat abundantly, and replace their old garments with new ones.
