

1 殷殷其雷、我聞其聲、

2 中心戰慄、不勝震動、

3 電光閃爍、自天隅至地極、

4 電光旣閃、雷聲震轟、雷聲旣發、電火照彰。

5 上帝行雷、其聲甚奇、神妙莫測、

6 上帝降雪霏微、下雨滂沱、

7 人不得操作、欽崇其主、

8 百獸入穴、羣居其藪、

9 飄風自南而來、寒氣自北而集、

10 大風起而堅冰至、巨川凝結。

11 天朗氣爽、靉靆俱散、

12 氣候推遷、俱遵主命、行乎天下、皆成其意、

13 或降以災、或施以恩、潤澤土壤。

14 約百乎、請聽我言、試思上帝神妙、

15 無所不知、治理萬事、

16 靉靆懸空、電閃其間、奇幻莫測、爾知之乎。

17 薰風和暢、兆民溫煦、

18 上帝開闢穹蒼、奠定無爲、如鑑之空、爾能佐理之乎。

19 我儕愚昧、不能置辯、爾能教我乎。

20 人議上帝、必見殘滅、吾人不敢以所言升聞於上、

21 靉靆蔽空、日光忽匿、狂飆倏至、天雲捲盡、

22 金光現於北方、上帝有威可畏、

23 全能之主、妙不可測、巨能至義、一秉大公、待人無偏、

24 雖智者亦有所不知、故人當寅畏焉。


Chapter 37

1 AT this also man's heart trembles, and is moved out of its place.

2 Listen attentively to the raging of his voice, and the judgment that goes out of his mouth.

3 Under the whole of heaven the people shall praise him, and his light shines upon the ends of the earth.

4 In his own place, he thunders with the voice of his excellency; and he will not need to search them out when his voice is heard.

5 God thunders with his voice; great and marvellous things does he, which we cannot understand.

6 For he said to the snow, Fall on the earth; likewise to the gentle rain, and to the heavy rain;

7 He limits the power of every man, that all men may know his work.

8 Then the wild beasts go into their lurking places, and remain in their dens.

9 Out of the inner chambers comes the whirlwind; and cold out of the downpour.

10 By the breath of God ice is given; and he causes abundant water to pour down.

11 The clouds are stretched out greatly; he spreads the clouds by his light.

12 And they turn round about by his counsels, that they may do whatever he commands them upon the face of his habitable earth.

13 He causes it to rain, whether it be for the princes or for the land or for kindness to those who are found upon it.

14 Hearken to this, O Job: listen and consider the wondrous works of God.

15 Do you know what God has ordained for them, and what causes the light of his clouds to shine?

16 Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge?

17 Do you know why your garments get hot when the earth changes its position after the equinox?

18 Were you with him when he spread out the great sky, helping him hold it up?

19 Teach us what we shall say to him, that we may not hide because of the darkness.

20 Relate to him that which he has said; and if a man speaks, surely he shall be consumed.

21 And now men cannot see the light which shines in the sky; but the wind passes and cleanses it.

22 Golden gleams come out of the north; and light shines from God.

23 As for the Almighty, he is excellent in power and in justice; the Prince of the righteous will not afflict his people.

24 Therefore men shall fear him, and all that are wise in heart shall tremble before him.




Chapter 37

1 殷殷其雷、我聞其聲、

1 AT this also man's heart trembles, and is moved out of its place.

2 中心戰慄、不勝震動、

2 Listen attentively to the raging of his voice, and the judgment that goes out of his mouth.

3 電光閃爍、自天隅至地極、

3 Under the whole of heaven the people shall praise him, and his light shines upon the ends of the earth.

4 電光旣閃、雷聲震轟、雷聲旣發、電火照彰。

4 In his own place, he thunders with the voice of his excellency; and he will not need to search them out when his voice is heard.

5 上帝行雷、其聲甚奇、神妙莫測、

5 God thunders with his voice; great and marvellous things does he, which we cannot understand.

6 上帝降雪霏微、下雨滂沱、

6 For he said to the snow, Fall on the earth; likewise to the gentle rain, and to the heavy rain;

7 人不得操作、欽崇其主、

7 He limits the power of every man, that all men may know his work.

8 百獸入穴、羣居其藪、

8 Then the wild beasts go into their lurking places, and remain in their dens.

9 飄風自南而來、寒氣自北而集、

9 Out of the inner chambers comes the whirlwind; and cold out of the downpour.

10 大風起而堅冰至、巨川凝結。

10 By the breath of God ice is given; and he causes abundant water to pour down.

11 天朗氣爽、靉靆俱散、

11 The clouds are stretched out greatly; he spreads the clouds by his light.

12 氣候推遷、俱遵主命、行乎天下、皆成其意、

12 And they turn round about by his counsels, that they may do whatever he commands them upon the face of his habitable earth.

13 或降以災、或施以恩、潤澤土壤。

13 He causes it to rain, whether it be for the princes or for the land or for kindness to those who are found upon it.

14 約百乎、請聽我言、試思上帝神妙、

14 Hearken to this, O Job: listen and consider the wondrous works of God.

15 無所不知、治理萬事、

15 Do you know what God has ordained for them, and what causes the light of his clouds to shine?

16 靉靆懸空、電閃其間、奇幻莫測、爾知之乎。

16 Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge?

17 薰風和暢、兆民溫煦、

17 Do you know why your garments get hot when the earth changes its position after the equinox?

18 上帝開闢穹蒼、奠定無爲、如鑑之空、爾能佐理之乎。

18 Were you with him when he spread out the great sky, helping him hold it up?

19 我儕愚昧、不能置辯、爾能教我乎。

19 Teach us what we shall say to him, that we may not hide because of the darkness.

20 人議上帝、必見殘滅、吾人不敢以所言升聞於上、

20 Relate to him that which he has said; and if a man speaks, surely he shall be consumed.

21 靉靆蔽空、日光忽匿、狂飆倏至、天雲捲盡、

21 And now men cannot see the light which shines in the sky; but the wind passes and cleanses it.

22 金光現於北方、上帝有威可畏、

22 Golden gleams come out of the north; and light shines from God.

23 全能之主、妙不可測、巨能至義、一秉大公、待人無偏、

23 As for the Almighty, he is excellent in power and in justice; the Prince of the righteous will not afflict his people.

24 雖智者亦有所不知、故人當寅畏焉。

24 Therefore men shall fear him, and all that are wise in heart shall tremble before him.
