

1 請爾恕我、少恕我狂、

2 我念上帝、熱中戀慕爾、我已聘爾、如貞女獻一夫、卽基督、

3 昔蛇欺惑夏娃、我懼爾心見誘、不誠信基督亦若是、

4 如他人就爾傳耶穌、異於我所傳者、或爾今受神、異於昔所受者、或爾今承福音、異於昔所承者、則聽其人、可也、

5 我自謂不亞於至大使徒、

6 余言雖拙、而中實智、我常顯明於爾、

7 我卑以自牧、傳上帝福音、不傷爾財、使爾高舉、是耶否耶、

8 余取値於他會、以爲爾役、

9 晤對時而用不足、我不累乎人、自有馬其頓兄弟助予、凡事我已自防、又將自防、免致累爾、

10 我法基督、言無不實、余在亞該亞全地、所自詡者、無人謂我食言、

11 其不累爾、何歟、豈不愛爾乎、上帝知之、

12 余昔行是、今亦將行是、彼所謀者、吾絕其謀、使其自詡、卒無異我、

13 彼冒使徒、僞者也、貌爲基督使徒、

14 斯何奇之有、蓋撒但貌爲光明天使、

15 其役貌爲義役、寕有甚奇、其報必依所行、

16 余言人不可以我爲狂、旣以我爲狂而納我、則亦聽我自詡、

17 余今所言、非主命也、乃若狂而大詡、

18 如衆以外貌自詡、則吾亦可自詡、

19 爾固智者、見人之狂、淡然聽之、

20 若人僕爾、啖爾、取爾、自傲而批爾、爾則聽之、

21 余言若狂、有辱我者、謂我庸劣、如彼儼然、余亦儼然、

22 彼希伯來人、余亦然、彼以色列人、余亦然、彼亞伯拉罕裔、余亦然、

23 彼基督僕、而余言若狂、我有大於此者、我愈賢勞、愈受箠楚、繫獄者屢矣、瀕死者屢矣、

24 猶太人五次鞭我、每四十减一、

25 余三次受杖、一次石擊、三次舟壞、一日一夜、余在深海、

26 常爲旅、於河流而危、遭寇而危、遇同宗而危、在異邦而危、邑中野外而危、航海而危、僞兄弟中而危、

27 勤勞而苦、屢不寢、饑而渴、常禁食、寒而裸、

28 此外事也、若諸會之事、則又余日所關心、

29 誰信不篤、而余不體之乎、誰棄信、而我心不如焚乎、

30 若我當誇、必誇我柔、

31 恆久可頌吾主耶穌基督之父上帝、知吾不偽矣、

32 在大馬色亞哩達王之邑長守城、欲執我、

33 但余由牗以筐、自牆鎚而脫之矣、

2 Corinthians

Chapter 11

1 I WISH you to be patient with me for a while, so that I may speak plainly, and I am sure you will be.

2 For I am zealous for you with the zealousness of God, for I have espoused you to a husband, that I may present you as a pure virgin to Christ.

3 But I am afraid, that just as the serpent through his deceitfulness misled Eve, so your minds should be corrupted from the sincerity that is in Christ.

4 For if he who has come to you preaches another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if you have received another spirit, which you had not received, or another gospel which you had not accepted, you might well listen to him.

5 For I think that I am not in the least inferior to the most distinguished apostles.

6 But though I am a poor speaker, I am not poor in knowledge; but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things.

7 Probably I have acted foolishly in humbling myself that you might be exalted, because I preached to you the gospel of God freely.

8 I deprived other churches, taking supplies from them, in order to minister to you.

9 And when I came to you and was in need, I did not burden any of you for my wants were supplied by the brethren who came from Mac-e-do'ni-a : I have taken care of myself in every way and I will so continue to keep myself that I will not be a burden to you.

10 As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of A-cha'ia.

11 Why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do love you.

12 But what I do, I will continue to do, so as to give no occasion to those who seek an occasion; and that, in whatever they boast, they may not be found equal to us;

13 For they are false apostles, and deceitful workers, posing as apostles of Christ.

14 There is no marvel in this; for if Satan disguises himself as the angel of light,

15 It is no great thing if his ministers also pose as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

16 I say again, let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little.

17 What I now say, I speak not after our LORD, but as it were foolishly, on this occasion of boasting.

18 Because many boast on the things of the flesh, I boast also.

19 For you endure fools readily, knowing that you yourselves are wise.

20 For you endure the man who dominates you, and the man who lives at your expense, and the man who takes from you, and the man who exalts himself over you, and the man who smites you on the face.

21 I speak this as a reproach, as though we were weak. Now I speak foolishly; in whatsoever other men are bold, I venture also.

22 Now if they are Hebrews, so am I. If they are Israelites, so am I. If they are descendants of Abraham, so am I.

23 If they are ministers of Christ, I speak as a fool, I am greater than they; in labor more than they, in wounds more than they, in imprisonments more frequent than they, and in danger of death many times.

24 By the Jews I was scourged five times, each time forty stripes less one.

25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was in shipwreck, a day and a night I have been adrift in the sea in shipwreck.

26 On many journeys, I have been in perils from rivers, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own kinsmen, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from false brethren;

27 In toil and weariness, in sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, through much fasting, in cold and nakedness.

28 Besides other things, and the many calling on me everyday, I have also the care of all the churches.

29 Who is sick that I do not feel the pain? Who stumbles that does not have my heartfelt sympathy?

30 If I must needs boast, I will boast of my sufferings.

31 The God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever and ever, knows that I do not lie.

32 At Damascus the general of the army of King Aretas placed the city of the Damascenes under guard, in order to seize me:

33 And I was lowered in a basket from a window over the city wall, and thus I escaped from his hands.



2 Corinthians

Chapter 11

1 請爾恕我、少恕我狂、

1 I WISH you to be patient with me for a while, so that I may speak plainly, and I am sure you will be.

2 我念上帝、熱中戀慕爾、我已聘爾、如貞女獻一夫、卽基督、

2 For I am zealous for you with the zealousness of God, for I have espoused you to a husband, that I may present you as a pure virgin to Christ.

3 昔蛇欺惑夏娃、我懼爾心見誘、不誠信基督亦若是、

3 But I am afraid, that just as the serpent through his deceitfulness misled Eve, so your minds should be corrupted from the sincerity that is in Christ.

4 如他人就爾傳耶穌、異於我所傳者、或爾今受神、異於昔所受者、或爾今承福音、異於昔所承者、則聽其人、可也、

4 For if he who has come to you preaches another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if you have received another spirit, which you had not received, or another gospel which you had not accepted, you might well listen to him.

5 我自謂不亞於至大使徒、

5 For I think that I am not in the least inferior to the most distinguished apostles.

6 余言雖拙、而中實智、我常顯明於爾、

6 But though I am a poor speaker, I am not poor in knowledge; but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things.

7 我卑以自牧、傳上帝福音、不傷爾財、使爾高舉、是耶否耶、

7 Probably I have acted foolishly in humbling myself that you might be exalted, because I preached to you the gospel of God freely.

8 余取値於他會、以爲爾役、

8 I deprived other churches, taking supplies from them, in order to minister to you.

9 晤對時而用不足、我不累乎人、自有馬其頓兄弟助予、凡事我已自防、又將自防、免致累爾、

9 And when I came to you and was in need, I did not burden any of you for my wants were supplied by the brethren who came from Mac-e-do'ni-a : I have taken care of myself in every way and I will so continue to keep myself that I will not be a burden to you.

10 我法基督、言無不實、余在亞該亞全地、所自詡者、無人謂我食言、

10 As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of A-cha'ia.

11 其不累爾、何歟、豈不愛爾乎、上帝知之、

11 Why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do love you.

12 余昔行是、今亦將行是、彼所謀者、吾絕其謀、使其自詡、卒無異我、

12 But what I do, I will continue to do, so as to give no occasion to those who seek an occasion; and that, in whatever they boast, they may not be found equal to us;

13 彼冒使徒、僞者也、貌爲基督使徒、

13 For they are false apostles, and deceitful workers, posing as apostles of Christ.

14 斯何奇之有、蓋撒但貌爲光明天使、

14 There is no marvel in this; for if Satan disguises himself as the angel of light,

15 其役貌爲義役、寕有甚奇、其報必依所行、

15 It is no great thing if his ministers also pose as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

16 余言人不可以我爲狂、旣以我爲狂而納我、則亦聽我自詡、

16 I say again, let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little.

17 余今所言、非主命也、乃若狂而大詡、

17 What I now say, I speak not after our LORD, but as it were foolishly, on this occasion of boasting.

18 如衆以外貌自詡、則吾亦可自詡、

18 Because many boast on the things of the flesh, I boast also.

19 爾固智者、見人之狂、淡然聽之、

19 For you endure fools readily, knowing that you yourselves are wise.

20 若人僕爾、啖爾、取爾、自傲而批爾、爾則聽之、

20 For you endure the man who dominates you, and the man who lives at your expense, and the man who takes from you, and the man who exalts himself over you, and the man who smites you on the face.

21 余言若狂、有辱我者、謂我庸劣、如彼儼然、余亦儼然、

21 I speak this as a reproach, as though we were weak. Now I speak foolishly; in whatsoever other men are bold, I venture also.

22 彼希伯來人、余亦然、彼以色列人、余亦然、彼亞伯拉罕裔、余亦然、

22 Now if they are Hebrews, so am I. If they are Israelites, so am I. If they are descendants of Abraham, so am I.

23 彼基督僕、而余言若狂、我有大於此者、我愈賢勞、愈受箠楚、繫獄者屢矣、瀕死者屢矣、

23 If they are ministers of Christ, I speak as a fool, I am greater than they; in labor more than they, in wounds more than they, in imprisonments more frequent than they, and in danger of death many times.

24 猶太人五次鞭我、每四十减一、

24 By the Jews I was scourged five times, each time forty stripes less one.

25 余三次受杖、一次石擊、三次舟壞、一日一夜、余在深海、

25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was in shipwreck, a day and a night I have been adrift in the sea in shipwreck.

26 常爲旅、於河流而危、遭寇而危、遇同宗而危、在異邦而危、邑中野外而危、航海而危、僞兄弟中而危、

26 On many journeys, I have been in perils from rivers, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own kinsmen, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from false brethren;

27 勤勞而苦、屢不寢、饑而渴、常禁食、寒而裸、

27 In toil and weariness, in sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, through much fasting, in cold and nakedness.

28 此外事也、若諸會之事、則又余日所關心、

28 Besides other things, and the many calling on me everyday, I have also the care of all the churches.

29 誰信不篤、而余不體之乎、誰棄信、而我心不如焚乎、

29 Who is sick that I do not feel the pain? Who stumbles that does not have my heartfelt sympathy?

30 若我當誇、必誇我柔、

30 If I must needs boast, I will boast of my sufferings.

31 恆久可頌吾主耶穌基督之父上帝、知吾不偽矣、

31 The God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever and ever, knows that I do not lie.

32 在大馬色亞哩達王之邑長守城、欲執我、

32 At Damascus the general of the army of King Aretas placed the city of the Damascenes under guard, in order to seize me:

33 但余由牗以筐、自牆鎚而脫之矣、

33 And I was lowered in a basket from a window over the city wall, and thus I escaped from his hands.
