

1 其言也溫、可以息怒、其辭也厲、足以激變。

2 智者工語言、愚者吐妄論。

3 耶和華鑒察善惡、無不普遍。

4 良言猶生命之樹、厲語猶毀物之風。

5 藐父訓者愚、聽格言者智。

6 義者之室家、多藏貨財、惡者之物產、多致殷憂。

7 智者所播、惟以明哲、愚者則反是。

8 惡人之祭、爲耶和華所疾、善人之祈、爲主所悅。

9 耶和華惡惡好善。

10 違道義者、必受刑罰、惡譴責者、必致死亡。

11 陰司暗府、尚爲耶和華鑒察、况斯世之人心乎。

12 侮慢之徒、見責己者惡之、而不就正於哲人。

13 心樂則愉愉、心憂則戚戚。

14 哲人日進高明、愚人日就污下。

15 受患難者、終日懷憂、有懽心者、恒享宴樂。

16 富而多慮、不如寡得而寅畏耶和華。

17 與仇敵而食肥犢、不如對良朋而茹菜蔬。

18 悻悻者必起爭端、有容者可止凌競。

19 怠者困於蒺藜、義者行於坦途。

20 智子悅親、愚子欺母。

21 無智者自安愚昧、明哲者行不由徑。

22 無良謀、事乃敗、集衆議、事以成。

23 言而有物、則自信也深、時然後言、則益人也大。

24 智者求生而上達、不下陷於陰府。

25 惟我耶和華覆驕人之室、安嫠婦之界。

26 惡念彼所深誅、良言彼所甚喜。

27 貪貨利者無家室之安、惡苞苴者得生命之樂。

28 善人必先圖維、然後應對、惡人啓口妄言、毫無思慮。

29 耶和華遐棄惡人、惟聽義人之祈。

30 目有光明、中心悅懌、耳聞嘉音、一身安豫。

31 欲聽生命之言、必與智者偕居。

32 棄道者輕生命、聽勸者得聰明。

33 寅畏耶和華者、先必撝謙、後獲榮寵、斯智者之訓誨也。


Chapter 15

1 A SOFT word turns away wrath; but a harsh word stirs up anger.

2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge aright; but the mouth of fools pours out curses.

3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the good men and the bad.

4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, and he who eats of its fruit shall be filled with it.

5 A fool mocks his father's instruction; but he who regards reproof is prudent.

6 In the house of the righteous is much strength; but the crops of the wicked shall be destroyed.

7 The lips of the wise utter knowledge; but the hearts of fools are unjust.

8 The sacrifices of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD; but the prayer of the upright is his delight.

9 The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD; but he loves him who follows after righteousness.

10 The chastisement of those who do not know evil is evident; but those who hate reproof shall die.

11 Sheol and destruction are before the LORD; how much more than the hearts of men?

12 An evil man does not love one who reproves him, neither will he walk with the wise.

13 A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance; but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.

14 The heart of the just seeks knowledge; but the mouth of the wicked utters evil.

15 All the days of the poor are filled with hardships; but those who are of merry heart have a continual tranquillity.

16 Better is a little with reverence for the LORD than the great treasures of the wicked.

17 Better is a dinner of vegetables where love is than fatted steer and hatred with it.

18 A wrathful man stirs up contention; but he who is slow to anger appeases strife.

19 The ways of the sluggard are full of thorns; but the paths of the upright are plain.

20 A wise son makes his father happy; but a foolish son is a disgrace to his mother.

21 A foolish man lacks understanding; but a man of understanding walks uprightly.

22 Those who have undue respect for the counsel fail to appreciate its purpose; but in the multitude of counsellors the counsel is established.

23 A man's joy is revealed by the word of his mouth; and he who speaks at the right time, how good is it to him!

24 The way of life leads upward for the wise, that he may depart from the depths of Sheol.

25 The LORD will destroy the house of the proud; but he will insure the possession of widows.

26 Evil thoughts are an abomination before the LORD; but pure words are pleasant to him.

27 He who accepts a bribe destroys his own soul; but he who hates a bribe shall live.

28 The heart of the righteous meditates in truth; but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.

29 The LORD is far from the wicked; but he hears the prayer of the righteous.

30 The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and a good heart makes the bones fat.

31 The ear that hears the reproof of life abides among the wise.

32 He who refuses instruction despises his own soul; but he who listens to reproof gains wisdom.

33 Reverence for the LORD is the instruction of life; and the glory of the meek goes before him.




Chapter 15

1 其言也溫、可以息怒、其辭也厲、足以激變。

1 A SOFT word turns away wrath; but a harsh word stirs up anger.

2 智者工語言、愚者吐妄論。

2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge aright; but the mouth of fools pours out curses.

3 耶和華鑒察善惡、無不普遍。

3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the good men and the bad.

4 良言猶生命之樹、厲語猶毀物之風。

4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, and he who eats of its fruit shall be filled with it.

5 藐父訓者愚、聽格言者智。

5 A fool mocks his father's instruction; but he who regards reproof is prudent.

6 義者之室家、多藏貨財、惡者之物產、多致殷憂。

6 In the house of the righteous is much strength; but the crops of the wicked shall be destroyed.

7 智者所播、惟以明哲、愚者則反是。

7 The lips of the wise utter knowledge; but the hearts of fools are unjust.

8 惡人之祭、爲耶和華所疾、善人之祈、爲主所悅。

8 The sacrifices of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD; but the prayer of the upright is his delight.

9 耶和華惡惡好善。

9 The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD; but he loves him who follows after righteousness.

10 違道義者、必受刑罰、惡譴責者、必致死亡。

10 The chastisement of those who do not know evil is evident; but those who hate reproof shall die.

11 陰司暗府、尚爲耶和華鑒察、况斯世之人心乎。

11 Sheol and destruction are before the LORD; how much more than the hearts of men?

12 侮慢之徒、見責己者惡之、而不就正於哲人。

12 An evil man does not love one who reproves him, neither will he walk with the wise.

13 心樂則愉愉、心憂則戚戚。

13 A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance; but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.

14 哲人日進高明、愚人日就污下。

14 The heart of the just seeks knowledge; but the mouth of the wicked utters evil.

15 受患難者、終日懷憂、有懽心者、恒享宴樂。

15 All the days of the poor are filled with hardships; but those who are of merry heart have a continual tranquillity.

16 富而多慮、不如寡得而寅畏耶和華。

16 Better is a little with reverence for the LORD than the great treasures of the wicked.

17 與仇敵而食肥犢、不如對良朋而茹菜蔬。

17 Better is a dinner of vegetables where love is than fatted steer and hatred with it.

18 悻悻者必起爭端、有容者可止凌競。

18 A wrathful man stirs up contention; but he who is slow to anger appeases strife.

19 怠者困於蒺藜、義者行於坦途。

19 The ways of the sluggard are full of thorns; but the paths of the upright are plain.

20 智子悅親、愚子欺母。

20 A wise son makes his father happy; but a foolish son is a disgrace to his mother.

21 無智者自安愚昧、明哲者行不由徑。

21 A foolish man lacks understanding; but a man of understanding walks uprightly.

22 無良謀、事乃敗、集衆議、事以成。

22 Those who have undue respect for the counsel fail to appreciate its purpose; but in the multitude of counsellors the counsel is established.

23 言而有物、則自信也深、時然後言、則益人也大。

23 A man's joy is revealed by the word of his mouth; and he who speaks at the right time, how good is it to him!

24 智者求生而上達、不下陷於陰府。

24 The way of life leads upward for the wise, that he may depart from the depths of Sheol.

25 惟我耶和華覆驕人之室、安嫠婦之界。

25 The LORD will destroy the house of the proud; but he will insure the possession of widows.

26 惡念彼所深誅、良言彼所甚喜。

26 Evil thoughts are an abomination before the LORD; but pure words are pleasant to him.

27 貪貨利者無家室之安、惡苞苴者得生命之樂。

27 He who accepts a bribe destroys his own soul; but he who hates a bribe shall live.

28 善人必先圖維、然後應對、惡人啓口妄言、毫無思慮。

28 The heart of the righteous meditates in truth; but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.

29 耶和華遐棄惡人、惟聽義人之祈。

29 The LORD is far from the wicked; but he hears the prayer of the righteous.

30 目有光明、中心悅懌、耳聞嘉音、一身安豫。

30 The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and a good heart makes the bones fat.

31 欲聽生命之言、必與智者偕居。

31 The ear that hears the reproof of life abides among the wise.

32 棄道者輕生命、聽勸者得聰明。

32 He who refuses instruction despises his own soul; but he who listens to reproof gains wisdom.

33 寅畏耶和華者、先必撝謙、後獲榮寵、斯智者之訓誨也。

33 Reverence for the LORD is the instruction of life; and the glory of the meek goes before him.
