

1 夏時雨雪,秋時霪雨,愚人居尊位,俱非所宜。

2 徒以言語咒詛者,必不降災,猶燕雀翱翔而不加害。

3 欲治馬驢,維鞭與勒,欲治愚人,維杖與箠。

4 維爾居恒,勿卽愚人之意請詰愚人,恐人謂爾與彼無異,有時則可,恐彼自以爲智。


6 以重託畀愚人,猶自刖其足而身受其害。

7 跛者之足不能實踐,愚人述箴言亦若是。

8 愚昧之人,被以尊榮,如以韞櫝之玉,委於瓦礫。

9 愚人述箴言,猶醉人執荊棘,

10 造萬物之主,必使愚者受咎,惡者取戾。

11 犬轉食其所吐,愚人復蹈其故轍。

12 愚昧之流,猶可望其改過,惟自智者,終無可望。

13 怠者諉言,出門必遇猛獅,行衢必遇牡獅。

14 怠者輾轉於牀,如門在樞。

15 惰者卽染指於盂,取饌入口,猶憚其難。

16 惰者自以爲智,視善應對之七人,猶不若也。

17 他人爭鬪,而我與之共怒,如途中遇犬,而執其耳。

18 人欺鄰里,謂與之玩謔,無異狂人,發火知以取樂。

19 併於上節

20 抽薪可以熄火,無後言可以息爭。

21 加炭添薪,火勢愈熾,爭人益爭亦若是。

22 陰訐人非,人所樂聽,如食甘旨,飫其口腹。

23 外加温語,內懷惡念,猶瓦器飾以白金。

24 維彼敵人,心所藏惟詐,口所言惟偽。

25 其言雖善,爾毋信之,其心所藏可惡者非一端。

26 匿怨而友其人,後在會中,其惡昭彰。

27 彼掘坎阱,必陷其中,移石上岡,反壓其下。

28 誑者受人扑責,銜憾殊深,厥口諂諛,實致敗亡。


Chapter 26

1 LIKE snow in summer and like rain in harvest, so honor is not seemly for a fool.

2 Like sparrows wandering and like birds flying in the air, so the curse that is causeless shall be driven away.

3 A whip for the horse, a goad for the ass, and a rod for the back of a fool.

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be also like him.

5 But answer a fool according to your wisdom, lest he think in himself that he is wise.

6 He who sends a message by the hand of a fool drinks iniquity from under his own feet.

7 As a lame man who cannot walk, so is a parable in the mouth of a fool.

8 Like a stone in a sling, so is he who gives honor to a fool.

9 Thorns spring up in the hand of a drunkard, and folly in the mouth of a foot.

10 The body of a fool is greatly afflicted, and a drunkard thinks that he can cross a sea.

11 As a dog that returns to his vomit, so is a fool that misbehaves in his folly.

12 If you should see a man wise in his own eyes, a fool is much better than he.

13 The sluggard says, when he is sent out, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.

14 As a door turns upon its hinges, so does the slothful turn on his bed.

15 The slothful hides his hands in his bosom; it grieves him to bring them again to his mouth.

16 The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men with good reasoning.

17 He who meddles with a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.

18 Like haughty men who utter words sharp and deadly as arrows,

19 So is the man who deceives his neighbor; when he is caught, he says, I was merely jesting.

20 When there is no wood, the fire goes out; and where there is no troublesome person, the strife ceases.

21 As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a malicious person to kindle strife.

22 The words of the malicious stir up trouble; they go down into the innermost parts of the heart.

23 Like silver dross which sticks to an earthen pot, so are enraged lips and an evil heart.

24 He who hates is known by his own speech; in his heart he entertains deceit;

25 Though he speaks in a gentle tone, believe him not; for there are seven abominations in his heart.

26 He who conceals hatred in his heart, his wickedness shall be revealed in the congregation.

27 He who digs a pit shall fall into it; and he who rolls a stone, it will return upon him.

28 A lying tongue hates the truth; and a troublesome mouth stirs up a quarrel.




Chapter 26

1 夏時雨雪,秋時霪雨,愚人居尊位,俱非所宜。

1 LIKE snow in summer and like rain in harvest, so honor is not seemly for a fool.

2 徒以言語咒詛者,必不降災,猶燕雀翱翔而不加害。

2 Like sparrows wandering and like birds flying in the air, so the curse that is causeless shall be driven away.

3 欲治馬驢,維鞭與勒,欲治愚人,維杖與箠。

3 A whip for the horse, a goad for the ass, and a rod for the back of a fool.

4 維爾居恒,勿卽愚人之意請詰愚人,恐人謂爾與彼無異,有時則可,恐彼自以爲智。

4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be also like him.


5 But answer a fool according to your wisdom, lest he think in himself that he is wise.

6 以重託畀愚人,猶自刖其足而身受其害。

6 He who sends a message by the hand of a fool drinks iniquity from under his own feet.

7 跛者之足不能實踐,愚人述箴言亦若是。

7 As a lame man who cannot walk, so is a parable in the mouth of a fool.

8 愚昧之人,被以尊榮,如以韞櫝之玉,委於瓦礫。

8 Like a stone in a sling, so is he who gives honor to a fool.

9 愚人述箴言,猶醉人執荊棘,

9 Thorns spring up in the hand of a drunkard, and folly in the mouth of a foot.

10 造萬物之主,必使愚者受咎,惡者取戾。

10 The body of a fool is greatly afflicted, and a drunkard thinks that he can cross a sea.

11 犬轉食其所吐,愚人復蹈其故轍。

11 As a dog that returns to his vomit, so is a fool that misbehaves in his folly.

12 愚昧之流,猶可望其改過,惟自智者,終無可望。

12 If you should see a man wise in his own eyes, a fool is much better than he.

13 怠者諉言,出門必遇猛獅,行衢必遇牡獅。

13 The sluggard says, when he is sent out, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.

14 怠者輾轉於牀,如門在樞。

14 As a door turns upon its hinges, so does the slothful turn on his bed.

15 惰者卽染指於盂,取饌入口,猶憚其難。

15 The slothful hides his hands in his bosom; it grieves him to bring them again to his mouth.

16 惰者自以爲智,視善應對之七人,猶不若也。

16 The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men with good reasoning.

17 他人爭鬪,而我與之共怒,如途中遇犬,而執其耳。

17 He who meddles with a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.

18 人欺鄰里,謂與之玩謔,無異狂人,發火知以取樂。

18 Like haughty men who utter words sharp and deadly as arrows,

19 併於上節

19 So is the man who deceives his neighbor; when he is caught, he says, I was merely jesting.

20 抽薪可以熄火,無後言可以息爭。

20 When there is no wood, the fire goes out; and where there is no troublesome person, the strife ceases.

21 加炭添薪,火勢愈熾,爭人益爭亦若是。

21 As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a malicious person to kindle strife.

22 陰訐人非,人所樂聽,如食甘旨,飫其口腹。

22 The words of the malicious stir up trouble; they go down into the innermost parts of the heart.

23 外加温語,內懷惡念,猶瓦器飾以白金。

23 Like silver dross which sticks to an earthen pot, so are enraged lips and an evil heart.

24 維彼敵人,心所藏惟詐,口所言惟偽。

24 He who hates is known by his own speech; in his heart he entertains deceit;

25 其言雖善,爾毋信之,其心所藏可惡者非一端。

25 Though he speaks in a gentle tone, believe him not; for there are seven abominations in his heart.

26 匿怨而友其人,後在會中,其惡昭彰。

26 He who conceals hatred in his heart, his wickedness shall be revealed in the congregation.

27 彼掘坎阱,必陷其中,移石上岡,反壓其下。

27 He who digs a pit shall fall into it; and he who rolls a stone, it will return upon him.

28 誑者受人扑責,銜憾殊深,厥口諂諛,實致敗亡。

28 A lying tongue hates the truth; and a troublesome mouth stirs up a quarrel.
