

1 厥後、耶穌周遊加利利、不履猶太、以猶太人欲殺之、

2 猶太人張幕節伊邇、

3 耶穌兄弟曰、去此、往猶太、使門徒見爾所行、

4 未有欲顯其行、而行於隱者、若爾所行、當自顯於世矣、

5 蓋兄弟猶未之信云、

6 耶穌曰、爾時良便、我時未至、

7 世不能惡爾、而惡我、以我證其所行惡也、

8 往守節期、爾可、我未可、我時未至也、

9 耶穌言竟、仍居加利利、〇

10 兄弟往後、耶穌乃往守節期、不昭然而隱然、

11 猶太人於節期尋耶穌、曰、其人安在、

12 衆論不一、有曰、善人也、有曰、否、惑衆耳、

13 然無敢明言、懼猶太人故也、〇

14 當節期中、耶穌升殿教誨、

15 猶太八奇之、曰、此人未學、何由知書、

16 耶穌曰、我道非由己、乃由遣我者、

17 人遵其旨、必知斯道、或由上帝、或由己言、

18 由己言者、求榮己、惟求榮遣之者爲眞、心無不義也、

19 摩西豈不以律法授爾、第爾曹無一遵者、不然、何爲欲殺我、

20 衆曰、鬼憑爾、誰欲殺爾、

21 耶穌曰、我曾行一事、爾曹以爲異、

22 摩西授爾割禮、然割禮非由摩西、乃由列祖、故爾於安息日行割禮、

23 人於安息日受割禮、免違摩西例、然則安息日愈人、何怒我乎、

24 勿審以貌、乃審以義、

25 耶路撒冷民有曰、此人非衆所欲殺者乎、

26 今彼明言、而衆莫之禁、豈有司知其誠基督乎、

27 然我儕知其所自、若基督至、必無人知其所自、

28 耶穌在殿教誨、呼曰、爾知我、亦知我所自乎、我非自擅而來、有眞者遣我、爾不知之、

29 惟我知之、以其遣我、而我由之來也、

30 人欲執耶穌、但時未至、故無執之者、

31 民多信之曰、基督若至、行異蹟、豈多於此人乎、〇

32 法利賽人聞衆論如此、則與祭司諸長、遣吏執之、

33 耶穌曰、我暫偕爾、後歸遣我者、

34 爾將尋我不遇、我所在、爾不能至、

35 猶太人私語曰、其將何往、而我不遇之、豈欲就散處於希利尼者、而教希利尼人乎、

36 所言尋我不遇、我所在不能至、是何言歟、

37 節期末、卽大日、耶穌立而呼曰、人渴、宜就我飲、

38 信我者、其腹必流活水如川、猶記所載、

39 耶穌言此、指信者將感於聖神、當時、耶穌未榮、故聖神未降、〇

40 衆聞此、有曰、是誠先知者、

41 有曰、基督、有曰、基督豈出自加利利乎、

42 記不云、基督爲大闢裔、出自大闢所居伯利恆鄉乎、

43 於是、衆論紛紛、

44 有人欲執耶穌、不敢、〇

45 吏歸、祭司諸長、法利賽人問曰、何不曳之來乎、

46 吏曰、此人所言、從未有若是者也、

47 法利賽人曰、爾曹亦爲所惑乎、

48 有司與法利賽人、有信之者乎、

49 但此、衆不識律、可詛也、

50 中有尼哥底母曾夜就耶穌者、謂法利賽人曰、

51 未聽訟、不識其所爲、我律豈罪之、

52 曰、爾亦來自加利利乎、可考而知、無先知由加利利起也、

53 眾乃歸、


Chapter 7

1 AFTER these things Jesus travelled in Galilee; for he did not wish to travel in Judaea, because the Jews wanted to kill him.

2 Now the Jewish feast of the tabernacles was at hand.

3 And his brothers said to Jesus, Depart from here and go to Judaea, so that your disciples may see the works that you do.

4 For there is no man, who does anything in secret and yet wants it to become known. If you are doing these things, show yourself to the people.

5 For not even his own brothers believed in Jesus.

6 Jesus said to them, My time has not yet come; but your time is always ready.

7 The world cannot hate you; but it hates me, because I testify against it, that its works are evil.

8 You go up to this feast; I am not going just now to this feast, for my time is not yet come.

9 He said these things, and remained in Galilee.

10 But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up, not openly, but as it were in secret.

11 The Jews were looking for him at the feast and said, Where is he?

12 And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him; for some said, He is good; and others said, No, but he just deceives the people.

13 But no man spoke openly about him, because of the fear of the Jews.

14 Now about the middle period of the feast, Jesus went up to the temple and taught.

15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How does this man know reading, when he has not been instructed?

16 Jesus answered and said, My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.

17 He who wills to do his will, he will understand if my teaching is from God, or if I am just speaking of my own accord.

18 He who speaks of his own accord seeks glory for himself; but he who seeks the glory of him who sent him, he is true, and there is no deception in his heart.

19 Did not Moses give you the law? and yet no one of you obeys the law. Why do you want to kill me?

20 The people answered, saying, You are crazy; who wants to kill you?

21 Jesus answered and said to them, I have done one work, and all of you marvel.

22 Moses gave you circumcision, not because it is from Moses, but because it is from the forefathers; and yet you circumcise a man on the sabbath.

23 So if a man is circumcised on the sabbath day, that the law of Moses may not be broken; yet you murmur at me, because I healed a whole man * on the sabbath day?

24 Do not judge by partiality, but judge a just judgment.

25 Then some of the men of Jerusalem were saying, Is not this the man whom they want to kill?

26 And yet he speaks openly, but they say nothing to him. Perhaps our elders have found out that he is the Christ?

27 Howbeit we know whence he comes; but when the Christ comes, no man will know whence he comes.

28 Jesus then lifted up his voice as he taught in the temple, and said, You know me, and you know whence I come; and yet I have not come of my own accord, but he who sent me is true, whom you do not know.

29 But I know him; because I am from him, and he sent me.

30 So they wanted to seize him; and no man laid hands on him, because his time had not yet come.

31 But a great many of the people believed in him and said, When the Christ comes, why, will he do greater wonders than this man does?

32 The Pharisees heard the people talking about him; so they and the high priests sent soldiers to arrest him.

33 And Jesus said, I am with you just a short while, and I am going to him who sent me.

34 You will seek me, but you will not find me; and where I am you cannot come.

35 Then the Jews said among themselves, Where is he going, that we cannot find him? why, is he planning to go to the countries of the Gentiles, to teach the pagans?

36 What does this word mean which he said, You will seek me and you will not find me; and where I am you cannot come?

37 Now on the greatest day, which is the last day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out and said, If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.

38 Whoever believes in me, just as the scriptures have said, the rivers of living water shall flow from within him.

39 He said this concerning the Spirit, which they who believe in him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

40 Many of the people who heard his words were saying, This man truly is a prophet.

41 Others were saying, He is the Christ; but others said, Is it possible that Christ should come from Galilee?

42 Does not the scripture say that Christ will come from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the town of David?

43 So the people were divided because of him.

44 And there were some men among them, who wanted to seize him; but no man laid hands on him.

45 And the soldiers returned to the high priests and the Pharisees; and the priests said to them, Why did you not bring him?

46 The soldiers said to them, Never a man has spoken as this man speaks.

47 The Pharisees said to them, Why, have you also been deceived?

48 Why, have any of the leaders or of the Pharisees believed in him,

49 Except this cursed people, who do not know the law?

50 Nicodemus, one of them, who had come to Jesus at night, said to them,

51 Does our law convict a man, unless it first hears from him, and knows what he has done?

52 They answered and said to him, Why, are you also from Galilee? * Search and see that no prophet will rise up from Galilee.

53 So everyone went to his own house.




Chapter 7

1 厥後、耶穌周遊加利利、不履猶太、以猶太人欲殺之、

1 AFTER these things Jesus travelled in Galilee; for he did not wish to travel in Judaea, because the Jews wanted to kill him.

2 猶太人張幕節伊邇、

2 Now the Jewish feast of the tabernacles was at hand.

3 耶穌兄弟曰、去此、往猶太、使門徒見爾所行、

3 And his brothers said to Jesus, Depart from here and go to Judaea, so that your disciples may see the works that you do.

4 未有欲顯其行、而行於隱者、若爾所行、當自顯於世矣、

4 For there is no man, who does anything in secret and yet wants it to become known. If you are doing these things, show yourself to the people.

5 蓋兄弟猶未之信云、

5 For not even his own brothers believed in Jesus.

6 耶穌曰、爾時良便、我時未至、

6 Jesus said to them, My time has not yet come; but your time is always ready.

7 世不能惡爾、而惡我、以我證其所行惡也、

7 The world cannot hate you; but it hates me, because I testify against it, that its works are evil.

8 往守節期、爾可、我未可、我時未至也、

8 You go up to this feast; I am not going just now to this feast, for my time is not yet come.

9 耶穌言竟、仍居加利利、〇

9 He said these things, and remained in Galilee.

10 兄弟往後、耶穌乃往守節期、不昭然而隱然、

10 But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up, not openly, but as it were in secret.

11 猶太人於節期尋耶穌、曰、其人安在、

11 The Jews were looking for him at the feast and said, Where is he?

12 衆論不一、有曰、善人也、有曰、否、惑衆耳、

12 And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him; for some said, He is good; and others said, No, but he just deceives the people.

13 然無敢明言、懼猶太人故也、〇

13 But no man spoke openly about him, because of the fear of the Jews.

14 當節期中、耶穌升殿教誨、

14 Now about the middle period of the feast, Jesus went up to the temple and taught.

15 猶太八奇之、曰、此人未學、何由知書、

15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How does this man know reading, when he has not been instructed?

16 耶穌曰、我道非由己、乃由遣我者、

16 Jesus answered and said, My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.

17 人遵其旨、必知斯道、或由上帝、或由己言、

17 He who wills to do his will, he will understand if my teaching is from God, or if I am just speaking of my own accord.

18 由己言者、求榮己、惟求榮遣之者爲眞、心無不義也、

18 He who speaks of his own accord seeks glory for himself; but he who seeks the glory of him who sent him, he is true, and there is no deception in his heart.

19 摩西豈不以律法授爾、第爾曹無一遵者、不然、何爲欲殺我、

19 Did not Moses give you the law? and yet no one of you obeys the law. Why do you want to kill me?

20 衆曰、鬼憑爾、誰欲殺爾、

20 The people answered, saying, You are crazy; who wants to kill you?

21 耶穌曰、我曾行一事、爾曹以爲異、

21 Jesus answered and said to them, I have done one work, and all of you marvel.

22 摩西授爾割禮、然割禮非由摩西、乃由列祖、故爾於安息日行割禮、

22 Moses gave you circumcision, not because it is from Moses, but because it is from the forefathers; and yet you circumcise a man on the sabbath.

23 人於安息日受割禮、免違摩西例、然則安息日愈人、何怒我乎、

23 So if a man is circumcised on the sabbath day, that the law of Moses may not be broken; yet you murmur at me, because I healed a whole man * on the sabbath day?

24 勿審以貌、乃審以義、

24 Do not judge by partiality, but judge a just judgment.

25 耶路撒冷民有曰、此人非衆所欲殺者乎、

25 Then some of the men of Jerusalem were saying, Is not this the man whom they want to kill?

26 今彼明言、而衆莫之禁、豈有司知其誠基督乎、

26 And yet he speaks openly, but they say nothing to him. Perhaps our elders have found out that he is the Christ?

27 然我儕知其所自、若基督至、必無人知其所自、

27 Howbeit we know whence he comes; but when the Christ comes, no man will know whence he comes.

28 耶穌在殿教誨、呼曰、爾知我、亦知我所自乎、我非自擅而來、有眞者遣我、爾不知之、

28 Jesus then lifted up his voice as he taught in the temple, and said, You know me, and you know whence I come; and yet I have not come of my own accord, but he who sent me is true, whom you do not know.

29 惟我知之、以其遣我、而我由之來也、

29 But I know him; because I am from him, and he sent me.

30 人欲執耶穌、但時未至、故無執之者、

30 So they wanted to seize him; and no man laid hands on him, because his time had not yet come.

31 民多信之曰、基督若至、行異蹟、豈多於此人乎、〇

31 But a great many of the people believed in him and said, When the Christ comes, why, will he do greater wonders than this man does?

32 法利賽人聞衆論如此、則與祭司諸長、遣吏執之、

32 The Pharisees heard the people talking about him; so they and the high priests sent soldiers to arrest him.

33 耶穌曰、我暫偕爾、後歸遣我者、

33 And Jesus said, I am with you just a short while, and I am going to him who sent me.

34 爾將尋我不遇、我所在、爾不能至、

34 You will seek me, but you will not find me; and where I am you cannot come.

35 猶太人私語曰、其將何往、而我不遇之、豈欲就散處於希利尼者、而教希利尼人乎、

35 Then the Jews said among themselves, Where is he going, that we cannot find him? why, is he planning to go to the countries of the Gentiles, to teach the pagans?

36 所言尋我不遇、我所在不能至、是何言歟、

36 What does this word mean which he said, You will seek me and you will not find me; and where I am you cannot come?

37 節期末、卽大日、耶穌立而呼曰、人渴、宜就我飲、

37 Now on the greatest day, which is the last day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out and said, If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.

38 信我者、其腹必流活水如川、猶記所載、

38 Whoever believes in me, just as the scriptures have said, the rivers of living water shall flow from within him.

39 耶穌言此、指信者將感於聖神、當時、耶穌未榮、故聖神未降、〇

39 He said this concerning the Spirit, which they who believe in him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

40 衆聞此、有曰、是誠先知者、

40 Many of the people who heard his words were saying, This man truly is a prophet.

41 有曰、基督、有曰、基督豈出自加利利乎、

41 Others were saying, He is the Christ; but others said, Is it possible that Christ should come from Galilee?

42 記不云、基督爲大闢裔、出自大闢所居伯利恆鄉乎、

42 Does not the scripture say that Christ will come from the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the town of David?

43 於是、衆論紛紛、

43 So the people were divided because of him.

44 有人欲執耶穌、不敢、〇

44 And there were some men among them, who wanted to seize him; but no man laid hands on him.

45 吏歸、祭司諸長、法利賽人問曰、何不曳之來乎、

45 And the soldiers returned to the high priests and the Pharisees; and the priests said to them, Why did you not bring him?

46 吏曰、此人所言、從未有若是者也、

46 The soldiers said to them, Never a man has spoken as this man speaks.

47 法利賽人曰、爾曹亦爲所惑乎、

47 The Pharisees said to them, Why, have you also been deceived?

48 有司與法利賽人、有信之者乎、

48 Why, have any of the leaders or of the Pharisees believed in him,

49 但此、衆不識律、可詛也、

49 Except this cursed people, who do not know the law?

50 中有尼哥底母曾夜就耶穌者、謂法利賽人曰、

50 Nicodemus, one of them, who had come to Jesus at night, said to them,

51 未聽訟、不識其所爲、我律豈罪之、

51 Does our law convict a man, unless it first hears from him, and knows what he has done?

52 曰、爾亦來自加利利乎、可考而知、無先知由加利利起也、

52 They answered and said to him, Why, are you also from Galilee? * Search and see that no prophet will rise up from Galilee.

53 眾乃歸、

53 So everyone went to his own house.
