

1 尼布甲尼撒在位第二年,他作了夢,[spirit]裏煩亂,不能睡覺。

2 王吩咐人將術士、觀天象的[astrologers]、行邪術的,和迦勒底人召來,要他們將王的夢指示[shew]王,他們就來站在王前。

3 王對他們說:「我作了一夢,[spirit]裏煩亂,要知道這是甚麼夢。」

4 迦勒底人用敘利亞的言語對王說:「願王萬歲[O]。請將那夢告訴僕人,僕人就可以講解。」

5 王回答迦勒底人說:「夢我已經忘了[The thing is gone from me],你們若不將夢和夢的講解告訴我,就必被凌遲,你們的房屋必成為糞堆;

6 你們若將夢和夢的講解告訴我,就必從我這裏得贈品和賞賜,並大尊榮。現在你們要將夢和夢的講解告訴我。」

7 他們[again]對王說:「請王將夢告訴僕人,僕人就可以講解。」

8 王回答說:「我准知道你們是故意遲延,因為你們知道那夢我已經忘了。

9 你們若不將夢告訴我,只有一法待你們;因為你們預備了謊言亂語向我說,要等候時勢改變。現在你們要將夢告訴我,我就[and I]知道你們能將夢的講解告訴我。」

10 迦勒底人在王面前回答說:「世上沒有人能將王所問的事說出來;因為沒有君王、大臣、掌權的向術士,或觀天象的[astrologer],或迦勒底人問過這樣的事。

11 王所問的事甚難。除了不與世人同居的眾神明,沒有人在王面前能說出來。」

12 因此,王氣忿忿地大發烈怒,吩咐滅絕巴比倫所有的哲士。

13 於是命令發出,哲士將要見殺,人就尋找但以理和他的同伴,要殺他們。

14 王的護衛長亞略出來,要殺巴比倫的哲士,但以理就用婉言回答他,

15 向王的護衛長亞略說:「王的命令為何這樣緊急呢?」亞略就將情節告訴但以理。

16 但以理便[Then]進去求王寬限,就可以將夢的講解告訴王。

17 但以理回到他的居所,將這事告訴他的同伴哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亞撒利雅,

18 要他們祈求天上的神施憐憫,將這奧秘的事指明,免得但以理和他的同伴與巴比倫其餘的哲士一同滅亡。

19 這奧秘的事就在夜間異象中給但以理顯明,但以理便稱頌天上的神。

20 但以理說:「神的名是應當稱頌的。直到永永遠遠[for ever and ever]。因為智慧能力都屬乎他。

21 他改變時候、日期,廢王,立王,將智慧賜與智慧人,將知識賜與聰明人。

22 他顯明深奧隱秘的事,知道暗中所有的,光明也與他同居。

23 我列祖的神啊,我感謝你,讚美你,因你將智慧才能賜給我,如今你又把我們所求的指示我[and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee],把王的事給我們指明。」

24 於是,但以理進去見亞略,就是王所派滅絕巴比倫哲士的,對他說:「不要滅絕巴比倫的哲士,求你領我到王面前,我要將夢的講解告訴王。」

25 亞略就急忙將但以理領到王面前,對王說:「我在被擄的猶大人中遇見一人,他能將夢的講解告訴王。」

26 王問稱為伯提沙撒的但以理說:「你能將我所作的夢和夢的講解告訴我嗎?」

27 但以理在王面前回答說:「王所問的那奧秘事,哲士、觀天象的[astrologers]、術士、觀兆的都不能告訴王;

28 只有一位在天上的神能顯明奧秘的事。他已將日後必有的事指示尼布甲尼撒王。你的夢和你在床上腦中的異象是這樣:

29 王啊,你在床上想到後來的事,那顯明奧秘事的主把將來必有的事指示你。

30 至於那奧秘的事顯明給我,並非因我的智慧勝過一切活人,只是為他們的緣故[but for their sake],乃使王知道夢的講解和心裏的思念。

31 「王啊,你夢見一個大像,這大像[great image]極其光耀,站在你面前,形狀甚是可怕。

32 這像的頭是精金的,胸膛和膀臂是銀的,肚腹和大腿[thighs]是銅的,

33 腿是鐵的,腳是半鐵半泥的。

34 你觀看,見有一塊非人手鑿出來的石頭打在這像半鐵半泥的腳上,把腳砸碎;

35 於是鐵、泥、銅、銀、金[the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold]都一同砸得粉碎,成如夏天禾場上的糠秕,被風吹散,無處可尋。打碎這像的石頭變成一座大山,充滿全地[whole earth]

36 「這就是那夢。我們在王面前要講解那夢。

37 王啊,你是諸王之王。天上的神已將國度、權柄、能力、尊榮都賜給你。

38 凡世人所住之地的走獸,並天空的飛鳥,他都交付你手,使你掌管這一切。你就是那金頭。

39 在你以後必另興一國,不及於你;又有第三國,就是銅的,必掌管全地[all the earth]

40 第四國,必堅壯如鐵;鐵能打碎剋制百物,又能破碎[breaketh]一切;那國也必如鐵[as iron]打碎踐踏[bruise]一切[all things]

41 你既見像的腳和腳指頭,一半是陶匠[potter’s]的泥,一半是鐵,那國將來也必分開;你既見鐵與泥混雜[mixed],那國也必有鐵的力量。

42 那腳指頭,既是半鐵半泥,那國也必半強半弱。

43 你既見鐵與泥混雜[mixed],那國民也必與各種人混雜[mingle],卻不能彼此相合,正如鐵與泥不能相合一樣。

44 當那列王在位的時候,天上的神必另立一國,永不敗壞;[kingdom][shall]不歸別[people],卻要打碎滅絕那一切國,這國必存到永遠。

45 你既看見非人手鑿出來的一塊石頭從山而出,打碎鐵、銅、泥、銀、金[the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold],那就是至大的神把後來必有的事給王指明。這夢準是這樣,這講解也是確實的。」

46 當時,尼布甲尼撒王[face]伏在地,向但以理敬拜[worshipped],並且吩咐人給他奉上供物和香品。

47 王對但以理說:「你既能顯明這奧秘的事,你們的神誠然是眾神之神、眾王之主,又是顯明奧秘事的。」

48 於是王使但以理成了尊貴人[made Daniel a great man],賞賜他許多上等禮物,派他管理巴比倫全省,又立他為省長之首[chief of the governors],掌管巴比倫的一切哲士。

49 但以理求王,王就派沙得拉、米煞、亞伯.尼歌管理巴比倫省的事務,只是但以理常在朝中侍坐[sat]


Chapter 2

1 And in the second8147 year8141 of the reign4438 of Nebuchadnezzar5019 Nebuchadnezzar5019 dreamed2492 dreams,2472 with which his spirit7307 was troubled,6470 and his sleep8142 broke1961 from him.

2 Then the king4428 commanded559 to call7121 the magicians,2748 and the astrologers,825 and the sorcerers,3784 and the Chaldeans,3779 for to show5046 the king4428 his dreams.2472 So they came935 and stood5975 before6440 the king.4428

3 And the king4428 said559 to them, I have dreamed2492 a dream,2472 and my spirit7307 was troubled6470 to know3045 the dream.2472

4 Then spoke1696 the Chaldeans3779 to the king4428 in Syriack,762 O king,4430 live2418 for ever:5957 tell560 your servants5649 the dream,2493 and we will show2324 the interpretation.6591

5 The king4430 answered6032 and said560 to the Chaldeans,3779 The thing4406 is gone230 from me: if2006 you will not make known3046 to me the dream,2493 with the interpretation6591 thereof, you shall be cut5648 in pieces,1917 and your houses1005 shall be made7761 a dunghill.5122

6 But if2006 you show2324 the dream,2493 and the interpretation6591 thereof, you shall receive6902 of me gifts4978 and rewards5023 and great7690 honor:3367 therefore2006 show2324 me the dream,2493 and the interpretation6591 thereof.

7 They answered6032 again8579 and said,560 Let the king4430 tell560 his servants5649 the dream,2493 and we will show2324 the interpretation6591 of it.

8 The king4430 answered6032 and said,560 I know3046 of certainty3330 that you would gain2084 the time,5732 because3606 you see2370 the thing4406 is gone230 from me.

9 But if2006 you will not make known3046 to me the dream,2493 there is but one2298 decree1882 for you: for you have prepared2164 lying3538 and corrupt7844 words4406 to speak560 before6925 me, till5704 the time5732 be changed:8133 therefore2006 tell560 me the dream,2493 and I shall know3046 that you can show2324 me the interpretation6591 thereof.

10 The Chaldeans3779 answered6032 before6925 the king,4430 and said,560 There is not a man606 on the earth3007 that can3202 show2324 the king's4430 matter:4406 therefore3606 there is no3606 3809 king,4430 lord,7229 nor ruler,7990 that asked7593 such1836 things at any3606 magician,2749 or astrologer,826 or Chaldean.3777

11 And it is a rare3358 thing4406 that the king4430 requires,7593 and there is none3809 other321 that can show2324 it before6925 the king,4430 except3861 the gods,426 whose1768 dwelling4070 is not with flesh.1321

12 For this1836 cause3606 the king4430 was angry1149 and very7690 furious,7108 and commanded560 to destroy7 all3606 the wise2445 men of Babylon.895

13 And the decree1882 went5312 forth5312 that the wise2445 men should be slain;6992 and they sought1158 Daniel1841 and his fellows2269 to be slain.6992

14 Then116 Daniel1841 answered8421 with counsel5843 and wisdom2942 to Arioch746 the captain7229 of the king's4430 guard,2877 which1768 was gone5312 forth5312 to slay6992 the wise2445 men of Babylon:895

15 He answered6032 and said560 to Arioch746 the king's4430 captain,7990 Why5922 4101 is the decree1882 so hasty2685 from the king?4430 Then116 Arioch746 made the thing4406 known3046 to Daniel.1841

16 Then Daniel1841 went5954 in, and desired1156 of the king4430 that he would give5415 him time,2166 and that he would show2324 the king4430 the interpretation.6591

17 Then116 Daniel1841 went236 to his house,1005 and made the thing4406 known3046 to Hananiah,2608 Mishael,4332 and Azariah,5839 his companions:2269

18 That they would desire1156 mercies7359 of the God426 of heaven8065 concerning5922 this1836 secret;7328 that Daniel1841 and his fellows2269 should not perish7 with the rest7606 of the wise2445 men of Babylon.895

19 Then116 was the secret7328 revealed1541 to Daniel1841 in a night3916 vision.2376 Then116 Daniel1841 blessed1289 the God426 of heaven.8065

20 Daniel1841 answered6032 and said,560 Blessed1289 be the name8036 of God426 for ever5957 and ever:5957 for wisdom2452 and might1370 are his:

21 And he changes8133 the times5732 and the seasons:2166 he removes5709 kings,4430 and sets6966 up kings:4430 he gives3052 wisdom2452 to the wise,2445 and knowledge998 to them that know3046 understanding:999

22 He reveals1541 the deep5994 and secret5642 things: he knows3046 what4101 is in the darkness,2816 and the light5094 dwells8271 with him.

23 I thank3029 you, and praise7624 you, O you God426 of my fathers,2 who1768 have given3052 me wisdom2452 and might,1370 and have made known3046 to me now3705 what1768 we desired1156 of you: for you have now3705 made known3046 to us the king's4430 matter.4406

24 Therefore3606 Daniel1841 went5954 in to Arioch,746 whom1768 the king4430 had ordained4483 to destroy7 the wise2445 men of Babylon:895 he went236 and said560 thus3652 to him; Destroy7 not the wise2445 men of Babylon:895 bring5924 me in before6925 the king,4430 and I will show2324 to the king4430 the interpretation.6591

25 Then116 Arioch746 brought5954 in Daniel1841 before6925 the king4430 in haste,927 and said560 thus3652 to him, I have found4672 a man1400 of the captives1123 1547 of Judah,3061 that will make known3046 to the king4430 the interpretation.6591

26 The king4430 answered6032 and said560 to Daniel,1841 whose1768 name8036 was Belteshazzar,1096 Are383 you able3546 to make known3046 to me the dream2493 which1768 I have seen,2370 and the interpretation6591 thereof?

27 Daniel1841 answered6032 in the presence6925 of the king,4430 and said,560 The secret7328 which1768 the king4430 has demanded7593 cannot3809 3202 the wise2445 men, the astrologers,826 the magicians,2749 the soothsayers,1505 show2324 to the king;4430

28 But there is a God426 in heaven8065 that reveals1541 secrets,7328 and makes known3046 to the king4430 Nebuchadnezzar5020 what4101 shall be in the latter320 days.3118 Your dream,2493 and the visions2376 of your head7217 on your bed,4903 are these;1836

29 As for you, O king,4430 your thoughts7476 came5559 into your mind on your bed,4903 what4101 should come1934 to pass hereafter:311 1836 and he that reveals1541 secrets7328 makes known3046 to you what4101 shall come1934 to pass.

30 But as for me, this1836 secret7328 is not revealed1541 to me for any wisdom2452 that I have383 more4481 than4481 any3606 living,2417 but for their sakes1701 that shall make known3046 the interpretation6591 to the king,4430 and that you might know3046 the thoughts7476 of your heart.3825

31 You, O king,4430 saw,2370 and behold431 a great7690 image.6755 This1797 great7229 image,6755 whose brightness2122 was excellent,3493 stood6966 before6903 you; and the form7299 thereof was terrible.1763

32 This1931 image's6755 head7217 was of fine2869 gold,1722 his breast2306 and his arms1872 of silver,3702 his belly4577 and his thighs3410 of brass,5174

33 His legs8243 of iron,6523 his feet7271 part4481 of iron6523 and part4481 of clay.2635

34 You saw2370 till5704 that a stone69 was cut1505 out without1768 3809 hands,3028 which smote4223 the image6755 on his feet7271 that were of iron6523 and clay,2635 and broke1855 them to pieces.

35 Then116 was the iron,6523 the clay,2635 the brass,5174 the silver,3702 and the gold,1722 broken1854 to pieces together,2298 and became1934 like the chaff5784 of the summer7007 threshing floors;147 and the wind7308 carried5376 them away, that no3606 3809 place870 was found7912 for them: and the stone69 that smote4223 the image6755 became1934 a great7229 mountain,2906 and filled4391 the whole3606 earth.772

36 This1836 is the dream;2493 and we will tell560 the interpretation6591 thereof before6925 the king.4430

37 You, O king,4430 are a king4430 of kings:4430 for the God426 of heaven8065 has given3052 you a kingdom,4437 power,2632 and strength,8632 and glory.3367

38 And wherever3606 1768 the children1123 of men606 dwell,1753 the beasts2423 of the field1251 and the fowls5776 of the heaven8065 has he given3052 into your hand,3028 and has made you ruler7981 over them all.3606 You are this1931 head7217 of gold.1722

39 And after870 you shall arise6966 another317 kingdom4437 inferior772 to you, and another317 third8523 kingdom4437 of brass,5174 which1768 shall bear7981 rule7981 over all3606 the earth.772

40 And the fourth7244 kingdom4437 shall be strong8624 as iron:6523 for as much3606 as iron6523 breaks1855 in pieces and subdues2827 all3606 things: and as iron6523 that breaks7490 all3606 these,459 shall it break1855 in pieces and bruise.7490

41 And whereas1768 you saw2370 the feet7271 and toes,677 part4481 of potters'6353 clay,2635 and part4481 of iron,6523 the kingdom4437 shall be divided;6386 but there shall be in it of the strength5326 of the iron,6523 for as much3606 as you saw2370 the iron6523 mixed6151 with miry2917 clay.2635

42 And as the toes677 of the feet7271 were part4481 of iron,6523 and part4481 of clay,2635 so the kingdom4437 shall be partly7118 strong,8624 and partly7118 broken.8406

43 And whereas1768 you saw2370 iron6523 mixed6151 with miry2917 clay,2635 they shall mingle6151 themselves with the seed2234 of men:606 but they shall not join1693 one1836 to another,1836 even1887 as iron6523 is not mixed6151 with clay.2635

44 And in the days3118 of these581 kings4430 shall the God426 of heaven8065 set6966 up a kingdom,4437 which1768 shall never5957 3809 be destroyed:2255 and the kingdom4437 shall not be left7662 to other321 people,5972 but it shall break1854 in pieces and consume5487 all3606 these459 kingdoms,4437 and it shall stand6966 for ever.5957

45 For as much3606 as you saw2370 that the stone69 was cut1505 out of the mountain2906 without1768 3809 hands,3028 and that it broke1855 in pieces the iron,6523 the brass,5174 the clay,2635 the silver,3702 and the gold;1722 the great7229 God426 has made known3046 to the king4430 what4101 shall come1934 to pass hereafter:311 1836 and the dream2493 is certain,3330 and the interpretation6591 thereof sure.546

46 Then116 the king4430 Nebuchadnezzar5020 fell5308 on his face,600 and worshipped5457 Daniel,1841 and commanded560 that they should offer5260 an oblation4541 and sweet5208 odors5208 to him.

47 The king4430 answered6032 to Daniel,1841 and said,560 Of a truth7187 it is, that your God426 is a God426 of gods,426 and a Lord4756 of kings,4430 and a revealer1541 of secrets,7328 seeing1768 you could3202 reveal1541 this1836 secret.7328

48 Then116 the king4430 made7236 Daniel1841 a great7236 man, and gave3052 him many7690 great7260 gifts,4978 and made him ruler7981 over5922 the whole3606 province4083 of Babylon,895 and chief7229 of the governors5461 over5922 all3606 the wise2445 men of Babylon.895

49 Then Daniel1841 requested1156 of the king,4430 and he set4483 Shadrach,7715 Meshach,4336 and Abednego,5665 over5922 the affairs5673 of the province4083 of Babylon:895 but Daniel1841 sat in the gate8651 of the king.4430




Chapter 2

1 尼布甲尼撒在位第二年,他作了夢,[spirit]裏煩亂,不能睡覺。

1 And in the second8147 year8141 of the reign4438 of Nebuchadnezzar5019 Nebuchadnezzar5019 dreamed2492 dreams,2472 with which his spirit7307 was troubled,6470 and his sleep8142 broke1961 from him.

2 王吩咐人將術士、觀天象的[astrologers]、行邪術的,和迦勒底人召來,要他們將王的夢指示[shew]王,他們就來站在王前。

2 Then the king4428 commanded559 to call7121 the magicians,2748 and the astrologers,825 and the sorcerers,3784 and the Chaldeans,3779 for to show5046 the king4428 his dreams.2472 So they came935 and stood5975 before6440 the king.4428

3 王對他們說:「我作了一夢,[spirit]裏煩亂,要知道這是甚麼夢。」

3 And the king4428 said559 to them, I have dreamed2492 a dream,2472 and my spirit7307 was troubled6470 to know3045 the dream.2472

4 迦勒底人用敘利亞的言語對王說:「願王萬歲[O]。請將那夢告訴僕人,僕人就可以講解。」

4 Then spoke1696 the Chaldeans3779 to the king4428 in Syriack,762 O king,4430 live2418 for ever:5957 tell560 your servants5649 the dream,2493 and we will show2324 the interpretation.6591

5 王回答迦勒底人說:「夢我已經忘了[The thing is gone from me],你們若不將夢和夢的講解告訴我,就必被凌遲,你們的房屋必成為糞堆;

5 The king4430 answered6032 and said560 to the Chaldeans,3779 The thing4406 is gone230 from me: if2006 you will not make known3046 to me the dream,2493 with the interpretation6591 thereof, you shall be cut5648 in pieces,1917 and your houses1005 shall be made7761 a dunghill.5122

6 你們若將夢和夢的講解告訴我,就必從我這裏得贈品和賞賜,並大尊榮。現在你們要將夢和夢的講解告訴我。」

6 But if2006 you show2324 the dream,2493 and the interpretation6591 thereof, you shall receive6902 of me gifts4978 and rewards5023 and great7690 honor:3367 therefore2006 show2324 me the dream,2493 and the interpretation6591 thereof.

7 他們[again]對王說:「請王將夢告訴僕人,僕人就可以講解。」

7 They answered6032 again8579 and said,560 Let the king4430 tell560 his servants5649 the dream,2493 and we will show2324 the interpretation6591 of it.

8 王回答說:「我准知道你們是故意遲延,因為你們知道那夢我已經忘了。

8 The king4430 answered6032 and said,560 I know3046 of certainty3330 that you would gain2084 the time,5732 because3606 you see2370 the thing4406 is gone230 from me.

9 你們若不將夢告訴我,只有一法待你們;因為你們預備了謊言亂語向我說,要等候時勢改變。現在你們要將夢告訴我,我就[and I]知道你們能將夢的講解告訴我。」

9 But if2006 you will not make known3046 to me the dream,2493 there is but one2298 decree1882 for you: for you have prepared2164 lying3538 and corrupt7844 words4406 to speak560 before6925 me, till5704 the time5732 be changed:8133 therefore2006 tell560 me the dream,2493 and I shall know3046 that you can show2324 me the interpretation6591 thereof.

10 迦勒底人在王面前回答說:「世上沒有人能將王所問的事說出來;因為沒有君王、大臣、掌權的向術士,或觀天象的[astrologer],或迦勒底人問過這樣的事。

10 The Chaldeans3779 answered6032 before6925 the king,4430 and said,560 There is not a man606 on the earth3007 that can3202 show2324 the king's4430 matter:4406 therefore3606 there is no3606 3809 king,4430 lord,7229 nor ruler,7990 that asked7593 such1836 things at any3606 magician,2749 or astrologer,826 or Chaldean.3777

11 王所問的事甚難。除了不與世人同居的眾神明,沒有人在王面前能說出來。」

11 And it is a rare3358 thing4406 that the king4430 requires,7593 and there is none3809 other321 that can show2324 it before6925 the king,4430 except3861 the gods,426 whose1768 dwelling4070 is not with flesh.1321

12 因此,王氣忿忿地大發烈怒,吩咐滅絕巴比倫所有的哲士。

12 For this1836 cause3606 the king4430 was angry1149 and very7690 furious,7108 and commanded560 to destroy7 all3606 the wise2445 men of Babylon.895

13 於是命令發出,哲士將要見殺,人就尋找但以理和他的同伴,要殺他們。

13 And the decree1882 went5312 forth5312 that the wise2445 men should be slain;6992 and they sought1158 Daniel1841 and his fellows2269 to be slain.6992

14 王的護衛長亞略出來,要殺巴比倫的哲士,但以理就用婉言回答他,

14 Then116 Daniel1841 answered8421 with counsel5843 and wisdom2942 to Arioch746 the captain7229 of the king's4430 guard,2877 which1768 was gone5312 forth5312 to slay6992 the wise2445 men of Babylon:895

15 向王的護衛長亞略說:「王的命令為何這樣緊急呢?」亞略就將情節告訴但以理。

15 He answered6032 and said560 to Arioch746 the king's4430 captain,7990 Why5922 4101 is the decree1882 so hasty2685 from the king?4430 Then116 Arioch746 made the thing4406 known3046 to Daniel.1841

16 但以理便[Then]進去求王寬限,就可以將夢的講解告訴王。

16 Then Daniel1841 went5954 in, and desired1156 of the king4430 that he would give5415 him time,2166 and that he would show2324 the king4430 the interpretation.6591

17 但以理回到他的居所,將這事告訴他的同伴哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亞撒利雅,

17 Then116 Daniel1841 went236 to his house,1005 and made the thing4406 known3046 to Hananiah,2608 Mishael,4332 and Azariah,5839 his companions:2269

18 要他們祈求天上的神施憐憫,將這奧秘的事指明,免得但以理和他的同伴與巴比倫其餘的哲士一同滅亡。

18 That they would desire1156 mercies7359 of the God426 of heaven8065 concerning5922 this1836 secret;7328 that Daniel1841 and his fellows2269 should not perish7 with the rest7606 of the wise2445 men of Babylon.895

19 這奧秘的事就在夜間異象中給但以理顯明,但以理便稱頌天上的神。

19 Then116 was the secret7328 revealed1541 to Daniel1841 in a night3916 vision.2376 Then116 Daniel1841 blessed1289 the God426 of heaven.8065

20 但以理說:「神的名是應當稱頌的。直到永永遠遠[for ever and ever]。因為智慧能力都屬乎他。

20 Daniel1841 answered6032 and said,560 Blessed1289 be the name8036 of God426 for ever5957 and ever:5957 for wisdom2452 and might1370 are his:

21 他改變時候、日期,廢王,立王,將智慧賜與智慧人,將知識賜與聰明人。

21 And he changes8133 the times5732 and the seasons:2166 he removes5709 kings,4430 and sets6966 up kings:4430 he gives3052 wisdom2452 to the wise,2445 and knowledge998 to them that know3046 understanding:999

22 他顯明深奧隱秘的事,知道暗中所有的,光明也與他同居。

22 He reveals1541 the deep5994 and secret5642 things: he knows3046 what4101 is in the darkness,2816 and the light5094 dwells8271 with him.

23 我列祖的神啊,我感謝你,讚美你,因你將智慧才能賜給我,如今你又把我們所求的指示我[and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee],把王的事給我們指明。」

23 I thank3029 you, and praise7624 you, O you God426 of my fathers,2 who1768 have given3052 me wisdom2452 and might,1370 and have made known3046 to me now3705 what1768 we desired1156 of you: for you have now3705 made known3046 to us the king's4430 matter.4406

24 於是,但以理進去見亞略,就是王所派滅絕巴比倫哲士的,對他說:「不要滅絕巴比倫的哲士,求你領我到王面前,我要將夢的講解告訴王。」

24 Therefore3606 Daniel1841 went5954 in to Arioch,746 whom1768 the king4430 had ordained4483 to destroy7 the wise2445 men of Babylon:895 he went236 and said560 thus3652 to him; Destroy7 not the wise2445 men of Babylon:895 bring5924 me in before6925 the king,4430 and I will show2324 to the king4430 the interpretation.6591

25 亞略就急忙將但以理領到王面前,對王說:「我在被擄的猶大人中遇見一人,他能將夢的講解告訴王。」

25 Then116 Arioch746 brought5954 in Daniel1841 before6925 the king4430 in haste,927 and said560 thus3652 to him, I have found4672 a man1400 of the captives1123 1547 of Judah,3061 that will make known3046 to the king4430 the interpretation.6591

26 王問稱為伯提沙撒的但以理說:「你能將我所作的夢和夢的講解告訴我嗎?」

26 The king4430 answered6032 and said560 to Daniel,1841 whose1768 name8036 was Belteshazzar,1096 Are383 you able3546 to make known3046 to me the dream2493 which1768 I have seen,2370 and the interpretation6591 thereof?

27 但以理在王面前回答說:「王所問的那奧秘事,哲士、觀天象的[astrologers]、術士、觀兆的都不能告訴王;

27 Daniel1841 answered6032 in the presence6925 of the king,4430 and said,560 The secret7328 which1768 the king4430 has demanded7593 cannot3809 3202 the wise2445 men, the astrologers,826 the magicians,2749 the soothsayers,1505 show2324 to the king;4430

28 只有一位在天上的神能顯明奧秘的事。他已將日後必有的事指示尼布甲尼撒王。你的夢和你在床上腦中的異象是這樣:

28 But there is a God426 in heaven8065 that reveals1541 secrets,7328 and makes known3046 to the king4430 Nebuchadnezzar5020 what4101 shall be in the latter320 days.3118 Your dream,2493 and the visions2376 of your head7217 on your bed,4903 are these;1836

29 王啊,你在床上想到後來的事,那顯明奧秘事的主把將來必有的事指示你。

29 As for you, O king,4430 your thoughts7476 came5559 into your mind on your bed,4903 what4101 should come1934 to pass hereafter:311 1836 and he that reveals1541 secrets7328 makes known3046 to you what4101 shall come1934 to pass.

30 至於那奧秘的事顯明給我,並非因我的智慧勝過一切活人,只是為他們的緣故[but for their sake],乃使王知道夢的講解和心裏的思念。

30 But as for me, this1836 secret7328 is not revealed1541 to me for any wisdom2452 that I have383 more4481 than4481 any3606 living,2417 but for their sakes1701 that shall make known3046 the interpretation6591 to the king,4430 and that you might know3046 the thoughts7476 of your heart.3825

31 「王啊,你夢見一個大像,這大像[great image]極其光耀,站在你面前,形狀甚是可怕。

31 You, O king,4430 saw,2370 and behold431 a great7690 image.6755 This1797 great7229 image,6755 whose brightness2122 was excellent,3493 stood6966 before6903 you; and the form7299 thereof was terrible.1763

32 這像的頭是精金的,胸膛和膀臂是銀的,肚腹和大腿[thighs]是銅的,

32 This1931 image's6755 head7217 was of fine2869 gold,1722 his breast2306 and his arms1872 of silver,3702 his belly4577 and his thighs3410 of brass,5174

33 腿是鐵的,腳是半鐵半泥的。

33 His legs8243 of iron,6523 his feet7271 part4481 of iron6523 and part4481 of clay.2635

34 你觀看,見有一塊非人手鑿出來的石頭打在這像半鐵半泥的腳上,把腳砸碎;

34 You saw2370 till5704 that a stone69 was cut1505 out without1768 3809 hands,3028 which smote4223 the image6755 on his feet7271 that were of iron6523 and clay,2635 and broke1855 them to pieces.

35 於是鐵、泥、銅、銀、金[the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold]都一同砸得粉碎,成如夏天禾場上的糠秕,被風吹散,無處可尋。打碎這像的石頭變成一座大山,充滿全地[whole earth]

35 Then116 was the iron,6523 the clay,2635 the brass,5174 the silver,3702 and the gold,1722 broken1854 to pieces together,2298 and became1934 like the chaff5784 of the summer7007 threshing floors;147 and the wind7308 carried5376 them away, that no3606 3809 place870 was found7912 for them: and the stone69 that smote4223 the image6755 became1934 a great7229 mountain,2906 and filled4391 the whole3606 earth.772

36 「這就是那夢。我們在王面前要講解那夢。

36 This1836 is the dream;2493 and we will tell560 the interpretation6591 thereof before6925 the king.4430

37 王啊,你是諸王之王。天上的神已將國度、權柄、能力、尊榮都賜給你。

37 You, O king,4430 are a king4430 of kings:4430 for the God426 of heaven8065 has given3052 you a kingdom,4437 power,2632 and strength,8632 and glory.3367

38 凡世人所住之地的走獸,並天空的飛鳥,他都交付你手,使你掌管這一切。你就是那金頭。

38 And wherever3606 1768 the children1123 of men606 dwell,1753 the beasts2423 of the field1251 and the fowls5776 of the heaven8065 has he given3052 into your hand,3028 and has made you ruler7981 over them all.3606 You are this1931 head7217 of gold.1722

39 在你以後必另興一國,不及於你;又有第三國,就是銅的,必掌管全地[all the earth]

39 And after870 you shall arise6966 another317 kingdom4437 inferior772 to you, and another317 third8523 kingdom4437 of brass,5174 which1768 shall bear7981 rule7981 over all3606 the earth.772

40 第四國,必堅壯如鐵;鐵能打碎剋制百物,又能破碎[breaketh]一切;那國也必如鐵[as iron]打碎踐踏[bruise]一切[all things]

40 And the fourth7244 kingdom4437 shall be strong8624 as iron:6523 for as much3606 as iron6523 breaks1855 in pieces and subdues2827 all3606 things: and as iron6523 that breaks7490 all3606 these,459 shall it break1855 in pieces and bruise.7490

41 你既見像的腳和腳指頭,一半是陶匠[potter’s]的泥,一半是鐵,那國將來也必分開;你既見鐵與泥混雜[mixed],那國也必有鐵的力量。

41 And whereas1768 you saw2370 the feet7271 and toes,677 part4481 of potters'6353 clay,2635 and part4481 of iron,6523 the kingdom4437 shall be divided;6386 but there shall be in it of the strength5326 of the iron,6523 for as much3606 as you saw2370 the iron6523 mixed6151 with miry2917 clay.2635

42 那腳指頭,既是半鐵半泥,那國也必半強半弱。

42 And as the toes677 of the feet7271 were part4481 of iron,6523 and part4481 of clay,2635 so the kingdom4437 shall be partly7118 strong,8624 and partly7118 broken.8406

43 你既見鐵與泥混雜[mixed],那國民也必與各種人混雜[mingle],卻不能彼此相合,正如鐵與泥不能相合一樣。

43 And whereas1768 you saw2370 iron6523 mixed6151 with miry2917 clay,2635 they shall mingle6151 themselves with the seed2234 of men:606 but they shall not join1693 one1836 to another,1836 even1887 as iron6523 is not mixed6151 with clay.2635

44 當那列王在位的時候,天上的神必另立一國,永不敗壞;[kingdom][shall]不歸別[people],卻要打碎滅絕那一切國,這國必存到永遠。

44 And in the days3118 of these581 kings4430 shall the God426 of heaven8065 set6966 up a kingdom,4437 which1768 shall never5957 3809 be destroyed:2255 and the kingdom4437 shall not be left7662 to other321 people,5972 but it shall break1854 in pieces and consume5487 all3606 these459 kingdoms,4437 and it shall stand6966 for ever.5957

45 你既看見非人手鑿出來的一塊石頭從山而出,打碎鐵、銅、泥、銀、金[the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold],那就是至大的神把後來必有的事給王指明。這夢準是這樣,這講解也是確實的。」

45 For as much3606 as you saw2370 that the stone69 was cut1505 out of the mountain2906 without1768 3809 hands,3028 and that it broke1855 in pieces the iron,6523 the brass,5174 the clay,2635 the silver,3702 and the gold;1722 the great7229 God426 has made known3046 to the king4430 what4101 shall come1934 to pass hereafter:311 1836 and the dream2493 is certain,3330 and the interpretation6591 thereof sure.546

46 當時,尼布甲尼撒王[face]伏在地,向但以理敬拜[worshipped],並且吩咐人給他奉上供物和香品。

46 Then116 the king4430 Nebuchadnezzar5020 fell5308 on his face,600 and worshipped5457 Daniel,1841 and commanded560 that they should offer5260 an oblation4541 and sweet5208 odors5208 to him.

47 王對但以理說:「你既能顯明這奧秘的事,你們的神誠然是眾神之神、眾王之主,又是顯明奧秘事的。」

47 The king4430 answered6032 to Daniel,1841 and said,560 Of a truth7187 it is, that your God426 is a God426 of gods,426 and a Lord4756 of kings,4430 and a revealer1541 of secrets,7328 seeing1768 you could3202 reveal1541 this1836 secret.7328

48 於是王使但以理成了尊貴人[made Daniel a great man],賞賜他許多上等禮物,派他管理巴比倫全省,又立他為省長之首[chief of the governors],掌管巴比倫的一切哲士。

48 Then116 the king4430 made7236 Daniel1841 a great7236 man, and gave3052 him many7690 great7260 gifts,4978 and made him ruler7981 over5922 the whole3606 province4083 of Babylon,895 and chief7229 of the governors5461 over5922 all3606 the wise2445 men of Babylon.895

49 但以理求王,王就派沙得拉、米煞、亞伯.尼歌管理巴比倫省的事務,只是但以理常在朝中侍坐[sat]

49 Then Daniel1841 requested1156 of the king,4430 and he set4483 Shadrach,7715 Meshach,4336 and Abednego,5665 over5922 the affairs5673 of the province4083 of Babylon:895 but Daniel1841 sat in the gate8651 of the king.4430