

1 轉身[turned],舉目觀看,見有一飛行的書卷。

2 他問我說:「你看見甚麼?」我回答說:「我看見一飛行的書卷,長二十肘,寬十肘。」

3 他對我說:「這是發出行在遍地上的咒詛。凡偷竊的必按卷上這面的話剪除[cut off];凡起假誓的必按卷上那面的話剪除[cut off]

4 大軍之耶和華說:我必使這書卷出去,進入偷竊人的家和指我名起假誓人的家;書卷[it][remain]在他家裏,連房屋帶木石都毀滅了。」

5 與我說話的天使出來,對我說:「你要舉目觀看,見所出來的是甚麼。」

6 我說:「這是甚麼呢?」他說:「這出來的是一個伊法[an ephah]。」他又說:「這是惡人在遍地的形狀。」

7 我見有重一他連得的鉛[a talent of lead]被舉起來;這坐在伊法[ephah]中的是個婦人。

8 天使說:「這是罪惡。」他就把[it]扔在伊法[ephah]中,將那片圓鉛扔在其中[thereof]的口上。

9 我又舉目觀看,見有兩個婦人出來,在她們翅膀中有風;翅膀如同鸛鳥的翅膀。她們將伊法抬[lifted up the ephah]在天地中間。

10 我問與我說話的天使說:「她們要將伊法[ephah]抬到哪裏去呢?」

11 他對我說:「要往示拿地去,為[it]蓋造房屋;等房屋立穩[established],就把他安置在[her]自己的地方。」


Chapter 5

1 Then I turned,7725 and lifted5375 up my eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and behold2009 a flying5774 roll.4040

2 And he said559 to me, What4100 see7200 you? And I answered,559 I see7200 a flying5774 roll;4040 the length753 thereof is twenty6242 cubits,520 and the breadth7341 thereof ten6235 cubits.520

3 Then said559 he to me, This2063 is the curse423 that goes3318 forth3318 over5921 the face6440 of the whole3605 earth:776 for every3605 one that steals1589 shall be cut5352 off as on this2088 side according3644 to it; and every3605 one that swears7650 shall be cut5352 off as on that side according3644 to it.

4 I will bring3318 it forth,3318 said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and it shall enter935 into413 the house1004 of the thief,1590 and into413 the house1004 of him that swears7650 falsely8267 by my name:8034 and it shall remain3885 in the middle8432 of his house,1004 and shall consume3615 it with the timber6086 thereof and the stones68 thereof.

5 Then the angel4397 that talked1696 with me went3318 forth,3318 and said559 to me, Lift5375 up now4994 your eyes,5869 and see7200 what4100 is this2063 that goes3318 forth.3318

6 And I said,559 What4100 is it? And he said,559 This2063 is an ephah374 that goes3318 forth.3318 He said559 moreover, This2063 is their resemblance5869 through all3605 the earth.776

7 And, behold,2009 there was lifted up a talent3603 of lead:5777 and this2063 is a woman802 that sits3427 in the middle8432 of the ephah.374

8 And he said,559 This2063 is wickedness.7564 And he cast7993 it into413 the middle8432 of the ephah;374 and he cast7993 the weight68 of lead5777 on the mouth6310 thereof.

9 Then lifted5375 I up my eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and, behold,2009 there came3318 out two8147 women,802 and the wind7307 was in their wings;3671 for they had wings3671 like the wings3671 of a stork:2624 and they lifted5375 up the ephah374 between996 the earth776 and the heaven.8064

10 Then said559 I to the angel4397 that talked1696 with me, Where575 do these1992 bear3212 the ephah?374

11 And he said559 to me, To build1129 it an house1004 in the land776 of Shinar:8152 and it shall be established,3559 and set3240 there8033 on her own base.4369




Chapter 5

1 轉身[turned],舉目觀看,見有一飛行的書卷。

1 Then I turned,7725 and lifted5375 up my eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and behold2009 a flying5774 roll.4040

2 他問我說:「你看見甚麼?」我回答說:「我看見一飛行的書卷,長二十肘,寬十肘。」

2 And he said559 to me, What4100 see7200 you? And I answered,559 I see7200 a flying5774 roll;4040 the length753 thereof is twenty6242 cubits,520 and the breadth7341 thereof ten6235 cubits.520

3 他對我說:「這是發出行在遍地上的咒詛。凡偷竊的必按卷上這面的話剪除[cut off];凡起假誓的必按卷上那面的話剪除[cut off]

3 Then said559 he to me, This2063 is the curse423 that goes3318 forth3318 over5921 the face6440 of the whole3605 earth:776 for every3605 one that steals1589 shall be cut5352 off as on this2088 side according3644 to it; and every3605 one that swears7650 shall be cut5352 off as on that side according3644 to it.

4 大軍之耶和華說:我必使這書卷出去,進入偷竊人的家和指我名起假誓人的家;書卷[it][remain]在他家裏,連房屋帶木石都毀滅了。」

4 I will bring3318 it forth,3318 said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and it shall enter935 into413 the house1004 of the thief,1590 and into413 the house1004 of him that swears7650 falsely8267 by my name:8034 and it shall remain3885 in the middle8432 of his house,1004 and shall consume3615 it with the timber6086 thereof and the stones68 thereof.

5 與我說話的天使出來,對我說:「你要舉目觀看,見所出來的是甚麼。」

5 Then the angel4397 that talked1696 with me went3318 forth,3318 and said559 to me, Lift5375 up now4994 your eyes,5869 and see7200 what4100 is this2063 that goes3318 forth.3318

6 我說:「這是甚麼呢?」他說:「這出來的是一個伊法[an ephah]。」他又說:「這是惡人在遍地的形狀。」

6 And I said,559 What4100 is it? And he said,559 This2063 is an ephah374 that goes3318 forth.3318 He said559 moreover, This2063 is their resemblance5869 through all3605 the earth.776

7 我見有重一他連得的鉛[a talent of lead]被舉起來;這坐在伊法[ephah]中的是個婦人。

7 And, behold,2009 there was lifted up a talent3603 of lead:5777 and this2063 is a woman802 that sits3427 in the middle8432 of the ephah.374

8 天使說:「這是罪惡。」他就把[it]扔在伊法[ephah]中,將那片圓鉛扔在其中[thereof]的口上。

8 And he said,559 This2063 is wickedness.7564 And he cast7993 it into413 the middle8432 of the ephah;374 and he cast7993 the weight68 of lead5777 on the mouth6310 thereof.

9 我又舉目觀看,見有兩個婦人出來,在她們翅膀中有風;翅膀如同鸛鳥的翅膀。她們將伊法抬[lifted up the ephah]在天地中間。

9 Then lifted5375 I up my eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and, behold,2009 there came3318 out two8147 women,802 and the wind7307 was in their wings;3671 for they had wings3671 like the wings3671 of a stork:2624 and they lifted5375 up the ephah374 between996 the earth776 and the heaven.8064

10 我問與我說話的天使說:「她們要將伊法[ephah]抬到哪裏去呢?」

10 Then said559 I to the angel4397 that talked1696 with me, Where575 do these1992 bear3212 the ephah?374

11 他對我說:「要往示拿地去,為[it]蓋造房屋;等房屋立穩[established],就把他安置在[her]自己的地方。」

11 And he said559 to me, To build1129 it an house1004 in the land776 of Shinar:8152 and it shall be established,3559 and set3240 there8033 on her own base.4369