
Psalm 78

1 Maschil4905 of Asaph.623 Give ear,238 O my people,5971 to my law:8451 incline5186 your ears241 to the words561 of my mouth.6310

2 I will open6605 my mouth6310 in a parable:4912 I will utter5042 dark sayings2420 of4480 old: 6924

3 Which834 we have heard8085 and known,3045 and our fathers1 have told5608 us.

4 We will not3808 hide3582 them from their children,4480 1121 showing5608 to the generation1755 to come314 the praises8416 of the LORD,3068 and his strength,5807 and his wonderful works6381 that834 he hath done.6213

5 For he established6965 a testimony5715 in Jacob,3290 and appointed7760 a law8451 in Israel,3478 which834 he commanded6680 853 our fathers,1 that they should make them known3045 to their children: 1121

6 That4616 the generation1755 to come314 might know3045 them, even the children1121 which should be born;3205 who should arise6965 and declare5608 them to their children: 1121

7 That they might set7760 their hope3689 in God,430 and not3808 forget7911 the works4611 of God,410 but keep5341 his commandments: 4687

8 And might not3808 be1961 as their fathers,1 a stubborn5637 and rebellious4784 generation;1755 a generation1755 that set not their heart aright,3559 3808 3820 and whose spirit7307 was not3808 steadfast539 with854 God.410

9 The children1121 of Ephraim,669 being armed,5401 and carrying7411 bows,7198 turned back2015 in the day3117 of battle.7128

10 They kept8104 not3808 the covenant1285 of God,430 and refused3985 to walk1980 in his law;8451

11 And forgot7911 his works,5949 and his wonders6381 that834 he had showed7200 them.

12 Marvelous things6382 did6213 he in the sight5048 of their fathers,1 in the land776 of Egypt,4714 in the field7704 of Zoan.6814

13 He divided1234 the sea,3220 and caused them to pass through;5674 and he made the waters4325 to stand5324 as3644 a heap.5067

14 In the daytime3119 also he led5148 them with a cloud,6051 and all3605 the night3915 with a light216 of fire.784

15 He cleaved1234 the rocks6697 in the wilderness,4057 and gave them drink8248 as out of the great7227 depths.8415

16 He brought streams also out3318 5140 of the rock,4480 5553 and caused waters4325 to run down3381 like rivers.5104

17 And they sinned2398 yet5750 more3254 against him by provoking4784 the most High5945 in the wilderness.6723

18 And they tempted5254 God410 in their heart3824 by asking7592 meat400 for their lust.5315

19 Yea, they spoke1696 against God;430 they said,559 Can3201 God410 furnish6186 a table7979 in the wilderness?4057

20 Behold,2005 he smote5221 the rock,6697 that the waters4325 gushed out,2100 and the streams5158 overflowed;7857 can3201 he give5414 bread3899 also?1571 can he provide3559 flesh7607 for his people?5971

21 Therefore3651 the LORD3068 heard8085 this, and was wroth:5674 so a fire784 was kindled5400 against Jacob,3290 and anger639 also1571 came up5927 against Israel;3478

22 Because3588 they believed539 not3808 in God,430 and trusted982 not3808 in his salvation: 3444

23 Though he had commanded6680 the clouds7834 from above,4480 4605 and opened6605 the doors1817 of heaven,8064

24 And had rained down4305 manna4478 upon5921 them to eat,398 and had given5414 them of the corn1715 of heaven.8064

25 Man376 did eat398 angels'47 food:3899 he sent7971 them meat6720 to the full.7648

26 He caused an east wind6921 to blow5265 in the heaven:8064 and by his power5797 he brought5090 in the south wind.8486

27 He rained4305 flesh7607 also upon5921 them as dust,6083 and feathered3671 fowls5775 like as the sand2344 of the sea: 3220

28 And he let it fall5307 in the midst7130 of their camp,4264 round about5439 their habitations.4908

29 So they did eat,398 and were well3966 filled:7646 for he gave935 them their own desire;8378

30 They were not3808 estranged2114 from their lust.4480 8378 But while their meat400 was yet5750 in their mouths,6310

31 The wrath639 of God430 came5927 upon them, and slew2026 the fattest4924 of them, and smote down3766 the chosen970 men of Israel.3478

32 For all3605 this2063 they sinned2398 still,5750 and believed539 not3808 for his wondrous works.6381

33 Therefore their days3117 did he consume3615 in vanity,1892 and their years8141 in trouble.928

34 When518 he slew2026 them, then they sought1875 him: and they returned7725 and inquired early7836 after God.410

35 And they remembered2142 that3588 God430 was their rock,6697 and the high5945 God410 their redeemer.1350

36 Nevertheless they did flatter6601 him with their mouth,6310 and they lied3576 unto him with their tongues.3956

37 For their heart3820 was not right3808 3559 with5973 him, neither3808 were they steadfast539 in his covenant.1285

38 But he,1931 being full of compassion,7349 forgave3722 their iniquity,5771 and destroyed7843 them not:3808 yea, many7235 a time turned he his anger away,639 7725 and did not3808 stir up5782 all3605 his wrath.2534

39 For he remembered2142 that3588 they1992 were but flesh;1320 a wind7307 that passeth away,1980 and cometh not again.3808 7725

40 How oft4100 did they provoke4784 him in the wilderness,4057 and grieve6087 him in the desert!3452

41 Yea, they turned back7725 and tempted5254 God,410 and limited8428 the Holy One6918 of Israel.3478

42 They remembered2142 not3808 853 his hand,3027 nor the day3117 when834 he delivered6299 them from4480 the enemy.6862

43 How834 he had wrought7760 his signs226 in Egypt,4714 and his wonders4159 in the field7704 of Zoan: 6814

44 And had turned2015 their rivers2975 into blood;1818 and their floods,5140 that they could not1077 drink.8354

45 He sent7971 divers sorts of flies6157 among them, which devoured398 them; and frogs,6854 which destroyed7843 them.

46 He gave5414 also their increase2981 unto the caterpillar,2625 and their labor3018 unto the locust.697

47 He destroyed2026 their vines1612 with hail,1259 and their sycamore trees8256 with frost.2602

48 He gave up5462 their cattle1165 also to the hail,1259 and their flocks4735 to hot thunderbolts.7565

49 He cast7971 upon them the fierceness2740 of his anger,639 wrath,5678 and indignation,2195 and trouble,6869 by sending4917 evil7451 angels4397 among them.

50 He made6424 a way5410 to his anger;639 he spared2820 not3808 their soul5315 from death,4480 4194 but gave5462 their life2416 over to the pestilence;1698

51 And smote5221 all3605 the firstborn1060 in Egypt;4714 the chief7225 of their strength202 in the tabernacles168 of Ham: 2526

52 But made his own people5971 to go forth5265 like sheep,6629 and guided5090 them in the wilderness4057 like a flock.5739

53 And he led5148 them on safely,983 so that they feared6342 not:3808 but the sea3220 overwhelmed3680 their enemies.341

54 And he brought935 them to413 the border1366 of his sanctuary,6944 even to this2088 mountain,2022 which his right hand3225 had purchased.7069

55 He cast out1644 the heathen1471 also before4480 6440 them, and divided5307 them an inheritance5159 by line,2256 and made the tribes7626 of Israel3478 to dwell7931 in their tents.168

56 Yet they tempted5254 and provoked4784 853 the most high5945 God,430 and kept8104 not3808 his testimonies: 5713

57 But turned back,5472 and dealt unfaithfully898 like their fathers:1 they were turned aside2015 like a deceitful7423 bow.7198

58 For they provoked him to anger3707 with their high places,1116 and moved him to jealousy7065 with their graven images.6456

59 When God430 heard8085 this, he was wroth,5674 and greatly3966 abhorred3988 Israel: 3478

60 So that he forsook5203 the tabernacle4908 of Shiloh,7887 the tent168 which he placed7931 among men;120

61 And delivered5414 his strength5797 into captivity,7628 and his glory8597 into the enemy's6862 hand.3027

62 He gave5462 his people5971 over5462 also unto the sword;2719 and was wroth5674 with his inheritance.5159

63 The fire784 consumed398 their young men;970 and their maidens1330 were not3808 given to marriage.1984

64 Their priests3548 fell5307 by the sword;2719 and their widows490 made no3808 lamentation.1058

65 Then the Lord136 awaked3364 as one out of sleep,3463 and like a mighty man1368 that shouteth7442 by reason of wine.4480 3196

66 And he smote5221 his enemies6862 in the hinder parts:268 he put5414 them to a perpetual5769 reproach.2781

67 Moreover he refused3988 the tabernacle168 of Joseph,3130 and chose977 not3808 the tribe7626 of Ephraim: 669

68 But chose977 853 the tribe7626 of Judah,3063 853 the mount2022 Zion6726 which834 he loved.157

69 And he built1129 his sanctuary4720 like3644 high7311 palaces, like the earth776 which he hath established3245 forever.5769

70 He chose977 David1732 also his servant,5650 and took3947 him from the sheepfolds:4480 4356 6629

71 From following4480 310 the ewes great with young5763 he brought935 him to feed7462 Jacob3290 his people,5971 and Israel3478 his inheritance.5159

72 So he fed7462 them according to the integrity8537 of his heart;3824 and guided5148 them by the skilfulness8394 of his hands.3709



1 凡百庶民、余訓迪爾、尚其傾耳以聽兮、

2 余將啟口設譬、以古所秘者闡揚之兮、

3 耶和華之巨能異蹟、我列祖所流傳、余聞而知之、必告後世之子孫兮。

4 併於上節

5 彼遺訓於雅各家、立法於以色列族中、使列祖告諸子孫、

6 傳於後世、令彼將來、咸得而知、傳流靡已兮。

7 俾我後人、希望上帝、思其經綸、守其誡命兮、

8 毋濟祖惡、如祖悖逆、其心不正、其志不立、以事上帝兮。

9 勿效法以法蓮支派備兵戈、執弓矢臨戰而披靡兮、

10 不守上帝之約、不遵其律例兮、

11 其經綸異蹟、雖顯示之、不復憶之兮、

12 昔在埃及地、鎖安野主行異蹟、列祖目擊兮。

13 河海中判、濤若堆立、俾民得濟兮、

14 晝則導民以雲、夜則燭民以火兮、

15 在野裂磐、使民得飲、猶挹清泉兮、

16 水由磐出、流若溪河兮、

17 斯民在野、犯罪愈多、干至上震怒兮、

18 特試上帝、祈求食物、充其貪欲兮、

19 怨讟上帝、謂今在野、豈能肆筵設席兮、

20 謂昔上帝擊磐、水泉洊至、流若溪河、至於今日、其能供餅賜肉、以飫我民兮。

21 耶和華聞此、震怒雅各家、以色列族、勢若烈燄兮、

22 因彼不信上帝、亦不賴之以自救兮。

23 上帝爰命天雲、破隙於穹蒼兮、

24 雨嗎嗱爲食、自天降糈兮、

25 彼食玉食、以果腹兮。

26 主展其能力、東風倐至南風忽起兮、

27 雨肉若塵埃、飛鳥若海沙兮、

28 下於營壘、遍其居處兮、

29 維彼民人、食而果腹、遂其所欲兮。

30 肉尚在口猶難屬饜兮、

31 上帝震怒、肥健之人、咸遭殺戮以色列族之丁男、翦滅殆盡兮。

32 民猶犯罪、不信異蹟、

33 上帝使之、終日艱難、窮年觳觫兮。

34 殺戮數民、其餘悔改、竭力以求兮、

35 民思至高之上帝、自昔造之、恒復拯之兮、

36 仍進以甘言、貢以媚詞兮、

37 其心未正、其意未誠、不守前約兮、

38 上帝矜憫無涯、赦宥頻加、不忍翦滅、屢遏其怒、不奮其威兮、

39 爰知斯民、特血氣之屬兮、譬彼飄風、一去不回兮。

40 斯民在野、干主震怒、俾主懐憂兮、

41 試上帝、一而再、以色列族之聖主、心彌憂戚兮、

42 自昔吾主、展厥能力、拯民於難、民反忘之兮、

43 在埃及行奇蹟、在鎖安施異能兮、

44 變河爲血、人不能飲兮、

45 且使蠅嘬之、蛙擾之、

46 蝗食其物產、蟲囓其禾稼兮、

47 雹滅其葡萄、霜隕其桑林、

48 雹殺其牛、電燬其羊兮、

49 厥怒奮揚、厥氣震烈、爰遣惡使、入彼民中兮、

50 立降其怒、人命不宥、使彼羣畜、遍染疫癘兮。

51 在埃及通國、初胎之男子被擊、在含帷幕、首生之牲畜俱亡兮。

52 導厥選民、譬彼羣羊、經行曠野兮、

53 俾其綏安、無所畏懼、維彼敵人、海水淹之兮、

54 維彼選民、導至聖地、將得斯山、以爲恒業兮、

55 異邦之民、悉彼驅逐、所得之業、以繩量度、俾以色列之支派、各居帷幕兮、

56 至高上帝、厥有命令、民再犯之櫻其震怒兮、

57 維彼濟惡、屢行叛逆、無異列祖、如弦絶弓反兮、

58 彼築崇邱、干其憤怒、彼事偶像、櫻其忿懥兮、

59 上帝聞之、其怒殊甚、於以色列族深惡之兮、

60 昔上帝在人間、擇示羅之幕以駐蹕、今則遐棄之兮、

61 尊榮之法匱、斯民所恃、茲爲敵所遷兮、

62 所得之民、怒之甚烈、俾亡於刃兮、

63 丁男燬於火、處女不奏房中之樂兮、

64 祭司死於兵、嫠婦不作哭泣之歌兮。

65 主勃然興起、如寢者之警醒、如壯夫飲酒而呼呶兮、

66 擊敵人之背、俾蒙羞不已兮。

67 不選約瑟之後、不擇以法蓮支派兮、

68 乃簡猶大一族、愛斯邭山、

69 爰建聖室、與天同高、與地同久兮、

70 遴選大闢爲僕、不使守羣畜、

71 牧牝羊、俾牧上帝之選民、卽雅各家以色列族兮。

72 大闢竭其心志、盡其慧思、訓導之、治理之兮。


Psalm 78



1 Maschil4905 of Asaph.623 Give ear,238 O my people,5971 to my law:8451 incline5186 your ears241 to the words561 of my mouth.6310

1 凡百庶民、余訓迪爾、尚其傾耳以聽兮、

2 I will open6605 my mouth6310 in a parable:4912 I will utter5042 dark sayings2420 of4480 old: 6924

2 余將啟口設譬、以古所秘者闡揚之兮、

3 Which834 we have heard8085 and known,3045 and our fathers1 have told5608 us.

3 耶和華之巨能異蹟、我列祖所流傳、余聞而知之、必告後世之子孫兮。

4 We will not3808 hide3582 them from their children,4480 1121 showing5608 to the generation1755 to come314 the praises8416 of the LORD,3068 and his strength,5807 and his wonderful works6381 that834 he hath done.6213

4 併於上節

5 For he established6965 a testimony5715 in Jacob,3290 and appointed7760 a law8451 in Israel,3478 which834 he commanded6680 853 our fathers,1 that they should make them known3045 to their children: 1121

5 彼遺訓於雅各家、立法於以色列族中、使列祖告諸子孫、

6 That4616 the generation1755 to come314 might know3045 them, even the children1121 which should be born;3205 who should arise6965 and declare5608 them to their children: 1121

6 傳於後世、令彼將來、咸得而知、傳流靡已兮。

7 That they might set7760 their hope3689 in God,430 and not3808 forget7911 the works4611 of God,410 but keep5341 his commandments: 4687

7 俾我後人、希望上帝、思其經綸、守其誡命兮、

8 And might not3808 be1961 as their fathers,1 a stubborn5637 and rebellious4784 generation;1755 a generation1755 that set not their heart aright,3559 3808 3820 and whose spirit7307 was not3808 steadfast539 with854 God.410

8 毋濟祖惡、如祖悖逆、其心不正、其志不立、以事上帝兮。

9 The children1121 of Ephraim,669 being armed,5401 and carrying7411 bows,7198 turned back2015 in the day3117 of battle.7128

9 勿效法以法蓮支派備兵戈、執弓矢臨戰而披靡兮、

10 They kept8104 not3808 the covenant1285 of God,430 and refused3985 to walk1980 in his law;8451

10 不守上帝之約、不遵其律例兮、

11 And forgot7911 his works,5949 and his wonders6381 that834 he had showed7200 them.

11 其經綸異蹟、雖顯示之、不復憶之兮、

12 Marvelous things6382 did6213 he in the sight5048 of their fathers,1 in the land776 of Egypt,4714 in the field7704 of Zoan.6814

12 昔在埃及地、鎖安野主行異蹟、列祖目擊兮。

13 He divided1234 the sea,3220 and caused them to pass through;5674 and he made the waters4325 to stand5324 as3644 a heap.5067

13 河海中判、濤若堆立、俾民得濟兮、

14 In the daytime3119 also he led5148 them with a cloud,6051 and all3605 the night3915 with a light216 of fire.784

14 晝則導民以雲、夜則燭民以火兮、

15 He cleaved1234 the rocks6697 in the wilderness,4057 and gave them drink8248 as out of the great7227 depths.8415

15 在野裂磐、使民得飲、猶挹清泉兮、

16 He brought streams also out3318 5140 of the rock,4480 5553 and caused waters4325 to run down3381 like rivers.5104

16 水由磐出、流若溪河兮、

17 And they sinned2398 yet5750 more3254 against him by provoking4784 the most High5945 in the wilderness.6723

17 斯民在野、犯罪愈多、干至上震怒兮、

18 And they tempted5254 God410 in their heart3824 by asking7592 meat400 for their lust.5315

18 特試上帝、祈求食物、充其貪欲兮、

19 Yea, they spoke1696 against God;430 they said,559 Can3201 God410 furnish6186 a table7979 in the wilderness?4057

19 怨讟上帝、謂今在野、豈能肆筵設席兮、

20 Behold,2005 he smote5221 the rock,6697 that the waters4325 gushed out,2100 and the streams5158 overflowed;7857 can3201 he give5414 bread3899 also?1571 can he provide3559 flesh7607 for his people?5971

20 謂昔上帝擊磐、水泉洊至、流若溪河、至於今日、其能供餅賜肉、以飫我民兮。

21 Therefore3651 the LORD3068 heard8085 this, and was wroth:5674 so a fire784 was kindled5400 against Jacob,3290 and anger639 also1571 came up5927 against Israel;3478

21 耶和華聞此、震怒雅各家、以色列族、勢若烈燄兮、

22 Because3588 they believed539 not3808 in God,430 and trusted982 not3808 in his salvation: 3444

22 因彼不信上帝、亦不賴之以自救兮。

23 Though he had commanded6680 the clouds7834 from above,4480 4605 and opened6605 the doors1817 of heaven,8064

23 上帝爰命天雲、破隙於穹蒼兮、

24 And had rained down4305 manna4478 upon5921 them to eat,398 and had given5414 them of the corn1715 of heaven.8064

24 雨嗎嗱爲食、自天降糈兮、

25 Man376 did eat398 angels'47 food:3899 he sent7971 them meat6720 to the full.7648

25 彼食玉食、以果腹兮。

26 He caused an east wind6921 to blow5265 in the heaven:8064 and by his power5797 he brought5090 in the south wind.8486

26 主展其能力、東風倐至南風忽起兮、

27 He rained4305 flesh7607 also upon5921 them as dust,6083 and feathered3671 fowls5775 like as the sand2344 of the sea: 3220

27 雨肉若塵埃、飛鳥若海沙兮、

28 And he let it fall5307 in the midst7130 of their camp,4264 round about5439 their habitations.4908

28 下於營壘、遍其居處兮、

29 So they did eat,398 and were well3966 filled:7646 for he gave935 them their own desire;8378

29 維彼民人、食而果腹、遂其所欲兮。

30 They were not3808 estranged2114 from their lust.4480 8378 But while their meat400 was yet5750 in their mouths,6310

30 肉尚在口猶難屬饜兮、

31 The wrath639 of God430 came5927 upon them, and slew2026 the fattest4924 of them, and smote down3766 the chosen970 men of Israel.3478

31 上帝震怒、肥健之人、咸遭殺戮以色列族之丁男、翦滅殆盡兮。

32 For all3605 this2063 they sinned2398 still,5750 and believed539 not3808 for his wondrous works.6381

32 民猶犯罪、不信異蹟、

33 Therefore their days3117 did he consume3615 in vanity,1892 and their years8141 in trouble.928

33 上帝使之、終日艱難、窮年觳觫兮。

34 When518 he slew2026 them, then they sought1875 him: and they returned7725 and inquired early7836 after God.410

34 殺戮數民、其餘悔改、竭力以求兮、

35 And they remembered2142 that3588 God430 was their rock,6697 and the high5945 God410 their redeemer.1350

35 民思至高之上帝、自昔造之、恒復拯之兮、

36 Nevertheless they did flatter6601 him with their mouth,6310 and they lied3576 unto him with their tongues.3956

36 仍進以甘言、貢以媚詞兮、

37 For their heart3820 was not right3808 3559 with5973 him, neither3808 were they steadfast539 in his covenant.1285

37 其心未正、其意未誠、不守前約兮、

38 But he,1931 being full of compassion,7349 forgave3722 their iniquity,5771 and destroyed7843 them not:3808 yea, many7235 a time turned he his anger away,639 7725 and did not3808 stir up5782 all3605 his wrath.2534

38 上帝矜憫無涯、赦宥頻加、不忍翦滅、屢遏其怒、不奮其威兮、

39 For he remembered2142 that3588 they1992 were but flesh;1320 a wind7307 that passeth away,1980 and cometh not again.3808 7725

39 爰知斯民、特血氣之屬兮、譬彼飄風、一去不回兮。

40 How oft4100 did they provoke4784 him in the wilderness,4057 and grieve6087 him in the desert!3452

40 斯民在野、干主震怒、俾主懐憂兮、

41 Yea, they turned back7725 and tempted5254 God,410 and limited8428 the Holy One6918 of Israel.3478

41 試上帝、一而再、以色列族之聖主、心彌憂戚兮、

42 They remembered2142 not3808 853 his hand,3027 nor the day3117 when834 he delivered6299 them from4480 the enemy.6862

42 自昔吾主、展厥能力、拯民於難、民反忘之兮、

43 How834 he had wrought7760 his signs226 in Egypt,4714 and his wonders4159 in the field7704 of Zoan: 6814

43 在埃及行奇蹟、在鎖安施異能兮、

44 And had turned2015 their rivers2975 into blood;1818 and their floods,5140 that they could not1077 drink.8354

44 變河爲血、人不能飲兮、

45 He sent7971 divers sorts of flies6157 among them, which devoured398 them; and frogs,6854 which destroyed7843 them.

45 且使蠅嘬之、蛙擾之、

46 He gave5414 also their increase2981 unto the caterpillar,2625 and their labor3018 unto the locust.697

46 蝗食其物產、蟲囓其禾稼兮、

47 He destroyed2026 their vines1612 with hail,1259 and their sycamore trees8256 with frost.2602

47 雹滅其葡萄、霜隕其桑林、

48 He gave up5462 their cattle1165 also to the hail,1259 and their flocks4735 to hot thunderbolts.7565

48 雹殺其牛、電燬其羊兮、

49 He cast7971 upon them the fierceness2740 of his anger,639 wrath,5678 and indignation,2195 and trouble,6869 by sending4917 evil7451 angels4397 among them.

49 厥怒奮揚、厥氣震烈、爰遣惡使、入彼民中兮、

50 He made6424 a way5410 to his anger;639 he spared2820 not3808 their soul5315 from death,4480 4194 but gave5462 their life2416 over to the pestilence;1698

50 立降其怒、人命不宥、使彼羣畜、遍染疫癘兮。

51 And smote5221 all3605 the firstborn1060 in Egypt;4714 the chief7225 of their strength202 in the tabernacles168 of Ham: 2526

51 在埃及通國、初胎之男子被擊、在含帷幕、首生之牲畜俱亡兮。

52 But made his own people5971 to go forth5265 like sheep,6629 and guided5090 them in the wilderness4057 like a flock.5739

52 導厥選民、譬彼羣羊、經行曠野兮、

53 And he led5148 them on safely,983 so that they feared6342 not:3808 but the sea3220 overwhelmed3680 their enemies.341

53 俾其綏安、無所畏懼、維彼敵人、海水淹之兮、

54 And he brought935 them to413 the border1366 of his sanctuary,6944 even to this2088 mountain,2022 which his right hand3225 had purchased.7069

54 維彼選民、導至聖地、將得斯山、以爲恒業兮、

55 He cast out1644 the heathen1471 also before4480 6440 them, and divided5307 them an inheritance5159 by line,2256 and made the tribes7626 of Israel3478 to dwell7931 in their tents.168

55 異邦之民、悉彼驅逐、所得之業、以繩量度、俾以色列之支派、各居帷幕兮、

56 Yet they tempted5254 and provoked4784 853 the most high5945 God,430 and kept8104 not3808 his testimonies: 5713

56 至高上帝、厥有命令、民再犯之櫻其震怒兮、

57 But turned back,5472 and dealt unfaithfully898 like their fathers:1 they were turned aside2015 like a deceitful7423 bow.7198

57 維彼濟惡、屢行叛逆、無異列祖、如弦絶弓反兮、

58 For they provoked him to anger3707 with their high places,1116 and moved him to jealousy7065 with their graven images.6456

58 彼築崇邱、干其憤怒、彼事偶像、櫻其忿懥兮、

59 When God430 heard8085 this, he was wroth,5674 and greatly3966 abhorred3988 Israel: 3478

59 上帝聞之、其怒殊甚、於以色列族深惡之兮、

60 So that he forsook5203 the tabernacle4908 of Shiloh,7887 the tent168 which he placed7931 among men;120

60 昔上帝在人間、擇示羅之幕以駐蹕、今則遐棄之兮、

61 And delivered5414 his strength5797 into captivity,7628 and his glory8597 into the enemy's6862 hand.3027

61 尊榮之法匱、斯民所恃、茲爲敵所遷兮、

62 He gave5462 his people5971 over5462 also unto the sword;2719 and was wroth5674 with his inheritance.5159

62 所得之民、怒之甚烈、俾亡於刃兮、

63 The fire784 consumed398 their young men;970 and their maidens1330 were not3808 given to marriage.1984

63 丁男燬於火、處女不奏房中之樂兮、

64 Their priests3548 fell5307 by the sword;2719 and their widows490 made no3808 lamentation.1058

64 祭司死於兵、嫠婦不作哭泣之歌兮。

65 Then the Lord136 awaked3364 as one out of sleep,3463 and like a mighty man1368 that shouteth7442 by reason of wine.4480 3196

65 主勃然興起、如寢者之警醒、如壯夫飲酒而呼呶兮、

66 And he smote5221 his enemies6862 in the hinder parts:268 he put5414 them to a perpetual5769 reproach.2781

66 擊敵人之背、俾蒙羞不已兮。

67 Moreover he refused3988 the tabernacle168 of Joseph,3130 and chose977 not3808 the tribe7626 of Ephraim: 669

67 不選約瑟之後、不擇以法蓮支派兮、

68 But chose977 853 the tribe7626 of Judah,3063 853 the mount2022 Zion6726 which834 he loved.157

68 乃簡猶大一族、愛斯邭山、

69 And he built1129 his sanctuary4720 like3644 high7311 palaces, like the earth776 which he hath established3245 forever.5769

69 爰建聖室、與天同高、與地同久兮、

70 He chose977 David1732 also his servant,5650 and took3947 him from the sheepfolds:4480 4356 6629

70 遴選大闢爲僕、不使守羣畜、

71 From following4480 310 the ewes great with young5763 he brought935 him to feed7462 Jacob3290 his people,5971 and Israel3478 his inheritance.5159

71 牧牝羊、俾牧上帝之選民、卽雅各家以色列族兮。

72 So he fed7462 them according to the integrity8537 of his heart;3824 and guided5148 them by the skilfulness8394 of his hands.3709

72 大闢竭其心志、盡其慧思、訓導之、治理之兮。