
Chapter 1

1 Jude,2455 the servant1401 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and1161 brother80 of James,2385 to them that are sanctified37 by1722 God2316 the Father,3962 and2532 preserved5083 in Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and called.2822

2 Mercy1656 unto you,5213 and2532 peace,1515 and2532 love,26 be multiplied.4129

3 Beloved,27 when I gave4160 all3956 diligence4710 to write1125 unto you5213 of4012 the3588 common2839 salvation,4991 it was needful2192 318 for me to write1125 unto you,5213 and exhort3870 you that ye should earnestly contend for1864 the3588 faith4102 which was once530 delivered3860 unto the3588 saints.40

4 For1063 there are certain5100 men444 crept in unawares,3921 who were before of old ordained4270 3819 to1519 this5124 condemnation,2917 ungodly men,765 turning3346 the3588 grace5485 of our2257 God2316 into1519 lasciviousness,766 and2532 denying720 the3588 only3441 Lord1203 God,2316 and2532 our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ.5547

5 I1161 will1014 therefore put you in remembrance,5279 5209 though ye5209 once530 knew1492 this,5124 how that3754 the3588 Lord,2962 having saved4982 the people2992 out of1537 the land1093 of Egypt,125 afterward1208 destroyed622 them that believed4100 not.3361

6 And5037 the angels32 which kept5083 not3361 their1438 first estate,746 but235 left620 their own2398 habitation,3613 he hath reserved5083 in everlasting126 chains1199 under5259 darkness2217 unto1519 the judgment2920 of the great3173 day.2250

7 Even as5613 Sodom4670 and2532 Gomorrah,1116 and2532 the3588 cities4172 about4012 them846 in like manner,3664 5158 giving themselves over to fornication,1608 and2532 going565 after3694 strange2087 flesh,4561 are set forth4295 for an example,1164 suffering5254 the vengeance1349 of eternal166 fire.4442

8 Likewise3668 also2532 these3778 filthy dreamers1797 defile3392 the flesh,4561 3303 despise114 dominion,2963 and1161 speak evil of987 dignities.1391

9 Yet1161 Michael3413 the3588 archangel,743 when3753 contending1252 with the3588 devil1228 he disputed1256 about4012 the3588 body4983 of Moses,3475 durst5111 not3756 bring against2018 him a railing988 accusation,2920 but235 said,2036 The Lord2962 rebuke2008 thee.4671

10 But1161 these3778 speak evil of987 those things3745 which they3303 know1492 not:3756 but1161 what3745 they know1987 naturally,5447 as5613 brute249 beasts,2226 in1722 those things5125 they corrupt themselves.5351

11 Woe3759 unto them!846 for3754 they have gone4198 in the3588 way3598 of Cain,2535 and2532 ran greedily after1632 the3588 error4106 of Balaam903 for reward,3408 and2532 perished622 in the3588 gainsaying485 of Korah.2879

12 These3778 are1526 spots4694 in1722 your5216 feasts of charity,26 when they feast with4910 you,5213 feeding4165 themselves1438 without fear:870 clouds3507 they are without water,504 carried about4064 of5259 winds;417 trees1186 whose fruit withereth,5352 without fruit,175 twice1364 dead,599 plucked up by the roots;1610

13 Raging66 waves2949 of the sea,2281 foaming out1890 their own1438 shame;152 wandering4107 stars,792 to whom3739 is reserved5083 the3588 blackness2217 of darkness4655 forever.1519 165

14 And1161 Enoch1802 also,2532 the seventh1442 from575 Adam,76 prophesied4395 of these,5125 saying,3004 Behold,2400 the Lord2962 cometh2064 with1722 ten thousands3461 of his848 saints,40

15 To execute4160 judgment2920 upon2596 all,3956 and2532 to convince1827 all3956 that are ungodly765 among them846 of4012 all3956 their848 ungodly763 deeds2041 which3739 they have ungodly committed,764 and2532 of4012 all3956 their hard4642 speeches which3739 ungodly765 sinners268 have spoken2980 against2596 him.846

16 These3778 are1526 murmurers,1113 complainers,3202 walking4198 after2596 their own848 lusts;1939 and2532 their848 mouth4750 speaketh2980 great swelling5246 words, having men's persons in admiration2296 4383 because of5484 advantage.5622

17 But,1161 beloved,27 remember3415 ye5210 the3588 words4487 which were spoken before4280 of5259 the3588 apostles652 of our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ;5547

18 How that3754 they told3004 you5213 there should3754 be2071 mockers1703 in1722 the last2078 time,5550 who should walk4198 after2596 their own1438 ungodly763 lusts.1939

19 These3778 be1526 they who separate592 themselves,1438 sensual,5591 having2192 not3361 the Spirit.4151

20 But1161 ye,5210 beloved,27 building up2026 yourselves1438 on your5216 most holy40 faith,4102 praying4336 in1722 the Holy40 Ghost,4151

21 Keep5083 yourselves1438 in1722 the love26 of God,2316 looking for4327 the3588 mercy1656 of our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ5547 unto1519 eternal166 life.2222

22 And2532 of some3739 3303 have compassion,1653 making a difference: 1252

23 And1161 others3739 save4982 with1722 fear,5401 pulling726 them out of1537 the3588 fire;4442 hating3404 even2532 the3588 garment5509 spotted4696 by575 the3588 flesh.4561

24 Now1161 unto him that is able1410 to keep5442 you5209 from falling,679 and2532 to present2476 you faultless299 before the presence2714 of his848 glory1391 with1722 exceeding joy,20

25 To the only3441 wise4680 God2316 our2257 Savior,4990 be glory1391 and2532 majesty,3172 dominion2904 and2532 power,1849 both2532 now3568 and2532 ever.1519 3956 165 Amen.281



1 耶穌基督的僕人,雅各的兄弟[brother]猶大,寫信給那些因父神得以成聖[to them that are sanctified by God the Father]在耶穌基督裏得蒙保守呼召[preserved in Jesus Christ, and called]的人;

2 願憐恤、平安、和愛[and love]多多的加給你們。

3 親愛的弟兄啊,我想盡心寫信給你們,論到所同得的救恩[of the common salvation],就必須[needful]寫信勸你們,要為從前一次交付聖徒的信仰[faith]竭力的爭辯。

4 因為有些人偷著進來,就是自古以先[before]被定受刑罰的,是不虔誠的,將我們神的恩變作放縱情慾的機會,並且不認獨一的主神和我們[Lord God, and our]主耶穌基督。

5 從前主救了他的百姓出埃及地,後來就把那些不信的滅絕了。故此[therefore]這事你們雖曾知道[though ye once knew this],我卻仍要提醒你們。

6 又有不守本位、離開自己住處的天使,主用鎖鏈把他們永遠拘留在黑暗裏,等候大日的審判。

7 又如所多瑪、蛾摩拉,並周圍照樣行淫的城邑[and the cities about them in like manner]他們[themselves]隨從逆性的肉體[flesh],就受永火的報應[vengeance],作為鑑戒。

8 這些作污穢[filthy]夢的人,也像他們污穢身體,輕慢主治的,毀謗在尊位的。

9 天使長米迦勒為摩西的屍首與魔鬼爭辯的時候,尚且不敢用毀謗的話罪責他,只說:「主責備你吧。」

10 但這些人毀謗他們所不知道的;他們本性所知道的事[but]與那沒有靈性的畜類一樣,在那些[those]事上竟敗壞了自己。

11 他們有禍了。因為他們[they]走了該隱的道路,又為利隨從[after]巴蘭的錯謬奔走貪求[ran greedily],並在可拉的爭辯[gainsaying]中滅亡了。

12 這樣的人在你們的愛席上與你們同吃的時候,正是玷污[spots]他們餵養自己[feeding themselves],無所懼怕。他們[they]是沒有雨的雲彩,被風飄蕩;是果子枯乾[fruit withereth]、沒有果子的樹,死而又死,連根被拔出來;

13 是海裏的狂浪,湧出自己可恥的沫子來;是流蕩的星,有墨黑的幽暗[to]他們永遠存留。

14 亞當的七世孫以諾,曾預言這些人說:「看哪,主帶著他萬計聖徒[ten thousands of his saints]降臨,

15 要在眾人身上行審判,要駁倒[to convince]那一切不敬虔的人,不敬虔地[ungodly]干犯[committed]一切不敬虔的事,又駁倒[convince]不敬虔之罪人所說頂撞他的一切[all]剛愎話。」

16 這些人是私下議論,常發怨言的,隨從自己的情慾而行;口中說誇大的話,為得利益奉承人[having men's persons in admiration because of advantage]

17 親愛的弟兄啊,你們[But]要記念我們主耶穌基督之使徒從前所說的話;

18 他們曾對你們說過,末[time]必有好譏誚的人[who should]隨從自己不敬虔的私慾而行。

19 這就是那些離教結黨[separate themselves]屬乎情慾[sensual]、沒有[Spirit]的人。

20 親愛的弟兄啊,你們卻要在至聖的信仰[faith]上造就自己,在聖靈裏禱告,

21 保守自己常在神的愛中,仰望我們主耶穌基督的憐憫,直到永生。

22 有些人你們要憐憫他們,分別出來[making a difference]

23 其餘的人[others]你們要存畏懼的心搭救,將他們從火裏救拔出來[save with fear, pulling them out of the fire],連那被肉體玷污[spotted by the flesh]的衣服也當厭惡。

24 那能保守你們不跌倒[falling]、叫你們無瑕無疵、歡歡喜喜站在他榮耀之前[before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy][that]

25 願榮耀,威嚴,能力,權柄,歸與獨一全智的神我們的救主[the only wise God our Saviour]從今時[both now]直到永永遠遠。阿們。


Chapter 1



1 Jude,2455 the servant1401 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and1161 brother80 of James,2385 to them that are sanctified37 by1722 God2316 the Father,3962 and2532 preserved5083 in Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and called.2822

1 耶穌基督的僕人,雅各的兄弟[brother]猶大,寫信給那些因父神得以成聖[to them that are sanctified by God the Father]在耶穌基督裏得蒙保守呼召[preserved in Jesus Christ, and called]的人;

2 Mercy1656 unto you,5213 and2532 peace,1515 and2532 love,26 be multiplied.4129

2 願憐恤、平安、和愛[and love]多多的加給你們。

3 Beloved,27 when I gave4160 all3956 diligence4710 to write1125 unto you5213 of4012 the3588 common2839 salvation,4991 it was needful2192 318 for me to write1125 unto you,5213 and exhort3870 you that ye should earnestly contend for1864 the3588 faith4102 which was once530 delivered3860 unto the3588 saints.40

3 親愛的弟兄啊,我想盡心寫信給你們,論到所同得的救恩[of the common salvation],就必須[needful]寫信勸你們,要為從前一次交付聖徒的信仰[faith]竭力的爭辯。

4 For1063 there are certain5100 men444 crept in unawares,3921 who were before of old ordained4270 3819 to1519 this5124 condemnation,2917 ungodly men,765 turning3346 the3588 grace5485 of our2257 God2316 into1519 lasciviousness,766 and2532 denying720 the3588 only3441 Lord1203 God,2316 and2532 our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ.5547

4 因為有些人偷著進來,就是自古以先[before]被定受刑罰的,是不虔誠的,將我們神的恩變作放縱情慾的機會,並且不認獨一的主神和我們[Lord God, and our]主耶穌基督。

5 I1161 will1014 therefore put you in remembrance,5279 5209 though ye5209 once530 knew1492 this,5124 how that3754 the3588 Lord,2962 having saved4982 the people2992 out of1537 the land1093 of Egypt,125 afterward1208 destroyed622 them that believed4100 not.3361

5 從前主救了他的百姓出埃及地,後來就把那些不信的滅絕了。故此[therefore]這事你們雖曾知道[though ye once knew this],我卻仍要提醒你們。

6 And5037 the angels32 which kept5083 not3361 their1438 first estate,746 but235 left620 their own2398 habitation,3613 he hath reserved5083 in everlasting126 chains1199 under5259 darkness2217 unto1519 the judgment2920 of the great3173 day.2250

6 又有不守本位、離開自己住處的天使,主用鎖鏈把他們永遠拘留在黑暗裏,等候大日的審判。

7 Even as5613 Sodom4670 and2532 Gomorrah,1116 and2532 the3588 cities4172 about4012 them846 in like manner,3664 5158 giving themselves over to fornication,1608 and2532 going565 after3694 strange2087 flesh,4561 are set forth4295 for an example,1164 suffering5254 the vengeance1349 of eternal166 fire.4442

7 又如所多瑪、蛾摩拉,並周圍照樣行淫的城邑[and the cities about them in like manner]他們[themselves]隨從逆性的肉體[flesh],就受永火的報應[vengeance],作為鑑戒。

8 Likewise3668 also2532 these3778 filthy dreamers1797 defile3392 the flesh,4561 3303 despise114 dominion,2963 and1161 speak evil of987 dignities.1391

8 這些作污穢[filthy]夢的人,也像他們污穢身體,輕慢主治的,毀謗在尊位的。

9 Yet1161 Michael3413 the3588 archangel,743 when3753 contending1252 with the3588 devil1228 he disputed1256 about4012 the3588 body4983 of Moses,3475 durst5111 not3756 bring against2018 him a railing988 accusation,2920 but235 said,2036 The Lord2962 rebuke2008 thee.4671

9 天使長米迦勒為摩西的屍首與魔鬼爭辯的時候,尚且不敢用毀謗的話罪責他,只說:「主責備你吧。」

10 But1161 these3778 speak evil of987 those things3745 which they3303 know1492 not:3756 but1161 what3745 they know1987 naturally,5447 as5613 brute249 beasts,2226 in1722 those things5125 they corrupt themselves.5351

10 但這些人毀謗他們所不知道的;他們本性所知道的事[but]與那沒有靈性的畜類一樣,在那些[those]事上竟敗壞了自己。

11 Woe3759 unto them!846 for3754 they have gone4198 in the3588 way3598 of Cain,2535 and2532 ran greedily after1632 the3588 error4106 of Balaam903 for reward,3408 and2532 perished622 in the3588 gainsaying485 of Korah.2879

11 他們有禍了。因為他們[they]走了該隱的道路,又為利隨從[after]巴蘭的錯謬奔走貪求[ran greedily],並在可拉的爭辯[gainsaying]中滅亡了。

12 These3778 are1526 spots4694 in1722 your5216 feasts of charity,26 when they feast with4910 you,5213 feeding4165 themselves1438 without fear:870 clouds3507 they are without water,504 carried about4064 of5259 winds;417 trees1186 whose fruit withereth,5352 without fruit,175 twice1364 dead,599 plucked up by the roots;1610

12 這樣的人在你們的愛席上與你們同吃的時候,正是玷污[spots]他們餵養自己[feeding themselves],無所懼怕。他們[they]是沒有雨的雲彩,被風飄蕩;是果子枯乾[fruit withereth]、沒有果子的樹,死而又死,連根被拔出來;

13 Raging66 waves2949 of the sea,2281 foaming out1890 their own1438 shame;152 wandering4107 stars,792 to whom3739 is reserved5083 the3588 blackness2217 of darkness4655 forever.1519 165

13 是海裏的狂浪,湧出自己可恥的沫子來;是流蕩的星,有墨黑的幽暗[to]他們永遠存留。

14 And1161 Enoch1802 also,2532 the seventh1442 from575 Adam,76 prophesied4395 of these,5125 saying,3004 Behold,2400 the Lord2962 cometh2064 with1722 ten thousands3461 of his848 saints,40

14 亞當的七世孫以諾,曾預言這些人說:「看哪,主帶著他萬計聖徒[ten thousands of his saints]降臨,

15 To execute4160 judgment2920 upon2596 all,3956 and2532 to convince1827 all3956 that are ungodly765 among them846 of4012 all3956 their848 ungodly763 deeds2041 which3739 they have ungodly committed,764 and2532 of4012 all3956 their hard4642 speeches which3739 ungodly765 sinners268 have spoken2980 against2596 him.846

15 要在眾人身上行審判,要駁倒[to convince]那一切不敬虔的人,不敬虔地[ungodly]干犯[committed]一切不敬虔的事,又駁倒[convince]不敬虔之罪人所說頂撞他的一切[all]剛愎話。」

16 These3778 are1526 murmurers,1113 complainers,3202 walking4198 after2596 their own848 lusts;1939 and2532 their848 mouth4750 speaketh2980 great swelling5246 words, having men's persons in admiration2296 4383 because of5484 advantage.5622

16 這些人是私下議論,常發怨言的,隨從自己的情慾而行;口中說誇大的話,為得利益奉承人[having men's persons in admiration because of advantage]

17 But,1161 beloved,27 remember3415 ye5210 the3588 words4487 which were spoken before4280 of5259 the3588 apostles652 of our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ;5547

17 親愛的弟兄啊,你們[But]要記念我們主耶穌基督之使徒從前所說的話;

18 How that3754 they told3004 you5213 there should3754 be2071 mockers1703 in1722 the last2078 time,5550 who should walk4198 after2596 their own1438 ungodly763 lusts.1939

18 他們曾對你們說過,末[time]必有好譏誚的人[who should]隨從自己不敬虔的私慾而行。

19 These3778 be1526 they who separate592 themselves,1438 sensual,5591 having2192 not3361 the Spirit.4151

19 這就是那些離教結黨[separate themselves]屬乎情慾[sensual]、沒有[Spirit]的人。

20 But1161 ye,5210 beloved,27 building up2026 yourselves1438 on your5216 most holy40 faith,4102 praying4336 in1722 the Holy40 Ghost,4151

20 親愛的弟兄啊,你們卻要在至聖的信仰[faith]上造就自己,在聖靈裏禱告,

21 Keep5083 yourselves1438 in1722 the love26 of God,2316 looking for4327 the3588 mercy1656 of our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ5547 unto1519 eternal166 life.2222

21 保守自己常在神的愛中,仰望我們主耶穌基督的憐憫,直到永生。

22 And2532 of some3739 3303 have compassion,1653 making a difference: 1252

22 有些人你們要憐憫他們,分別出來[making a difference]

23 And1161 others3739 save4982 with1722 fear,5401 pulling726 them out of1537 the3588 fire;4442 hating3404 even2532 the3588 garment5509 spotted4696 by575 the3588 flesh.4561

23 其餘的人[others]你們要存畏懼的心搭救,將他們從火裏救拔出來[save with fear, pulling them out of the fire],連那被肉體玷污[spotted by the flesh]的衣服也當厭惡。

24 Now1161 unto him that is able1410 to keep5442 you5209 from falling,679 and2532 to present2476 you faultless299 before the presence2714 of his848 glory1391 with1722 exceeding joy,20

24 那能保守你們不跌倒[falling]、叫你們無瑕無疵、歡歡喜喜站在他榮耀之前[before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy][that]

25 To the only3441 wise4680 God2316 our2257 Savior,4990 be glory1391 and2532 majesty,3172 dominion2904 and2532 power,1849 both2532 now3568 and2532 ever.1519 3956 165 Amen.281

25 願榮耀,威嚴,能力,權柄,歸與獨一全智的神我們的救主[the only wise God our Saviour]從今時[both now]直到永永遠遠。阿們。