
Psalm 37

1 A Psalm of David.1732 Fret not thyself408 2734 because of evildoers,7489 neither408 be thou envious7065 against the workers6213 of iniquity.5766

2 For3588 they shall soon4120 be cut down5243 like the grass,2682 and wither5034 as the green3418 herb.1877

3 Trust982 in the LORD,3068 and do6213 good;2896 so shalt thou dwell7931 in the land,776 and verily530 thou shalt be fed.7462

4 Delight thyself6026 also in5921 the LORD;3068 and he shall give5414 thee the desires4862 of thine heart.3820

5 Commit1556 thy way1870 unto5921 the LORD;3068 trust982 also in5921 him; and he1931 shall bring it to pass.6213

6 And he shall bring forth3318 thy righteousness6664 as the light,216 and thy judgment4941 as the noonday.6672

7 Rest1826 in the LORD,3068 and wait patiently2342 for him: fret not thyself408 2734 because of him who prospereth6743 in his way,1870 because of the man376 who bringeth wicked devices to pass.6213 4209

8 Cease7503 from anger,4480 639 and forsake5800 wrath:2534 fret not thyself408 2734 in any wise389 to do evil.7489

9 For3588 evildoers7489 shall be cut off:3772 but those that wait upon6960 the LORD,3068 they1992 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

10 For yet5750 a little4592 while, and the wicked7563 shall not369 be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider995 5921 his place,4725 and it shall not369 be.

11 But the meek6035 shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and shall delight themselves6026 in5921 the abundance7230 of peace.7965

12 The wicked7563 plotteth2161 against the just,6662 and gnasheth2786 upon5921 him with his teeth.8127

13 The Lord136 shall laugh7832 at him: for3588 he seeth7200 that3588 his day3117 is coming.935

14 The wicked7563 have drawn out6605 the sword,2719 and have bent1869 their bow,7198 to cast down5307 the poor6041 and needy,34 and to slay2873 such as be of upright3477 conversation.1870

15 Their sword2719 shall enter935 into their own heart,3820 and their bows7198 shall be broken.7665

16 A little4592 that a righteous6662 man hath is better2896 than the riches4480 1995 of many7227 wicked.7563

17 For3588 the arms2220 of the wicked7563 shall be broken:7665 but the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 the righteous.6662

18 The LORD3068 knoweth3045 the days3117 of the upright:8549 and their inheritance5159 shall be1961 forever.5769

19 They shall not3808 be ashamed954 in the evil7451 time:6256 and in the days3117 of famine7459 they shall be satisfied.7646

20 But3588 the wicked7563 shall perish,6 and the enemies341 of the LORD3068 shall be as the fat3368 of lambs:3733 they shall consume;3615 into smoke6227 shall they consume away.3615

21 The wicked7563 borroweth,3867 and payeth7999 not3808 again: but the righteous6662 showeth mercy,2603 and giveth.5414

22 For3588 such as be blessed1288 of him shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and they that be cursed7043 of him shall be cut off.3772

23 The steps4703 of a good man1397 are ordered3559 by the LORD:4480 3068 and he delighteth2654 in his way.1870

24 Though3588 he fall,5307 he shall not3808 be utterly cast down:2904 for3588 the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 him with his hand.3027

25 I have been1961 young,5288 and1571 now am old;2204 yet have I not3808 seen7200 the righteous6662 forsaken,5800 nor his seed2233 begging1245 bread.3899

26 He is ever3605 3117 merciful,2603 and lendeth;3867 and his seed2233 is blessed.1293

27 Depart5493 from4480 evil,7451 and do6213 good;2896 and dwell7931 forevermore.5769

28 For3588 the LORD3068 loveth157 judgment,4941 and forsaketh5800 not3808 853 his saints;2623 they are preserved8104 forever:5769 but the seed2233 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

29 The righteous6662 shall inherit3423 the land,776 and dwell7931 therein5921 forever.5703

30 The mouth6310 of the righteous6662 speaketh1897 wisdom,2451 and his tongue3956 talketh1696 of judgment.4941

31 The law8451 of his God430 is in his heart;3820 none3808 of his steps838 shall slide.4571

32 The wicked7563 watcheth6822 the righteous,6662 and seeketh1245 to slay4191 him.

33 The LORD3068 will not3808 leave5800 him in his hand,3027 nor3808 condemn7561 him when he is judged.8199

34 Wait6960 on413 the LORD,3068 and keep8104 his way,1870 and he shall exalt7311 thee to inherit3423 the land:776 when the wicked7563 are cut off,3772 thou shalt see7200 it.

35 I have seen7200 the wicked7563 in great power,6184 and spreading himself6168 like a green7488 bay tree.249

36 Yet he passed away,5674 and, lo,2009 he was not:369 yea, I sought1245 him, but he could not3808 be found.4672

37 Mark8104 the perfect8535 man, and behold7200 the upright:3477 for3588 the end319 of that man376 is peace.7965

38 But the transgressors6586 shall be destroyed8045 together:3162 the end319 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

39 But the salvation8668 of the righteous6662 is of the LORD:4480 3068 he is their strength4581 in the time6256 of trouble.6869

40 And the LORD3068 shall help5826 them, and deliver6403 them: he shall deliver6403 them from the wicked,4480 7563 and save3467 them, because3588 they trust2620 in him.


Псалом 37

1 Псалом Давида Напоминание

2 ГОСПОДИ, не во гневе Твоем обличай меня и не в ярости Твоей с меня взыскивай.

3 Вонзились в меня стрелы Твои, и рука Твоя гнетет меня.

4 Нет здорового места на теле моем: негодуешь Ты на меня; нет здоровья в костях моих из-за грехов, мной совершённых.

5 Ибо беззаконий у меня выше головы, как бремя тяжкое, они невыносимы.

6 Смердят и гноятся раны мои из-за безумия моего.

7 Согбен я, поник совсем, с утра до вечера хожу в печали.

8 Горю я весь, словно в огне, здорового места нет на теле моем.

9 Изнемог я и разбит совершенно, кричу, стенает сердце мое.

10 Господи, ведомы Тебе томления души моей, и воздыхания мои не сокрыты от Тебя.

11 Тяжко бьется сердце в груди моей, силы покинули меня, даже света в очах моих нет.

12 Друзья мои и товарищи сторонятся меня из-за ран моих, и родные мои поодаль держатся.

13 Посягающие на жизнь мою расставляют мне сети, те, кто причинить мне зло желает, о погибели моей говорят и злое непрестанно замышляют.

14 А я, как глухой, не слышу и, как немой, не открываю уст своих.

15 Стал я как человек, который ничего не слышит и возразить не может.

16 Ибо я с томлением жду Тебя, ГОСПОДИ, ответа Твоего жду, Владыка, Бог мой!

17 Я молился об избавлении, ведь иначе они злорадствовать будут, и, случись мне споткнуться, восторжествуют они надо мной.

18 Ведь я вот-вот и упаду, страдаю непрестанно;

19 но не скрываю вины своей и о грехе своем сокрушаюсь.

20 А те, кто без всякого повода враждует со мной, сильны; и много тех, кому без причины я стал ненавистен.

21 Они платят мне злом за добро, поносят меня за то, что пытался я делать добро им.

22 Не оставляй же меня, ГОСПОДИ, Боже мой, не стой вдали!

23 Поспеши на помощь мне, Господи, спасение мое!



















Psalm 37


Псалом 37

1 A Psalm of David.1732 Fret not thyself408 2734 because of evildoers,7489 neither408 be thou envious7065 against the workers6213 of iniquity.5766

1 Псалом Давида Напоминание

2 For3588 they shall soon4120 be cut down5243 like the grass,2682 and wither5034 as the green3418 herb.1877

2 ГОСПОДИ, не во гневе Твоем обличай меня и не в ярости Твоей с меня взыскивай.

3 Trust982 in the LORD,3068 and do6213 good;2896 so shalt thou dwell7931 in the land,776 and verily530 thou shalt be fed.7462

3 Вонзились в меня стрелы Твои, и рука Твоя гнетет меня.

4 Delight thyself6026 also in5921 the LORD;3068 and he shall give5414 thee the desires4862 of thine heart.3820

4 Нет здорового места на теле моем: негодуешь Ты на меня; нет здоровья в костях моих из-за грехов, мной совершённых.

5 Commit1556 thy way1870 unto5921 the LORD;3068 trust982 also in5921 him; and he1931 shall bring it to pass.6213

5 Ибо беззаконий у меня выше головы, как бремя тяжкое, они невыносимы.

6 And he shall bring forth3318 thy righteousness6664 as the light,216 and thy judgment4941 as the noonday.6672

6 Смердят и гноятся раны мои из-за безумия моего.

7 Rest1826 in the LORD,3068 and wait patiently2342 for him: fret not thyself408 2734 because of him who prospereth6743 in his way,1870 because of the man376 who bringeth wicked devices to pass.6213 4209

7 Согбен я, поник совсем, с утра до вечера хожу в печали.

8 Cease7503 from anger,4480 639 and forsake5800 wrath:2534 fret not thyself408 2734 in any wise389 to do evil.7489

8 Горю я весь, словно в огне, здорового места нет на теле моем.

9 For3588 evildoers7489 shall be cut off:3772 but those that wait upon6960 the LORD,3068 they1992 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

9 Изнемог я и разбит совершенно, кричу, стенает сердце мое.

10 For yet5750 a little4592 while, and the wicked7563 shall not369 be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider995 5921 his place,4725 and it shall not369 be.

10 Господи, ведомы Тебе томления души моей, и воздыхания мои не сокрыты от Тебя.

11 But the meek6035 shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and shall delight themselves6026 in5921 the abundance7230 of peace.7965

11 Тяжко бьется сердце в груди моей, силы покинули меня, даже света в очах моих нет.

12 The wicked7563 plotteth2161 against the just,6662 and gnasheth2786 upon5921 him with his teeth.8127

12 Друзья мои и товарищи сторонятся меня из-за ран моих, и родные мои поодаль держатся.

13 The Lord136 shall laugh7832 at him: for3588 he seeth7200 that3588 his day3117 is coming.935

13 Посягающие на жизнь мою расставляют мне сети, те, кто причинить мне зло желает, о погибели моей говорят и злое непрестанно замышляют.

14 The wicked7563 have drawn out6605 the sword,2719 and have bent1869 their bow,7198 to cast down5307 the poor6041 and needy,34 and to slay2873 such as be of upright3477 conversation.1870

14 А я, как глухой, не слышу и, как немой, не открываю уст своих.

15 Their sword2719 shall enter935 into their own heart,3820 and their bows7198 shall be broken.7665

15 Стал я как человек, который ничего не слышит и возразить не может.

16 A little4592 that a righteous6662 man hath is better2896 than the riches4480 1995 of many7227 wicked.7563

16 Ибо я с томлением жду Тебя, ГОСПОДИ, ответа Твоего жду, Владыка, Бог мой!

17 For3588 the arms2220 of the wicked7563 shall be broken:7665 but the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 the righteous.6662

17 Я молился об избавлении, ведь иначе они злорадствовать будут, и, случись мне споткнуться, восторжествуют они надо мной.

18 The LORD3068 knoweth3045 the days3117 of the upright:8549 and their inheritance5159 shall be1961 forever.5769

18 Ведь я вот-вот и упаду, страдаю непрестанно;

19 They shall not3808 be ashamed954 in the evil7451 time:6256 and in the days3117 of famine7459 they shall be satisfied.7646

19 но не скрываю вины своей и о грехе своем сокрушаюсь.

20 But3588 the wicked7563 shall perish,6 and the enemies341 of the LORD3068 shall be as the fat3368 of lambs:3733 they shall consume;3615 into smoke6227 shall they consume away.3615

20 А те, кто без всякого повода враждует со мной, сильны; и много тех, кому без причины я стал ненавистен.

21 The wicked7563 borroweth,3867 and payeth7999 not3808 again: but the righteous6662 showeth mercy,2603 and giveth.5414

21 Они платят мне злом за добро, поносят меня за то, что пытался я делать добро им.

22 For3588 such as be blessed1288 of him shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and they that be cursed7043 of him shall be cut off.3772

22 Не оставляй же меня, ГОСПОДИ, Боже мой, не стой вдали!

23 The steps4703 of a good man1397 are ordered3559 by the LORD:4480 3068 and he delighteth2654 in his way.1870

23 Поспеши на помощь мне, Господи, спасение мое!

24 Though3588 he fall,5307 he shall not3808 be utterly cast down:2904 for3588 the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 him with his hand.3027


25 I have been1961 young,5288 and1571 now am old;2204 yet have I not3808 seen7200 the righteous6662 forsaken,5800 nor his seed2233 begging1245 bread.3899


26 He is ever3605 3117 merciful,2603 and lendeth;3867 and his seed2233 is blessed.1293


27 Depart5493 from4480 evil,7451 and do6213 good;2896 and dwell7931 forevermore.5769


28 For3588 the LORD3068 loveth157 judgment,4941 and forsaketh5800 not3808 853 his saints;2623 they are preserved8104 forever:5769 but the seed2233 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772


29 The righteous6662 shall inherit3423 the land,776 and dwell7931 therein5921 forever.5703


30 The mouth6310 of the righteous6662 speaketh1897 wisdom,2451 and his tongue3956 talketh1696 of judgment.4941


31 The law8451 of his God430 is in his heart;3820 none3808 of his steps838 shall slide.4571


32 The wicked7563 watcheth6822 the righteous,6662 and seeketh1245 to slay4191 him.


33 The LORD3068 will not3808 leave5800 him in his hand,3027 nor3808 condemn7561 him when he is judged.8199


34 Wait6960 on413 the LORD,3068 and keep8104 his way,1870 and he shall exalt7311 thee to inherit3423 the land:776 when the wicked7563 are cut off,3772 thou shalt see7200 it.


35 I have seen7200 the wicked7563 in great power,6184 and spreading himself6168 like a green7488 bay tree.249


36 Yet he passed away,5674 and, lo,2009 he was not:369 yea, I sought1245 him, but he could not3808 be found.4672


37 Mark8104 the perfect8535 man, and behold7200 the upright:3477 for3588 the end319 of that man376 is peace.7965


38 But the transgressors6586 shall be destroyed8045 together:3162 the end319 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772


39 But the salvation8668 of the righteous6662 is of the LORD:4480 3068 he is their strength4581 in the time6256 of trouble.6869


40 And the LORD3068 shall help5826 them, and deliver6403 them: he shall deliver6403 them from the wicked,4480 7563 and save3467 them, because3588 they trust2620 in him.