
Chapter 5

1 My son,1121 attend7181 unto my wisdom,2451 and bow5186 thine ear241 to my understanding: 8394

2 That thou mayest regard8104 discretion,4209 and that thy lips8193 may keep5341 knowledge.1847

3 For3588 the lips8193 of a strange woman2114 drop5197 as a honeycomb,5317 and her mouth2441 is smoother2509 than oil:4480 8081

4 But her end319 is bitter4751 as wormwood,3939 sharp2299 as a twoedged6310 sword.2719

5 Her feet7272 go down3381 to death;4194 her steps6806 take hold8551 on hell.7585

6 Lest6435 thou shouldest ponder6424 the path734 of life,2416 her ways4570 are movable,5128 that thou canst not3808 know3045 them.

7 Hear8085 me now6258 therefore, O ye children,1121 and depart5493 not408 from the words4480 561 of my mouth.6310

8 Remove thy way far7368 1870 from4480 5921 her, and come not nigh7126 408 413 the door6607 of her house: 1004

9 Lest6435 thou give5414 thine honor1935 unto others,312 and thy years8141 unto the cruel: 394

10 Lest6435 strangers2114 be filled7646 with thy wealth;3581 and thy labors6089 be in the house1004 of a stranger;5237

11 And thou mourn5098 at the last,319 when thy flesh1320 and thy body7607 are consumed,3615

12 And say,559 How349 have I hated8130 instruction,4148 and my heart3820 despised5006 reproof;8433

13 And have not3808 obeyed8085 the voice6963 of my teachers,3384 nor3808 inclined5186 mine ear241 to them that instructed3925 me!

14 I was1961 almost4592 in all3605 evil7451 in the midst8432 of the congregation6951 and assembly.5712

15 Drink8354 waters4325 out of thine own cistern,4480 953 and running waters5140 out of4480 8432 thine own well.875

16 Let thy fountains4599 be dispersed6327 abroad,2351 and rivers6388 of waters4325 in the streets.7339

17 Let them be1961 only905 thine own, and not369 strangers'2114 with854 thee.

18 Let thy fountain4726 be1961 blessed:1288 and rejoice8055 with the wife4480 802 of thy youth.5271

19 Let her be as the loving158 hind365 and pleasant2580 roe;3280 let her breasts1717 satisfy7301 thee at all3605 times;6256 and be thou ravished7686 always8548 with her love.160

20 And why4100 wilt thou, my son,1121 be ravished7686 with a strange woman,2114 and embrace2263 the bosom2436 of a stranger?5237

21 For3588 the ways1870 of man376 are before5227 the eyes5869 of the LORD,3068 and he pondereth6424 all3605 his goings.4570

22 His own iniquities5771 shall take3920 853 the wicked7563 himself, and he shall be holden8551 with the cords2256 of his sins.2403

23 He1931 shall die4191 without369 instruction;4148 and in the greatness7230 of his folly200 he shall go astray.7686