
Chapter 27

1 THEN Festus commanded him to be sent to Cµsar in Italy, and he delivered Paul together with other prisoners to a centurion of the company of Se-bas'ti-an named Julius.

2 When we were ready to sail, we embarked in a ship of the city of Ad-ra-myt'ti-um, bound for Asia Minor, and there boarded the ship with us, Ar-is-tar'chus a Mac-e-do'nian of the city of Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca.

3 And the next day, we arrived at Sidon. And the centurion treated Paul with kindness, permitting him to visit his friends and to rest.

4 Then we sailed from thence, and because the winds were contrary, we had to sail towards Cyprus.

5 And when we had sailed over the sea of Ci-li'cia and Pam-phyl'i-a, we arrived at Myra, a city of Lycia.

6 And there the centurion found a ship from Al-ex-an'dri-a bound for Italy; and he put us on board of it.

7 And because for a number of days she sailed slowly, we arrived with difficulty towards the Island of Cni'dus; and because the wind would not allow us to sail in a straight course, we had to sail around Crete towards the city of Sal-mo'ne;

8 And as we hardly passed around it, we arrived at a place which is called The Fair Havens; and nearby was the city of La-se'a.

9 There we remained for a long time, till also the day of the Jewish fast was over and, since it had now become dangerous for any one to sail, Paul gave them advice,

10 Saying, Men, I see that this voyage will be beset with hardship and with great loss, not only to the cargo of our ship but also of our lives.

11 Nevertheless, the centurion listened to the master and owner of the ship more than to the words of Paul.

12 And as the harbor was not commodious for wintering in, many of us were desirous to sail from thence, and if possible to reach and winter in a harbor at Crete, which is called Phe-ni'ce, which lies towards the south.

13 And when the south wind blew softly, they thought they could reach their destination as they had desired, and we sailed around Crete.

14 A short while after, there arose against us a hurricane called Ty-phon'ic Eu-roc'lydon.

15 And when the ship was caught, and could not bear against the wind, we let her drive.

16 And as we passed under the lee of an island which is called Clau'da, we could hardly man the ship's boat.

17 And when we had launched it, we began undergirding and repairing the ship; and because we were afraid of grounding, we lowered the sail, and so we drifted.

18 And as the violent storm raged against us, the next day we threw our belongings into the sea.

19 And on the third day we threw overboard with our own hands the tackling of the ship.

20 And as the winter was so severe that for many days, neither sun nor stars could be seen, all hope of surviving was given up.

21 And as no man among them had eaten anything, Paul stood up in the midst of them, and said, Men, if you had listened to me, we would not have sailed from Crete, and we would have been spared this loss and suffering.

22 Now let me counsel you not to be depressed: for not a single life among you will be lost, but only the ship.

23 For there has appeared to me this night the angel of God to whom I belong and whom I serve,

24 And he said to me, Fear not, Paul; you must stand before Cµsar: and behold, God has given to you all of them who sail with you.

25 Therefore, men, be of good cheer: for I have confidence in God, that it shall be just as it was told me.

26 However, we will be cast upon an island.

27 And after fourteen days of being lost and weary in the sea of A'dri-a, about midnight the sailors thought they were drawing near to land.

28 So they cast the sounding lead, and found twenty fathoms; and again, they sailed a little farther, and took soundings and found fifteen fathoms.

29 Then, fearing lest we find ourselves caught between the rocks, they cast four anchors from the stern of the ship, and prayed for the dawning of day.

30 The sailors sought to desert the ship; so they lowered the ship's boat into the sea, under pretense that they were going in it to make fast the ship to the land.

31 And when Paul found it out, he said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Unless these men remain on board the ship, you cannot be saved.

32 Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the ship's boat from the ship and let her drift.

33 But Paul till the early morning kept begging them all to eat, saying to them, Today is the fourteenth day since you have tasted anything because of fear.

34 Wherefore, I pray you to take some food for the sustenance of your life; for not a hair shall be lost from the head of any of you.

35 And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in the presence of them all; and when he had broken it, they began to eat.

36 Then they were all cheerful, and received nourishment.

37 We were in all, on board, two hundred and seventy-six persons.

38 And when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship by taking the wheat and throwing it into the sea.

39 When it was day, the sailors did not know what land it was; but they saw an inlet close to the shore, and thought if it were possible they would thrust the ship there.

40 So they cut off the anchors from the ship, and threw them into the sea, and loosed the rudder ropes, then they hoisted the topsail to the wind, and sailed toward shore.

41 But the ship struck on a shoal between two deep places in the sea, and went aground; and the forward part rested upon the bottom and could not be moved, but the stern broke by the violence of the waves.

42 And the soldiers sought to kill the prisoners, lest some of them should swim away and so escape.

43 But the centurion stopped them from doing this, because he was willing to save Paul; so he commanded those who could swim to cast themselves first into the sea and get to land.

44 The others he made cross over on boards and on broken pieces of the ship. In this manner, all of them escaped and reached shore safely.



1 旣定意、使我儕航海、往以大利、則以保羅及數囚解西巴士督營之百夫長、名猶流、

2 欲經亞西亞地、遂登亞大米田、舟而行、馬其頓之帖撒羅尼迦人、亞里達古偕我焉、

3 明日、至西頓、猶流善待保羅、許就諸友、得其相顧、

4 舟行風逆、則從居比路下而過、

5 旣航基利家、旁非利亞海、至呂家之每拉、

6 百夫長遇亞力山太舟、將往以大利、因令我儕登之、

7 舟行甚遲、數日僅至革尼土對面、以風逆行、革哩底下、至撒摩尼、

8 僅得過、適一處、名佳澳、近拉西亞邑、

9 歷久而禁食期〔禁食期卽寒露節〕過、不利行舟、

10 保羅告衆曰、我觀舟行、必多損害、不第舟與貨已也、且及我儕生命矣、

11 百夫長信舟長與掌貨、過於保羅言、

12 此澳過冬不便、多謀離彼、或可辛腓尼基過冬、腓尼基卽革哩底澳、一面西南、一面西北、

13 時南風徐來、衆以爲得志、遂起錨、僅過革哩底、

14 居無何、狂風驟起、其風名友羅革屯、

15 舟不勝風、爲之掣去、於是任其所至、

16 近一島、名革老底、僅能收小艇、

17 旣取之、以多方護舟底、慮淺、乃下檣、任行、

18 風狂蕩甚、明日貨盡棄、

19 又明日共擲舟器、

20 數日不見日星、大風愈迫、得拯之望已絕、

21 衆久不食、保羅立衆中、曰、爾曹若聽我言、不離革哩底、免遭此損害矣、

22 今我告爾、且安爾心、舟之外、爾曹不折一命、

23 我乃上帝僕、而奉事之、昨夜、天使立而謂我曰、

24 保羅勿懼、爾必立該撒前、上帝以舟衆賜爾、

25 故當安心、予信上帝、必如所言、

26 然將擱一島矣、

27 至十四日、舟飄亞底亞海、夜半舟子以爲近岸、

28 測水、得二十仞、少進、測得十五仞、

29 恐觸石、舟尾投四錨以待旦、

30 舟子欲逃、下小艇、佯爲投錨舟首者、

31 保羅謂百夫長與士卒曰、舟子不在舟、爾曹不得救也、

32 衆卒斷小艇索、聽其自墜、

33 天將明、保羅勸衆曰、爾曹不甘食、十四日矣、

34 故勸爾食、可得救、蓋爾一髮不隕於首也、

35 言竟、取餅、衆前稱謝上帝、擘而食之、

36 衆心安、乃食、

37 我儕在舟者、共二百七十六人、

38 皆食而飽、棄麥於海以輕舟、

39 天明、不識其地、惟見一澳、有岸可登、乃謀推舟於彼、或可及至、

40 故棄錨於海、鬆舵纜、揚帆望岸而進、

41 遇二水夾流處、擱舟於上、舟首膠定不動、舟尾因巨浪而破、

42 衆卒謀殺囚、恐有泅而逃者、

43 百夫長欲護保羅、阻其謀、命能泅者、先下水登岸、

44 其餘或乘板、或藉舟中物、于是衆得救登岸、


Chapter 27



1 THEN Festus commanded him to be sent to Cµsar in Italy, and he delivered Paul together with other prisoners to a centurion of the company of Se-bas'ti-an named Julius.

1 旣定意、使我儕航海、往以大利、則以保羅及數囚解西巴士督營之百夫長、名猶流、

2 When we were ready to sail, we embarked in a ship of the city of Ad-ra-myt'ti-um, bound for Asia Minor, and there boarded the ship with us, Ar-is-tar'chus a Mac-e-do'nian of the city of Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca.

2 欲經亞西亞地、遂登亞大米田、舟而行、馬其頓之帖撒羅尼迦人、亞里達古偕我焉、

3 And the next day, we arrived at Sidon. And the centurion treated Paul with kindness, permitting him to visit his friends and to rest.

3 明日、至西頓、猶流善待保羅、許就諸友、得其相顧、

4 Then we sailed from thence, and because the winds were contrary, we had to sail towards Cyprus.

4 舟行風逆、則從居比路下而過、

5 And when we had sailed over the sea of Ci-li'cia and Pam-phyl'i-a, we arrived at Myra, a city of Lycia.

5 旣航基利家、旁非利亞海、至呂家之每拉、

6 And there the centurion found a ship from Al-ex-an'dri-a bound for Italy; and he put us on board of it.

6 百夫長遇亞力山太舟、將往以大利、因令我儕登之、

7 And because for a number of days she sailed slowly, we arrived with difficulty towards the Island of Cni'dus; and because the wind would not allow us to sail in a straight course, we had to sail around Crete towards the city of Sal-mo'ne;

7 舟行甚遲、數日僅至革尼土對面、以風逆行、革哩底下、至撒摩尼、

8 And as we hardly passed around it, we arrived at a place which is called The Fair Havens; and nearby was the city of La-se'a.

8 僅得過、適一處、名佳澳、近拉西亞邑、

9 There we remained for a long time, till also the day of the Jewish fast was over and, since it had now become dangerous for any one to sail, Paul gave them advice,

9 歷久而禁食期〔禁食期卽寒露節〕過、不利行舟、

10 Saying, Men, I see that this voyage will be beset with hardship and with great loss, not only to the cargo of our ship but also of our lives.

10 保羅告衆曰、我觀舟行、必多損害、不第舟與貨已也、且及我儕生命矣、

11 Nevertheless, the centurion listened to the master and owner of the ship more than to the words of Paul.

11 百夫長信舟長與掌貨、過於保羅言、

12 And as the harbor was not commodious for wintering in, many of us were desirous to sail from thence, and if possible to reach and winter in a harbor at Crete, which is called Phe-ni'ce, which lies towards the south.

12 此澳過冬不便、多謀離彼、或可辛腓尼基過冬、腓尼基卽革哩底澳、一面西南、一面西北、

13 And when the south wind blew softly, they thought they could reach their destination as they had desired, and we sailed around Crete.

13 時南風徐來、衆以爲得志、遂起錨、僅過革哩底、

14 A short while after, there arose against us a hurricane called Ty-phon'ic Eu-roc'lydon.

14 居無何、狂風驟起、其風名友羅革屯、

15 And when the ship was caught, and could not bear against the wind, we let her drive.

15 舟不勝風、爲之掣去、於是任其所至、

16 And as we passed under the lee of an island which is called Clau'da, we could hardly man the ship's boat.

16 近一島、名革老底、僅能收小艇、

17 And when we had launched it, we began undergirding and repairing the ship; and because we were afraid of grounding, we lowered the sail, and so we drifted.

17 旣取之、以多方護舟底、慮淺、乃下檣、任行、

18 And as the violent storm raged against us, the next day we threw our belongings into the sea.

18 風狂蕩甚、明日貨盡棄、

19 And on the third day we threw overboard with our own hands the tackling of the ship.

19 又明日共擲舟器、

20 And as the winter was so severe that for many days, neither sun nor stars could be seen, all hope of surviving was given up.

20 數日不見日星、大風愈迫、得拯之望已絕、

21 And as no man among them had eaten anything, Paul stood up in the midst of them, and said, Men, if you had listened to me, we would not have sailed from Crete, and we would have been spared this loss and suffering.

21 衆久不食、保羅立衆中、曰、爾曹若聽我言、不離革哩底、免遭此損害矣、

22 Now let me counsel you not to be depressed: for not a single life among you will be lost, but only the ship.

22 今我告爾、且安爾心、舟之外、爾曹不折一命、

23 For there has appeared to me this night the angel of God to whom I belong and whom I serve,

23 我乃上帝僕、而奉事之、昨夜、天使立而謂我曰、

24 And he said to me, Fear not, Paul; you must stand before Cµsar: and behold, God has given to you all of them who sail with you.

24 保羅勿懼、爾必立該撒前、上帝以舟衆賜爾、

25 Therefore, men, be of good cheer: for I have confidence in God, that it shall be just as it was told me.

25 故當安心、予信上帝、必如所言、

26 However, we will be cast upon an island.

26 然將擱一島矣、

27 And after fourteen days of being lost and weary in the sea of A'dri-a, about midnight the sailors thought they were drawing near to land.

27 至十四日、舟飄亞底亞海、夜半舟子以爲近岸、

28 So they cast the sounding lead, and found twenty fathoms; and again, they sailed a little farther, and took soundings and found fifteen fathoms.

28 測水、得二十仞、少進、測得十五仞、

29 Then, fearing lest we find ourselves caught between the rocks, they cast four anchors from the stern of the ship, and prayed for the dawning of day.

29 恐觸石、舟尾投四錨以待旦、

30 The sailors sought to desert the ship; so they lowered the ship's boat into the sea, under pretense that they were going in it to make fast the ship to the land.

30 舟子欲逃、下小艇、佯爲投錨舟首者、

31 And when Paul found it out, he said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Unless these men remain on board the ship, you cannot be saved.

31 保羅謂百夫長與士卒曰、舟子不在舟、爾曹不得救也、

32 Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the ship's boat from the ship and let her drift.

32 衆卒斷小艇索、聽其自墜、

33 But Paul till the early morning kept begging them all to eat, saying to them, Today is the fourteenth day since you have tasted anything because of fear.

33 天將明、保羅勸衆曰、爾曹不甘食、十四日矣、

34 Wherefore, I pray you to take some food for the sustenance of your life; for not a hair shall be lost from the head of any of you.

34 故勸爾食、可得救、蓋爾一髮不隕於首也、

35 And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in the presence of them all; and when he had broken it, they began to eat.

35 言竟、取餅、衆前稱謝上帝、擘而食之、

36 Then they were all cheerful, and received nourishment.

36 衆心安、乃食、

37 We were in all, on board, two hundred and seventy-six persons.

37 我儕在舟者、共二百七十六人、

38 And when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship by taking the wheat and throwing it into the sea.

38 皆食而飽、棄麥於海以輕舟、

39 When it was day, the sailors did not know what land it was; but they saw an inlet close to the shore, and thought if it were possible they would thrust the ship there.

39 天明、不識其地、惟見一澳、有岸可登、乃謀推舟於彼、或可及至、

40 So they cut off the anchors from the ship, and threw them into the sea, and loosed the rudder ropes, then they hoisted the topsail to the wind, and sailed toward shore.

40 故棄錨於海、鬆舵纜、揚帆望岸而進、

41 But the ship struck on a shoal between two deep places in the sea, and went aground; and the forward part rested upon the bottom and could not be moved, but the stern broke by the violence of the waves.

41 遇二水夾流處、擱舟於上、舟首膠定不動、舟尾因巨浪而破、

42 And the soldiers sought to kill the prisoners, lest some of them should swim away and so escape.

42 衆卒謀殺囚、恐有泅而逃者、

43 But the centurion stopped them from doing this, because he was willing to save Paul; so he commanded those who could swim to cast themselves first into the sea and get to land.

43 百夫長欲護保羅、阻其謀、命能泅者、先下水登岸、

44 The others he made cross over on boards and on broken pieces of the ship. In this manner, all of them escaped and reached shore safely.

44 其餘或乘板、或藉舟中物、于是衆得救登岸、
