
Chapter 30

1 BUT now they laugh at me, those who are less than I,

2 Whose fathers I have disdained, and did not consider them equal to the dogs of my flocks.

3 Yea, the strength of their hands, of what use would it have been to me?

4 For they had lost their power completely.

5 They were forced by bare necessities, like a thief swept off his feet,

6 Fleeing to dwell in the cliffs of the valleys, in caves of the earth, in crevices,

7 In rocky places, and under bushes.

8 The children of fools shall be overthrown together with the children of the wicked; they shall be brought lower than the earth.

9 And now I am the subject of their mocking, yea, I have become a byword to them.

10 They abhor me, they flee far from me, and do not fail to spit in my face.

11 Because they began to deride me and humiliate me, they have also put their bridle in my mouth.

12 They rise up against my right hand, they have tripped me up; they have perplexed me through the crookedness of their ways.

13 They mar my paths without a cause, they rejoice for what has befallen me; they shall have no helper.

14 They shall suffer a great ruin; they shall be broken by the hurricane.

15 For they have brought terror upon me; they have pursued my paths like the wind; and my help has passed away like a cloud.

16 And now my soul is weary; the days of affliction have taken hold upon me.

17 In the night my bones are in pain, and my body has no strength in it.

18 I have put on my garment; and girded up myself with my robe.

19 But they have cast me into the mire, and I am become like dust and ashes.

20 I cry to thee, and thou dost not answer me; I stand up and thou dost not consider me.

21 Thou hast treated me as an enemy to thee; with thy strong hand thou hast restrained me.

22 Thou liftest me up to the wind; thou causest me to ride upon it, and then thou afflictest me, and makest me wretched.

23 And yet I know that thou wilt bring me back from death to the meeting place for all living.

24 But he will not stretch out his hand against me, and when I cry to him he will save me.

25 I have wept for the poor in the daytime, and my soul was grieved for the fatherless.

26 But when I looked for good, evil came; and when I waited for light, there came darkness.

27 My heart was agitated, and did not rest; the days of affliction came upon me.

28 I walked mournfully without being resentful; I stood up and wept in the congregation.

29 I am become a brother to jackals, and a companion to ostriches.

30 My skin has shrunk upon me, and my bones are burned as with heat.

31 My harp is also turned to mourning, and my song to the voice of those who weep.



1 越至於今、年少於我者、反加讪笑。彼之父兄、自我視之、比之守羊之犬、不若也。

2 彼若老邁、氣力已衰、不能助我。

3 因饑饉匱乏、不勝顦顇、適荒野而求食、

4 或刈藜藿於草叢、或取茢菼之根爲食。

5 見逐於人、人呼其後、若吒寇賊。

6 所居險阻湫隘、窟穴磐巖、

7 呼號於林中、咸集於荊下。

8 愚蠢側陋之子、無俾居於樂土。

9 斯人作歌、托詞以譏刺、

10 厭棄我躬、唾我面、而弗我惜。

11 不自檢束、無所不爲、以困苦加諸我。

12 是直妄人也、立我之右、顚躓我足、彼害及我、猶敵築壘以攻。

13 彼乃遊民、毀我所由之道、速我之亡。

14 突如其來、圮其城垣、乘機擁入。

15 患難之至、猶飄風之來、我榮已去、我福不長、等諸浮雲。

16 今我困苦不堪、聊抒憤懣。

17 骨痛若刺、終夜不息。

18 疾大漸、肌膚不營、一身拘急、如衣束縛、

19 推我於塗炭、遍體塵垢。

20 禱告乎主、不蒙垂聽、侍立其前、罔加眷顧。

21 爾轉弗恤、以大力攻我。

22 猶捲以狂風、飄颻不定、使我喪膽、不勝戰慄。

23 我知爾必致我於死、入億兆當歸之窀穸。

24 上帝降災、使人喪亡、祈禱無益、呼籲無裨。

25 人遭患難、我爲哭泣、貧乏遇害、我心懷憂。

26 仰望福祉、反罹禍害、守待光明、反遭暗昧。

27 患難旣臨、中心棼然、不獲綏安。

28 未暴於日、面目黎黑、立於會中、我常呼籲。

29 我與野犬遊、我與駝鳥居。

30 我膚已黑、我骨已焦。

31 我鼓琴以寄哀、我吹簫而泣訴。


Chapter 30



1 BUT now they laugh at me, those who are less than I,

1 越至於今、年少於我者、反加讪笑。彼之父兄、自我視之、比之守羊之犬、不若也。

2 Whose fathers I have disdained, and did not consider them equal to the dogs of my flocks.

2 彼若老邁、氣力已衰、不能助我。

3 Yea, the strength of their hands, of what use would it have been to me?

3 因饑饉匱乏、不勝顦顇、適荒野而求食、

4 For they had lost their power completely.

4 或刈藜藿於草叢、或取茢菼之根爲食。

5 They were forced by bare necessities, like a thief swept off his feet,

5 見逐於人、人呼其後、若吒寇賊。

6 Fleeing to dwell in the cliffs of the valleys, in caves of the earth, in crevices,

6 所居險阻湫隘、窟穴磐巖、

7 In rocky places, and under bushes.

7 呼號於林中、咸集於荊下。

8 The children of fools shall be overthrown together with the children of the wicked; they shall be brought lower than the earth.

8 愚蠢側陋之子、無俾居於樂土。

9 And now I am the subject of their mocking, yea, I have become a byword to them.

9 斯人作歌、托詞以譏刺、

10 They abhor me, they flee far from me, and do not fail to spit in my face.

10 厭棄我躬、唾我面、而弗我惜。

11 Because they began to deride me and humiliate me, they have also put their bridle in my mouth.

11 不自檢束、無所不爲、以困苦加諸我。

12 They rise up against my right hand, they have tripped me up; they have perplexed me through the crookedness of their ways.

12 是直妄人也、立我之右、顚躓我足、彼害及我、猶敵築壘以攻。

13 They mar my paths without a cause, they rejoice for what has befallen me; they shall have no helper.

13 彼乃遊民、毀我所由之道、速我之亡。

14 They shall suffer a great ruin; they shall be broken by the hurricane.

14 突如其來、圮其城垣、乘機擁入。

15 For they have brought terror upon me; they have pursued my paths like the wind; and my help has passed away like a cloud.

15 患難之至、猶飄風之來、我榮已去、我福不長、等諸浮雲。

16 And now my soul is weary; the days of affliction have taken hold upon me.

16 今我困苦不堪、聊抒憤懣。

17 In the night my bones are in pain, and my body has no strength in it.

17 骨痛若刺、終夜不息。

18 I have put on my garment; and girded up myself with my robe.

18 疾大漸、肌膚不營、一身拘急、如衣束縛、

19 But they have cast me into the mire, and I am become like dust and ashes.

19 推我於塗炭、遍體塵垢。

20 I cry to thee, and thou dost not answer me; I stand up and thou dost not consider me.

20 禱告乎主、不蒙垂聽、侍立其前、罔加眷顧。

21 Thou hast treated me as an enemy to thee; with thy strong hand thou hast restrained me.

21 爾轉弗恤、以大力攻我。

22 Thou liftest me up to the wind; thou causest me to ride upon it, and then thou afflictest me, and makest me wretched.

22 猶捲以狂風、飄颻不定、使我喪膽、不勝戰慄。

23 And yet I know that thou wilt bring me back from death to the meeting place for all living.

23 我知爾必致我於死、入億兆當歸之窀穸。

24 But he will not stretch out his hand against me, and when I cry to him he will save me.

24 上帝降災、使人喪亡、祈禱無益、呼籲無裨。

25 I have wept for the poor in the daytime, and my soul was grieved for the fatherless.

25 人遭患難、我爲哭泣、貧乏遇害、我心懷憂。

26 But when I looked for good, evil came; and when I waited for light, there came darkness.

26 仰望福祉、反罹禍害、守待光明、反遭暗昧。

27 My heart was agitated, and did not rest; the days of affliction came upon me.

27 患難旣臨、中心棼然、不獲綏安。

28 I walked mournfully without being resentful; I stood up and wept in the congregation.

28 未暴於日、面目黎黑、立於會中、我常呼籲。

29 I am become a brother to jackals, and a companion to ostriches.

29 我與野犬遊、我與駝鳥居。

30 My skin has shrunk upon me, and my bones are burned as with heat.

30 我膚已黑、我骨已焦。

31 My harp is also turned to mourning, and my song to the voice of those who weep.

31 我鼓琴以寄哀、我吹簫而泣訴。
