
Chapter 2

1 AND when the day of Pen'te-cost was fulfilled, while they were assembled together,

2 Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

3 And there appeared to them tongues which were divided like flames of fire; and they rested upon each of them.

4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in various languages, according to whatever the Spirit gave them to speak.

5 Now there were resident at Jerusalem, devout men and Jews from every nation under heaven.

6 And as the sound took place, all the people gathered together, and they were confused because every man heard them speak in his own language.

7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these who speak Gal-i-lµ'ans?

8 How is it that we hear every man in our own native language?

9 Par'thi-ans and Medes and E'lam-ites and those who dwell in Mes-o-po-ta'mi-a, Jews and Cap-pa-do'ci-ans and those from Pontus and Asia Minor,

10 And those from the region of Phryg'i-a and of Pam-phyl'i-a and of Egypt, and of the regions of Lib'y-a near Cy-re'ne, and those who have come from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,

11 And those from Crete, and Arabians, behold we hear them speak in our own tongues of the wonderful works of God.

12 And they were all amazed and stunned, saying one to another, what does this mean?

13 Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.

14 And afterwards Simon Peter stood up together with the eleven disciples, and lifted up his voice and said to them, Men of Jewish race, and all that dwell at Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and harken to my words:

15 For these men are not drunken as you suppose for behold it is but the third hour of the day. *

16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel:

17 It shall come to pass in the last days, said God, I will pour my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams:

18 And upon my servants and upon my maidservants will I pour out my spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy:

19 And I will show wonders in heaven, and signs on the earth; blood and fire and vapor of smoke:

20 The sun shall be changed into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and fearful day of the Lord shall come.

21 And it shall come to pass that whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

22 Men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man of God, who appeared among you by miracles and signs and wonders which God did by him among you, as you yourselves know:

23 The very one who was chosen for this purpose from the very beginning of knowledge and will of God, you have delivered into the hands of wicked men, and you have crucified and murdered him:

24 Whom God has raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible for the grave to hold him.

25 For David said concerning him, I foresaw my Lord always, for he is on my right hand, so that I should not be shaken:

26 Therefore my heart is comforted and my glory is exalted; even my body shall rest in hope:

27 Because you will not leave my soul in the grave neither will you suffer your Holy One to see corruption.

28 You have revealed to me the way of life; you will fill me with joy with your presence.

29 Now men and brethren, permit me to speak to you openly concerning Patriarch David, who is dead and buried and whose sepulchre is with us to this day.

30 For he was a prophet, and he knew that God had sworn by an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up one to sit on his throne.

31 So he foresaw and spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in the grave, neither did his body see corruption.

32 This very Jesus, God has raised up, and we are all his witnesses.

33 It is he who is exalted by the right hand of God, and has received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, and has poured out gifts which you now see and hear.

34 For David did not ascend into heaven, because he himself said, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool.

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this very Jesus whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

37 When they heard these things, their hearts were touched and they said to Simon and the rest of the apostles, Our brethren, what shall we do?

38 Then Simon said to them, Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of the LORD Jesus for the remission of sins, so that you may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

39 For the promise was made to you and to your children, and for all of those who are far off, even as many as the very God shall call.

40 And he testified to them with many other words and besought them, saying, Save yourselves from this sinful generation.

41 And those men among them who readily accepted his word and believed were baptized and about three thousand souls were added in that day.

42 And they continued steadfastly in the teaching, of the apostles and they took part in prayer and in the breaking of bread.

43 And fear came upon every soul: and many miracles and wonders were done by the apostles in Jerusalem.

44 And all believers were together, and had all things in common;

45 And those who had possessions sold them and divided to each man according to his need.

46 And they went to the temple every day with one accord; and at home they broke bread, and they received food with joy and with a pure heart,

47 Praising God, and finding favor with all the people. And our LORD daily increased the congregation of the church.

Деяния апостолов

Глава 2

1 2532 При17223588 наступлении48453588 дня22503588 Пятидесятницы4005 все537 они были2258 единодушно366119093588 вместе.846

2 И2532 внезапно869 сделался1096 шум2279 с15373588 неба,3772 как5618 бы от несущегося5342 сильного972 ветра,4157 и2532 наполнил4137 весь36503588 дом,3624 где37572258 они находились.2521

3 И2532 явились3700 им846 разделяющиеся1266 языки,1100 как5616 бы огненные,4442 и5037 почили2523 по одному1520 на1909 каждом1538 из них.846

4 И2532 исполнились4130 все537 Духа4151 Святого,40 и2532 начали756 говорить2980 на иных2087 языках,1100 как25313588 Дух4151 давал1325 им846 провещевать.669

5 2258 В1722 Иерусалиме2419 же1161 находились2730 Иудеи,2453 люди435 набожные,2126 из575 всякого3956 народа14843588 под52593588 небесами.3772

6 Когда1161 сделался10963588 этот5026 шум,5456 собрался49053588 народ4128 и2532 пришел в смятение,4797 ибо3754 каждый15381520 слышал1913588 их846 говорящих2980 его2398 наречием.1258

7 И1161 все3956 изумлялись1839 и2532 дивились,2296 говоря3004 между4314 собою:240 сии377815263588 говорящие2980 не37562400 все3956 ли Галилеяне?1057

8 Как4459 же2532 мы2249 слышим191 каждый15383588 собственное2398 наречие,12582257 в1722 котором3739 родились.1080

9 Парфяне,3934 и2532 Мидяне,3370 и2532 Еламиты,1639 и3588 жители27303588 Месопотамии,3318 Иудеи24495037 и2532 Каппадокии,2587 Понта4195 и3588 Асии,773

10 Фригии54355037 и2532 Памфилии,3828 Египта125 и3588 частей33133588 Ливии,3033 прилежащих2596 к Киринее,2957 и3588 пришедшие1927 из Рима,4514 Иудеи24535037 и2532 прозелиты,4339

11 критяне2912 и2532 аравитяне,690 слышим191 их8463588 нашими2251 языками1100 говорящих29803588 о великих31673588 делах Божиих?2316

12 И1161 изумлялись1839 все3956 и,2532 недоумевая,1280 говорили3004 друг2434314 другу:243 что5101302 это5124 значит?23091511

13 А1161 иные,2087 насмехаясь,5512 говорили:30043754 они напились3325 сладкого вина.10981526

14 Петр4074 же,1161 став2476 с48623588 одиннадцатью,1733 возвысил18693588 голос5456 свой846 и2532 возгласил669 им:846 мужи435 Иудейские2453 и3588 все537 живущие2730 в Иерусалиме!2419 сие5124 да будет2077 вам5213 известно,1110 и2532 внимайте18013588 словам4487 моим:3450

15 они3778 не37561063 пьяны,3184 как5613 вы5210 думаете,5274 ибо1063 теперь2076 третий5154 час56103588 дня;2250

16 но235 это5124 есть20763588 предреченное204612233588 пророком4396 Иоилем:2493

17 «И2532 будет2071 в17223588 последние2078 дни,2250 говорит30043588 Бог,2316 излию1632 от5753588 Духа4151 Моего3450 на1909 всякую3956 плоть,4561 и2532 будут пророчествовать43953588 сыны5207 ваши5216 и3588 дочери2364 ваши;5216 и3588 юноши3495 ваши5216 будут видеть3700 видения,3706 и3588 старцы4245 ваши5216 сновидениями1798 вразумляемы1797 будут.

18 И25321065 на19093588 рабов1401 Моих3450 и2532 на19093588 рабынь1399 Моих3450 в17223588 те1565 дни2250 излию1632 от5753588 Духа4151 Моего,3450 и2532 будут пророчествовать.4395

19 И2532 покажу1325 чудеса5059 на17223588 небе3772 вверху507 и2532 знамения4592 на19093588 земле1093 внизу,2736 кровь129 и2532 огонь4442 и2532 курение822 дыма.2586

20 3588 Солнце2246 превратится3344 во1519 тьму,4655 и3588 луна4582 — в1519 кровь,129 прежде4250 нежели2228 наступит20643588 день2250 Господень,2962 великий3173 и2532 славный.2016

21 И2532 будет:2071 всякий,3956 кто3739302 призовет19413588 имя3686 Господне,2962 спасется».4982

22 Мужи435 Израильские!2475 выслушайте1913588 слова3056 сии:5128 Иисуса24243588 Назорея,3480 Мужа,435 засвидетельствованного5841519 вам5209 от5753588 Бога2316 силами1411 и2532 чудесами5059 и2532 знамениями,4592 которые3739 Бог2316 сотворил4160 через12233588 Него846 среди17223319 вас,5216 как2531 и2532 сами846 знаете,1492

23 Сего,5126 по3588 определенному3724 совету1012 и2532 предведению42683588 Божию2316 преданного,1560 вы взяли2983 и,1223 пригвоздив4362 руками5495 беззаконных,459 убили;337

24 но Бог2316 воскресил450 Его,37393588 расторгнув30893588 узы56043588 смерти,2288 потому что25305259 ей846 невозможно3756 было22581415 удержать2902 Его.846

25 Ибо1063 Давид1138 говорит3004 о1519 Нем:846 «видел43083588 я пред1799 собою3450 Господа2962 всегда,12233956 ибо3754 Он2076 одесную15371188 меня,3450 дабы2443 я не3361 поколебался.4531

26 От1223 того5124 возрадовалось21653588 сердце2588 мое3450 и2532 возвеселился213588 язык1100 мой;3450 даже20891161 и3588 плоть4561 моя3450 упокоится2681 в1909 уповании,1680

27 ибо3754 Ты не3756 оставишь14593588 души5590 моей3450 в1519 аде86 и не3761 дашь13253588 святому3741 Твоему4675 увидеть1492 тления.1312

28 Ты дал мне3427 познать1107 путь3598 жизни,2222 Ты исполнишь4137 меня3165 радостью2167 пред33263588 лицем4383 Твоим».4675

29 Мужи435 братия!80 да будет позволено1832 с3326 дерзновением3954 сказать20364314 вам5209 о40123588 праотце3966 Давиде,1138 что3754 он и2532 умер5053 и2532 погребен,2290 и3588 гроб3418 его8462076 у1722 нас2254 до8913588 сего5026 дня.2250

30 Будучи5225 же3767 пророком4396 и2532 зная,1492 что37543588 Бог2316 с клятвою3727 обещал3660 ему846 от1537 плода25903588 чресл3751 его8463588 воздвигнуть4503588 Христа5547 во2596 плоти4561 и посадить2523 на19093588 престоле2362 его,846

31 Он прежде4275 сказал2980 о40123588 воскресении3863588 Христа,5547 что3754 не3756 оставлена26413588 душа5590 Его846 в1519 аде,86 и37613588 плоть4561 Его846 не видела1492 тления.1312

32 Сего51263588 Иисуса24243588 Бог2316 воскресил,450 чему3739 все3956 мы22492070 свидетели.3144

33 3588 Итак3767 Он, быв вознесен5312 десницею11883588 Божиею23163588 и5037 приняв2983 от38443588 Отца3962 обетование18603588 Святого40 Духа,4151 излил1632 то,5124 что3739 вы5210 ныне3568 видите991 и2532 слышите.191

34 Ибо1063 Давид1138 не3756 восшел305 на15193588 небеса;3772 но1161 сам846 говорит:3004 «сказал20363588 Господь29623588 Господу2962 моему:3450 седи2521 одесную15371188 Меня,3450

35 доколе2193302 положу50873588 врагов2190 Твоих4675 в подножие52863588 ног4228 Твоих».4675

36 Итак3767 твердо806 знай,1097 весь3956 дом3624 Израилев,2474 что37543588 Бог2316 соделал4160 Господом2962 и2532 Христом5547846 Сего51263588 Иисуса,2424 Которого3739 вы5210 распяли.4717

37 Услышав1911161 это, они умилились26603588 сердцем2588 и5037 сказали203643143588 Петру4074 и3588 прочим3062 Апостолам:652 что5101 нам делать,4160 мужи435 братия?80

38 Петр4074 же1161 сказал53464314 им:846 покайтесь,3340 и2532 да крестится907 каждый1538 из вас5216 во19093588 имя3686 Иисуса2424 Христа5547 для1519 прощения859 грехов;266 и2532 получите29833588 дар14313588 Святого40 Духа.1431

39 Ибо1063 вам5213 принадлежит20763588 обетование1860 и3588 детям5043 вашим5216 и2532 всем39563588 дальним,15193112 кого3745 ни302 призовет4341 Господь29623588 Бог2316 наш.2257

40 И5037 другими2087 многими4119 словами3056 он свидетельствовал1263 и2532 увещевал,3870 говоря:3004 спасайтесь4982 от5753588 рода10743588 сего5026 развращенного.4646

41 35883303 Итак3767 охотно780 принявшие5883588 слово3056 его846 крестились,907 и2532 присоединилось43693588 в тот1565 день2250 душ5590 около5616 трех тысяч.5153

42 И1161 они постоянно4342 пребывали2258 в3588 учении13223588 Апостолов,652 в общении2842 и3588 преломлении28003588 хлеба740 и2532 в3588 молитвах.4335

43 Был1096 же1161 страх5401 на всякой3956 душе;5590 и5037 много4183 чудес5059 и2532 знамений4592 совершилось1096 через12233588 Апостолов652 в Иерусалиме.

44 Все3956 же11613588 верующие4100 были2258 вместе19093588846 и2532 имели2192 все537 общее.2839

45 И3588 продавали4097 имения2933 и2532 всякую3588 собственность,5223 и2532 разделяли1266846 всем,3956 смотря2530 по302 нужде5532 каждого.51002192

46 И5037 каждый2250 день2596 единодушно3661 пребывали4342 в17223588 храме2411 и,5037 преломляя2806 по домам25963624 хлеб,740 принимали3335 пищу5160 в1722 веселии20 и2532 простоте858 сердца,2588

47 хваля1343588 Бога2316 и2532 находясь2192 в любви5485 у4314 всего36503588 народа.29923588 Господь2962 же1161 ежедневно25962250 прилагал43693588 спасаемых49823588 к Церкви.1577


Chapter 2

Деяния апостолов

Глава 2

1 AND when the day of Pen'te-cost was fulfilled, while they were assembled together,

1 2532 При17223588 наступлении48453588 дня22503588 Пятидесятницы4005 все537 они были2258 единодушно366119093588 вместе.846

2 Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

2 И2532 внезапно869 сделался1096 шум2279 с15373588 неба,3772 как5618 бы от несущегося5342 сильного972 ветра,4157 и2532 наполнил4137 весь36503588 дом,3624 где37572258 они находились.2521

3 And there appeared to them tongues which were divided like flames of fire; and they rested upon each of them.

3 И2532 явились3700 им846 разделяющиеся1266 языки,1100 как5616 бы огненные,4442 и5037 почили2523 по одному1520 на1909 каждом1538 из них.846

4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in various languages, according to whatever the Spirit gave them to speak.

4 И2532 исполнились4130 все537 Духа4151 Святого,40 и2532 начали756 говорить2980 на иных2087 языках,1100 как25313588 Дух4151 давал1325 им846 провещевать.669

5 Now there were resident at Jerusalem, devout men and Jews from every nation under heaven.

5 2258 В1722 Иерусалиме2419 же1161 находились2730 Иудеи,2453 люди435 набожные,2126 из575 всякого3956 народа14843588 под52593588 небесами.3772

6 And as the sound took place, all the people gathered together, and they were confused because every man heard them speak in his own language.

6 Когда1161 сделался10963588 этот5026 шум,5456 собрался49053588 народ4128 и2532 пришел в смятение,4797 ибо3754 каждый15381520 слышал1913588 их846 говорящих2980 его2398 наречием.1258

7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these who speak Gal-i-lµ'ans?

7 И1161 все3956 изумлялись1839 и2532 дивились,2296 говоря3004 между4314 собою:240 сии377815263588 говорящие2980 не37562400 все3956 ли Галилеяне?1057

8 How is it that we hear every man in our own native language?

8 Как4459 же2532 мы2249 слышим191 каждый15383588 собственное2398 наречие,12582257 в1722 котором3739 родились.1080

9 Par'thi-ans and Medes and E'lam-ites and those who dwell in Mes-o-po-ta'mi-a, Jews and Cap-pa-do'ci-ans and those from Pontus and Asia Minor,

9 Парфяне,3934 и2532 Мидяне,3370 и2532 Еламиты,1639 и3588 жители27303588 Месопотамии,3318 Иудеи24495037 и2532 Каппадокии,2587 Понта4195 и3588 Асии,773

10 And those from the region of Phryg'i-a and of Pam-phyl'i-a and of Egypt, and of the regions of Lib'y-a near Cy-re'ne, and those who have come from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,

10 Фригии54355037 и2532 Памфилии,3828 Египта125 и3588 частей33133588 Ливии,3033 прилежащих2596 к Киринее,2957 и3588 пришедшие1927 из Рима,4514 Иудеи24535037 и2532 прозелиты,4339

11 And those from Crete, and Arabians, behold we hear them speak in our own tongues of the wonderful works of God.

11 критяне2912 и2532 аравитяне,690 слышим191 их8463588 нашими2251 языками1100 говорящих29803588 о великих31673588 делах Божиих?2316

12 And they were all amazed and stunned, saying one to another, what does this mean?

12 И1161 изумлялись1839 все3956 и,2532 недоумевая,1280 говорили3004 друг2434314 другу:243 что5101302 это5124 значит?23091511

13 Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.

13 А1161 иные,2087 насмехаясь,5512 говорили:30043754 они напились3325 сладкого вина.10981526

14 And afterwards Simon Peter stood up together with the eleven disciples, and lifted up his voice and said to them, Men of Jewish race, and all that dwell at Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and harken to my words:

14 Петр4074 же,1161 став2476 с48623588 одиннадцатью,1733 возвысил18693588 голос5456 свой846 и2532 возгласил669 им:846 мужи435 Иудейские2453 и3588 все537 живущие2730 в Иерусалиме!2419 сие5124 да будет2077 вам5213 известно,1110 и2532 внимайте18013588 словам4487 моим:3450

15 For these men are not drunken as you suppose for behold it is but the third hour of the day. *

15 они3778 не37561063 пьяны,3184 как5613 вы5210 думаете,5274 ибо1063 теперь2076 третий5154 час56103588 дня;2250

16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel:

16 но235 это5124 есть20763588 предреченное204612233588 пророком4396 Иоилем:2493

17 It shall come to pass in the last days, said God, I will pour my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams:

17 «И2532 будет2071 в17223588 последние2078 дни,2250 говорит30043588 Бог,2316 излию1632 от5753588 Духа4151 Моего3450 на1909 всякую3956 плоть,4561 и2532 будут пророчествовать43953588 сыны5207 ваши5216 и3588 дочери2364 ваши;5216 и3588 юноши3495 ваши5216 будут видеть3700 видения,3706 и3588 старцы4245 ваши5216 сновидениями1798 вразумляемы1797 будут.

18 And upon my servants and upon my maidservants will I pour out my spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy:

18 И25321065 на19093588 рабов1401 Моих3450 и2532 на19093588 рабынь1399 Моих3450 в17223588 те1565 дни2250 излию1632 от5753588 Духа4151 Моего,3450 и2532 будут пророчествовать.4395

19 And I will show wonders in heaven, and signs on the earth; blood and fire and vapor of smoke:

19 И2532 покажу1325 чудеса5059 на17223588 небе3772 вверху507 и2532 знамения4592 на19093588 земле1093 внизу,2736 кровь129 и2532 огонь4442 и2532 курение822 дыма.2586

20 The sun shall be changed into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and fearful day of the Lord shall come.

20 3588 Солнце2246 превратится3344 во1519 тьму,4655 и3588 луна4582 — в1519 кровь,129 прежде4250 нежели2228 наступит20643588 день2250 Господень,2962 великий3173 и2532 славный.2016

21 And it shall come to pass that whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

21 И2532 будет:2071 всякий,3956 кто3739302 призовет19413588 имя3686 Господне,2962 спасется».4982

22 Men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man of God, who appeared among you by miracles and signs and wonders which God did by him among you, as you yourselves know:

22 Мужи435 Израильские!2475 выслушайте1913588 слова3056 сии:5128 Иисуса24243588 Назорея,3480 Мужа,435 засвидетельствованного5841519 вам5209 от5753588 Бога2316 силами1411 и2532 чудесами5059 и2532 знамениями,4592 которые3739 Бог2316 сотворил4160 через12233588 Него846 среди17223319 вас,5216 как2531 и2532 сами846 знаете,1492

23 The very one who was chosen for this purpose from the very beginning of knowledge and will of God, you have delivered into the hands of wicked men, and you have crucified and murdered him:

23 Сего,5126 по3588 определенному3724 совету1012 и2532 предведению42683588 Божию2316 преданного,1560 вы взяли2983 и,1223 пригвоздив4362 руками5495 беззаконных,459 убили;337

24 Whom God has raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible for the grave to hold him.

24 но Бог2316 воскресил450 Его,37393588 расторгнув30893588 узы56043588 смерти,2288 потому что25305259 ей846 невозможно3756 было22581415 удержать2902 Его.846

25 For David said concerning him, I foresaw my Lord always, for he is on my right hand, so that I should not be shaken:

25 Ибо1063 Давид1138 говорит3004 о1519 Нем:846 «видел43083588 я пред1799 собою3450 Господа2962 всегда,12233956 ибо3754 Он2076 одесную15371188 меня,3450 дабы2443 я не3361 поколебался.4531

26 Therefore my heart is comforted and my glory is exalted; even my body shall rest in hope:

26 От1223 того5124 возрадовалось21653588 сердце2588 мое3450 и2532 возвеселился213588 язык1100 мой;3450 даже20891161 и3588 плоть4561 моя3450 упокоится2681 в1909 уповании,1680

27 Because you will not leave my soul in the grave neither will you suffer your Holy One to see corruption.

27 ибо3754 Ты не3756 оставишь14593588 души5590 моей3450 в1519 аде86 и не3761 дашь13253588 святому3741 Твоему4675 увидеть1492 тления.1312

28 You have revealed to me the way of life; you will fill me with joy with your presence.

28 Ты дал мне3427 познать1107 путь3598 жизни,2222 Ты исполнишь4137 меня3165 радостью2167 пред33263588 лицем4383 Твоим».4675

29 Now men and brethren, permit me to speak to you openly concerning Patriarch David, who is dead and buried and whose sepulchre is with us to this day.

29 Мужи435 братия!80 да будет позволено1832 с3326 дерзновением3954 сказать20364314 вам5209 о40123588 праотце3966 Давиде,1138 что3754 он и2532 умер5053 и2532 погребен,2290 и3588 гроб3418 его8462076 у1722 нас2254 до8913588 сего5026 дня.2250

30 For he was a prophet, and he knew that God had sworn by an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up one to sit on his throne.

30 Будучи5225 же3767 пророком4396 и2532 зная,1492 что37543588 Бог2316 с клятвою3727 обещал3660 ему846 от1537 плода25903588 чресл3751 его8463588 воздвигнуть4503588 Христа5547 во2596 плоти4561 и посадить2523 на19093588 престоле2362 его,846

31 So he foresaw and spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in the grave, neither did his body see corruption.

31 Он прежде4275 сказал2980 о40123588 воскресении3863588 Христа,5547 что3754 не3756 оставлена26413588 душа5590 Его846 в1519 аде,86 и37613588 плоть4561 Его846 не видела1492 тления.1312

32 This very Jesus, God has raised up, and we are all his witnesses.

32 Сего51263588 Иисуса24243588 Бог2316 воскресил,450 чему3739 все3956 мы22492070 свидетели.3144

33 It is he who is exalted by the right hand of God, and has received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, and has poured out gifts which you now see and hear.

33 3588 Итак3767 Он, быв вознесен5312 десницею11883588 Божиею23163588 и5037 приняв2983 от38443588 Отца3962 обетование18603588 Святого40 Духа,4151 излил1632 то,5124 что3739 вы5210 ныне3568 видите991 и2532 слышите.191

34 For David did not ascend into heaven, because he himself said, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

34 Ибо1063 Давид1138 не3756 восшел305 на15193588 небеса;3772 но1161 сам846 говорит:3004 «сказал20363588 Господь29623588 Господу2962 моему:3450 седи2521 одесную15371188 Меня,3450

35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool.

35 доколе2193302 положу50873588 врагов2190 Твоих4675 в подножие52863588 ног4228 Твоих».4675

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this very Jesus whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

36 Итак3767 твердо806 знай,1097 весь3956 дом3624 Израилев,2474 что37543588 Бог2316 соделал4160 Господом2962 и2532 Христом5547846 Сего51263588 Иисуса,2424 Которого3739 вы5210 распяли.4717

37 When they heard these things, their hearts were touched and they said to Simon and the rest of the apostles, Our brethren, what shall we do?

37 Услышав1911161 это, они умилились26603588 сердцем2588 и5037 сказали203643143588 Петру4074 и3588 прочим3062 Апостолам:652 что5101 нам делать,4160 мужи435 братия?80

38 Then Simon said to them, Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of the LORD Jesus for the remission of sins, so that you may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

38 Петр4074 же1161 сказал53464314 им:846 покайтесь,3340 и2532 да крестится907 каждый1538 из вас5216 во19093588 имя3686 Иисуса2424 Христа5547 для1519 прощения859 грехов;266 и2532 получите29833588 дар14313588 Святого40 Духа.1431

39 For the promise was made to you and to your children, and for all of those who are far off, even as many as the very God shall call.

39 Ибо1063 вам5213 принадлежит20763588 обетование1860 и3588 детям5043 вашим5216 и2532 всем39563588 дальним,15193112 кого3745 ни302 призовет4341 Господь29623588 Бог2316 наш.2257

40 And he testified to them with many other words and besought them, saying, Save yourselves from this sinful generation.

40 И5037 другими2087 многими4119 словами3056 он свидетельствовал1263 и2532 увещевал,3870 говоря:3004 спасайтесь4982 от5753588 рода10743588 сего5026 развращенного.4646

41 And those men among them who readily accepted his word and believed were baptized and about three thousand souls were added in that day.

41 35883303 Итак3767 охотно780 принявшие5883588 слово3056 его846 крестились,907 и2532 присоединилось43693588 в тот1565 день2250 душ5590 около5616 трех тысяч.5153

42 And they continued steadfastly in the teaching, of the apostles and they took part in prayer and in the breaking of bread.

42 И1161 они постоянно4342 пребывали2258 в3588 учении13223588 Апостолов,652 в общении2842 и3588 преломлении28003588 хлеба740 и2532 в3588 молитвах.4335

43 And fear came upon every soul: and many miracles and wonders were done by the apostles in Jerusalem.

43 Был1096 же1161 страх5401 на всякой3956 душе;5590 и5037 много4183 чудес5059 и2532 знамений4592 совершилось1096 через12233588 Апостолов652 в Иерусалиме.

44 And all believers were together, and had all things in common;

44 Все3956 же11613588 верующие4100 были2258 вместе19093588846 и2532 имели2192 все537 общее.2839

45 And those who had possessions sold them and divided to each man according to his need.

45 И3588 продавали4097 имения2933 и2532 всякую3588 собственность,5223 и2532 разделяли1266846 всем,3956 смотря2530 по302 нужде5532 каждого.51002192

46 And they went to the temple every day with one accord; and at home they broke bread, and they received food with joy and with a pure heart,

46 И5037 каждый2250 день2596 единодушно3661 пребывали4342 в17223588 храме2411 и,5037 преломляя2806 по домам25963624 хлеб,740 принимали3335 пищу5160 в1722 веселии20 и2532 простоте858 сердца,2588

47 Praising God, and finding favor with all the people. And our LORD daily increased the congregation of the church.

47 хваля1343588 Бога2316 и2532 находясь2192 в любви5485 у4314 всего36503588 народа.29923588 Господь2962 же1161 ежедневно25962250 прилагал43693588 спасаемых49823588 к Церкви.1577
