
Chapter 19

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

2 Speak1696 to all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, You shall be holy:6918 for I the LORD3068 your God430 am holy.6918

3 You shall fear3372 every man376 his mother,517 and his father,1 and keep8104 my sabbaths:7676 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

4 Turn6437 you not to idols,457 nor3808 make6213 to yourselves molten4541 gods:430 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

5 And if3588 you offer2076 a sacrifice2077 of peace8002 offerings to the LORD,3068 you shall offer2076 it at your own will.7522

6 It shall be eaten398 the same day3117 you offer2077 it, and on the morrow:4283 and if ought remain3498 until5704 the third7992 day,3117 it shall be burnt8313 in the fire.784

7 And if518 it be eaten398 at all on the third7992 day,3117 it is abominable;6292 it shall not be accepted.7521

8 Therefore every one that eats398 it shall bear5375 his iniquity,5771 because3588 he has profaned2490 the hallowed6944 thing of the LORD:3068 and that soul5315 shall be cut3772 off from among his people.5971

9 And when you reap7114 the harvest7105 of your land,776 you shall not wholly3615 reap the corners6285 of your field,7704 neither shall you gather3950 the gleanings3951 of your harvest.7105

10 And you shall not glean5953 your vineyard,3754 neither3808 shall you gather3950 every grape6528 of your vineyard;3754 you shall leave5800 them for the poor6041 and stranger:1616 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

11 You shall not steal,1589 neither3808 deal falsely,3584 neither3808 lie8266 one376 to another.5997

12 And you shall not swear7650 by my name8034 falsely,8267 neither shall you profane2490 the name8034 of your God:430 I am the LORD.3068

13 You shall not defraud6231 your neighbor,7453 neither3808 rob1497 him: the wages6468 of him that is hired7916 shall not abide3885 with you all night until5704 the morning.1242

14 You shall not curse7043 the deaf,2795 nor3808 put5414 a stumbling block4383 before6440 the blind,5787 but shall fear3372 your God:430 I am the LORD.3068

15 You shall do6213 no3808 unrighteousness5766 in judgment:4941 you shall not respect5375 the person6440 of the poor,1800 nor3808 honor1921 the person6440 of the mighty:1419 but in righteousness6664 shall you judge8199 your neighbor.5997

16 You shall not go3212 up and down as a talebearer7400 among your people:5971 neither3808 shall you stand5975 against5921 the blood1818 of your neighbor;7453 I am the LORD.3068

17 You shall not hate8130 your brother251 in your heart:3824 you shall in any wise3198 rebuke3198 your neighbor,5997 and not suffer5375 sin2399 on him.

18 You shall not avenge,5358 nor3808 bear5201 any grudge5201 against the children1121 of your people,5971 but you shall love157 your neighbor7453 as yourself: I am the LORD.3068

19 You shall keep8104 my statutes.2708 You shall not let your cattle929 engender7250 with a diverse3610 kind: you shall not sow2232 your field7704 with mingled3610 seed: neither3808 shall a garment899 mingled3610 of linen8162 and woolen8162 come5927 on you.

20 And whoever376 834 lies7901 carnally7902 2233 with a woman,802 that is a female slave,8198 betrothed2778 to an husband,376 and not at all redeemed,6299 nor3808 freedom2668 given5414 her; she shall be scourged;1244 they shall not be put to death,4191 because3588 she was not free.2666

21 And he shall bring935 his trespass817 offering to the LORD,3068 to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 even a ram352 for a trespass817 offering.

22 And the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him with the ram352 of the trespass817 offering before6440 the LORD3068 for his sin2403 which834 he has done: and the sin2403 which he has done shall be forgiven5545 him.

23 And when3588 you shall come935 into413 the land,776 and shall have planted5193 all3605 manner of trees6086 for food,3978 then you shall count the fruit6529 thereof as uncircumcised:6189 three7969 years8141 shall it be as uncircumcised6189 to you: it shall not be eaten398 of.

24 But in the fourth7243 year8141 all3605 the fruit6529 thereof shall be holy6944 to praise1974 the LORD3068 with.

25 And in the fifth2549 year8141 shall you eat398 of the fruit6529 thereof, that it may yield3254 to you the increase8393 thereof: I am the LORD3068 your God.430

26 You shall not eat398 any thing with the blood:1818 neither3808 shall you use5172 enchantment,5172 nor3808 observe6049 times.

27 You shall not round5362 the corners6285 of your heads,7218 neither3808 shall you mar7843 the corners6285 of your beard.2206

28 You shall not make5414 any cuttings8296 in your flesh1320 for the dead,5315 nor3808 print5414 any marks7085 on you: I am the LORD.3068

29 Do not prostitute2490 your daughter,1323 to cause her to be a whore;2181 lest3808 the land776 fall to prostitution,2181 and the land776 become4390 full4390 of wickedness.2154

30 You shall keep8104 my sabbaths,7676 and reverence3372 my sanctuary:4720 I am the LORD.3068

31 Regard6437 not them that have familiar spirits,178 neither408 seek1245 after413 wizards,3049 to be defiled2930 by them: I am the LORD3068 your God.430

32 You shall rise6965 up before6440 the hoary7872 head, and honor1921 the face6440 of the old2205 man, and fear3372 your God:430 I am the LORD.3068

33 And if3588 a stranger1616 sojourn1481 with you in your land,776 you shall not vex3238 him.

34 But the stranger1616 that dwells1481 with you shall be to you as one born249 among854 you, and you shall love157 him as yourself; for you were strangers1616 in the land776 of Egypt:4714 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

35 You shall do6213 no3808 unrighteousness5766 in judgment,4941 in length,4060 in weight,4948 or in measure.4884

36 Just6664 balances,3976 just6664 weights,68 a just6664 ephah,374 and a just6664 hin,1969 shall you have:1961 I am the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 brought3318 you out of the land776 of Egypt.4714

37 Therefore shall you observe8104 all3605 my statutes,2708 and all3605 my judgments,4941 and do6213 them: I am the LORD.3068



1 耶和華諭摩西曰、

2 告以色列會衆、我耶和華爾之上帝、我聖、爾亦當聖。

3 敬爾父母、守我安息日、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此、

4 勿崇偶像、勿鑄上帝、我耶和華乃爾之上帝。

5 爾欲獻酬恩之祭、冀我悅納、

6 當於是日食其祭品、或明日亦可、若留至三日、宜爇以火、

7 如三日食之、則爲可憎、不蒙悅納。

8 物旣獻我、越三日食之、是生瀆玩、必負罪愆、絕於民中。

9 穫田所產、當留其隅、勿拾所遺。

10 園有葡萄、採勿務盡、勿拾遺果、當留之於賓旅、與貧乏者、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此。

11 毋竊、毋誑、勿相偽爲、

12 指我而誓勿妄、勿瀆爾上帝之名、我耶和華所命如此。

13 勿虐取、毋強據、傭人之値、勿留至明晨。

14 勿詛聾者、勿窒碍於瞽者前、宜畏爾之上帝、我耶和華所命如此。

15 聽訟之際、勿行非義、無論貧富、勿狥其私、宜秉大公、以爲折中。

16 勿往來於閭里、評人短長、勿爲妄證、置人於死、我耶和華所命如是。

17 勿憎同儔、責人以善、勿使陷罪。

18 勿報仇。勿蓄怨、愛人如己、爾必守我耶和華所命。

19 牲畜異類、勿使遊牝、百穀之種、播田毋雜、枲與絨勿間織以成衣。

20 婢受人聘、猶未見贖、不得自由、若與人私、俱加扑責、惟不致死、蓋未能自由也。

21 男必攜牡綿羊一、爲補過之祭、詣會幕門外、奉於我前、

22 祭司獻羊、代爲贖罪、則所犯者、可蒙赦宥。

23 爾至迦南、栽培樹木、可供食品、必以其果爲不潔、三年毋食、

24 至於四年、必獻之於我、以爲頌美、

25 迨至五年、其果可食、使之結實纍然、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此。

26 毋食血、毋用卜筮術數。

27 首之四周勿薙、鬚之四周勿損、

28 勿爲死者割肉、勿鯨爾身、爲我耶和華所禁。

29 勿辱爾女、使之爲妓、恐一族淫亂、斯土遍染汚俗。

30 宜守我安息日、敬我聖室、我耶和華所命如此。

31 爲卜神所憑者勿崇、巫觋勿問、恐有玷於爾、爲我耶和華爾之上帝所禁。

32 見斑白者當起、敬耆老、畏爾上帝、我耶和華所命如此。

33 旅於爾土者勿侮、

34 當視若宗族、愛之如己、緣爾昔旅於埃及故也、我耶和華爾之上帝、所命如此。

35 聽訟之際、勿行非義、權量法度、悉秉至公、我耶和華爾之上帝。昔導爾出埃及、爾當守我律法禮儀、我所命如此。

36 併於上節

37 併於上節


Chapter 19



1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

1 耶和華諭摩西曰、

2 Speak1696 to all3605 the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, You shall be holy:6918 for I the LORD3068 your God430 am holy.6918

2 告以色列會衆、我耶和華爾之上帝、我聖、爾亦當聖。

3 You shall fear3372 every man376 his mother,517 and his father,1 and keep8104 my sabbaths:7676 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

3 敬爾父母、守我安息日、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此、

4 Turn6437 you not to idols,457 nor3808 make6213 to yourselves molten4541 gods:430 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

4 勿崇偶像、勿鑄上帝、我耶和華乃爾之上帝。

5 And if3588 you offer2076 a sacrifice2077 of peace8002 offerings to the LORD,3068 you shall offer2076 it at your own will.7522

5 爾欲獻酬恩之祭、冀我悅納、

6 It shall be eaten398 the same day3117 you offer2077 it, and on the morrow:4283 and if ought remain3498 until5704 the third7992 day,3117 it shall be burnt8313 in the fire.784

6 當於是日食其祭品、或明日亦可、若留至三日、宜爇以火、

7 And if518 it be eaten398 at all on the third7992 day,3117 it is abominable;6292 it shall not be accepted.7521

7 如三日食之、則爲可憎、不蒙悅納。

8 Therefore every one that eats398 it shall bear5375 his iniquity,5771 because3588 he has profaned2490 the hallowed6944 thing of the LORD:3068 and that soul5315 shall be cut3772 off from among his people.5971

8 物旣獻我、越三日食之、是生瀆玩、必負罪愆、絕於民中。

9 And when you reap7114 the harvest7105 of your land,776 you shall not wholly3615 reap the corners6285 of your field,7704 neither shall you gather3950 the gleanings3951 of your harvest.7105

9 穫田所產、當留其隅、勿拾所遺。

10 And you shall not glean5953 your vineyard,3754 neither3808 shall you gather3950 every grape6528 of your vineyard;3754 you shall leave5800 them for the poor6041 and stranger:1616 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

10 園有葡萄、採勿務盡、勿拾遺果、當留之於賓旅、與貧乏者、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此。

11 You shall not steal,1589 neither3808 deal falsely,3584 neither3808 lie8266 one376 to another.5997

11 毋竊、毋誑、勿相偽爲、

12 And you shall not swear7650 by my name8034 falsely,8267 neither shall you profane2490 the name8034 of your God:430 I am the LORD.3068

12 指我而誓勿妄、勿瀆爾上帝之名、我耶和華所命如此。

13 You shall not defraud6231 your neighbor,7453 neither3808 rob1497 him: the wages6468 of him that is hired7916 shall not abide3885 with you all night until5704 the morning.1242

13 勿虐取、毋強據、傭人之値、勿留至明晨。

14 You shall not curse7043 the deaf,2795 nor3808 put5414 a stumbling block4383 before6440 the blind,5787 but shall fear3372 your God:430 I am the LORD.3068

14 勿詛聾者、勿窒碍於瞽者前、宜畏爾之上帝、我耶和華所命如此。

15 You shall do6213 no3808 unrighteousness5766 in judgment:4941 you shall not respect5375 the person6440 of the poor,1800 nor3808 honor1921 the person6440 of the mighty:1419 but in righteousness6664 shall you judge8199 your neighbor.5997

15 聽訟之際、勿行非義、無論貧富、勿狥其私、宜秉大公、以爲折中。

16 You shall not go3212 up and down as a talebearer7400 among your people:5971 neither3808 shall you stand5975 against5921 the blood1818 of your neighbor;7453 I am the LORD.3068

16 勿往來於閭里、評人短長、勿爲妄證、置人於死、我耶和華所命如是。

17 You shall not hate8130 your brother251 in your heart:3824 you shall in any wise3198 rebuke3198 your neighbor,5997 and not suffer5375 sin2399 on him.

17 勿憎同儔、責人以善、勿使陷罪。

18 You shall not avenge,5358 nor3808 bear5201 any grudge5201 against the children1121 of your people,5971 but you shall love157 your neighbor7453 as yourself: I am the LORD.3068

18 勿報仇。勿蓄怨、愛人如己、爾必守我耶和華所命。

19 You shall keep8104 my statutes.2708 You shall not let your cattle929 engender7250 with a diverse3610 kind: you shall not sow2232 your field7704 with mingled3610 seed: neither3808 shall a garment899 mingled3610 of linen8162 and woolen8162 come5927 on you.

19 牲畜異類、勿使遊牝、百穀之種、播田毋雜、枲與絨勿間織以成衣。

20 And whoever376 834 lies7901 carnally7902 2233 with a woman,802 that is a female slave,8198 betrothed2778 to an husband,376 and not at all redeemed,6299 nor3808 freedom2668 given5414 her; she shall be scourged;1244 they shall not be put to death,4191 because3588 she was not free.2666

20 婢受人聘、猶未見贖、不得自由、若與人私、俱加扑責、惟不致死、蓋未能自由也。

21 And he shall bring935 his trespass817 offering to the LORD,3068 to the door6607 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 even a ram352 for a trespass817 offering.

21 男必攜牡綿羊一、爲補過之祭、詣會幕門外、奉於我前、

22 And the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for him with the ram352 of the trespass817 offering before6440 the LORD3068 for his sin2403 which834 he has done: and the sin2403 which he has done shall be forgiven5545 him.

22 祭司獻羊、代爲贖罪、則所犯者、可蒙赦宥。

23 And when3588 you shall come935 into413 the land,776 and shall have planted5193 all3605 manner of trees6086 for food,3978 then you shall count the fruit6529 thereof as uncircumcised:6189 three7969 years8141 shall it be as uncircumcised6189 to you: it shall not be eaten398 of.

23 爾至迦南、栽培樹木、可供食品、必以其果爲不潔、三年毋食、

24 But in the fourth7243 year8141 all3605 the fruit6529 thereof shall be holy6944 to praise1974 the LORD3068 with.

24 至於四年、必獻之於我、以爲頌美、

25 And in the fifth2549 year8141 shall you eat398 of the fruit6529 thereof, that it may yield3254 to you the increase8393 thereof: I am the LORD3068 your God.430

25 迨至五年、其果可食、使之結實纍然、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此。

26 You shall not eat398 any thing with the blood:1818 neither3808 shall you use5172 enchantment,5172 nor3808 observe6049 times.

26 毋食血、毋用卜筮術數。

27 You shall not round5362 the corners6285 of your heads,7218 neither3808 shall you mar7843 the corners6285 of your beard.2206

27 首之四周勿薙、鬚之四周勿損、

28 You shall not make5414 any cuttings8296 in your flesh1320 for the dead,5315 nor3808 print5414 any marks7085 on you: I am the LORD.3068

28 勿爲死者割肉、勿鯨爾身、爲我耶和華所禁。

29 Do not prostitute2490 your daughter,1323 to cause her to be a whore;2181 lest3808 the land776 fall to prostitution,2181 and the land776 become4390 full4390 of wickedness.2154

29 勿辱爾女、使之爲妓、恐一族淫亂、斯土遍染汚俗。

30 You shall keep8104 my sabbaths,7676 and reverence3372 my sanctuary:4720 I am the LORD.3068

30 宜守我安息日、敬我聖室、我耶和華所命如此。

31 Regard6437 not them that have familiar spirits,178 neither408 seek1245 after413 wizards,3049 to be defiled2930 by them: I am the LORD3068 your God.430

31 爲卜神所憑者勿崇、巫觋勿問、恐有玷於爾、爲我耶和華爾之上帝所禁。

32 You shall rise6965 up before6440 the hoary7872 head, and honor1921 the face6440 of the old2205 man, and fear3372 your God:430 I am the LORD.3068

32 見斑白者當起、敬耆老、畏爾上帝、我耶和華所命如此。

33 And if3588 a stranger1616 sojourn1481 with you in your land,776 you shall not vex3238 him.

33 旅於爾土者勿侮、

34 But the stranger1616 that dwells1481 with you shall be to you as one born249 among854 you, and you shall love157 him as yourself; for you were strangers1616 in the land776 of Egypt:4714 I am the LORD3068 your God.430

34 當視若宗族、愛之如己、緣爾昔旅於埃及故也、我耶和華爾之上帝、所命如此。

35 You shall do6213 no3808 unrighteousness5766 in judgment,4941 in length,4060 in weight,4948 or in measure.4884

35 聽訟之際、勿行非義、權量法度、悉秉至公、我耶和華爾之上帝。昔導爾出埃及、爾當守我律法禮儀、我所命如此。

36 Just6664 balances,3976 just6664 weights,68 a just6664 ephah,374 and a just6664 hin,1969 shall you have:1961 I am the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 brought3318 you out of the land776 of Egypt.4714

36 併於上節

37 Therefore shall you observe8104 all3605 my statutes,2708 and all3605 my judgments,4941 and do6213 them: I am the LORD.3068

37 併於上節