
Chapter 29

1 He,376 that being often reproved8433 hardeneth7185 his neck,6203 shall suddenly6621 be destroyed,7665 and that without369 remedy.4832

2 When the righteous6662 are in authority,7235 the people5971 rejoice:8055 but when the wicked7563 beareth rule,4910 the people5971 mourn.584

3 Whoso376 loveth157 wisdom2451 rejoiceth8055 his father:1 but he that keepeth company7462 with harlots2181 spendeth6 his substance.1952

4 The king4428 by judgment4941 establisheth5975 the land:776 but he376 that receiveth gifts8641 overthroweth2040 it.

5 A man1397 that flattereth2505 5921 his neighbor7453 spreadeth6566 a net7568 for5921 his feet.6471

6 In the transgression6588 of an evil7451 man376 there is a snare:4170 but the righteous6662 doth sing7442 and rejoice.8055

7 The righteous6662 considereth3045 the cause1779 of the poor:1800 but the wicked7563 regardeth995 not3808 to know1847 it.

8 Scornful3944 men376 bring a city into a snare:6315 7151 but wise2450 men turn away7725 wrath.639

9 If a wise2450 man376 contendeth8199 with854 a foolish191 man,376 whether he rage7264 or laugh,7832 there is no369 rest.5183

10 The bloodthirsty376 1818 hate8130 the upright:8535 but the just3477 seek1245 his soul.5315

11 A fool3684 uttereth3318 all3605 his mind:7307 but a wise2450 man keepeth7623 it in till afterwards.268

12 If a ruler4910 hearken7181 to5921 lies,1697 8267 all3605 his servants8334 are wicked.7563

13 The poor7326 and the deceitful8501 man376 meet together:6298 the LORD3068 lighteneth215 both8147 their eyes.5869

14 The king4428 that faithfully571 judgeth8199 the poor,1800 his throne3678 shall be established3559 forever.5703

15 The rod7626 and reproof8433 give5414 wisdom:2451 but a child5288 left7971 to himself bringeth his mother517 to shame.954

16 When the wicked7563 are multiplied,7235 transgression6588 increaseth:7235 but the righteous6662 shall see7200 their fall.4658

17 Correct3256 thy son,1121 and he shall give thee rest;5117 yea, he shall give5414 delight4574 unto thy soul.5315

18 Where there is no369 vision,2377 the people5971 perish:6544 but he that keepeth8104 the law,8451 happy835 is he.

19 A servant5650 will not3808 be corrected3256 by words:1697 for though3588 he understand995 he will not369 answer.4617

20 Seest2372 thou a man376 that is hasty213 in his words?1697 there is more hope8615 of a fool3684 than of4480 him.

21 He that delicately bringeth up6445 his servant5650 from a child4480 5290 shall have him become1961 his son4497 at the length.319

22 An angry639 man376 stirreth up1624 strife,4066 and a furious2534 man1167 aboundeth7227 in transgression.6588

23 A man's120 pride1346 shall bring him low:8213 but honor3519 shall uphold8551 the humble8217 in spirit.7307

24 Whoso is partner2505 with5973 a thief1590 hateth8130 his own soul:5315 he heareth8085 cursing,423 and betrayeth5046 it not.3808

25 The fear2731 of man120 bringeth5414 a snare:4170 but whoso putteth his trust982 in the LORD3068 shall be safe.7682

26 Many7227 seek1245 the ruler's4910 favor;6440 but every man's376 judgment4941 cometh from the LORD.4480 3068

27 An unjust5766 man376 is an abomination8441 to the just:6662 and he that is upright3477 in the way1870 is abomination8441 to the wicked.7563



1 屢受譴責,仍強厥項,必致敗亡,援手無人。

2 義人在位,人民欣喜,惡者秉鈞,億兆咨嗟,

3 好慧者悅親,狎妓者傷財。

4 王秉義,國以立,主受賄,邦必喪。

5 諂諛同儕,如設網羅。

6 惡者犯罪,自取其戾,義者謳歌,自得其樂。

7 貧人之事,義者力爲治理,惡者置若罔聞。

8 在彼城邑,强者謀叛,智者弭亂。

9 愚與智爭曲直,智者雖喜怒兼施,末由息訟。

10 惟彼善人,暴虐者憾之,爲義者保之。

11 愚者露其衷懷,智者藏諸心曲。

12 君聽虛妄,臣下化之。

13 貧富錯處,皆耶和華所照臨。

14 王伸貧民之寃,真實無妄,國祚綿長。

15 子見督責,必益智慧,否則貽父母羞。

16 作惡者衆,則惡事叢生,義人見其覆亡焉。

17 訓子以嚴,可獲安樂。

18 天不昭示,民必妄作,克守律法,可獲綏安。

19 主諭僕,僕不聽,惟責以言,不足以罰其過。

20 愚者猶可望其改過,造次者畢生絶望。

21 始寵厥僕,愛養逾分,終必自視爲爾子。

22 人易怒,益爭競,人發憤,多罪愆。

23 驕侈必降卑,撝謙必獲榮。

24 與盜爲侶,聽其盟誓,不以告人者,必自取戾。

25 畏威而不敢赴義,必陷乎罪,畏耶和華者必得護衛。

26 求恩於王,雖多奚爲,不知定人事者,在乎耶和華。

27 義者惟惡人是疾,惡者亦惟義人是憾。


Chapter 29



1 He,376 that being often reproved8433 hardeneth7185 his neck,6203 shall suddenly6621 be destroyed,7665 and that without369 remedy.4832

1 屢受譴責,仍強厥項,必致敗亡,援手無人。

2 When the righteous6662 are in authority,7235 the people5971 rejoice:8055 but when the wicked7563 beareth rule,4910 the people5971 mourn.584

2 義人在位,人民欣喜,惡者秉鈞,億兆咨嗟,

3 Whoso376 loveth157 wisdom2451 rejoiceth8055 his father:1 but he that keepeth company7462 with harlots2181 spendeth6 his substance.1952

3 好慧者悅親,狎妓者傷財。

4 The king4428 by judgment4941 establisheth5975 the land:776 but he376 that receiveth gifts8641 overthroweth2040 it.

4 王秉義,國以立,主受賄,邦必喪。

5 A man1397 that flattereth2505 5921 his neighbor7453 spreadeth6566 a net7568 for5921 his feet.6471

5 諂諛同儕,如設網羅。

6 In the transgression6588 of an evil7451 man376 there is a snare:4170 but the righteous6662 doth sing7442 and rejoice.8055

6 惡者犯罪,自取其戾,義者謳歌,自得其樂。

7 The righteous6662 considereth3045 the cause1779 of the poor:1800 but the wicked7563 regardeth995 not3808 to know1847 it.

7 貧人之事,義者力爲治理,惡者置若罔聞。

8 Scornful3944 men376 bring a city into a snare:6315 7151 but wise2450 men turn away7725 wrath.639

8 在彼城邑,强者謀叛,智者弭亂。

9 If a wise2450 man376 contendeth8199 with854 a foolish191 man,376 whether he rage7264 or laugh,7832 there is no369 rest.5183

9 愚與智爭曲直,智者雖喜怒兼施,末由息訟。

10 The bloodthirsty376 1818 hate8130 the upright:8535 but the just3477 seek1245 his soul.5315

10 惟彼善人,暴虐者憾之,爲義者保之。

11 A fool3684 uttereth3318 all3605 his mind:7307 but a wise2450 man keepeth7623 it in till afterwards.268

11 愚者露其衷懷,智者藏諸心曲。

12 If a ruler4910 hearken7181 to5921 lies,1697 8267 all3605 his servants8334 are wicked.7563

12 君聽虛妄,臣下化之。

13 The poor7326 and the deceitful8501 man376 meet together:6298 the LORD3068 lighteneth215 both8147 their eyes.5869

13 貧富錯處,皆耶和華所照臨。

14 The king4428 that faithfully571 judgeth8199 the poor,1800 his throne3678 shall be established3559 forever.5703

14 王伸貧民之寃,真實無妄,國祚綿長。

15 The rod7626 and reproof8433 give5414 wisdom:2451 but a child5288 left7971 to himself bringeth his mother517 to shame.954

15 子見督責,必益智慧,否則貽父母羞。

16 When the wicked7563 are multiplied,7235 transgression6588 increaseth:7235 but the righteous6662 shall see7200 their fall.4658

16 作惡者衆,則惡事叢生,義人見其覆亡焉。

17 Correct3256 thy son,1121 and he shall give thee rest;5117 yea, he shall give5414 delight4574 unto thy soul.5315

17 訓子以嚴,可獲安樂。

18 Where there is no369 vision,2377 the people5971 perish:6544 but he that keepeth8104 the law,8451 happy835 is he.

18 天不昭示,民必妄作,克守律法,可獲綏安。

19 A servant5650 will not3808 be corrected3256 by words:1697 for though3588 he understand995 he will not369 answer.4617

19 主諭僕,僕不聽,惟責以言,不足以罰其過。

20 Seest2372 thou a man376 that is hasty213 in his words?1697 there is more hope8615 of a fool3684 than of4480 him.

20 愚者猶可望其改過,造次者畢生絶望。

21 He that delicately bringeth up6445 his servant5650 from a child4480 5290 shall have him become1961 his son4497 at the length.319

21 始寵厥僕,愛養逾分,終必自視爲爾子。

22 An angry639 man376 stirreth up1624 strife,4066 and a furious2534 man1167 aboundeth7227 in transgression.6588

22 人易怒,益爭競,人發憤,多罪愆。

23 A man's120 pride1346 shall bring him low:8213 but honor3519 shall uphold8551 the humble8217 in spirit.7307

23 驕侈必降卑,撝謙必獲榮。

24 Whoso is partner2505 with5973 a thief1590 hateth8130 his own soul:5315 he heareth8085 cursing,423 and betrayeth5046 it not.3808

24 與盜爲侶,聽其盟誓,不以告人者,必自取戾。

25 The fear2731 of man120 bringeth5414 a snare:4170 but whoso putteth his trust982 in the LORD3068 shall be safe.7682

25 畏威而不敢赴義,必陷乎罪,畏耶和華者必得護衛。

26 Many7227 seek1245 the ruler's4910 favor;6440 but every man's376 judgment4941 cometh from the LORD.4480 3068

26 求恩於王,雖多奚爲,不知定人事者,在乎耶和華。

27 An unjust5766 man376 is an abomination8441 to the just:6662 and he that is upright3477 in the way1870 is abomination8441 to the wicked.7563

27 義者惟惡人是疾,惡者亦惟義人是憾。