
Chapter 13

1 On that1931 day3117 they read7121 in the book5612 of Moses4872 in the audience241 of the people;5971 and therein was found4672 written,3789 that834 the Ammonite5984 and the Moabite4125 should not3808 come935 into the congregation6951 of God430 forever;5704 5769

2 Because3588 they met6923 not3808 853 the children1121 of Israel3478 with bread3899 and with water,4325 but hired7936 853 Balaam1109 against5921 them, that he should curse7043 them: howbeit our God430 turned2015 the curse7045 into a blessing.1293

3 Now it came to pass,1961 when they had heard8085 853 the law,8451 that they separated914 from Israel4480 3478 all3605 the mixed multitude.6154

4 And before6440 this,4480 2088 Eliashib475 the priest,3548 having the oversight5414 of the chamber3957 of the house1004 of our God,430 was allied7138 unto Tobiah: 2900

5 And he had prepared6213 for him a great1419 chamber,3957 where8033 formerly6440 1961 they laid5414 853 the meat offerings,4503 the frankincense,3828 and the vessels,3627 and the tithes4643 of the corn,1715 the new wine,8492 and the oil,3323 which was commanded4687 to be given to the Levites,3881 and the singers,7891 and the porters;7778 and the offerings8641 of the priests.3548

6 But in all3605 this2088 time was1961 not3808 I at Jerusalem:3389 for3588 in the two8147 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of Artaxerxes783 king4428 of Babylon894 came935 I unto413 the king,4428 and after7093 certain days3117 obtained I leave7592 of4480 the king: 4428

7 And I came935 to Jerusalem,3389 and understood995 of the evil7451 that834 Eliashib475 did6213 for Tobiah,2900 in preparing6213 him a chamber5393 in the courts2691 of the house1004 of God.430

8 And it grieved7489 me sore:3966 therefore I cast forth7993 853 all3605 the household1004 stuff3627 of Tobiah2900 out2351 of4480 the chamber.3957

9 Then I commanded,559 and they cleansed2891 the chambers:3957 and thither8033 brought I again7725 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of God,430 with854 the meat offering4503 and the frankincense.3828

10 And I perceived3045 that3588 the portions4521 of the Levites3881 had not3808 been given5414 them: for the Levites3881 and the singers,7891 that did6213 the work,4399 were fled1272 every one376 to his field.7704

11 Then contended7378 I with854 the rulers,5461 and said,559 Why4069 is the house1004 of God430 forsaken?5800 And I gathered them together,6908 and set5975 them in5921 their place.5977

12 Then brought935 all3605 Judah3063 the tithe4643 of the corn1715 and the new wine8492 and the oil3323 unto the treasuries.214

13 And I made treasurers686 over5921 the treasuries,214 Shelemiah8018 the priest,3548 and Zadok6659 the scribe,5608 and of4480 the Levites,3881 Pedaiah:6305 and next to5921 3027 them was Hanan2605 the son1121 of Zaccur,2139 the son1121 of Mattaniah:4983 for3588 they were counted2803 faithful,539 and their office5921 was to distribute2505 unto their brethren.251

14 Remember2142 me, O my God,430 concerning5921 this,2063 and wipe not out4229 408 my good deeds2617 that834 I have done6213 for the house1004 of my God,430 and for the offices4929 thereof.

15 In those1992 days3117 saw7200 I in Judah3063 some treading1869 wine presses1660 on the sabbath,7676 and bringing in935 sheaves,6194 and lading6006 5921 asses;2543 as also637 wine,3196 grapes,6025 and figs,8384 and all3605 manner of burdens,4853 which they brought into935 Jerusalem3389 on the sabbath7676 day:3117 and I testified5749 against them in the day3117 wherein they sold4376 victuals.6718

16 There dwelt3427 men of Tyre6876 also therein, which brought935 fish,1709 and all3605 manner of ware,4377 and sold4376 on the sabbath7676 unto the children1121 of Judah,3063 and in Jerusalem.3389

17 Then I contended7378 with854 the nobles2715 of Judah,3063 and said559 unto them, What4100 evil7451 thing1697 is this2088 that834 ye859 do,6213 and profane2490 853 the sabbath7676 day?3117

18 Did6213 not3808 your fathers1 thus,3541 and did not our God430 bring935 853 all3605 this2063 evil7451 upon5921 us, and upon5921 this2063 city?5892 yet ye859 bring more3254 wrath2740 upon5921 Israel3478 by profaning2490 853 the sabbath.7676

19 And it came to pass,1961 that when834 the gates8179 of Jerusalem3389 began to be dark6751 before6440 the sabbath,7676 I commanded559 that the gates1817 should be shut,5462 and charged559 that834 they should not3808 be opened6605 till5704 after310 the sabbath:7676 and some of my servants4480 5288 set5975 I at5921 the gates,8179 that there should no3808 burden4853 be brought in935 on the sabbath7676 day.3117

20 So the merchants7402 and sellers4376 of all3605 kind of ware4465 lodged3885 without4480 2351 Jerusalem3389 once6471 or twice.8147

21 Then I testified5749 against them, and said559 unto413 them, Why4069 lodge3885 ye859 about5048 the wall?2346 if518 ye do so again,8138 I will lay7971 hands3027 on you. From4480 that1931 time6256 forth came935 they no3808 more on the sabbath.7676

22 And I commanded559 the Levites3881 that834 they should1961 cleanse themselves,2891 and that they should come935 and keep8104 the gates,8179 to sanctify6942 853 the sabbath7676 day.3117 Remember2142 me, O my God,430 concerning this2063 also,1571 and spare2347 5921 me according to the greatness7230 of thy mercy.2617

23 In those1992 days3117 also1571 saw7200 I853 Jews3064 that had married3427 wives802 of Ashdod,796 of Ammon,5984 and of Moab: 4125

24 And their children1121 spoke1696 half2677 in the speech of Ashdod,797 and could5234 not369 speak1696 in the Jews' language,3066 but according to the language3956 of each5971 people.5971

25 And I contended7378 with5973 them, and cursed7043 them, and smote5221 certain376 of4480 them, and plucked off their hair,4803 and made them swear7650 by God,430 saying, Ye shall not518 give5414 your daughters1323 unto their sons,1121 nor518 take5375 their daughters4480 1323 unto your sons,1121 or for yourselves.

26 Did not3808 Solomon8010 king4428 of Israel3478 sin2398 by5921 these things?428 yet among many7227 nations1471 was1961 there no3808 king4428 like him,3644 who was1961 beloved157 of his God,430 and God430 made5414 him king4428 over5921 all3605 Israel:3478 nevertheless1571 even him did outlandish5237 women802 cause to sin.2398

27 Shall we then hearken8085 unto you to do6213 853 all3605 this2063 great1419 evil,7451 to transgress4603 against our God430 in marrying3427 strange5237 wives?802

28 And one of the sons4480 1121 of Joiada,3111 the son1121 of Eliashib475 the high1419 priest,3548 was son in law2860 to Sanballat5571 the Horonite:2772 therefore I chased1272 him from4480 5921 me.

29 Remember2142 them, O my God,430 because5921 they have defiled1352 the priesthood,3550 and the covenant1285 of the priesthood,3550 and of the Levites.3881

30 Thus cleansed2891 I them from all4480 3605 strangers,5236 and appointed5975 the wards4931 of the priests3548 and the Levites,3881 every one376 in his business;4399

31 And for the wood6086 offering,7133 at times6256 appointed,2163 and for the firstfruits.1061 Remember2142 me, O my God,430 for good.2896



1 當日,人念摩西的律法書給百姓聽,遇見書上寫著說,亞捫人和摩押人永不可入神的會;

2 因為他們沒有拿食物和水來迎接以色列人,且雇了巴蘭咒詛他們,但我們的神使那咒詛變為祝福。

3 以色列民聽見這律法,就從以色列[from Israel]與一切閒雜之眾[mixed multitude]絕交。

4 先是蒙派管理我們神殿中庫房的祭司以利亞實與多比雅結親,

5 便為他預備一間大屋子,就是從前收存素祭、乳香、器皿,和受吩咐[was commanded]供給利未人、歌唱的、守門的五穀、新酒,和油的十分之一,並收存祭司供祭[and the offerings of the priests]的屋子。

6 那時我不在耶路撒冷;因為巴比倫王亞達薛西三十二年,我回到王那裏。過了多日,我向王告假。

7 我來到耶路撒冷,就知道以利亞實為多比雅在神殿的院內預備屋子的那件惡事。

8 我甚惱怒,就把多比雅的一切家具從屋裏都拋出去,

9 吩咐人潔淨這屋子,便[and]將神殿的器皿和素祭、乳香又搬進去。

10 我見利未人所當得的分無人供給他們,甚至供職的利未人與歌唱的俱各奔回自己的田地去了。

11 我就斥責官長說:「為何離棄神的殿呢?」我便招聚利未人,使他們照舊供職。

12 猶大眾人就把五穀、新酒,和油的十分之一送入庫房。

13 我派祭司示利米雅、文士撒督,和利未人毗大雅作庫官管理庫房;副官是哈難。哈難是撒刻的兒子;撒刻是瑪他尼的兒子。這些人都是忠信的,他們的職分是將所供給的分給他們的弟兄。

14 我的神啊,求你因這事記念我,不要塗抹我為神的殿與其中的禮節所行的善。

15 那些日子,我在猶大見有人在安息日踹酒醡[treading wine presses],搬運禾捆馱在驢上,又把酒、葡萄、無花果,和各樣的擔子在安息日擔入耶路撒冷,我就在他們賣食物的那日警戒他們。

16 又有推羅人住在耶路撒冷;他們把魚和各樣貨物運進來,在安息日賣給猶大人。

17 我就斥責猶大的貴族說:「你們怎麼行這惡事犯了安息日呢?

18 從前你們列祖豈不是這樣行,以致我們神使一切災禍臨到我們和這城嗎?現在你們還犯安息日,使忿怒越發臨到以色列。」

19 在安息日的前一日,耶路撒冷城門[began to]有黑影的時候,我就吩咐人將門關鎖,囑咐他們[charged that they]不過安息日不准開放;我又派我幾個僕人[at]城門,免得有人在安息日擔甚麼擔子進城。

20 於是商人和販賣各樣貨物的,一兩次住宿在耶路撒冷城外。

21 我就警戒他們說:「你們為何在城外住宿呢?若再這樣,我必下手拿辦你們。」從此以後,他們在安息日不再來了。

22 我吩咐利未人潔淨自己,來守城門,使安息日為聖。我的神啊,求你因這事記念我,照你的大慈愛憐恤我。

23 那些日子,我也見猶太人娶了亞實突、亞捫、摩押的女子為妻。

24 他們的兒女說話,一半是亞實突的話,不會說猶太的話,所說的是照著各族的方言。

25 我就斥責他們,咒詛他們,打了他們幾個人,拔下他們的頭髮,叫他們指著神起誓,必不將自己的女兒嫁給外邦人的兒子,也不為自己和兒子娶他們的女兒。

26 我又說:「以色列王所羅門不是在這樣的事上犯罪嗎?在多國中並沒有一王像他,且蒙他神所愛,神立他作以色列全國的王;然而連他也被外邦女子引誘犯罪。

27 如此,我豈聽你們行這大惡,娶外邦女子干犯我們的神呢?」

28 大祭司以利亞實的孫子、耶何耶大的一個兒子是和倫人參巴拉的女婿,我就從我這裏把他趕出去。

29 我的神啊,求你記念他們的罪;因為他們玷污了祭司的職任,違背你與祭司利未人所立的約。

30 這樣,我潔淨他們,使他們離絕一切外邦人,派定祭司和利未人的班次,使他們各盡其職。

31 我又派百姓按定期獻柴和初熟的土產。我的神啊,求你記念我,施恩與我。


Chapter 13



1 On that1931 day3117 they read7121 in the book5612 of Moses4872 in the audience241 of the people;5971 and therein was found4672 written,3789 that834 the Ammonite5984 and the Moabite4125 should not3808 come935 into the congregation6951 of God430 forever;5704 5769

1 當日,人念摩西的律法書給百姓聽,遇見書上寫著說,亞捫人和摩押人永不可入神的會;

2 Because3588 they met6923 not3808 853 the children1121 of Israel3478 with bread3899 and with water,4325 but hired7936 853 Balaam1109 against5921 them, that he should curse7043 them: howbeit our God430 turned2015 the curse7045 into a blessing.1293

2 因為他們沒有拿食物和水來迎接以色列人,且雇了巴蘭咒詛他們,但我們的神使那咒詛變為祝福。

3 Now it came to pass,1961 when they had heard8085 853 the law,8451 that they separated914 from Israel4480 3478 all3605 the mixed multitude.6154

3 以色列民聽見這律法,就從以色列[from Israel]與一切閒雜之眾[mixed multitude]絕交。

4 And before6440 this,4480 2088 Eliashib475 the priest,3548 having the oversight5414 of the chamber3957 of the house1004 of our God,430 was allied7138 unto Tobiah: 2900

4 先是蒙派管理我們神殿中庫房的祭司以利亞實與多比雅結親,

5 And he had prepared6213 for him a great1419 chamber,3957 where8033 formerly6440 1961 they laid5414 853 the meat offerings,4503 the frankincense,3828 and the vessels,3627 and the tithes4643 of the corn,1715 the new wine,8492 and the oil,3323 which was commanded4687 to be given to the Levites,3881 and the singers,7891 and the porters;7778 and the offerings8641 of the priests.3548

5 便為他預備一間大屋子,就是從前收存素祭、乳香、器皿,和受吩咐[was commanded]供給利未人、歌唱的、守門的五穀、新酒,和油的十分之一,並收存祭司供祭[and the offerings of the priests]的屋子。

6 But in all3605 this2088 time was1961 not3808 I at Jerusalem:3389 for3588 in the two8147 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of Artaxerxes783 king4428 of Babylon894 came935 I unto413 the king,4428 and after7093 certain days3117 obtained I leave7592 of4480 the king: 4428

6 那時我不在耶路撒冷;因為巴比倫王亞達薛西三十二年,我回到王那裏。過了多日,我向王告假。

7 And I came935 to Jerusalem,3389 and understood995 of the evil7451 that834 Eliashib475 did6213 for Tobiah,2900 in preparing6213 him a chamber5393 in the courts2691 of the house1004 of God.430

7 我來到耶路撒冷,就知道以利亞實為多比雅在神殿的院內預備屋子的那件惡事。

8 And it grieved7489 me sore:3966 therefore I cast forth7993 853 all3605 the household1004 stuff3627 of Tobiah2900 out2351 of4480 the chamber.3957

8 我甚惱怒,就把多比雅的一切家具從屋裏都拋出去,

9 Then I commanded,559 and they cleansed2891 the chambers:3957 and thither8033 brought I again7725 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of God,430 with854 the meat offering4503 and the frankincense.3828

9 吩咐人潔淨這屋子,便[and]將神殿的器皿和素祭、乳香又搬進去。

10 And I perceived3045 that3588 the portions4521 of the Levites3881 had not3808 been given5414 them: for the Levites3881 and the singers,7891 that did6213 the work,4399 were fled1272 every one376 to his field.7704

10 我見利未人所當得的分無人供給他們,甚至供職的利未人與歌唱的俱各奔回自己的田地去了。

11 Then contended7378 I with854 the rulers,5461 and said,559 Why4069 is the house1004 of God430 forsaken?5800 And I gathered them together,6908 and set5975 them in5921 their place.5977

11 我就斥責官長說:「為何離棄神的殿呢?」我便招聚利未人,使他們照舊供職。

12 Then brought935 all3605 Judah3063 the tithe4643 of the corn1715 and the new wine8492 and the oil3323 unto the treasuries.214

12 猶大眾人就把五穀、新酒,和油的十分之一送入庫房。

13 And I made treasurers686 over5921 the treasuries,214 Shelemiah8018 the priest,3548 and Zadok6659 the scribe,5608 and of4480 the Levites,3881 Pedaiah:6305 and next to5921 3027 them was Hanan2605 the son1121 of Zaccur,2139 the son1121 of Mattaniah:4983 for3588 they were counted2803 faithful,539 and their office5921 was to distribute2505 unto their brethren.251

13 我派祭司示利米雅、文士撒督,和利未人毗大雅作庫官管理庫房;副官是哈難。哈難是撒刻的兒子;撒刻是瑪他尼的兒子。這些人都是忠信的,他們的職分是將所供給的分給他們的弟兄。

14 Remember2142 me, O my God,430 concerning5921 this,2063 and wipe not out4229 408 my good deeds2617 that834 I have done6213 for the house1004 of my God,430 and for the offices4929 thereof.

14 我的神啊,求你因這事記念我,不要塗抹我為神的殿與其中的禮節所行的善。

15 In those1992 days3117 saw7200 I in Judah3063 some treading1869 wine presses1660 on the sabbath,7676 and bringing in935 sheaves,6194 and lading6006 5921 asses;2543 as also637 wine,3196 grapes,6025 and figs,8384 and all3605 manner of burdens,4853 which they brought into935 Jerusalem3389 on the sabbath7676 day:3117 and I testified5749 against them in the day3117 wherein they sold4376 victuals.6718

15 那些日子,我在猶大見有人在安息日踹酒醡[treading wine presses],搬運禾捆馱在驢上,又把酒、葡萄、無花果,和各樣的擔子在安息日擔入耶路撒冷,我就在他們賣食物的那日警戒他們。

16 There dwelt3427 men of Tyre6876 also therein, which brought935 fish,1709 and all3605 manner of ware,4377 and sold4376 on the sabbath7676 unto the children1121 of Judah,3063 and in Jerusalem.3389

16 又有推羅人住在耶路撒冷;他們把魚和各樣貨物運進來,在安息日賣給猶大人。

17 Then I contended7378 with854 the nobles2715 of Judah,3063 and said559 unto them, What4100 evil7451 thing1697 is this2088 that834 ye859 do,6213 and profane2490 853 the sabbath7676 day?3117

17 我就斥責猶大的貴族說:「你們怎麼行這惡事犯了安息日呢?

18 Did6213 not3808 your fathers1 thus,3541 and did not our God430 bring935 853 all3605 this2063 evil7451 upon5921 us, and upon5921 this2063 city?5892 yet ye859 bring more3254 wrath2740 upon5921 Israel3478 by profaning2490 853 the sabbath.7676

18 從前你們列祖豈不是這樣行,以致我們神使一切災禍臨到我們和這城嗎?現在你們還犯安息日,使忿怒越發臨到以色列。」

19 And it came to pass,1961 that when834 the gates8179 of Jerusalem3389 began to be dark6751 before6440 the sabbath,7676 I commanded559 that the gates1817 should be shut,5462 and charged559 that834 they should not3808 be opened6605 till5704 after310 the sabbath:7676 and some of my servants4480 5288 set5975 I at5921 the gates,8179 that there should no3808 burden4853 be brought in935 on the sabbath7676 day.3117

19 在安息日的前一日,耶路撒冷城門[began to]有黑影的時候,我就吩咐人將門關鎖,囑咐他們[charged that they]不過安息日不准開放;我又派我幾個僕人[at]城門,免得有人在安息日擔甚麼擔子進城。

20 So the merchants7402 and sellers4376 of all3605 kind of ware4465 lodged3885 without4480 2351 Jerusalem3389 once6471 or twice.8147

20 於是商人和販賣各樣貨物的,一兩次住宿在耶路撒冷城外。

21 Then I testified5749 against them, and said559 unto413 them, Why4069 lodge3885 ye859 about5048 the wall?2346 if518 ye do so again,8138 I will lay7971 hands3027 on you. From4480 that1931 time6256 forth came935 they no3808 more on the sabbath.7676

21 我就警戒他們說:「你們為何在城外住宿呢?若再這樣,我必下手拿辦你們。」從此以後,他們在安息日不再來了。

22 And I commanded559 the Levites3881 that834 they should1961 cleanse themselves,2891 and that they should come935 and keep8104 the gates,8179 to sanctify6942 853 the sabbath7676 day.3117 Remember2142 me, O my God,430 concerning this2063 also,1571 and spare2347 5921 me according to the greatness7230 of thy mercy.2617

22 我吩咐利未人潔淨自己,來守城門,使安息日為聖。我的神啊,求你因這事記念我,照你的大慈愛憐恤我。

23 In those1992 days3117 also1571 saw7200 I853 Jews3064 that had married3427 wives802 of Ashdod,796 of Ammon,5984 and of Moab: 4125

23 那些日子,我也見猶太人娶了亞實突、亞捫、摩押的女子為妻。

24 And their children1121 spoke1696 half2677 in the speech of Ashdod,797 and could5234 not369 speak1696 in the Jews' language,3066 but according to the language3956 of each5971 people.5971

24 他們的兒女說話,一半是亞實突的話,不會說猶太的話,所說的是照著各族的方言。

25 And I contended7378 with5973 them, and cursed7043 them, and smote5221 certain376 of4480 them, and plucked off their hair,4803 and made them swear7650 by God,430 saying, Ye shall not518 give5414 your daughters1323 unto their sons,1121 nor518 take5375 their daughters4480 1323 unto your sons,1121 or for yourselves.

25 我就斥責他們,咒詛他們,打了他們幾個人,拔下他們的頭髮,叫他們指著神起誓,必不將自己的女兒嫁給外邦人的兒子,也不為自己和兒子娶他們的女兒。

26 Did not3808 Solomon8010 king4428 of Israel3478 sin2398 by5921 these things?428 yet among many7227 nations1471 was1961 there no3808 king4428 like him,3644 who was1961 beloved157 of his God,430 and God430 made5414 him king4428 over5921 all3605 Israel:3478 nevertheless1571 even him did outlandish5237 women802 cause to sin.2398

26 我又說:「以色列王所羅門不是在這樣的事上犯罪嗎?在多國中並沒有一王像他,且蒙他神所愛,神立他作以色列全國的王;然而連他也被外邦女子引誘犯罪。

27 Shall we then hearken8085 unto you to do6213 853 all3605 this2063 great1419 evil,7451 to transgress4603 against our God430 in marrying3427 strange5237 wives?802

27 如此,我豈聽你們行這大惡,娶外邦女子干犯我們的神呢?」

28 And one of the sons4480 1121 of Joiada,3111 the son1121 of Eliashib475 the high1419 priest,3548 was son in law2860 to Sanballat5571 the Horonite:2772 therefore I chased1272 him from4480 5921 me.

28 大祭司以利亞實的孫子、耶何耶大的一個兒子是和倫人參巴拉的女婿,我就從我這裏把他趕出去。

29 Remember2142 them, O my God,430 because5921 they have defiled1352 the priesthood,3550 and the covenant1285 of the priesthood,3550 and of the Levites.3881

29 我的神啊,求你記念他們的罪;因為他們玷污了祭司的職任,違背你與祭司利未人所立的約。

30 Thus cleansed2891 I them from all4480 3605 strangers,5236 and appointed5975 the wards4931 of the priests3548 and the Levites,3881 every one376 in his business;4399

30 這樣,我潔淨他們,使他們離絕一切外邦人,派定祭司和利未人的班次,使他們各盡其職。

31 And for the wood6086 offering,7133 at times6256 appointed,2163 and for the firstfruits.1061 Remember2142 me, O my God,430 for good.2896

31 我又派百姓按定期獻柴和初熟的土產。我的神啊,求你記念我,施恩與我。