
Chapter 1

1 THE beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

2 As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, Behold I send my messenger before your face, that he may prepare your way,

3 The voice that cries in the wilderness, Make ready the way of the Lord, and straighten his high ways.

4 John was in the wilderness, baptizing and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,

5 And the whole province of Judaea went out to him, and all the people of Jerusalem; and he baptized them in the river Jordan, when they confessed their sins.

6 John wore a dress of camel's hair, with a girdle of leather fastened around his loins; and his food was locusts and wild honey.

7 And he preached saying, Behold, there is coming after me one who is mightier than myself, even the strings of whose shoes I am not good enough to bend down and untie.

8 I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

9 And it came to pass in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized in the Jordan by John.

10 And immediately, as he went up out of the water, he saw the sky was clear open, and the Spirit as a dove came down upon him.

11 And a voice came from heaven, You are my beloved Son, I am pleased with you.

12 And immediately the Spirit drove him out into the wilderness.

13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, being tried out by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to him.

14 But after John was delivered up, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

15 And saying, The time has come to an end, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.

16 While he walked along the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother throwing their nets into the sea; for they were fishermen.

17 And Jesus said to them, Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.

18 And straightway they left their nets, and went after him.

19 And when he went a little further, he saw James the son of Zebedee and his brother John; they also were in a boat mending their nets.

20 And he called them; and immediately they left their father Zebedee with the hired men, and went after him.

21 When they entered into Capernaum, straightway he taught on the sabbaths in their synagogues.

22 And they were amazed at his teaching; for he taught them as one with an authority, and not like their scribes.

23 And there was in their synagogue a man who had in him an unclean spirit; and he cried out,

24 And said, Jesus of Nazareth, what have we in common? Have you come to destroy us? I know you, who you are, ôHoly One of God.ö

25 And Jesus rebuked him and said, Be silent, and come out of him.

26 And the unclean spirit threw him down, and cried out in a loud voice, and left him.

27 And they were all astonished, and kept asking one another saying, What does this mean? and what is this new teaching, that with such a power he commands even unclean spirits and they obey him?

28 And his fame immediately spread throughout the country of Galilee.

29 Then they went out of the synagogue, and came to the house of Simon and Andrew, together with James and John.

30 And Simon's mother-in-law was laid up with fever; and they spoke to him about her.

31 And he went and held her hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered to them.

32 In the evening towards sunset, they brought to him all who were seriously sick, and the insane.

33 And the whole city was gathered at the door.

34 And he healed many who were seriously sick with divers diseases, and he restored many who were insane; and he did not allow the insane to speak because some of them were his acquaintances.

35 And in the morning he rose up very early and went away to a lonely place, and there prayed.

36 And Simon and those who were with him were looking for him.

37 And when they found him, they said to him, Everyone wants you.

38 He said to them, Let us walk to the neighboring towns and cities, so that I may preach there also; because I came for this.

39 And he preached in all their synagogues throughout Galilee, and cast out demons.

40 And there came to him a leper, who fell down at his feet, and begged him, saying, If you will, you can make me clean.

41 And Jesus had mercy on him, and stretched out his hand and touched him, and said, I am willing; be clean.

42 And in that hour his leprosy disappeared from him, and he became clean.

43 And Jesus rebuked him and put him out,

44 And said to him, Look here, why are you telling it to the people? but go away, show yourself to the priests, and offer an offering for the sake of your cleansing, according to what Moses commanded, as their testimonial.

45 But when he went out, he began to publish it still more, and to spread the word, so that Jesus was no longer able to enter the city openly, but he remained outside in a lonely place; and yet they came to him from every place.

Das Evangelium nach Markus

Kapitel 1

1 Dies ist der Anfang746 des Evangeliums2098 von JEsus2424 Christus5547, dem Sohn Gottes2316,

2 wie5613 geschrieben1125 stehet in1722 den Propheten4396: Siehe2400, ich1473 sende649 meinen3450 Engel32 vor4253 dir4675 her4383, der3739 da bereite2680 deinen4675 Weg3598 vor1715 dir4675!

3 Es ist eine Stimme5456 eines Predigers994 in1722 der Wüste2048: Bereitet2090 den Weg3598 des HErrn2962, machet seine846 Steige5147 richtig2117!

4 Johannes2491, der war1096 in1722 der Wüste2048, taufte und2532 predigte2784 von der Taufe907 der Buße3341 zur1519 Vergebung859 der Sünden266.

5 Und2532 es ging zu4314 ihm846 hinaus1607 das ganze3956 jüdische Land5561 und2532 die von5259 Jerusalem2415 und2532 ließen sich907 alle3956 von ihm846 taufen907 im1722 Jordan2446 und bekannten1843 ihre Sünden266.

6 Johannes2491 aber1161 war2258 bekleidet1746 mit Kamelhaaren2574 und2532 mit einem ledernen1193 Gürtel2223 um4012 seine Lenden3751 und25322068 Heuschrecken200 und2532 wilden66 Honig3192.

7 Und2532 predigte2784 und sprach3004: Es kommt2064 einer nach3694 mir3450, der ist stärker2478 denn ich, dem ich nicht3756 genugsam2425 bin1510, daß ich mich3450 vor ihm bücke2955 und die3739 Riemen2438 seiner Schuhe5266 auflöse3089.

8 Ich1473 taufe907 euch5209 mit1722 Wasser5204; aber1161 er wird euch5209 mit1722 dem Heiligen40 Geist4151 taufen907.

9 Und2532 es1565 begab1096 sich zu1722 derselbigen Zeit2250, daß1519 JEsus2424 aus Galiläa1056 von575 Nazareth3478 kam2064 und2532 ließ sich taufen907 von5259 Johannes2491 im Jordan2446.

10 Und2532 alsbald2112 stieg er846 aus dem575 Wasser5204 und2532 sah1492, daß sich der Himmel3772 auftat4977, und den Geist4151 gleichwie eine Taube4058 herab2597 kommen305 auf1909 ihn.

11 Und2532 da geschah1096 eine Stimme5456 vom1537 Himmel3772: Du4771 bist1488 mein3450 lieber27 Sohn, an1722 dem3739 ich Wohlgefallen2106 habe.

12 Und2532 bald2117 trieb1544 ihn846 der Geist4151 in1519 die Wüste2048.

13 Und2532 war2258 allda1563 in1722 der5259 Wüste2048 vierzig5062 Tage2250 und2532 ward versucht3985 von dem Satan4567 und2532 war bei3326 den Tieren2342, und die Engel32 dieneten ihm846.

14 Nachdem aber1161 Johannes2491 überantwortet3860 ward, kam2064 JEsus2424 nach3326 Galiläa1056 und1519 predigte2784 das932 Evangelium2098 vom Reich Gottes2316

15 und2532 sprach: Die Zeit2540 ist4137 erfüllet, und2532 das932 Reich Gottes2316 ist1448 herbeikommen. Tut Buße3340 und2532 glaubt4100 an1722 das Evangelium2098!

16 Da1722 er846 aber1161 an3844 dem Galiläischen1056 Meer2281 ging4043, sah1492 er Simon4613 und2532 Andreas406, seinen Bruder80, daß sie ihre Netze293 ins Meer2281 warfen906; denn1063 sie waren2258 Fischer231.

17 Und2532 JEsus2424 sprach2036 zu ihnen846: Folget1205 mir3450 nach3694! Ich will1096 euch5209 zu Menschenfischern231 machen4160.

18 Alsbald verließen863 sie846 ihre Netze1350 und2532 folgeten ihm nach190.

19 Und2532 da1564 er846 von dannen ein wenig3641 fürbaß ging, sah1492 er846 Jakobus2385, den3588 Sohn des Zebedäus2199, und2532 Johannes2491, seinen Bruder80, daß sie die Netze1350 im1722 Schiff4143 flickten2675; und2532 bald rief er sie.

20 Und2532 sie846 ließen863 ihren Vater3962 Zebedäus2199 im1722 Schiff4143 mit den Tagelöhnern3411 und2532 folgeten ihm846 nach3326.

21 Und2532 sie gingen1531 gen1519 Kapernaum2584; und2532 bald2112 an den Sabbaten4521 ging1525 er1321 in1519 die Schule4864 und lehrete.

22 Und2532 sie846 entsetzten1605 sich2258 über1909 seine846 Lehre1322; denn1063 er1321 lehrete gewaltiglich und2532 nicht3756 wie5613 die Schriftgelehrten1122.

23 Und2532 es846 war2258 in1722 ihrer Schule4864 ein Mensch444, besessen mit1722 einem unsaubern169 Geist4151, der2532 schrie349

24 und2532 sprach3004: Halt1436, was5101 haben wir2248 mit dir4671 zu schaffen, JEsus2424 von Nazareth3479? Du4571 bist1488 kommen2064, uns2254 zu verderben622. Ich weiß1492, wer5101 du bist, der Heilige40 Gottes2316.

25 Und2532 JEsus2424 bedräuete ihn846 und2532 sprach3004: Verstumme5392 und fahre aus1831 von1537 ihm846!

26 Und2532 der unsaubere169 Geist4151 riß4682 ihn846 und2532 schrie2896 laut3173 und fuhr aus1831 von1537 ihm846.

27 Und2532 sie846 entsetzten2284 sich848 alle3956, also daß5620 sie untereinander4314 sich befragten4802 und3754 sprachen3004: Was5101 ist2076 das5124? Was5101 ist2532 das für eine neue2537 Lehre1322? Er3778 gebeut mit2596 Gewalt1849 den unsaubern169 Geistern4151, und2532 sie gehorchen5219 ihm.

28 Und1161 sein846 Gerücht189 erscholl1831 bald2117 umher in1519 die Grenze Galiläas1056.

29 Und2532 sie gingen2064 bald2112 aus1537 der Schule4864 und2532 kamen1831 in1519 das Haus3614 des Simon4613 und2532 Andreas406 mit3326 Jakobus2385 und Johannes2491.

30 Und1161 die Schwieger Simons4613 lag2621 und2532 hatte das Fieber4445; und alsbald2112 sagten sie846 ihm846 von4012 ihr3004.

31 Und2532 er846 trat zu4334 ihr846 und2532 richtete sie846 auf1453 und2532 hielt2902 sie846 bei der Hand5495; und das Fieber4446 verließ863 sie bald2112, und sie dienete ihnen.

32 Am Abend3798 aber1161, da3753 die Sonne2246 untergegangen war1096, brachten sie5342 zu4314 ihm846 allerlei3956 Kranke2560 und2532 Besessene1139.

33 Und2532 die ganze3650 Stadt4172 versammelte1996 sich2258 vor4314 der Tür2374.

34 Und2532 er846 half2323 vielen4183 Kranken2560, die mit mancherlei4164 Seuchen3554 beladen waren2192, und2532 trieb1544 viele4183 Teufel1140 aus und2532 ließ863 die Teufel1140 nicht3756 reden2980; denn3754 sie kannten1492 ihn.

35 Und2532 des Morgens4404 vor Tag stund er auf450 und ging565 hinaus1831. Und JEsus ging in1519 eine wüste2048 Stätte5117 und betete4336 daselbst2546.

36 Und2532 Petrus4613 mit2532 denen, die bei ihm846 waren, eileten ihm846 nach3326.

37 Und2532 da sie846 ihn fanden2147, sprachen3004 sie zu ihm: Jedermann3956 suchet2212 dich4571.

38 Und2532 er846 sprach3004 zu ihnen: Laßt uns in1519 die nächsten2192 Städte2969 gehen71, daß2443 ich5124 daselbst2546 auch predige2784; denn1063 dazu bin ich kommen1831.

39 Und2532 er2258 predigte2784 in1722 ihren846 Schulen4864 in1519 ganz3650 Galiläa1056 und2532 trieb1544 die Teufel1140 aus.

40 Und2532 es kam2064 zu4314 ihm846 ein Aussätziger3015, der bat3870 ihn, knieete vor ihm846 und2532 sprach3004 zu1410 ihm846: Willst2309 du, so2532 kannst du mich3165 wohl reinigen2511.

41 Und1161 es846 jammerte4697 JEsum2424 und2532 reckte die Hand5495 aus1614, rührete ihn846 an680 und sprach3004: Ich will‘s2309 tun; sei gereiniget!

42 Und2532 als er846 so sprach2036, ging565 der Aussatz3014 alsbald2112 von575 ihm, und2532 er ward rein2511.

43 Und2532 JEsus bedräuete ihn846 und trieb1544 ihn846 alsbald2112 von sich1544

44 und2532 sprach3004 zu1519 ihm846: Siehe3708 zu, daß du niemand3367 nichts3367 sagest2036, sondern235 gehe5217 hin und2532 zeige1166 dich4572 dem Priester2409 und opfere4374 für deine4675 Reinigung2512, was Mose3475 geboten hat4367, zum Zeugnis3142 über4012 sie846.

45 Er846 aber1161, da er4314 hinauskam, hub er846 an756 und2532 sagte2784 viel4183 davon und2532 machte die Geschichte3056 ruchbar1310, also daß5620 er hinfort3371 nicht mehr konnte öffentlich5320 in1519 die Stadt4172 gehen1525, sondern235 er war2258 draußen1854 in1722 den wüsten2048 Örtern5117. Und sie kamen1831 zu1410 ihm von allen Enden3836.


Chapter 1

Das Evangelium nach Markus

Kapitel 1

1 THE beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

1 Dies ist der Anfang746 des Evangeliums2098 von JEsus2424 Christus5547, dem Sohn Gottes2316,

2 As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, Behold I send my messenger before your face, that he may prepare your way,

2 wie5613 geschrieben1125 stehet in1722 den Propheten4396: Siehe2400, ich1473 sende649 meinen3450 Engel32 vor4253 dir4675 her4383, der3739 da bereite2680 deinen4675 Weg3598 vor1715 dir4675!

3 The voice that cries in the wilderness, Make ready the way of the Lord, and straighten his high ways.

3 Es ist eine Stimme5456 eines Predigers994 in1722 der Wüste2048: Bereitet2090 den Weg3598 des HErrn2962, machet seine846 Steige5147 richtig2117!

4 John was in the wilderness, baptizing and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,

4 Johannes2491, der war1096 in1722 der Wüste2048, taufte und2532 predigte2784 von der Taufe907 der Buße3341 zur1519 Vergebung859 der Sünden266.

5 And the whole province of Judaea went out to him, and all the people of Jerusalem; and he baptized them in the river Jordan, when they confessed their sins.

5 Und2532 es ging zu4314 ihm846 hinaus1607 das ganze3956 jüdische Land5561 und2532 die von5259 Jerusalem2415 und2532 ließen sich907 alle3956 von ihm846 taufen907 im1722 Jordan2446 und bekannten1843 ihre Sünden266.

6 John wore a dress of camel's hair, with a girdle of leather fastened around his loins; and his food was locusts and wild honey.

6 Johannes2491 aber1161 war2258 bekleidet1746 mit Kamelhaaren2574 und2532 mit einem ledernen1193 Gürtel2223 um4012 seine Lenden3751 und25322068 Heuschrecken200 und2532 wilden66 Honig3192.

7 And he preached saying, Behold, there is coming after me one who is mightier than myself, even the strings of whose shoes I am not good enough to bend down and untie.

7 Und2532 predigte2784 und sprach3004: Es kommt2064 einer nach3694 mir3450, der ist stärker2478 denn ich, dem ich nicht3756 genugsam2425 bin1510, daß ich mich3450 vor ihm bücke2955 und die3739 Riemen2438 seiner Schuhe5266 auflöse3089.

8 I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

8 Ich1473 taufe907 euch5209 mit1722 Wasser5204; aber1161 er wird euch5209 mit1722 dem Heiligen40 Geist4151 taufen907.

9 And it came to pass in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized in the Jordan by John.

9 Und2532 es1565 begab1096 sich zu1722 derselbigen Zeit2250, daß1519 JEsus2424 aus Galiläa1056 von575 Nazareth3478 kam2064 und2532 ließ sich taufen907 von5259 Johannes2491 im Jordan2446.

10 And immediately, as he went up out of the water, he saw the sky was clear open, and the Spirit as a dove came down upon him.

10 Und2532 alsbald2112 stieg er846 aus dem575 Wasser5204 und2532 sah1492, daß sich der Himmel3772 auftat4977, und den Geist4151 gleichwie eine Taube4058 herab2597 kommen305 auf1909 ihn.

11 And a voice came from heaven, You are my beloved Son, I am pleased with you.

11 Und2532 da geschah1096 eine Stimme5456 vom1537 Himmel3772: Du4771 bist1488 mein3450 lieber27 Sohn, an1722 dem3739 ich Wohlgefallen2106 habe.

12 And immediately the Spirit drove him out into the wilderness.

12 Und2532 bald2117 trieb1544 ihn846 der Geist4151 in1519 die Wüste2048.

13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, being tried out by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to him.

13 Und2532 war2258 allda1563 in1722 der5259 Wüste2048 vierzig5062 Tage2250 und2532 ward versucht3985 von dem Satan4567 und2532 war bei3326 den Tieren2342, und die Engel32 dieneten ihm846.

14 But after John was delivered up, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

14 Nachdem aber1161 Johannes2491 überantwortet3860 ward, kam2064 JEsus2424 nach3326 Galiläa1056 und1519 predigte2784 das932 Evangelium2098 vom Reich Gottes2316

15 And saying, The time has come to an end, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.

15 und2532 sprach: Die Zeit2540 ist4137 erfüllet, und2532 das932 Reich Gottes2316 ist1448 herbeikommen. Tut Buße3340 und2532 glaubt4100 an1722 das Evangelium2098!

16 While he walked along the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother throwing their nets into the sea; for they were fishermen.

16 Da1722 er846 aber1161 an3844 dem Galiläischen1056 Meer2281 ging4043, sah1492 er Simon4613 und2532 Andreas406, seinen Bruder80, daß sie ihre Netze293 ins Meer2281 warfen906; denn1063 sie waren2258 Fischer231.

17 And Jesus said to them, Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.

17 Und2532 JEsus2424 sprach2036 zu ihnen846: Folget1205 mir3450 nach3694! Ich will1096 euch5209 zu Menschenfischern231 machen4160.

18 And straightway they left their nets, and went after him.

18 Alsbald verließen863 sie846 ihre Netze1350 und2532 folgeten ihm nach190.

19 And when he went a little further, he saw James the son of Zebedee and his brother John; they also were in a boat mending their nets.

19 Und2532 da1564 er846 von dannen ein wenig3641 fürbaß ging, sah1492 er846 Jakobus2385, den3588 Sohn des Zebedäus2199, und2532 Johannes2491, seinen Bruder80, daß sie die Netze1350 im1722 Schiff4143 flickten2675; und2532 bald rief er sie.

20 And he called them; and immediately they left their father Zebedee with the hired men, and went after him.

20 Und2532 sie846 ließen863 ihren Vater3962 Zebedäus2199 im1722 Schiff4143 mit den Tagelöhnern3411 und2532 folgeten ihm846 nach3326.

21 When they entered into Capernaum, straightway he taught on the sabbaths in their synagogues.

21 Und2532 sie gingen1531 gen1519 Kapernaum2584; und2532 bald2112 an den Sabbaten4521 ging1525 er1321 in1519 die Schule4864 und lehrete.

22 And they were amazed at his teaching; for he taught them as one with an authority, and not like their scribes.

22 Und2532 sie846 entsetzten1605 sich2258 über1909 seine846 Lehre1322; denn1063 er1321 lehrete gewaltiglich und2532 nicht3756 wie5613 die Schriftgelehrten1122.

23 And there was in their synagogue a man who had in him an unclean spirit; and he cried out,

23 Und2532 es846 war2258 in1722 ihrer Schule4864 ein Mensch444, besessen mit1722 einem unsaubern169 Geist4151, der2532 schrie349

24 And said, Jesus of Nazareth, what have we in common? Have you come to destroy us? I know you, who you are, ôHoly One of God.ö

24 und2532 sprach3004: Halt1436, was5101 haben wir2248 mit dir4671 zu schaffen, JEsus2424 von Nazareth3479? Du4571 bist1488 kommen2064, uns2254 zu verderben622. Ich weiß1492, wer5101 du bist, der Heilige40 Gottes2316.

25 And Jesus rebuked him and said, Be silent, and come out of him.

25 Und2532 JEsus2424 bedräuete ihn846 und2532 sprach3004: Verstumme5392 und fahre aus1831 von1537 ihm846!

26 And the unclean spirit threw him down, and cried out in a loud voice, and left him.

26 Und2532 der unsaubere169 Geist4151 riß4682 ihn846 und2532 schrie2896 laut3173 und fuhr aus1831 von1537 ihm846.

27 And they were all astonished, and kept asking one another saying, What does this mean? and what is this new teaching, that with such a power he commands even unclean spirits and they obey him?

27 Und2532 sie846 entsetzten2284 sich848 alle3956, also daß5620 sie untereinander4314 sich befragten4802 und3754 sprachen3004: Was5101 ist2076 das5124? Was5101 ist2532 das für eine neue2537 Lehre1322? Er3778 gebeut mit2596 Gewalt1849 den unsaubern169 Geistern4151, und2532 sie gehorchen5219 ihm.

28 And his fame immediately spread throughout the country of Galilee.

28 Und1161 sein846 Gerücht189 erscholl1831 bald2117 umher in1519 die Grenze Galiläas1056.

29 Then they went out of the synagogue, and came to the house of Simon and Andrew, together with James and John.

29 Und2532 sie gingen2064 bald2112 aus1537 der Schule4864 und2532 kamen1831 in1519 das Haus3614 des Simon4613 und2532 Andreas406 mit3326 Jakobus2385 und Johannes2491.

30 And Simon's mother-in-law was laid up with fever; and they spoke to him about her.

30 Und1161 die Schwieger Simons4613 lag2621 und2532 hatte das Fieber4445; und alsbald2112 sagten sie846 ihm846 von4012 ihr3004.

31 And he went and held her hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered to them.

31 Und2532 er846 trat zu4334 ihr846 und2532 richtete sie846 auf1453 und2532 hielt2902 sie846 bei der Hand5495; und das Fieber4446 verließ863 sie bald2112, und sie dienete ihnen.

32 In the evening towards sunset, they brought to him all who were seriously sick, and the insane.

32 Am Abend3798 aber1161, da3753 die Sonne2246 untergegangen war1096, brachten sie5342 zu4314 ihm846 allerlei3956 Kranke2560 und2532 Besessene1139.

33 And the whole city was gathered at the door.

33 Und2532 die ganze3650 Stadt4172 versammelte1996 sich2258 vor4314 der Tür2374.

34 And he healed many who were seriously sick with divers diseases, and he restored many who were insane; and he did not allow the insane to speak because some of them were his acquaintances.

34 Und2532 er846 half2323 vielen4183 Kranken2560, die mit mancherlei4164 Seuchen3554 beladen waren2192, und2532 trieb1544 viele4183 Teufel1140 aus und2532 ließ863 die Teufel1140 nicht3756 reden2980; denn3754 sie kannten1492 ihn.

35 And in the morning he rose up very early and went away to a lonely place, and there prayed.

35 Und2532 des Morgens4404 vor Tag stund er auf450 und ging565 hinaus1831. Und JEsus ging in1519 eine wüste2048 Stätte5117 und betete4336 daselbst2546.

36 And Simon and those who were with him were looking for him.

36 Und2532 Petrus4613 mit2532 denen, die bei ihm846 waren, eileten ihm846 nach3326.

37 And when they found him, they said to him, Everyone wants you.

37 Und2532 da sie846 ihn fanden2147, sprachen3004 sie zu ihm: Jedermann3956 suchet2212 dich4571.

38 He said to them, Let us walk to the neighboring towns and cities, so that I may preach there also; because I came for this.

38 Und2532 er846 sprach3004 zu ihnen: Laßt uns in1519 die nächsten2192 Städte2969 gehen71, daß2443 ich5124 daselbst2546 auch predige2784; denn1063 dazu bin ich kommen1831.

39 And he preached in all their synagogues throughout Galilee, and cast out demons.

39 Und2532 er2258 predigte2784 in1722 ihren846 Schulen4864 in1519 ganz3650 Galiläa1056 und2532 trieb1544 die Teufel1140 aus.

40 And there came to him a leper, who fell down at his feet, and begged him, saying, If you will, you can make me clean.

40 Und2532 es kam2064 zu4314 ihm846 ein Aussätziger3015, der bat3870 ihn, knieete vor ihm846 und2532 sprach3004 zu1410 ihm846: Willst2309 du, so2532 kannst du mich3165 wohl reinigen2511.

41 And Jesus had mercy on him, and stretched out his hand and touched him, and said, I am willing; be clean.

41 Und1161 es846 jammerte4697 JEsum2424 und2532 reckte die Hand5495 aus1614, rührete ihn846 an680 und sprach3004: Ich will‘s2309 tun; sei gereiniget!

42 And in that hour his leprosy disappeared from him, and he became clean.

42 Und2532 als er846 so sprach2036, ging565 der Aussatz3014 alsbald2112 von575 ihm, und2532 er ward rein2511.

43 And Jesus rebuked him and put him out,

43 Und2532 JEsus bedräuete ihn846 und trieb1544 ihn846 alsbald2112 von sich1544

44 And said to him, Look here, why are you telling it to the people? but go away, show yourself to the priests, and offer an offering for the sake of your cleansing, according to what Moses commanded, as their testimonial.

44 und2532 sprach3004 zu1519 ihm846: Siehe3708 zu, daß du niemand3367 nichts3367 sagest2036, sondern235 gehe5217 hin und2532 zeige1166 dich4572 dem Priester2409 und opfere4374 für deine4675 Reinigung2512, was Mose3475 geboten hat4367, zum Zeugnis3142 über4012 sie846.

45 But when he went out, he began to publish it still more, and to spread the word, so that Jesus was no longer able to enter the city openly, but he remained outside in a lonely place; and yet they came to him from every place.

45 Er846 aber1161, da er4314 hinauskam, hub er846 an756 und2532 sagte2784 viel4183 davon und2532 machte die Geschichte3056 ruchbar1310, also daß5620 er hinfort3371 nicht mehr konnte öffentlich5320 in1519 die Stadt4172 gehen1525, sondern235 er war2258 draußen1854 in1722 den wüsten2048 Örtern5117. Und sie kamen1831 zu1410 ihm von allen Enden3836.