
Psalm 55

1 GIVE ear to my prayer, O God; and reject not my supplication.

2 Hear me and answer me; return to my cry and incline to me,

3 Because of mine enemies, because of the oppression of the wicked; for they have devised iniquity against me, and reproached me.

4 My heart is greatly pained within me; and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.

5 Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and the shadow of death has overwhelmed me.

6 And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! Then would I fly away and be at rest.

7 Lo, then I would fly far off and dwell in the wilderness.

8 I would wait for him that will save me from the windy storm and the tempest.

9 Destroy, O LORD, and render useless their tongues; for I have seen violence and strife in the city.

10 Day and night they go about it, around its walls; injustice and mischief are in the midst of it.

11 Wickedness is in the midst of it; deceit and guile depart not from its streets.

12 For it was not mine enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it; neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him;

13 But it was you, a man mine equal, my kinsman, and my friend.

14 We ate a meal together in the house of God, and we walked in harmony.

15 Bring death upon them; bury them alive in the grave, because there is evil among them.

16 As for me, I will call upon God; and God shall save me.

17 At evening and in the morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice.

18 Deliver my soul from those who have been too wise for me, from those who have opposed me continuously.

19 God, even the Eternal one, shall hear and humble them. With them also there are no changes; therefore they fear not God.

20 They have put forth their hands against their neighbours, they have broken his covenant.

21 They were afraid because of the anger in his countenance and the wrath in his heart; his words were smoother than butter, yet were they sharp like the point of a spear.

22 Cast your worries upon the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never suffer the righteous to fear want.

23 But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction; bloody and deceitful men shall not live out their days; but I will trust in thee.


Псалом 55

1 Руководителю хора На мелодию «Безмолвный голубь вдалеке» Молитва Давида (когда филистимляне захватили его в Гате)

2 Окажи мне милость, Боже, — меня преследуют по пятам, нападающие на меня весь день не дают мне покоя.

3 Враги мои весь день пытаются схватить меня; много тех, кто в гордыне и силе своей против меня восстает.

4 Когда страшно мне, я на Тебя уповаю.

5 На Бога, обещаниями Которого хвалюсь я, — на Бога уповаю и ничего не боюсь. Что сделает мне смертный?

6 Всегда извращают слова мои, во зло мне — все помышления их.

7 Они заговор составляют, притаившись, за каждым шагом моим наблюдают, чтобы жизни меня лишить.

8 Неужели они спасут себя своим злодеянием? Во гневе Своем, Боже, повергни их во прах.

9 Все скитания мои наперечет Ты знаешь, храни же тогда и слезы мои в сосуде Твоем! Не отмечены ли они уже в Твоей книге?

10 Отступят от меня враги мои, стоит мне лишь к Богу воззвать. Бог за меня, и знаю я это.

11 На Бога — Его обещаниями я хвалюсь — на ГОСПОДА, обещаниями Которого хвалюсь я, —

12 на Бога уповаю и ничего не боюсь. Что сделает мне человек?

13 На мне, Боже, обеты, Тебе данные, исполню их и жертвы благодарственные принесу.

14 Ибо Ты от смерти избавил меня, уберег от преткновения ноги мои, чтобы мог я пред Богом ходить в том свете, что радует живых.











Psalm 55


Псалом 55

1 GIVE ear to my prayer, O God; and reject not my supplication.

1 Руководителю хора На мелодию «Безмолвный голубь вдалеке» Молитва Давида (когда филистимляне захватили его в Гате)

2 Hear me and answer me; return to my cry and incline to me,

2 Окажи мне милость, Боже, — меня преследуют по пятам, нападающие на меня весь день не дают мне покоя.

3 Because of mine enemies, because of the oppression of the wicked; for they have devised iniquity against me, and reproached me.

3 Враги мои весь день пытаются схватить меня; много тех, кто в гордыне и силе своей против меня восстает.

4 My heart is greatly pained within me; and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.

4 Когда страшно мне, я на Тебя уповаю.

5 Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and the shadow of death has overwhelmed me.

5 На Бога, обещаниями Которого хвалюсь я, — на Бога уповаю и ничего не боюсь. Что сделает мне смертный?

6 And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! Then would I fly away and be at rest.

6 Всегда извращают слова мои, во зло мне — все помышления их.

7 Lo, then I would fly far off and dwell in the wilderness.

7 Они заговор составляют, притаившись, за каждым шагом моим наблюдают, чтобы жизни меня лишить.

8 I would wait for him that will save me from the windy storm and the tempest.

8 Неужели они спасут себя своим злодеянием? Во гневе Своем, Боже, повергни их во прах.

9 Destroy, O LORD, and render useless their tongues; for I have seen violence and strife in the city.

9 Все скитания мои наперечет Ты знаешь, храни же тогда и слезы мои в сосуде Твоем! Не отмечены ли они уже в Твоей книге?

10 Day and night they go about it, around its walls; injustice and mischief are in the midst of it.

10 Отступят от меня враги мои, стоит мне лишь к Богу воззвать. Бог за меня, и знаю я это.

11 Wickedness is in the midst of it; deceit and guile depart not from its streets.

11 На Бога — Его обещаниями я хвалюсь — на ГОСПОДА, обещаниями Которого хвалюсь я, —

12 For it was not mine enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it; neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him;

12 на Бога уповаю и ничего не боюсь. Что сделает мне человек?

13 But it was you, a man mine equal, my kinsman, and my friend.

13 На мне, Боже, обеты, Тебе данные, исполню их и жертвы благодарственные принесу.

14 We ate a meal together in the house of God, and we walked in harmony.

14 Ибо Ты от смерти избавил меня, уберег от преткновения ноги мои, чтобы мог я пред Богом ходить в том свете, что радует живых.

15 Bring death upon them; bury them alive in the grave, because there is evil among them.


16 As for me, I will call upon God; and God shall save me.


17 At evening and in the morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice.


18 Deliver my soul from those who have been too wise for me, from those who have opposed me continuously.


19 God, even the Eternal one, shall hear and humble them. With them also there are no changes; therefore they fear not God.


20 They have put forth their hands against their neighbours, they have broken his covenant.


21 They were afraid because of the anger in his countenance and the wrath in his heart; his words were smoother than butter, yet were they sharp like the point of a spear.


22 Cast your worries upon the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never suffer the righteous to fear want.


23 But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction; bloody and deceitful men shall not live out their days; but I will trust in thee.