

1 利巴嫩當啟爾門、任爾柏香木爲火所焚、

2 巍巍者已毁矣、柏香木已傾、爾諸松柏、俱當號呼、林樹旣仆、巴山橡櫟亦當哀泣、

3 牧人所娛玩者已毁、羣作哀歌、約但之叢林已伐、稚獅咆哮、其聲遙聞。

4 我之上帝耶和華曰、將殺之羊、爾其牧之、

5 斯羊之主、殺之而以爲無辜、鬻之而以爲得財、頌美耶和華、牧者不懷矜憫。

6 耶和華曰、我不復宥斯土之民、使王公庶民、各相戕伐、殲滅斯邦、我不救援、

7 先知曰、將殺之羊、甚爲可哀、我執二杖、一曰恩寵、一日維繫、而牧斯羊、

8 一月之間、我絕三牧、牧人棄予、余痛疾之、

9 我曰、必不牧爾、死者我聽其死、絕者我任其絕、其餘自相殘食、亦聽其然、

10 昔我有杖、厥名恩寵、今折斯杖、爲毁民約之徵、

11 當斯時也、斯杖已折、從我之羊、已遭困苦、則知所言確然、耶和華之命不虛、

12 我曰、如合爾意、給我以値、否則已矣、於是權三十金畀我、以爲我値、

13 耶和華告我曰、爾傭於人、其價何廉、委之於陶人可也、我遂取三十金、擲於耶和華殿、以爲陶人所得。

14 我又有杖、厥名維繫、我遂折之、爲猶大以色列二族絕交之徵。

15 耶和華告我曰、爾當取愚牧之器、

16 我必使牧者興於斯土、將亡者彼不顧、迷途者彼不尋、被傷者彼不醫、茁壯者彼不牧、惟食肥羊、而斷其蹄、

17 惟彼庸牧、遠離羣羊、禍將及矣、其手其目、爲刃所擊、其手廢矣、其目盲矣。


Chapter 11

1 Open6605 your doors,1817 O Lebanon,3844 that the fire784 may devour398 your cedars.730

2 Howl,3213 fir1265 tree; for the cedar730 is fallen;5307 because834 the mighty117 are spoiled:7703 howl,3213 O you oaks437 of Bashan;1316 for the forest3293 of the vintage1208 is come3381 down.3381

3 There is a voice6963 of the howling3213 of the shepherds;7462 for their glory155 is spoiled:7703 a voice6963 of the roaring7581 of young3715 lions;3715 for the pride1347 of Jordan3383 is spoiled.7703

4 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 my God;430 Feed7462 the flock6629 of the slaughter;2028

5 Whose834 possessors7069 slay2026 them, and hold816 themselves not guilty:816 and they that sell4376 them say,559 Blessed1288 be the LORD;3068 for I am rich:6238 and their own shepherds7462 pity2550 them not.

6 For I will no3808 more5750 pity2550 the inhabitants3427 of the land,776 said5002 the LORD:3068 but, see, I will deliver4672 the men120 every376 one376 into his neighbor's7453 hand,3027 and into the hand3027 of his king:4428 and they shall smite3807 the land,776 and out of their hand3027 I will not deliver5337 them.

7 And I will feed7462 the flock6629 of slaughter,2028 even3651 you, O poor6041 of the flock.6629 And I took3947 to me two8147 staves;4731 the one259 I called7121 Beauty,5278 and the other259 I called7121 Bands;2256 and I fed7462 the flock.6629

8 Three7969 shepherds7462 also I cut3582 off in one259 month;3391 and my soul5315 loathed7114 them, and their soul5315 also1571 abhorred973 me.

9 Then said559 I, I will not feed7462 you: that that dies,4191 let it die;4191 and that that is to be cut3582 off, let it be cut3582 off; and let the rest7604 eat398 every802 one802 the flesh1320 of another.7468

10 And I took3947 my staff,4731 even853 Beauty,5278 and cut1438 it asunder, that I might break6565 my covenant1285 which834 I had made3772 with all3605 the people.5971

11 And it was broken6565 in that day:3117 and so3651 the poor6041 of the flock6629 that waited8104 on me knew3045 that it was the word1697 of the LORD.3068

12 And I said559 to them, If518 you think5869 good,2896 give3051 me my price;7939 and if518 not, forbear.2308 So they weighed8254 for my price7939 thirty7970 pieces of silver.3701

13 And the LORD3068 said559 to me, Cast7993 it to the potter:3335 a goodly145 price3365 that I was priced3365 at of them. And I took3947 the thirty7970 pieces of silver,3701 and cast7993 them to the potter3335 in the house1004 of the LORD.3068

14 Then I cut1438 asunder my other8145 staff,4731 even853 Bands,2256 that I might break6565 the brotherhood264 between996 Judah3063 and Israel.3478

15 And the LORD3068 said559 to me, Take3947 to you yet5750 the instruments3627 of a foolish196 shepherd.7462

16 For, see, I will raise6965 up a shepherd7462 in the land,776 which shall not visit6485 those that be cut3582 off, neither3808 shall seek1245 the young5288 one, nor3808 heal7495 that that is broken,7665 nor3808 feed3557 that that stands5324 still: but he shall eat398 the flesh1320 of the fat,1277 and tear6561 their claws6541 in pieces.

17 Woe1945 to the idol457 shepherd7473 that leaves5800 the flock!6629 the sword2719 shall be on his arm,2220 and on his right3225 eye:5869 his arm2220 shall be clean2889 dried3001 up, and his right3225 eye5869 shall be utterly darkened.3543




Chapter 11

1 利巴嫩當啟爾門、任爾柏香木爲火所焚、

1 Open6605 your doors,1817 O Lebanon,3844 that the fire784 may devour398 your cedars.730

2 巍巍者已毁矣、柏香木已傾、爾諸松柏、俱當號呼、林樹旣仆、巴山橡櫟亦當哀泣、

2 Howl,3213 fir1265 tree; for the cedar730 is fallen;5307 because834 the mighty117 are spoiled:7703 howl,3213 O you oaks437 of Bashan;1316 for the forest3293 of the vintage1208 is come3381 down.3381

3 牧人所娛玩者已毁、羣作哀歌、約但之叢林已伐、稚獅咆哮、其聲遙聞。

3 There is a voice6963 of the howling3213 of the shepherds;7462 for their glory155 is spoiled:7703 a voice6963 of the roaring7581 of young3715 lions;3715 for the pride1347 of Jordan3383 is spoiled.7703

4 我之上帝耶和華曰、將殺之羊、爾其牧之、

4 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 my God;430 Feed7462 the flock6629 of the slaughter;2028

5 斯羊之主、殺之而以爲無辜、鬻之而以爲得財、頌美耶和華、牧者不懷矜憫。

5 Whose834 possessors7069 slay2026 them, and hold816 themselves not guilty:816 and they that sell4376 them say,559 Blessed1288 be the LORD;3068 for I am rich:6238 and their own shepherds7462 pity2550 them not.

6 耶和華曰、我不復宥斯土之民、使王公庶民、各相戕伐、殲滅斯邦、我不救援、

6 For I will no3808 more5750 pity2550 the inhabitants3427 of the land,776 said5002 the LORD:3068 but, see, I will deliver4672 the men120 every376 one376 into his neighbor's7453 hand,3027 and into the hand3027 of his king:4428 and they shall smite3807 the land,776 and out of their hand3027 I will not deliver5337 them.

7 先知曰、將殺之羊、甚爲可哀、我執二杖、一曰恩寵、一日維繫、而牧斯羊、

7 And I will feed7462 the flock6629 of slaughter,2028 even3651 you, O poor6041 of the flock.6629 And I took3947 to me two8147 staves;4731 the one259 I called7121 Beauty,5278 and the other259 I called7121 Bands;2256 and I fed7462 the flock.6629

8 一月之間、我絕三牧、牧人棄予、余痛疾之、

8 Three7969 shepherds7462 also I cut3582 off in one259 month;3391 and my soul5315 loathed7114 them, and their soul5315 also1571 abhorred973 me.

9 我曰、必不牧爾、死者我聽其死、絕者我任其絕、其餘自相殘食、亦聽其然、

9 Then said559 I, I will not feed7462 you: that that dies,4191 let it die;4191 and that that is to be cut3582 off, let it be cut3582 off; and let the rest7604 eat398 every802 one802 the flesh1320 of another.7468

10 昔我有杖、厥名恩寵、今折斯杖、爲毁民約之徵、

10 And I took3947 my staff,4731 even853 Beauty,5278 and cut1438 it asunder, that I might break6565 my covenant1285 which834 I had made3772 with all3605 the people.5971

11 當斯時也、斯杖已折、從我之羊、已遭困苦、則知所言確然、耶和華之命不虛、

11 And it was broken6565 in that day:3117 and so3651 the poor6041 of the flock6629 that waited8104 on me knew3045 that it was the word1697 of the LORD.3068

12 我曰、如合爾意、給我以値、否則已矣、於是權三十金畀我、以爲我値、

12 And I said559 to them, If518 you think5869 good,2896 give3051 me my price;7939 and if518 not, forbear.2308 So they weighed8254 for my price7939 thirty7970 pieces of silver.3701

13 耶和華告我曰、爾傭於人、其價何廉、委之於陶人可也、我遂取三十金、擲於耶和華殿、以爲陶人所得。

13 And the LORD3068 said559 to me, Cast7993 it to the potter:3335 a goodly145 price3365 that I was priced3365 at of them. And I took3947 the thirty7970 pieces of silver,3701 and cast7993 them to the potter3335 in the house1004 of the LORD.3068

14 我又有杖、厥名維繫、我遂折之、爲猶大以色列二族絕交之徵。

14 Then I cut1438 asunder my other8145 staff,4731 even853 Bands,2256 that I might break6565 the brotherhood264 between996 Judah3063 and Israel.3478

15 耶和華告我曰、爾當取愚牧之器、

15 And the LORD3068 said559 to me, Take3947 to you yet5750 the instruments3627 of a foolish196 shepherd.7462

16 我必使牧者興於斯土、將亡者彼不顧、迷途者彼不尋、被傷者彼不醫、茁壯者彼不牧、惟食肥羊、而斷其蹄、

16 For, see, I will raise6965 up a shepherd7462 in the land,776 which shall not visit6485 those that be cut3582 off, neither3808 shall seek1245 the young5288 one, nor3808 heal7495 that that is broken,7665 nor3808 feed3557 that that stands5324 still: but he shall eat398 the flesh1320 of the fat,1277 and tear6561 their claws6541 in pieces.

17 惟彼庸牧、遠離羣羊、禍將及矣、其手其目、爲刃所擊、其手廢矣、其目盲矣。

17 Woe1945 to the idol457 shepherd7473 that leaves5800 the flock!6629 the sword2719 shall be on his arm,2220 and on his right3225 eye:5869 his arm2220 shall be clean2889 dried3001 up, and his right3225 eye5869 shall be utterly darkened.3543
