

1 住在至高者隱密處的,必住在全能者的蔭下。

2 我要論到耶和華說:他是我的避難所,是我的山寨,是我的神,是我所倚靠的。

3 他必救你脫離捕鳥人的網羅和毒害的瘟疫。

4 他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你,你要投靠在他的翅膀底下;他的真理必作你的盾牌擋牌[truth shall be thy shield and buckler]

5 你必不怕黑夜的驚駭,或是白日飛的箭,

6 也不怕黑夜行的瘟疫,或是午間滅人的毒病。

7 雖有千人仆倒在你旁邊,萬人仆倒在你右邊,這災卻不得臨近你。

8 你唯親眼觀看,見惡人遭報。

9 耶和華是我的避難所;你已將至高者當你的居所,

10 禍患必不臨到你,災害也不挨近你的帳棚。

11 因他要為你囑咐[charge]他的天使[angels],在你行的一切道路上保護你。

12 他們要用手托著你,免得你的腳碰在石頭上。

13 你要踹在獅子和蝰蛇[adder]的身上,踐踏少壯獅子和[dragon]

14 神說:因為他專心愛我,我就要搭救他;因為他知道我的名,我要把他安置在高處。

15 他若求告我,我就應允他;他在急難中,我要與他同在;我要搭救他,使他尊貴。

16 我要使他足享長壽,將我的救恩顯明給他。


Psalm 91

1 He that dwelleth3427 in the secret place5643 of the most High5945 shall abide3885 under the shadow6738 of the Almighty.7706

2 I will say559 of the LORD,3068 He is my refuge4268 and my fortress:4686 my God;430 in him will I trust.982

3 Surely3588 he1931 shall deliver5337 thee from the snare4480 6341 of the fowler,3353 and from the noisome pestilence.4480 1698 1942

4 He shall cover5526 thee with his feathers,84 and under8478 his wings3671 shalt thou trust:2620 his truth571 shall be thy shield6793 and buckler.5507

5 Thou shalt not3808 be afraid3372 for the terror4480 6343 by night;3915 nor for the arrow4480 2671 that flieth5774 by day;3119

6 Nor for the pestilence4480 1698 that walketh1980 in darkness;652 nor for the destruction4480 6986 that wasteth7736 at noonday.6672

7 A thousand505 shall fall5307 at thy side,4480 6654 and ten thousand7233 at thy right hand;4480 3225 but it shall not3808 come nigh5066 413 thee.

8 Only7535 with thine eyes5869 shalt thou behold5027 and see7200 the reward8011 of the wicked.7563

9 Because3588 thou859 hast made7760 the LORD,3068 which is my refuge,4268 even the most High,5945 thy habitation;4583

10 There shall no3808 evil7451 befall579 413 thee, neither3808 shall any plague5061 come nigh7126 thy dwelling.168

11 For3588 he shall give his angels4397 charge6680 over thee, to keep8104 thee in all3605 thy ways.1870

12 They shall bear thee up5375 in5921 their hands,3709 lest6435 thou dash5062 thy foot7272 against a stone.68

13 Thou shalt tread1869 upon5921 the lion7826 and adder:6620 the young lion3715 and the dragon8577 shalt thou trample under feet7429

14 Because3588 he hath set his love2836 upon me, therefore will I deliver6403 him: I will set him on high,7682 because3588 he hath known3045 my name.8034

15 He shall call upon7121 me, and I will answer6030 him: I595 will be with5973 him in trouble;6869 I will deliver2502 him, and honor3513 him.

16 With long753 life3117 will I satisfy7646 him, and show7200 him my salvation.3444




Psalm 91

1 住在至高者隱密處的,必住在全能者的蔭下。

1 He that dwelleth3427 in the secret place5643 of the most High5945 shall abide3885 under the shadow6738 of the Almighty.7706

2 我要論到耶和華說:他是我的避難所,是我的山寨,是我的神,是我所倚靠的。

2 I will say559 of the LORD,3068 He is my refuge4268 and my fortress:4686 my God;430 in him will I trust.982

3 他必救你脫離捕鳥人的網羅和毒害的瘟疫。

3 Surely3588 he1931 shall deliver5337 thee from the snare4480 6341 of the fowler,3353 and from the noisome pestilence.4480 1698 1942

4 他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你,你要投靠在他的翅膀底下;他的真理必作你的盾牌擋牌[truth shall be thy shield and buckler]

4 He shall cover5526 thee with his feathers,84 and under8478 his wings3671 shalt thou trust:2620 his truth571 shall be thy shield6793 and buckler.5507

5 你必不怕黑夜的驚駭,或是白日飛的箭,

5 Thou shalt not3808 be afraid3372 for the terror4480 6343 by night;3915 nor for the arrow4480 2671 that flieth5774 by day;3119

6 也不怕黑夜行的瘟疫,或是午間滅人的毒病。

6 Nor for the pestilence4480 1698 that walketh1980 in darkness;652 nor for the destruction4480 6986 that wasteth7736 at noonday.6672

7 雖有千人仆倒在你旁邊,萬人仆倒在你右邊,這災卻不得臨近你。

7 A thousand505 shall fall5307 at thy side,4480 6654 and ten thousand7233 at thy right hand;4480 3225 but it shall not3808 come nigh5066 413 thee.

8 你唯親眼觀看,見惡人遭報。

8 Only7535 with thine eyes5869 shalt thou behold5027 and see7200 the reward8011 of the wicked.7563

9 耶和華是我的避難所;你已將至高者當你的居所,

9 Because3588 thou859 hast made7760 the LORD,3068 which is my refuge,4268 even the most High,5945 thy habitation;4583

10 禍患必不臨到你,災害也不挨近你的帳棚。

10 There shall no3808 evil7451 befall579 413 thee, neither3808 shall any plague5061 come nigh7126 thy dwelling.168

11 因他要為你囑咐[charge]他的天使[angels],在你行的一切道路上保護你。

11 For3588 he shall give his angels4397 charge6680 over thee, to keep8104 thee in all3605 thy ways.1870

12 他們要用手托著你,免得你的腳碰在石頭上。

12 They shall bear thee up5375 in5921 their hands,3709 lest6435 thou dash5062 thy foot7272 against a stone.68

13 你要踹在獅子和蝰蛇[adder]的身上,踐踏少壯獅子和[dragon]

13 Thou shalt tread1869 upon5921 the lion7826 and adder:6620 the young lion3715 and the dragon8577 shalt thou trample under feet7429

14 神說:因為他專心愛我,我就要搭救他;因為他知道我的名,我要把他安置在高處。

14 Because3588 he hath set his love2836 upon me, therefore will I deliver6403 him: I will set him on high,7682 because3588 he hath known3045 my name.8034

15 他若求告我,我就應允他;他在急難中,我要與他同在;我要搭救他,使他尊貴。

15 He shall call upon7121 me, and I will answer6030 him: I595 will be with5973 him in trouble;6869 I will deliver2502 him, and honor3513 him.

16 我要使他足享長壽,將我的救恩顯明給他。

16 With long753 life3117 will I satisfy7646 him, and show7200 him my salvation.3444