

1 基督既為我們[for us]在肉身受苦,你們也當將這樣的心志作為兵器。因為在肉身受過苦的,就已經與罪斷絕了。

2 你們存這樣的心,從今以後就可以不從人肉體[flesh]的情慾,只從神的旨意在世度餘下的光陰。

3 因為往日隨從外邦人的心意行邪淫、惡慾、醉酒、荒宴、群飲,並可惡拜偶像的事,時候已經夠了。

4 他們在這些事上,見你們不與他們同奔那放縱[riot]無度的路,就以為怪,毀謗你們。

5 他們必在那將要審判活人死人的主面前交帳。

6 為此,就是死人也曾有福音傳給他們,要叫他們的肉體按著人受審判,他們的靈性卻靠神活著。

7 一切事物[all things]的結局近了;所以,你們要謹慎自守,警醒禱告。

8 最要緊的是彼此熱切[fervent]相愛;因為愛[shall]遮掩許多的罪。

9 你們要互相款待,不發怨言。

10 各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服事,作神百般恩賜的好管家。

11 若有講道的,要按著神的聖言講;若有服事人的,要按著神所賜的力量服事,叫神在凡事上因耶穌基督得榮耀。原來頌讚[praise]權柄[dominion]都是他的,直到永永遠遠。阿們。

12 親愛的弟兄啊,有火煉的試驗臨到你們,不要以為奇怪,似乎是遭遇非常的事,

13 倒要歡喜;因為你們是與基督一同受苦,使你們在他榮耀顯現的時候,也可以歡喜快樂。

14 你們若為基督的名受辱罵,便是有福的。因為神榮耀的靈,常住在你們身上。他們毀謗基督[on their part he is evil spoken of],你們卻榮耀基督[but on your part he is glorified]

15 你們中間卻不可有人因為殺人、偷竊、作惡、好管閒事而受苦。

16 若為作基督徒受苦,卻不要羞恥,倒要因這名歸榮耀給神。

17 因為時候到了,審判必要[must]從神的家起首。若是先從我們起首,那不順從[obey]神福音的人將有何等的結局呢?

18 若是義人僅僅得救,那不虔敬和犯罪的人將有何地可站呢?

19 所以那照神旨意受苦的人要一心為善,將自己元魂[souls]交與那信實的創造主[Creator]

1 Peter

Chapter 4

1 FORASMUCH then as Christ has suffered for you in the flesh, arm yourselves also with this very thought; he who subdues his body ceases from all sin;

2 That he should no longer live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

3 For the time past sufficed to have wrought the will of the pagans when you lived in lasciviousness, drunkenness, revellings, indecent singing, and worship of idols.

4 And behold, they think it strange that you do not indulge with them in the past excesses, and they blaspheme against you.

5 And they shall answer to God who is to judge the quick and the dead.

6 For, for this cause the gospel was preached also to those who are dead: that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, and live according to God in spirit.

7 But the end of all things is at hand: be devout therefore, and be mindful of prayer.

8 And above all things have fervent charity towards one another: because charity covers a multitude of sins.

9 Be hospitable to strangers without grudging.

10 So let everyone of you according to the gift he has received from God, minister the same to your fellowmen, like good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

11 If any man preach, let him preach the word of God; and if any man minister, let him do it according to the ability which God has given him: so that in everything you do, God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs glory and honour for ever and ever. Amen.

12 My beloved, do not think it strange at the trials that come upon you, as though some strange thing happened to you: because these things are to prove you.

13 But rejoice, for you are partakers of Christ's sufferings; and when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy.

14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you: for the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you.

15 But let none of you suffer the fate of a murderer, or a thief, or a malefactor.

16 If any man suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed: but let him glorify God through that very name.

17 For the time is come that judgment must begin with the house of God: and if it first begins with us, what shall be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, how shall the wicked and the sinner stand judgment?

19 Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in well doing, as to a faithful Creator.



1 Peter

Chapter 4

1 基督既為我們[for us]在肉身受苦,你們也當將這樣的心志作為兵器。因為在肉身受過苦的,就已經與罪斷絕了。

1 FORASMUCH then as Christ has suffered for you in the flesh, arm yourselves also with this very thought; he who subdues his body ceases from all sin;

2 你們存這樣的心,從今以後就可以不從人肉體[flesh]的情慾,只從神的旨意在世度餘下的光陰。

2 That he should no longer live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

3 因為往日隨從外邦人的心意行邪淫、惡慾、醉酒、荒宴、群飲,並可惡拜偶像的事,時候已經夠了。

3 For the time past sufficed to have wrought the will of the pagans when you lived in lasciviousness, drunkenness, revellings, indecent singing, and worship of idols.

4 他們在這些事上,見你們不與他們同奔那放縱[riot]無度的路,就以為怪,毀謗你們。

4 And behold, they think it strange that you do not indulge with them in the past excesses, and they blaspheme against you.

5 他們必在那將要審判活人死人的主面前交帳。

5 And they shall answer to God who is to judge the quick and the dead.

6 為此,就是死人也曾有福音傳給他們,要叫他們的肉體按著人受審判,他們的靈性卻靠神活著。

6 For, for this cause the gospel was preached also to those who are dead: that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, and live according to God in spirit.

7 一切事物[all things]的結局近了;所以,你們要謹慎自守,警醒禱告。

7 But the end of all things is at hand: be devout therefore, and be mindful of prayer.

8 最要緊的是彼此熱切[fervent]相愛;因為愛[shall]遮掩許多的罪。

8 And above all things have fervent charity towards one another: because charity covers a multitude of sins.

9 你們要互相款待,不發怨言。

9 Be hospitable to strangers without grudging.

10 各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服事,作神百般恩賜的好管家。

10 So let everyone of you according to the gift he has received from God, minister the same to your fellowmen, like good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

11 若有講道的,要按著神的聖言講;若有服事人的,要按著神所賜的力量服事,叫神在凡事上因耶穌基督得榮耀。原來頌讚[praise]權柄[dominion]都是他的,直到永永遠遠。阿們。

11 If any man preach, let him preach the word of God; and if any man minister, let him do it according to the ability which God has given him: so that in everything you do, God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs glory and honour for ever and ever. Amen.

12 親愛的弟兄啊,有火煉的試驗臨到你們,不要以為奇怪,似乎是遭遇非常的事,

12 My beloved, do not think it strange at the trials that come upon you, as though some strange thing happened to you: because these things are to prove you.

13 倒要歡喜;因為你們是與基督一同受苦,使你們在他榮耀顯現的時候,也可以歡喜快樂。

13 But rejoice, for you are partakers of Christ's sufferings; and when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy.

14 你們若為基督的名受辱罵,便是有福的。因為神榮耀的靈,常住在你們身上。他們毀謗基督[on their part he is evil spoken of],你們卻榮耀基督[but on your part he is glorified]

14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you: for the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you.

15 你們中間卻不可有人因為殺人、偷竊、作惡、好管閒事而受苦。

15 But let none of you suffer the fate of a murderer, or a thief, or a malefactor.

16 若為作基督徒受苦,卻不要羞恥,倒要因這名歸榮耀給神。

16 If any man suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed: but let him glorify God through that very name.

17 因為時候到了,審判必要[must]從神的家起首。若是先從我們起首,那不順從[obey]神福音的人將有何等的結局呢?

17 For the time is come that judgment must begin with the house of God: and if it first begins with us, what shall be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

18 若是義人僅僅得救,那不虔敬和犯罪的人將有何地可站呢?

18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, how shall the wicked and the sinner stand judgment?

19 所以那照神旨意受苦的人要一心為善,將自己元魂[souls]交與那信實的創造主[Creator]

19 Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in well doing, as to a faithful Creator.