
Chapter 32

1 And Jacob3290 went1980 on his way,1870 and the angels4397 of God430 met6293 him.

2 And when834 Jacob3290 saw7200 them, he said,559 This2088 is God's430 host:4264 and he called7121 the name8034 of that1931 place4725 Mahanaim.4266

3 And Jacob3290 sent7971 messengers4397 before6440 him to413 Esau6215 his brother251 unto the land776 of Seir,8165 the country7704 of Edom.123

4 And he commanded6680 them, saying,559 Thus3541 shall ye speak559 unto my lord113 Esau;6215 Thy servant5650 Jacob3290 saith559 thus,3541 I have sojourned1481 with5973 Laban,3837 and stayed there309 until5704 now: 6258

5 And I have1961 oxen,7794 and asses,2543 flocks,6629 and menservants,5650 and womenservants:8198 and I have sent7971 to tell5046 my lord,113 that I may find4672 grace2580 in thy sight.5869

6 And the messengers4397 returned7725 to413 Jacob,3290 saying,559 We came935 to413 thy brother251 Esau,6215 and also1571 he cometh1980 to meet7125 thee, and four702 hundred3967 men376 with5973 him.

7 Then Jacob3290 was greatly afraid3372 3966 and distressed:3334 and he divided2673 853 the people5971 that834 was with854 him, and the flocks,6629 and herds,1241 and the camels,1581 into two8147 bands;4264

8 And said,559 If518 Esau6215 come935 to413 the one259 company,4264 and smite5221 it, then the other company4264 which is left7604 shall escape.6413

9 And Jacob3290 said,559 O God430 of my father1 Abraham,85 and God430 of my father1 Isaac,3327 the LORD3068 which saidst559 unto413 me, Return7725 unto thy country,776 and to thy kindred,4138 and I will deal well3190 with5973 thee:

10 I am not worthy6994 of the least of all4480 3605 the mercies,2617 and of all4480 3605 the truth,571 which834 thou hast showed6213 unto853 thy servant;5650 for3588 with my staff4731 I passed over5674 853 this2088 Jordan;3383 and now6258 I am become1961 two8147 bands.4264

11 Deliver5337 me, I pray thee,4994 from the hand4480 3027 of my brother,251 from the hand4480 3027 of Esau:6215 for3588 I595 fear3372 him, lest6435 he will come935 and smite5221 me, and the mother517 with5921 the children.1121

12 And thou859 saidst,559 I will surely do thee good,3190 3190 5973 and make7760 853 thy seed2233 as the sand2344 of the sea,3220 which834 cannot3808 be numbered5608 for multitude.4480 7230

13 And he lodged3885 there8033 that same1931 night;3915 and took3947 of4480 that which came935 to his hand3027 a present4503 for Esau6215 his brother;251

14 Two hundred3967 she goats,5795 and twenty6242 he goats,8495 two hundred3967 ewes,7353 and twenty6242 rams,352

15 Thirty7970 milch3243 camels1581 with their colts,1121 forty705 kine,6510 and ten6235 bulls,6499 twenty6242 she asses,860 and ten6235 foals.5895

16 And he delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of his servants,5650 every drove5739 5739 by themselves;905 and said559 unto413 his servants,5650 Pass over5674 before6440 me, and put7760 a space7305 between996 drove5739 and drove.5739

17 And he commanded6680 853 the foremost,7223 saying,559 When3588 Esau6215 my brother251 meeteth6298 thee, and asketh7592 thee, saying,559 Whose4310 art thou?859 and whither575 goest1980 thou? and whose4310 are these428 before6440 thee?

18 Then thou shalt say,559 They be thy servant5650 Jacob's;3290 it1931 is a present4503 sent7971 unto my lord113 Esau:6215 and, behold,2009 also1571 he1931 is behind310 us.

19 And so1571 commanded6680 he853 the second,8145 and1571 853 the third,7992 and1571 853 all3605 that followed1980 310 the droves,5739 saying,559 On this2088 manner1697 shall ye speak1696 unto413 Esau,6215 when ye find4672 him.

20 And say559 ye moreover,1571 Behold,2009 thy servant5650 Jacob3290 is behind310 us. For3588 he said,559 I will appease3722 6440 him with the present4503 that goeth1980 before6440 me, and afterward310 3651 I will see7200 his face;6440 peradventure194 he will accept5375 6440 of me.

21 So went5674 the present4503 over before5921 6440 him: and himself1931 lodged3885 that1931 night3915 in the company.4264

22 And he rose up6965 that1931 night,3915 and took3947 853 his two8147 wives,802 and his two8147 womenservants,8198 and his eleven259 6240 sons,3206 and passed over5674 853 the ford4569 Jabbok.2999

23 And he took3947 them, and sent them over5674 853 the brook,5158 and sent over5674 853 that834 he had.

24 And Jacob3290 was left3498 alone;905 and there wrestled79 a man376 with5973 him until5704 the breaking5927 of the day.7837

25 And when he saw7200 that3588 he prevailed3201 not3808 against him, he touched5060 the hollow3709 of his thigh;3409 and the hollow3709 of Jacob's3290 thigh3409 was out of joint,3363 as he wrestled79 with5973 him.

26 And he said,559 Let me go,7971 for3588 the day7837 breaketh.5927 And he said,559 I will not3808 let thee go,7971 except3588 518 thou bless1288 me.

27 And he said559 unto413 him, What4100 is thy name?8034 And he said,559 Jacob.3290

28 And he said,559 Thy name8034 shall be called559 no3808 more5750 Jacob,3290 but3588 518 Israel:3478 for3588 as a prince hast thou power8280 with5973 God430 and with5973 men,376 and hast prevailed.3201

29 And Jacob3290 asked7592 him, and said,559 Tell5046 me, I pray thee,4994 thy name.8034 And he said,559 Wherefore4100 is it2088 that thou dost ask7592 after my name?8034 And he blessed1288 him there.8033

30 And Jacob3290 called7121 the name8034 of the place4725 Peniel:6439 for3588 I have seen7200 God430 face6440 to413 face,6440 and my life5315 is preserved.5337

31 And as834 he passed over5674 853 Penuel6439 the sun8121 rose2224 upon him, and he1931 halted6760 upon5921 his thigh.3409

32 Therefore5921 3651 the children1121 of Israel3478 eat398 not3808 of853 the sinew1517 which shrank,5384 which834 is upon5921 the hollow3709 of the thigh,3409 unto5704 this2088 day:3117 because3588 he touched5060 the hollow3709 of Jacob's3290 thigh3409 in the sinew1517 that shrank.5384



1 雅各仍舊行路,神的天使[angels]遇見他。

2 雅各看見他們就說:「這是神的軍兵」,於是給那地方起名叫瑪哈念。

3 雅各打發人先往西珥地去,就是以東地,見他哥哥以掃,

4 吩咐他們說:「你們對我主以掃說:『你的僕人雅各這樣說:我在拉班那裏寄居,直到如今。

5 我有牛、驢、羊群、僕婢,現在打發人來報告我主,為要在你眼前蒙恩。』」

6 所打發的人回到雅各那裏,說:「我們到了你哥哥以掃那裏,他[also]帶著四百人,正迎著你來。」

7 雅各就甚懼怕,而且愁煩,便把那與他同在的人口和羊群、牛群、駱駝分作兩隊,

8 說:「以掃若來擊殺這一隊,剩下的那一隊還可以逃避。」

9 雅各說:「耶和華─我祖亞伯拉罕的神,我父親以撒的神啊,你曾對我說:『回你本地本族去,我要厚待你。』

10 你向僕人所施的一切慈愛和誠實,我一點也不配得;我先前只拿著我的杖過這約旦河,如今我卻成了兩隊了。

11 求你救我脫離我哥哥以掃的手;因為我怕他來殺我,連妻子帶兒女一同殺了。

12 你曾說:『我必定厚待你,使你的後裔如同海邊的沙,多得不可勝數。』」

13 當夜,雅各在那裏住宿,就從他所有的物中拿禮物要送給他哥哥以掃:

14 母山羊二百隻,公山羊二十隻,母綿羊二百隻,公綿羊二十隻,


16 每樣各分一群,交在僕人手下,就對僕人說:「你們要在我前頭過去,使群群相離,有空閒的地方」;

17 又吩咐最前頭的[foremost]說:「我哥哥以掃遇見你的時候,問你說:『你是那家的人?要往哪裏去?你前頭這些是誰的?』

18 你就說:『是你僕人雅各的,是送給我主以掃的禮物;看哪[behold],他自己也在我們後邊。』」

19 然後[And so][he]吩咐第二、第三,和一切趕群畜的人說:「你們遇見以掃的時候也要這樣對他說;

20 並且你們要說:『請看[Behold],你僕人雅各在我們後邊。』」因雅各心裏說:「我藉著在我前頭去的禮物解他的恨,然後再見他的面,或者他容納我。」

21 於是禮物先過去了;那夜,雅各在隊中住宿。

22 他夜間起來,帶著兩個妻子,兩個使女,並十一個兒子,都過了雅博渡口,

23 先打發他們過河,又打發所有的都過去,

24 只剩下雅各一人。有一個人來和他摔跤,直到黎明。

25 那人見自己勝不過他,就將他的大腿窩摸了一把,雅各的大腿窩正在摔跤的時候就脫了節[out of joint]

26 那人說:「天黎明了,容我去吧。」雅各說:「你不給我祝福,我就不容你去。」

27 那人說:「你名叫甚麼?」他說:「我名叫雅各。」

28 那人說:「你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列;因為你如同首領[as a prince],與神與人較力,都得了勝。」

29 雅各問他說:「請將你的名告訴我。」那人說:「何必問我的名?」於是在那裏給雅各祝福。

30 雅各便給那地方起名叫毗努伊勒,意思說:「我面對面見了神,我的性命仍得保全。」

31 日頭剛出來的時候,雅各經過毗努伊勒,他的大腿就瘸了。

32 故此,以色列人不吃大腿窩萎縮了[which shrank]的筋,直到今日,因為那人摸了雅各大腿窩的筋而萎縮了[that shrank]


Chapter 32



1 And Jacob3290 went1980 on his way,1870 and the angels4397 of God430 met6293 him.

1 雅各仍舊行路,神的天使[angels]遇見他。

2 And when834 Jacob3290 saw7200 them, he said,559 This2088 is God's430 host:4264 and he called7121 the name8034 of that1931 place4725 Mahanaim.4266

2 雅各看見他們就說:「這是神的軍兵」,於是給那地方起名叫瑪哈念。

3 And Jacob3290 sent7971 messengers4397 before6440 him to413 Esau6215 his brother251 unto the land776 of Seir,8165 the country7704 of Edom.123

3 雅各打發人先往西珥地去,就是以東地,見他哥哥以掃,

4 And he commanded6680 them, saying,559 Thus3541 shall ye speak559 unto my lord113 Esau;6215 Thy servant5650 Jacob3290 saith559 thus,3541 I have sojourned1481 with5973 Laban,3837 and stayed there309 until5704 now: 6258

4 吩咐他們說:「你們對我主以掃說:『你的僕人雅各這樣說:我在拉班那裏寄居,直到如今。

5 And I have1961 oxen,7794 and asses,2543 flocks,6629 and menservants,5650 and womenservants:8198 and I have sent7971 to tell5046 my lord,113 that I may find4672 grace2580 in thy sight.5869

5 我有牛、驢、羊群、僕婢,現在打發人來報告我主,為要在你眼前蒙恩。』」

6 And the messengers4397 returned7725 to413 Jacob,3290 saying,559 We came935 to413 thy brother251 Esau,6215 and also1571 he cometh1980 to meet7125 thee, and four702 hundred3967 men376 with5973 him.

6 所打發的人回到雅各那裏,說:「我們到了你哥哥以掃那裏,他[also]帶著四百人,正迎著你來。」

7 Then Jacob3290 was greatly afraid3372 3966 and distressed:3334 and he divided2673 853 the people5971 that834 was with854 him, and the flocks,6629 and herds,1241 and the camels,1581 into two8147 bands;4264

7 雅各就甚懼怕,而且愁煩,便把那與他同在的人口和羊群、牛群、駱駝分作兩隊,

8 And said,559 If518 Esau6215 come935 to413 the one259 company,4264 and smite5221 it, then the other company4264 which is left7604 shall escape.6413

8 說:「以掃若來擊殺這一隊,剩下的那一隊還可以逃避。」

9 And Jacob3290 said,559 O God430 of my father1 Abraham,85 and God430 of my father1 Isaac,3327 the LORD3068 which saidst559 unto413 me, Return7725 unto thy country,776 and to thy kindred,4138 and I will deal well3190 with5973 thee:

9 雅各說:「耶和華─我祖亞伯拉罕的神,我父親以撒的神啊,你曾對我說:『回你本地本族去,我要厚待你。』

10 I am not worthy6994 of the least of all4480 3605 the mercies,2617 and of all4480 3605 the truth,571 which834 thou hast showed6213 unto853 thy servant;5650 for3588 with my staff4731 I passed over5674 853 this2088 Jordan;3383 and now6258 I am become1961 two8147 bands.4264

10 你向僕人所施的一切慈愛和誠實,我一點也不配得;我先前只拿著我的杖過這約旦河,如今我卻成了兩隊了。

11 Deliver5337 me, I pray thee,4994 from the hand4480 3027 of my brother,251 from the hand4480 3027 of Esau:6215 for3588 I595 fear3372 him, lest6435 he will come935 and smite5221 me, and the mother517 with5921 the children.1121

11 求你救我脫離我哥哥以掃的手;因為我怕他來殺我,連妻子帶兒女一同殺了。

12 And thou859 saidst,559 I will surely do thee good,3190 3190 5973 and make7760 853 thy seed2233 as the sand2344 of the sea,3220 which834 cannot3808 be numbered5608 for multitude.4480 7230

12 你曾說:『我必定厚待你,使你的後裔如同海邊的沙,多得不可勝數。』」

13 And he lodged3885 there8033 that same1931 night;3915 and took3947 of4480 that which came935 to his hand3027 a present4503 for Esau6215 his brother;251

13 當夜,雅各在那裏住宿,就從他所有的物中拿禮物要送給他哥哥以掃:

14 Two hundred3967 she goats,5795 and twenty6242 he goats,8495 two hundred3967 ewes,7353 and twenty6242 rams,352

14 母山羊二百隻,公山羊二十隻,母綿羊二百隻,公綿羊二十隻,

15 Thirty7970 milch3243 camels1581 with their colts,1121 forty705 kine,6510 and ten6235 bulls,6499 twenty6242 she asses,860 and ten6235 foals.5895


16 And he delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of his servants,5650 every drove5739 5739 by themselves;905 and said559 unto413 his servants,5650 Pass over5674 before6440 me, and put7760 a space7305 between996 drove5739 and drove.5739

16 每樣各分一群,交在僕人手下,就對僕人說:「你們要在我前頭過去,使群群相離,有空閒的地方」;

17 And he commanded6680 853 the foremost,7223 saying,559 When3588 Esau6215 my brother251 meeteth6298 thee, and asketh7592 thee, saying,559 Whose4310 art thou?859 and whither575 goest1980 thou? and whose4310 are these428 before6440 thee?

17 又吩咐最前頭的[foremost]說:「我哥哥以掃遇見你的時候,問你說:『你是那家的人?要往哪裏去?你前頭這些是誰的?』

18 Then thou shalt say,559 They be thy servant5650 Jacob's;3290 it1931 is a present4503 sent7971 unto my lord113 Esau:6215 and, behold,2009 also1571 he1931 is behind310 us.

18 你就說:『是你僕人雅各的,是送給我主以掃的禮物;看哪[behold],他自己也在我們後邊。』」

19 And so1571 commanded6680 he853 the second,8145 and1571 853 the third,7992 and1571 853 all3605 that followed1980 310 the droves,5739 saying,559 On this2088 manner1697 shall ye speak1696 unto413 Esau,6215 when ye find4672 him.

19 然後[And so][he]吩咐第二、第三,和一切趕群畜的人說:「你們遇見以掃的時候也要這樣對他說;

20 And say559 ye moreover,1571 Behold,2009 thy servant5650 Jacob3290 is behind310 us. For3588 he said,559 I will appease3722 6440 him with the present4503 that goeth1980 before6440 me, and afterward310 3651 I will see7200 his face;6440 peradventure194 he will accept5375 6440 of me.

20 並且你們要說:『請看[Behold],你僕人雅各在我們後邊。』」因雅各心裏說:「我藉著在我前頭去的禮物解他的恨,然後再見他的面,或者他容納我。」

21 So went5674 the present4503 over before5921 6440 him: and himself1931 lodged3885 that1931 night3915 in the company.4264

21 於是禮物先過去了;那夜,雅各在隊中住宿。

22 And he rose up6965 that1931 night,3915 and took3947 853 his two8147 wives,802 and his two8147 womenservants,8198 and his eleven259 6240 sons,3206 and passed over5674 853 the ford4569 Jabbok.2999

22 他夜間起來,帶著兩個妻子,兩個使女,並十一個兒子,都過了雅博渡口,

23 And he took3947 them, and sent them over5674 853 the brook,5158 and sent over5674 853 that834 he had.

23 先打發他們過河,又打發所有的都過去,

24 And Jacob3290 was left3498 alone;905 and there wrestled79 a man376 with5973 him until5704 the breaking5927 of the day.7837

24 只剩下雅各一人。有一個人來和他摔跤,直到黎明。

25 And when he saw7200 that3588 he prevailed3201 not3808 against him, he touched5060 the hollow3709 of his thigh;3409 and the hollow3709 of Jacob's3290 thigh3409 was out of joint,3363 as he wrestled79 with5973 him.

25 那人見自己勝不過他,就將他的大腿窩摸了一把,雅各的大腿窩正在摔跤的時候就脫了節[out of joint]

26 And he said,559 Let me go,7971 for3588 the day7837 breaketh.5927 And he said,559 I will not3808 let thee go,7971 except3588 518 thou bless1288 me.

26 那人說:「天黎明了,容我去吧。」雅各說:「你不給我祝福,我就不容你去。」

27 And he said559 unto413 him, What4100 is thy name?8034 And he said,559 Jacob.3290

27 那人說:「你名叫甚麼?」他說:「我名叫雅各。」

28 And he said,559 Thy name8034 shall be called559 no3808 more5750 Jacob,3290 but3588 518 Israel:3478 for3588 as a prince hast thou power8280 with5973 God430 and with5973 men,376 and hast prevailed.3201

28 那人說:「你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列;因為你如同首領[as a prince],與神與人較力,都得了勝。」

29 And Jacob3290 asked7592 him, and said,559 Tell5046 me, I pray thee,4994 thy name.8034 And he said,559 Wherefore4100 is it2088 that thou dost ask7592 after my name?8034 And he blessed1288 him there.8033

29 雅各問他說:「請將你的名告訴我。」那人說:「何必問我的名?」於是在那裏給雅各祝福。

30 And Jacob3290 called7121 the name8034 of the place4725 Peniel:6439 for3588 I have seen7200 God430 face6440 to413 face,6440 and my life5315 is preserved.5337

30 雅各便給那地方起名叫毗努伊勒,意思說:「我面對面見了神,我的性命仍得保全。」

31 And as834 he passed over5674 853 Penuel6439 the sun8121 rose2224 upon him, and he1931 halted6760 upon5921 his thigh.3409

31 日頭剛出來的時候,雅各經過毗努伊勒,他的大腿就瘸了。

32 Therefore5921 3651 the children1121 of Israel3478 eat398 not3808 of853 the sinew1517 which shrank,5384 which834 is upon5921 the hollow3709 of the thigh,3409 unto5704 this2088 day:3117 because3588 he touched5060 the hollow3709 of Jacob's3290 thigh3409 in the sinew1517 that shrank.5384

32 故此,以色列人不吃大腿窩萎縮了[which shrank]的筋,直到今日,因為那人摸了雅各大腿窩的筋而萎縮了[that shrank]