

1 耶和華的話又臨到我說:

2 「人子啊,有兩個女子,是一母所生,

3 她們在埃及犯了[committed]邪淫,在幼年時犯了[committed]邪淫;人在那裏擠她們的乳[there were their breasts pressed]壓傷她們作處女的乳頭[bruised the teats of their virginity]

4 她們的名字,姊姊名叫阿荷拉,妹妹名叫阿荷利巴。她們都是屬[were]我,生了兒女。她們的名字乃是這樣[Thus were their names]:阿荷拉就是撒瑪利亞,阿荷利巴就是耶路撒冷。

5 「阿荷拉[was]我之後行邪淫,貪戀所愛的人,就是她的鄰邦亞述人。

6 這些人都穿藍衣,作軍長[captains]官長[rulers],都騎著馬,是可悅的[desirable]少年人。

7 阿荷拉就這樣[Thus][all them that]亞述[Assyria]特選[chosen]的男子放縱淫行;她因所戀愛之人的一切偶像,玷污自己。

8 她也沒有離開從埃及帶來的淫亂[Neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt]。因為她年幼作處女的時候,埃及人與她同寢[lay with],撫摸她作處女的[of their virginity]的乳,縱慾與她同寢[lay with]

9 因此,我將她交在她所愛的人手中,就是她所戀愛的亞述人手中。

10 他們就露了她的裸體[nakedness],擄掠她的兒女,用刀殺了她,使她在婦女中留下臭名,因他們向她施行審判。

11 「她妹妹阿荷利巴雖然看見了,卻還縱慾[inordinate love],比她姊姊更[corrupt];行淫亂比她姊姊更多。

12 她貪戀鄰邦的亞述人,就是穿極華美的衣服,騎著馬的軍長[captains]官長[rulers],都是可悅的[desirable]少年人。

13 我看見她被玷污了,她姊妹二人同行一路,

14 阿荷利巴又加增淫行;因她看見人像畫在牆上,就是用丹紅色[vermilion]所畫迦勒底人的像,

15 腰間繫著帶子,頭上有下垂的裹頭巾,都是軍長的形狀,仿照巴比倫人的形像;他們的故土就是迦勒底。

16 阿荷利巴一看見就貪戀他們,打發使者往迦勒底去見他們。

17 巴比倫人就來登她愛情的床,與她行淫玷污她。她被玷污,隨後心裏與他們生疏。

18 這樣,她顯露淫行,又顯露裸體[nakedness];我心就與她生疏,像先前與她姊姊生疏一樣。

19 她還加增她的淫行,追念她幼年在埃及地行邪淫的日子,

20 貪戀情人身壯如驢[whose flesh is as the flesh of asses],精足如馬[whose issue is like the issue of horses]

21 這樣,你就想起你幼年的淫行。那時,埃及人在你幼年的兩乳[paps of thy youth]擦你的乳頭[bruising thy teats]。」

22 阿荷利巴啊,主耶和華如此說:「看哪[Behold],我必興起[raise up]你先愛而後生疏的人來攻擊你。我必[bring]他們來,在你四圍攻擊你。

23 所來的就是巴比倫人、迦勒底的眾人、比割人、書亞人、哥亞人,同著他們的還有亞述眾人,乃是作軍長[captains]官長[rulers]作大臣[great lords and]有名聲的,都騎著馬,是可悅的[desirable]少年人。

24 他們必帶戰車、貨車[wagons]車輪[wheels],率領大眾來攻擊你。他們要拿擋牌[buckler]盾牌,頂盔擺陣,在你四圍攻擊你。我要在他們面前設立審判[set judgment before them],他們必按著自己的條例審判你。

25 我必以忌恨攻擊你;他們必以忿怒辦你。他們必割去你的鼻子和耳朵;你餘剩[remnant]的人必倒在刀下。他們必擄去你的兒女;你所餘剩[residue]的必被火焚燒。

26 他們必剝去你的衣服,奪取你華美的寶器。

27 這樣,我必使你的淫行和你從埃及地染來的淫亂止息了,使你不再仰望亞述,也不再追念埃及。

28 主耶和華如此說:看哪[Behold]。我必將你交在你所恨惡的人手中,就是你心與他生疏的人手中。

29 他們必以恨惡辦你,奪取你一切勞碌得來的,留下你赤身露體。你淫亂的裸體[nakedness],連你的淫行,帶你的淫亂,都被顯露。

30 [I]必向你行這些事,因為你隨從異教的民[heathen]行邪淫,又因為你[and because thou]被他們的偶像玷污了。

31 你走了你姊姊所走的路,所以我必將她的杯交在你手中。」

32 主耶和華如此說:你必喝你姊姊所喝的杯;那杯又深又廣,盛得甚多,使你被人嗤笑譏刺。

33 你必酩酊大醉,滿有愁苦,喝乾你姊姊撒瑪利亞的杯,就是令人驚駭淒涼的杯。

34 你必喝這杯,以致喝盡。你必打碎其中的杯片[and thou shalt break the sherds thereof],撕裂自己的乳;因為這事我曾說過。這是主耶和華說的。

35 主耶和華如此說:「因你忘記我,將我丟在背後,所以你要擔當你淫行和淫亂的報應。」

36 耶和華又對我說:「人子啊,你要審問阿荷拉與阿荷利巴嗎?當指出她們所行可憎的事。

37 她們行淫,手中有殺人的血,又與偶像行淫,並使她們為我所生的兒女經火燒給偶像。

38 此外,她們還有向我所行的,就是同日玷污我的聖所,褻瀆了[profaned]我的安息日。

39 她們殺了兒女獻與偶像,當日又入我的聖所,將聖所褻瀆了。看哪[lo],她們在我殿中所行的乃是如此。

40 「況且你們二婦打發使者去請遠方人。使者到他們那裏,看哪[lo],他們就來了。你們為他們沐浴己身,粉飾眼目,佩戴妝飾,

41 坐在華美的床上,前面擺設桌子[table],將我的香料膏油擺在其上。

42 在那裏有群眾安逸歡樂的聲音,並有粗俗的人和示巴人[Sabeans]從曠野同來,把鐲子戴在二婦的手上,把華冠戴在她們的頭上。

43 「我論這行淫已久[old in]的婦人說:現在人還要與她姦淫[commit whoredoms],她也要與人姦淫[commit whoredoms][Will]

44[Yet]與阿荷拉,並阿荷利巴二淫婦交合[went in unto],好像與作娼妓的婦人[a woman that playeth the harlot]交合[go in unto]

45 必有義人,照審判淫婦和流人血的婦人之例,審判她們;因為她們是淫婦,手中有殺人的血。」

46 主耶和華如此說:「我必使多人來攻擊她們,使她們被除去[removed],被人搶奪。

47 這些人必用石頭打死她們,用刀劍殺害她們,又殺戮她們的兒女,用火焚燒她們的房屋。

48 這樣,我必使淫行從境內止息,好叫一切婦人都受警戒,不效法你們的淫行。

49 人必照著你們的淫行報應你們;你們要擔當拜偶像的罪,就知道我是主耶和華。」


Chapter 23

1 The word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 again to me, saying,559

2 Son1121 of man,120 there were two8147 women,802 the daughters1323 of one259 mother:517

3 And they committed2181 prostitutions in Egypt;4714 they committed2181 prostitutions in their youth:5271 there8033 were their breasts7699 pressed,4600 and there8033 they bruised6213 the teats1717 of their virginity.1331

4 And the names8034 of them were Aholah170 the elder,1419 and Aholibah172 her sister:269 and they were mine, and they bore3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323 Thus were their names;8034 Samaria8111 is Aholah,170 and Jerusalem3389 Aholibah.172

5 And Aholah170 played the harlot2181 when she was mine; and she doted5689 on413 her lovers,157 on413 the Assyrians804 her neighbors,7138

6 Which were clothed3847 with blue,8504 captains6346 and rulers,5461 all3605 of them desirable2531 young970 men, horsemen6571 riding7392 on horses.5483

7 Thus she committed5414 her prostitutions8457 with them, with all them that were the chosen4005 men1121 of Assyria,804 and with all3605 on whom834 she doted:5689 with all3605 their idols1544 she defiled2930 herself.

8 Neither3808 left5800 she her prostitutions8457 brought from Egypt:4714 for in her youth5271 they lay7901 with her, and they bruised6213 the breasts1717 of her virginity,1331 and poured8210 their prostitution8457 on her.

9 Why3651 I have delivered5414 her into the hand3027 of her lovers,157 into the hand3027 of the Assyrians,1121 804 on whom834 she doted.5689

10 These1992 discovered1540 her nakedness:6172 they took3947 her sons1121 and her daughters,1323 and slew her with the sword:2719 and she became1961 famous8034 among women;802 for they had executed6213 judgment8196 on her.

11 And when her sister269 Aholibah172 saw7200 this, she was more corrupt7843 in her inordinate5691 love5691 than she, and in her prostitutions8457 more than her sister269 in her prostitutions.8457

12 She doted5689 on the Assyrians1121 804 her neighbors,7138 captains6346 and rulers5461 clothed3847 most gorgeously,4358 horsemen6571 riding7392 on horses,5483 all3605 of them desirable2531 young970 men.

13 Then I saw7200 that she was defiled,2930 that they took both8147 one259 way,1870

14 And that she increased3254 her prostitutions:8457 for when she saw7200 men582 portrayed2707 on the wall,7023 the images6754 of the Chaldeans3779 portrayed2710 with vermilion,8350

15 Girded2289 with girdles232 on their loins,4975 exceeding5628 in dyed2871 attire2871 on their heads,7218 all3605 of them princes7991 to look4758 to, after the manner1823 of the Babylonians1121 894 of Chaldea,3778 the land776 of their nativity:4138

16 And as soon4758 as she saw them with her eyes,5869 she doted5689 on them, and sent7971 messengers4397 to them into Chaldea.3778

17 And the Babylonians1121 894 came935 to her into the bed4904 of love,1730 and they defiled2930 her with their prostitution,8457 and she was polluted2930 with them, and her mind5315 was alienated3363 from them.

18 So she discovered1540 her prostitutions,8457 and discovered1540 her nakedness:6172 then my mind5315 was alienated3363 from her, like as my mind5315 was alienated5361 from her sister.269

19 Yet she multiplied7235 her prostitutions,8457 in calling2142 to remembrance2142 the days3117 of her youth,5271 wherein834 she had played the harlot2181 in the land776 of Egypt.4714

20 For she doted5689 on their paramours,6370 whose flesh1320 is as the flesh1320 of asses,2543 and whose issue2231 is like the issue2231 of horses.5483

21 Thus you called6485 to remembrance6485 the lewdness2154 of your youth,5271 in bruising6213 your teats1717 by the Egyptians4714 for the breasts7699 of your youth.5271

22 Therefore,3651 O Aholibah,172 thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Behold,2005 I will raise5782 up your lovers157 against5921 you, from whom834 1992 your mind5315 is alienated,5361 and I will bring935 them against5921 you on every5437 side;5439

23 The Babylonians,1121 894 and all3605 the Chaldeans,3779 Pekod,6489 and Shoa,7772 and Koa,6970 and all3605 the Assyrians804 with them: all3605 of them desirable2531 young970 men, captains6346 and rulers,5461 great7991 lords7991 and renowned,7121 all3605 of them riding7392 on horses.5483

24 And they shall come935 against5921 you with chariots,2021 wagons,7393 and wheels,1534 and with an assembly6951 of people,5971 which shall set7760 against5921 you buckler6793 and shield4043 and helmet6959 round5439 about: and I will set5414 judgment4941 before6440 them, and they shall judge8199 you according to their judgments.4941

25 And I will set5414 my jealousy7068 against you, and they shall deal6213 furiously2534 with you: they shall take5493 away5493 your nose639 and your ears;241 and your remnant319 shall fall5307 by the sword:2719 they shall take3947 your sons1121 and your daughters;1323 and your residue319 shall be devoured398 by the fire.784

26 They shall also strip6584 you out of your clothes,899 and take3947 away your fair8597 jewels.3627

27 Thus will I make your lewdness2154 to cease7673 from you, and your prostitution2184 brought from the land776 of Egypt:4714 so that you shall not lift5375 up your eyes5869 to them, nor3808 remember2142 Egypt4714 any more.5750

28 For thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Behold,2005 I will deliver5414 you into the hand3027 of them whom834 you hate,8130 into the hand3027 of them from whom834 your mind5315 is alienated:5361

29 And they shall deal6213 with you hatefully,8135 and shall take3947 away all3605 your labor,3018 and shall leave5800 you naked5903 and bore:6181 and the nakedness6172 of your prostitutions2183 shall be discovered,1540 both your lewdness2154 and your prostitutions.8457

30 I will do6213 these428 things to you, because you have gone a whoring2181 after310 the heathen,1471 and because5921 834 you are polluted2930 with their idols.1544

31 You have walked1980 in the way1870 of your sister;269 therefore will I give5414 her cup3563 into your hand.3027

32 Thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 You shall drink8354 of your sister's269 cup3563 deep6013 and large:7342 you shall be laughed6712 to scorn and had in derision;3932 it contains3557 much.4767

33 You shall be filled4390 with drunkenness7943 and sorrow,3015 with the cup3563 of astonishment8047 and desolation,8077 with the cup3563 of your sister269 Samaria.8111

34 You shall even drink8354 it and suck4680 it out, and you shall break1633 the shards2789 thereof, and pluck5423 off your own breasts:7699 for I have spoken1696 it, said559 the Lord136 GOD.3069

35 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Because3282 you have forgotten7911 me, and cast7993 me behind310 your back,1458 therefore bear5375 you also1571 your lewdness2154 and your prostitutions.8457

36 The LORD3068 said559 moreover to me; Son1121 of man,120 will you judge8199 Aholah170 and Aholibah?172 yes, declare5046 to them their abominations;8441

37 That they have committed5003 adultery,5003 and blood1818 is in their hands,3027 and with their idols1544 have they committed5003 adultery,5003 and have also1571 caused their sons,1121 whom834 they bore3205 to me, to pass5674 for them through the fire, to devour402 them.

38 Moreover5750 this2063 they have done6213 to me: they have defiled2930 my sanctuary4720 in the same1931 day,3117 and have profaned2490 my sabbaths.7676

39 For when they had slain7819 their children1121 to their idols,1544 then they came935 the same1931 day3117 into413 my sanctuary4720 to profane2490 it; and, see,2009 thus3541 have they done6213 in the middle8432 of my house.1004

40 And furthermore,637 that you have sent7971 for men582 to come935 from far,4801 to whom834 413 a messenger4397 was sent;7971 and, see,2009 they came:935 for whom834 you did wash7364 yourself, painted3583 your eyes,5869 and decked5710 yourself with ornaments,5716

41 And sat3427 on a stately3520 bed,4296 and a table7979 prepared6186 before6440 it, whereupon5921 you have set7760 my incense7004 and my oil.8081

42 And a voice6963 of a multitude1995 being at ease7961 was with her: and with the men582 of the common7230 sort120 were brought935 Sabeans5433 from the wilderness,4057 which put5414 bracelets6781 on their hands,3027 and beautiful8597 crowns5850 on their heads.7218

43 Then said559 I to her that was old1087 in adulteries,5004 Will they now6258 commit2181 prostitutions8457 with her, and she with them?

44 Yet they went935 in to her, as they go935 in to a woman802 that plays the harlot:2181 so3651 went935 they in to Aholah170 and to Aholibah,172 the lewd2154 women.802

45 And the righteous6662 men,582 they shall judge8199 them after the manner4941 of adulteresses,5003 and after the manner4941 of women that shed8210 blood;1818 because3588 they are adulteresses,5003 and blood1818 is in their hands.3027

46 For thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 I will bring5927 up a company6951 on them, and will give5414 them to be removed2189 and spoiled.957

47 And the company6951 shall stone7275 them with stones,68 and dispatch1254 them with their swords;2719 they shall slay4191 their sons1121 and their daughters,1323 and burn8313 up their houses1004 with fire.784

48 Thus will I cause lewdness2154 to cease7673 out of the land,776 that all3605 women802 may be taught3256 not to do6213 after your lewdness.2154

49 And they shall recompense5414 your lewdness2154 on you, and you shall bear5375 the sins2399 of your idols:1544 and you shall know3045 that I am the Lord136 GOD.3069




Chapter 23

1 耶和華的話又臨到我說:

1 The word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 again to me, saying,559

2 「人子啊,有兩個女子,是一母所生,

2 Son1121 of man,120 there were two8147 women,802 the daughters1323 of one259 mother:517

3 她們在埃及犯了[committed]邪淫,在幼年時犯了[committed]邪淫;人在那裏擠她們的乳[there were their breasts pressed]壓傷她們作處女的乳頭[bruised the teats of their virginity]

3 And they committed2181 prostitutions in Egypt;4714 they committed2181 prostitutions in their youth:5271 there8033 were their breasts7699 pressed,4600 and there8033 they bruised6213 the teats1717 of their virginity.1331

4 她們的名字,姊姊名叫阿荷拉,妹妹名叫阿荷利巴。她們都是屬[were]我,生了兒女。她們的名字乃是這樣[Thus were their names]:阿荷拉就是撒瑪利亞,阿荷利巴就是耶路撒冷。

4 And the names8034 of them were Aholah170 the elder,1419 and Aholibah172 her sister:269 and they were mine, and they bore3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323 Thus were their names;8034 Samaria8111 is Aholah,170 and Jerusalem3389 Aholibah.172

5 「阿荷拉[was]我之後行邪淫,貪戀所愛的人,就是她的鄰邦亞述人。

5 And Aholah170 played the harlot2181 when she was mine; and she doted5689 on413 her lovers,157 on413 the Assyrians804 her neighbors,7138

6 這些人都穿藍衣,作軍長[captains]官長[rulers],都騎著馬,是可悅的[desirable]少年人。

6 Which were clothed3847 with blue,8504 captains6346 and rulers,5461 all3605 of them desirable2531 young970 men, horsemen6571 riding7392 on horses.5483

7 阿荷拉就這樣[Thus][all them that]亞述[Assyria]特選[chosen]的男子放縱淫行;她因所戀愛之人的一切偶像,玷污自己。

7 Thus she committed5414 her prostitutions8457 with them, with all them that were the chosen4005 men1121 of Assyria,804 and with all3605 on whom834 she doted:5689 with all3605 their idols1544 she defiled2930 herself.

8 她也沒有離開從埃及帶來的淫亂[Neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt]。因為她年幼作處女的時候,埃及人與她同寢[lay with],撫摸她作處女的[of their virginity]的乳,縱慾與她同寢[lay with]

8 Neither3808 left5800 she her prostitutions8457 brought from Egypt:4714 for in her youth5271 they lay7901 with her, and they bruised6213 the breasts1717 of her virginity,1331 and poured8210 their prostitution8457 on her.

9 因此,我將她交在她所愛的人手中,就是她所戀愛的亞述人手中。

9 Why3651 I have delivered5414 her into the hand3027 of her lovers,157 into the hand3027 of the Assyrians,1121 804 on whom834 she doted.5689

10 他們就露了她的裸體[nakedness],擄掠她的兒女,用刀殺了她,使她在婦女中留下臭名,因他們向她施行審判。

10 These1992 discovered1540 her nakedness:6172 they took3947 her sons1121 and her daughters,1323 and slew her with the sword:2719 and she became1961 famous8034 among women;802 for they had executed6213 judgment8196 on her.

11 「她妹妹阿荷利巴雖然看見了,卻還縱慾[inordinate love],比她姊姊更[corrupt];行淫亂比她姊姊更多。

11 And when her sister269 Aholibah172 saw7200 this, she was more corrupt7843 in her inordinate5691 love5691 than she, and in her prostitutions8457 more than her sister269 in her prostitutions.8457

12 她貪戀鄰邦的亞述人,就是穿極華美的衣服,騎著馬的軍長[captains]官長[rulers],都是可悅的[desirable]少年人。

12 She doted5689 on the Assyrians1121 804 her neighbors,7138 captains6346 and rulers5461 clothed3847 most gorgeously,4358 horsemen6571 riding7392 on horses,5483 all3605 of them desirable2531 young970 men.

13 我看見她被玷污了,她姊妹二人同行一路,

13 Then I saw7200 that she was defiled,2930 that they took both8147 one259 way,1870

14 阿荷利巴又加增淫行;因她看見人像畫在牆上,就是用丹紅色[vermilion]所畫迦勒底人的像,

14 And that she increased3254 her prostitutions:8457 for when she saw7200 men582 portrayed2707 on the wall,7023 the images6754 of the Chaldeans3779 portrayed2710 with vermilion,8350

15 腰間繫著帶子,頭上有下垂的裹頭巾,都是軍長的形狀,仿照巴比倫人的形像;他們的故土就是迦勒底。

15 Girded2289 with girdles232 on their loins,4975 exceeding5628 in dyed2871 attire2871 on their heads,7218 all3605 of them princes7991 to look4758 to, after the manner1823 of the Babylonians1121 894 of Chaldea,3778 the land776 of their nativity:4138

16 阿荷利巴一看見就貪戀他們,打發使者往迦勒底去見他們。

16 And as soon4758 as she saw them with her eyes,5869 she doted5689 on them, and sent7971 messengers4397 to them into Chaldea.3778

17 巴比倫人就來登她愛情的床,與她行淫玷污她。她被玷污,隨後心裏與他們生疏。

17 And the Babylonians1121 894 came935 to her into the bed4904 of love,1730 and they defiled2930 her with their prostitution,8457 and she was polluted2930 with them, and her mind5315 was alienated3363 from them.

18 這樣,她顯露淫行,又顯露裸體[nakedness];我心就與她生疏,像先前與她姊姊生疏一樣。

18 So she discovered1540 her prostitutions,8457 and discovered1540 her nakedness:6172 then my mind5315 was alienated3363 from her, like as my mind5315 was alienated5361 from her sister.269

19 她還加增她的淫行,追念她幼年在埃及地行邪淫的日子,

19 Yet she multiplied7235 her prostitutions,8457 in calling2142 to remembrance2142 the days3117 of her youth,5271 wherein834 she had played the harlot2181 in the land776 of Egypt.4714

20 貪戀情人身壯如驢[whose flesh is as the flesh of asses],精足如馬[whose issue is like the issue of horses]

20 For she doted5689 on their paramours,6370 whose flesh1320 is as the flesh1320 of asses,2543 and whose issue2231 is like the issue2231 of horses.5483

21 這樣,你就想起你幼年的淫行。那時,埃及人在你幼年的兩乳[paps of thy youth]擦你的乳頭[bruising thy teats]。」

21 Thus you called6485 to remembrance6485 the lewdness2154 of your youth,5271 in bruising6213 your teats1717 by the Egyptians4714 for the breasts7699 of your youth.5271

22 阿荷利巴啊,主耶和華如此說:「看哪[Behold],我必興起[raise up]你先愛而後生疏的人來攻擊你。我必[bring]他們來,在你四圍攻擊你。

22 Therefore,3651 O Aholibah,172 thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Behold,2005 I will raise5782 up your lovers157 against5921 you, from whom834 1992 your mind5315 is alienated,5361 and I will bring935 them against5921 you on every5437 side;5439

23 所來的就是巴比倫人、迦勒底的眾人、比割人、書亞人、哥亞人,同著他們的還有亞述眾人,乃是作軍長[captains]官長[rulers]作大臣[great lords and]有名聲的,都騎著馬,是可悅的[desirable]少年人。

23 The Babylonians,1121 894 and all3605 the Chaldeans,3779 Pekod,6489 and Shoa,7772 and Koa,6970 and all3605 the Assyrians804 with them: all3605 of them desirable2531 young970 men, captains6346 and rulers,5461 great7991 lords7991 and renowned,7121 all3605 of them riding7392 on horses.5483

24 他們必帶戰車、貨車[wagons]車輪[wheels],率領大眾來攻擊你。他們要拿擋牌[buckler]盾牌,頂盔擺陣,在你四圍攻擊你。我要在他們面前設立審判[set judgment before them],他們必按著自己的條例審判你。

24 And they shall come935 against5921 you with chariots,2021 wagons,7393 and wheels,1534 and with an assembly6951 of people,5971 which shall set7760 against5921 you buckler6793 and shield4043 and helmet6959 round5439 about: and I will set5414 judgment4941 before6440 them, and they shall judge8199 you according to their judgments.4941

25 我必以忌恨攻擊你;他們必以忿怒辦你。他們必割去你的鼻子和耳朵;你餘剩[remnant]的人必倒在刀下。他們必擄去你的兒女;你所餘剩[residue]的必被火焚燒。

25 And I will set5414 my jealousy7068 against you, and they shall deal6213 furiously2534 with you: they shall take5493 away5493 your nose639 and your ears;241 and your remnant319 shall fall5307 by the sword:2719 they shall take3947 your sons1121 and your daughters;1323 and your residue319 shall be devoured398 by the fire.784

26 他們必剝去你的衣服,奪取你華美的寶器。

26 They shall also strip6584 you out of your clothes,899 and take3947 away your fair8597 jewels.3627

27 這樣,我必使你的淫行和你從埃及地染來的淫亂止息了,使你不再仰望亞述,也不再追念埃及。

27 Thus will I make your lewdness2154 to cease7673 from you, and your prostitution2184 brought from the land776 of Egypt:4714 so that you shall not lift5375 up your eyes5869 to them, nor3808 remember2142 Egypt4714 any more.5750

28 主耶和華如此說:看哪[Behold]。我必將你交在你所恨惡的人手中,就是你心與他生疏的人手中。

28 For thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Behold,2005 I will deliver5414 you into the hand3027 of them whom834 you hate,8130 into the hand3027 of them from whom834 your mind5315 is alienated:5361

29 他們必以恨惡辦你,奪取你一切勞碌得來的,留下你赤身露體。你淫亂的裸體[nakedness],連你的淫行,帶你的淫亂,都被顯露。

29 And they shall deal6213 with you hatefully,8135 and shall take3947 away all3605 your labor,3018 and shall leave5800 you naked5903 and bore:6181 and the nakedness6172 of your prostitutions2183 shall be discovered,1540 both your lewdness2154 and your prostitutions.8457

30 [I]必向你行這些事,因為你隨從異教的民[heathen]行邪淫,又因為你[and because thou]被他們的偶像玷污了。

30 I will do6213 these428 things to you, because you have gone a whoring2181 after310 the heathen,1471 and because5921 834 you are polluted2930 with their idols.1544

31 你走了你姊姊所走的路,所以我必將她的杯交在你手中。」

31 You have walked1980 in the way1870 of your sister;269 therefore will I give5414 her cup3563 into your hand.3027

32 主耶和華如此說:你必喝你姊姊所喝的杯;那杯又深又廣,盛得甚多,使你被人嗤笑譏刺。

32 Thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 You shall drink8354 of your sister's269 cup3563 deep6013 and large:7342 you shall be laughed6712 to scorn and had in derision;3932 it contains3557 much.4767

33 你必酩酊大醉,滿有愁苦,喝乾你姊姊撒瑪利亞的杯,就是令人驚駭淒涼的杯。

33 You shall be filled4390 with drunkenness7943 and sorrow,3015 with the cup3563 of astonishment8047 and desolation,8077 with the cup3563 of your sister269 Samaria.8111

34 你必喝這杯,以致喝盡。你必打碎其中的杯片[and thou shalt break the sherds thereof],撕裂自己的乳;因為這事我曾說過。這是主耶和華說的。

34 You shall even drink8354 it and suck4680 it out, and you shall break1633 the shards2789 thereof, and pluck5423 off your own breasts:7699 for I have spoken1696 it, said559 the Lord136 GOD.3069

35 主耶和華如此說:「因你忘記我,將我丟在背後,所以你要擔當你淫行和淫亂的報應。」

35 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 Because3282 you have forgotten7911 me, and cast7993 me behind310 your back,1458 therefore bear5375 you also1571 your lewdness2154 and your prostitutions.8457

36 耶和華又對我說:「人子啊,你要審問阿荷拉與阿荷利巴嗎?當指出她們所行可憎的事。

36 The LORD3068 said559 moreover to me; Son1121 of man,120 will you judge8199 Aholah170 and Aholibah?172 yes, declare5046 to them their abominations;8441

37 她們行淫,手中有殺人的血,又與偶像行淫,並使她們為我所生的兒女經火燒給偶像。

37 That they have committed5003 adultery,5003 and blood1818 is in their hands,3027 and with their idols1544 have they committed5003 adultery,5003 and have also1571 caused their sons,1121 whom834 they bore3205 to me, to pass5674 for them through the fire, to devour402 them.

38 此外,她們還有向我所行的,就是同日玷污我的聖所,褻瀆了[profaned]我的安息日。

38 Moreover5750 this2063 they have done6213 to me: they have defiled2930 my sanctuary4720 in the same1931 day,3117 and have profaned2490 my sabbaths.7676

39 她們殺了兒女獻與偶像,當日又入我的聖所,將聖所褻瀆了。看哪[lo],她們在我殿中所行的乃是如此。

39 For when they had slain7819 their children1121 to their idols,1544 then they came935 the same1931 day3117 into413 my sanctuary4720 to profane2490 it; and, see,2009 thus3541 have they done6213 in the middle8432 of my house.1004

40 「況且你們二婦打發使者去請遠方人。使者到他們那裏,看哪[lo],他們就來了。你們為他們沐浴己身,粉飾眼目,佩戴妝飾,

40 And furthermore,637 that you have sent7971 for men582 to come935 from far,4801 to whom834 413 a messenger4397 was sent;7971 and, see,2009 they came:935 for whom834 you did wash7364 yourself, painted3583 your eyes,5869 and decked5710 yourself with ornaments,5716

41 坐在華美的床上,前面擺設桌子[table],將我的香料膏油擺在其上。

41 And sat3427 on a stately3520 bed,4296 and a table7979 prepared6186 before6440 it, whereupon5921 you have set7760 my incense7004 and my oil.8081

42 在那裏有群眾安逸歡樂的聲音,並有粗俗的人和示巴人[Sabeans]從曠野同來,把鐲子戴在二婦的手上,把華冠戴在她們的頭上。

42 And a voice6963 of a multitude1995 being at ease7961 was with her: and with the men582 of the common7230 sort120 were brought935 Sabeans5433 from the wilderness,4057 which put5414 bracelets6781 on their hands,3027 and beautiful8597 crowns5850 on their heads.7218

43 「我論這行淫已久[old in]的婦人說:現在人還要與她姦淫[commit whoredoms],她也要與人姦淫[commit whoredoms][Will]

43 Then said559 I to her that was old1087 in adulteries,5004 Will they now6258 commit2181 prostitutions8457 with her, and she with them?

44[Yet]與阿荷拉,並阿荷利巴二淫婦交合[went in unto],好像與作娼妓的婦人[a woman that playeth the harlot]交合[go in unto]

44 Yet they went935 in to her, as they go935 in to a woman802 that plays the harlot:2181 so3651 went935 they in to Aholah170 and to Aholibah,172 the lewd2154 women.802

45 必有義人,照審判淫婦和流人血的婦人之例,審判她們;因為她們是淫婦,手中有殺人的血。」

45 And the righteous6662 men,582 they shall judge8199 them after the manner4941 of adulteresses,5003 and after the manner4941 of women that shed8210 blood;1818 because3588 they are adulteresses,5003 and blood1818 is in their hands.3027

46 主耶和華如此說:「我必使多人來攻擊她們,使她們被除去[removed],被人搶奪。

46 For thus3541 said559 the Lord136 GOD;3069 I will bring5927 up a company6951 on them, and will give5414 them to be removed2189 and spoiled.957

47 這些人必用石頭打死她們,用刀劍殺害她們,又殺戮她們的兒女,用火焚燒她們的房屋。

47 And the company6951 shall stone7275 them with stones,68 and dispatch1254 them with their swords;2719 they shall slay4191 their sons1121 and their daughters,1323 and burn8313 up their houses1004 with fire.784

48 這樣,我必使淫行從境內止息,好叫一切婦人都受警戒,不效法你們的淫行。

48 Thus will I cause lewdness2154 to cease7673 out of the land,776 that all3605 women802 may be taught3256 not to do6213 after your lewdness.2154

49 人必照著你們的淫行報應你們;你們要擔當拜偶像的罪,就知道我是主耶和華。」

49 And they shall recompense5414 your lewdness2154 on you, and you shall bear5375 the sins2399 of your idols:1544 and you shall know3045 that I am the Lord136 GOD.3069